Why promiscuity is bad for us - Jordan Peterson

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The Weresheepdog

The Weresheepdog

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@nchinth 6 жыл бұрын
absolutely right, STABLE monogamy is the building block of families and hence of civilized nations. unfortunately, too many people reject the concept outright, saying it is outdated and patriarchal - whatever that means; and so they are content to engage in temporary pleasures and transient relationships.
@theweresheepdog6446 6 жыл бұрын
...and, in the long term, ruin both their lives and society in general, by reducing social cohesion...
@lunatic4152 5 жыл бұрын
IDontKnow WhoIAm I agree that monogamy is the most important, but if I want to be polygamous and engage with many women there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s a free country, and I’m not hurting anyone.
@amal-ti2zz 4 жыл бұрын
@@No_Enemies_Kale I had a similar experience, and everything normalizes grade school love, makes it seem normal and puppy doggish, but it's often very promiscuous and dangerous. Just because they're children doesnt remove the pathology from it, just as bullying is not okay yet occurs at that age. With porn widely available now too, kids of today's generation are really going to struggle.
@likeargamanflaming940 4 жыл бұрын
@@No_Enemies_Kale I've heard it put this way about men who are players or, in other words a whole lot of breadth, but no depth: "He knows how to touch everything, yet he feels nothing." Just about sums it up!!!
@No_Enemies_Kale 4 жыл бұрын
@@likeargamanflaming940 you ain't wrong when you're right.
@yeranishunor4854 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, I agree that monogamy is the key to happiness. Polygamy and polyandry is destructive behavior. When you have multiple husbands/wives, the love isn't special anymore. Imagine thinking about all the other women/men that have touched your partner. The love isn't holy anymore.
@bra195 9 ай бұрын
The bible allows polygamy. No problem
@miriam3730 Жыл бұрын
I’m a woman and a mother, I’m divorced and I once cheated on my ex husband and the father of my kids. Our relationship was not doing good at the time and it was on the brick of collapsing, still that is not excuse. I can certify that what Jordan is saying here is 100% accurate. What I got myself entangled to brought lot of suffering to my family and myself. It was truly awful and absolutely not worthy at all, not even for the best sex in the world. I’m ashamed of the weakness of my flesh and I hope God will forgive me one day.
@andulasis6283 Жыл бұрын
Im sorry to hear that and also happy that you take some responsibility. There probably were many issues in your marriage but it’s very hard in todays time to stay faithful I guess with all the temptation lurking everywhere and people not communicating properly and setting boundaries in their relationship. Psychology needs to be taught to more people. May you learn from this and your family find solution to get through this!
@Stanley_Baby Жыл бұрын
At least you owned up to it, many people aren’t self accountable
@ianc8614 4 ай бұрын
You admitted your errors and took accountability for that, which is the first step for a new life and a new beginning. Try to Learn from that and keep moving forward in peace. God Bless you.
@Samua3 3 жыл бұрын
This is not necessarily what a lot of people want to hear, but it is definitely what they need to hear. I loved this!! It dignifies monogamy for once. Too many make it sound like a jail sentence. It is so refreshing to hear someone actually put it in a positive light!! The "If it feels good do it" culture hasn't a glowing record of success because they always take that as meaning on a temporary basis, not long term. Many short term kicks actually end up with us kicking ourselves long term. Yep... I am liking listening to Jordan Peterson more and more!
@smoqueed44 3 жыл бұрын
Can you explain yourself when you talk about casual relationships taking a toll in the long term? I hear that all the time. Literally the only time I can think of it fucking up is if a girl I want to marry learns about my past and is disgusted by it, but honestly anyone who's that much of a controlling prude should be curbed anyway.
@Samua3 3 жыл бұрын
@@smoqueed44 Okay...well for starters I am sorry if that is what has happened to you because I feel sure you would have told her about your past to avoid there being secrets between you and that is a really kind and proper thing to do. But it does prove the point that if your casual past disgusts a girl who you cared enough about to want to marry then that is one way it is taking a toll in the long term. Whether it is fair of her to feel that way or not, after learning about your past is a different thing because a lot depends on the details of that. (Some things are much more difficult to accept than others and also a person has different levels within themselves of what is possible to accept in another.) I don't see it as controlling but as a response to something she was told that she was entitled to feel that way about. Someone once told me to let people own their own feelings. I didn't know what he meant at first but over the years I have realised that if someone feels a certain way about something they have that right to feel it. Pretty much anyway. (I think there are times when it would be fair to say someone was wrong for feeling a certain way.) It's like if you tell someone you love chocolate cake it doesn't mean they are obliged to buy it for you. If you tell someone something about yourself you take the risk that they may not be able to deal with an altered image of you. I would still always recommend honesty though, if the thing is big enough because I wouldn't want someone to find out something bad later when I had grown even closer to them. My own past wasn't squeaky clean but I really regret that it wasn't because that isn't prudish. It is cool, dignified, and exciting. It is the difference between drinking fresh mountain water and swigging a cup from the Thames. LOL. Maybe not quite as bad as that but you know what I mean. x
@FriendofDorothy 11 ай бұрын
I believe that "promiscuity" is not so much about sex as it is self-validation. People use sex as a means to prove to themselves they are still attractive. This is why whoring around becomes so Pavlovian. Also, there are many people, (due to Childhood PTSD or other trauma), for whom casual sex is the closest they can get to love. To a lonely person, just being touched can help them feel human rather than invisible or isolated at least. If it was so easy to find quality people for mates there wouldn't be so many people playing musical beds. But it's not, especially via hook-up apps, which serve as sexual fast food vendors and attract people with substance addictions, mental health problems, and an inability to communicate respectfully to other adults. The reality is that many, many people did not have good parental role models when it comes to creating intimate relationships. This topic is way more complex than "promiscuity is bad"...
@brittanysmith3716 9 ай бұрын
If a successfully rich married couple with a solid relationship were seeking ongoing casual sex with a third woman, would that make them “psychopathic” as Jordan Peterson puts it? Especially if their marriage is solid and they are deeply in love with each other. They are just wanting fun. Thoughts?
@notsuha 6 ай бұрын
​​@@brittanysmith3716 no one in their right mind would want to sleep with someone else while being deeply in love with somebody. they're morally and sexually depraved and are using the third woman as a sexual object. and their love is NOT as deep and pure as a couple's who are strictly monogamous. sometimes I wonder if these people even know what love is. they seem to make up their own definitions according to their desires. but that doesn't change universal truths and facts
@yamori8717 5 ай бұрын
​@@brittanysmith3716Go hike or something if you want fun. Once you start opening your sex life to other people your relationship is absolutely not going to be the same anymore, sex loses its value and involving other people always means problems anyway. I got away from that wretched lifestyle and I know what it's like, people who say it's no big deal are delusional.
@CreekyGuy 5 жыл бұрын
Anything other than stable monogamy is the modern equivalent of television programming. Expectations are that there is huge entertainment for a short period, followed within that short period by a satisfying climax that allows the viewer (participant) to move on the the next item in the smorgasbord. The Itinerant Life Model.
@ChristopherNicholasMakarov4120 3 жыл бұрын
That's true I hate TV don't watch it
@ike991963 2 жыл бұрын
Well said. A pilgrim life model, where one walks through this world knowing that nothing is permanent that there is no destination in this life, and at the same time maintains the virtue of chastity is a good alternative.
@matthewdavidlandberg91588 3 жыл бұрын
My mom's grandpa (Nana's dad) was a promiscuous male, didn't grew up maturally. He had many wives.
@Spartanmomo 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds like had fun
@MP-ut6eb 2 жыл бұрын
@@Spartanmomo and not true relationship's.
@danielfazakerley709 2 жыл бұрын
Having wives isn't being promiscuous?
@user-ly1ml6ue9n 3 жыл бұрын
@graynote1660 2 жыл бұрын
What happens? How were you feeling? How many women?
@mariavani8839 2 жыл бұрын
More men need to speak out. Thank you for sharing
@asiachestnut4210 2 жыл бұрын
@Stanley_Baby Жыл бұрын
@@graynote1660 False allegations, say the woman likes you and you don’t like her, getting a girl you’re just fucking pregnant, ending up with herpes because the girl didn’t tell you (you can contract herpes with a condom). Casual sex as a man is full of risk and ruins your ability to find something meaningful if you want a family ect. Some extremely powerful men have been ruined by one round of casual sex and I could name examples.
@industrialoperator 3 ай бұрын
It destroys you. I have left a wake of broken hearts over my life so far and I thought it was all fun and games but the guilt leaves you a shell.
@CharlieWakley 3 жыл бұрын
DON’T BE PROMISCUOUS. Sex is the means by which the race projects itself into the future through children and the family. A lot of pleasure and happiness can come from sex: nature intended it that way so the race would go on. But, misused or abused, it carries with it heavy penalties and punishments: nature seems to have intended it that way also. 3-1. Be faithful to your sexual partner. Unfaithfulness on the part of a sexual partner can heavily reduce one’s survival. History and the newspapers carry floods of instances of the violence of human passions aroused by unfaithfulness. “Guilt” is the milder evil. Jealousy and vengeance are the greater monsters: one never knows when they will cease to sleep. It is all very well to speak of “being civilized” and “uninhibited” and “understanding”; no talk will mend ruined lives. A “feeling of guilt” is nowhere near as sharp as a knife in the back or ground glass in the soup. Additionally, there is the question of health. If you do not insist upon faithfulness from a sexual partner, you lay yourself open to disease. For a very brief period, it was said that sexual diseases were all under control. This is not now the case, if it ever was. Incurable strains of such diseases now exist. The problems of sexual misbehavior are not new. The powerful religion of Buddhism in India vanished from there in the seventh century. According to its own historians, the cause was sexual promiscuity in its monasteries. More modernly, when sexual promiscuity becomes prevalent in an organization, commercial or otherwise, the organization can be seen to fail. No matter how civilized their discussions about it, families shatter in the face of unfaithfulness. The urge of the moment can become the sorrow of a lifetime. Impress those around you with that and safeguard your own health and pleasure.
@katyazakharova7802 2 жыл бұрын
This is a brilliant explanation! Thank you!
@moheganson 4 ай бұрын
Commitment crushes desire
@Mike.G97 Жыл бұрын
It doesn’t have to fail to translate to other areas of your life, for it not to ever translate to other parts of your life.. yet it still begets the hard problem that it obviously will affect your ability to bond
@Shreddyfilmzz 2 жыл бұрын
I have multiple women who just want to have sex with me because the fact they cant lock me down. They’d rather take a bit of my soul and energy than let me find someone who I am actually interested in for the long term. I say this not from an arrogant perspective but for a perspective from those men who have the majority of options, and to help them know that the truth is, casual sex isn’t more than a lustful urge to masturbate. Learn to control that urge by abstaining from it for a long period of time. Take care of your feelings by meditating and finding joy in doing other things you love. It takes time and a little bit of faith in your higher self, God, the Universe, to guide you for whatever you believe in as doing it through your own will power seems to be impossible. The first month is the hardest to get past, but constantly researching and reminding yourself of valid reasons for not doing so will help you. The truth is, if ALL woman would abstain from sex until they have found the one and not give it up so soon or at least believe in love, then the world would be a better place and it would be easier for men to have and want to build for themselves to find the women they’ve been searching for. I agree because of this reason that Its hard to be a man nowadays.
@menkae6708 Жыл бұрын
Maybe if men also keep it in their pants? Why blame only women if both men and women have sexual urges??
@sutanacitrus3343 9 ай бұрын
​@menkae6708 sex can't happen if the women doesn't allow it. So telling men to keep it in thier pants dosent make sense, unless you're talking about r*pe
@chan9360 3 ай бұрын
I am a woman and I agree
@industrialoperator 3 ай бұрын
I am in a similar position and it has been a curse over me. I cannot find resources to help me work through it and I cannot tell anybody because it comes across as braggadocious. I want to be close to God. My life has been a long line of being with women, having them become obsessive, and then watching them spiral into depression. I just want it to stop.
@fransxescoli4834 5 жыл бұрын
Monogamy and religious mores are not doing the trick anymore. Applying new controls on the sexual market would reduce hypergamy and deception in the sexual market, which would translate into healthier societies. My full thesis here: The institution of monogamous marriage and Christian mores respectively fulfilled the roles of redistributor and moderator in the sexual marketplace. Today, however, Western societies are mostly atheist and young people have embraced en masse the feminist postulate of sexual freedom. This has created a market for relationships or sexual market in which women control access to sex, something that creates huge inequalities due to their selective preferences in choosing partners (hypergamy). In addition, the introduction of women in the public sphere and the labor market has delayed the age of motherhood onset, and consequently the number of children they can have has been reduced. Men with resources, on the other hand, find no reason to marry one women while having the option to have non string attached sex with many. The proposal to solve this problem consists in imposing a progressive (according to income) Tax on Promiscuity. At 18, people would choose among being promiscuous, partnered with someone or celibate; hence recovering the importance and connotations of civil statuses. The regulator would allow certain mobility among segments, one change per year for example, and tax everyone who wants to be promiscuous. This would give people a clear incentive to find and get attached to a compatible partner soon instead of having sex devoid of meaning with many well into their thirties. In turn, this will create the proper environment for women to have children from a young age, and men with resources will be more willing to stabilize with one. Income from the new Tax could subsidize maternity, but should also be used to compensate the losers of Sexual Liberalism: involuntary celibates who, due to being ugly, short, poor, of an ethnic minority, and / or autistic, are always rejected and never get sex (understood as love, validation, respect, relationships...). In order to benefit from this subsidy to rejection, incels will have to prove that they have tried everything that was on their hands to find a partner and failed miserably anyway. People with extra kilos or drug addicts would be left out of the redistribution scheme. They will have to lose weight and quit their dependencies first. Strong incentive, therefore, for people to lead a healthy lifestyle and do not abandon themselves. Finally, since people will be busy rising families, they will not have so much time to spend money on superfluous stuff (fashion, trips, cars, useless apps…) as now. Consumption will suffer, but it will be at the expense of current foolish materialism. People will arguably start to make smarter purchases that bring some value to the culture and the country, if only because they are meant for their offspring. Eventually, aggregated debt is expected to decrease because there will be more workers in the economy and people will stop borrowing so much money to impress their neighbors. The idea is to recover collaboration between men and women for the health of the Western culture, stop sterile consumerism and direct the energies towards procreation as any society that loves and respects itself does
@lewiscarson3086 3 жыл бұрын
What a disgusting, horrible idea, I shudder to think that one day there's a slight possibility that someone as controlling and authoritarian as you might be in a position to make laws
@fransxescoli4834 3 жыл бұрын
@@lewiscarson3086 you don't know what you're talking about. My thesis on sexual equality and birth rates has moderated political polarization in Western Countries and set the way towards Perpetual Peace on the planet. Money from the tax would be used to subsidize motherhood, especially that of baby girls using a revolutionary non-invasive and cheap sex sorting technique Japanese biologists discovered in August 2019, while I was working on this. World leaders everywhere are informed. New controls on sex are essential anyway to keep society united. Everything considered, I am the new messias, he who takes humanity out of the post-truth cesspit it had fallen into and sets directions for improvement. If you have a constructive critic to make, go ahead. Otherwise, please, shut up. Wait and see. I'm about to publish a book about it.
@lewiscarson3086 3 жыл бұрын
@@fransxescoli4834 Alright good luck attempting to make the world what you think is a better place. Personally I like Western culture without religion or sexual hangups
@fransxescoli4834 3 жыл бұрын
@@lewiscarson3086 you don't know what you're talking about. My thesis on s*xual equality and birth rates has moderated political polarization in Western Countries and set the way towards Perpetual Peace on the planet. Money from the tax would be used to subsidize motherhood, especially that of baby girls using a revolutionary non-invasive and cheap s*x sorting technique Japanese biologists discovered in August 2019, while I was working on this. World leaders everywhere are informed. New controls on s*x are essential anyway to keep society united. Everything considered, I am the new messias, he who takes humanity out of the post-truth cesspit it had fallen into and sets directions for improvement. If you have a constructive critic to make, go ahead. Otherwise, please, shut up. Wait and see. I'm about to publish a book about it.
@fransxescoli4834 3 жыл бұрын
@@lewiscarson3086 the suggested tax is the liberal solution among possible quotas, regulations and prohibitions. One pays and does whatever they want. Other controls such as pre-nuptial chastity or sl*t shaming are more oppressive. This is the genious about the tax. Controls are needed either way. Check this article out too: (4) Why s*xual morality is more important than you ever thought. Kirk Durston (2019).
@cheezoncrack1 3 жыл бұрын
A long term relationship of great love just isn’t possible given the future need to pursue a career and move to follow it through and after college. This leads me to avoid a serious commitment (even if I would like to do so, but I would hate to have it get split by forces in life, examples being graduation and moving, new major job, etc), but still have sexual urges and desires stacking for years, especially when casual sex presents itself. A high sex drive makes this even worse. Not sure how to balance this situation especially when hookups are easily presenting themselves. Any advice?
@RonyPlayer 3 жыл бұрын
This is a very personal issue. Truth is, Jordan Peterson is also presenting his very personal views, wich in this case are worth as much as your views or mine. My personal take: if you want casual relationships just go for it, you will end up regretting more the things you didn't do than the things you did, just be clear with your partner what you both expect. If you're not hurting anyone I don't see the harm.
@Samua3 3 жыл бұрын
I think it is a really good start if you have the ability to analyse and spot the difficulties in, in your case, a college life that pushes a career. These things can definitely fit in with a strong upright lifestyle but, as you rightly point out, casual sex presents itself to a hormonal youth and it's not the easiest situation at all all to remain strong in. People encouraging casual sex as a means to relieve stress, have a good time etc, are not helpful because those reasons are absolutely not sound at all. Too many blind spots to be on that road safely. It's a fluke entirely if you manage to not crash on that road, or at the very least cause one for someone else. (The unwanted baby is the saddest because it will be murdered, abused or resented...not to mention the impact on the ones who carelessly cause it to exist who don't want to change their life course or even be together.) Too many risks for the sake of a very quick thrill...which isn't really that thrilling most of the time. I took risks when I was younger. Not loads but I still did. I didn't get bitten with a sudden pregnancy or std. But I feel so sad at my behaviour. It wasn't dignified, strong, respectful to myself or others. Even if someone else wanted to be promiscuous did I have to oblige them? I didn't avoid the situations that put you on that road. Over the years my poor decisions of the past have been spoken of by others, often elaborated on too. It makes me cringe and I wish people would just forget. But they don't and their extra colourful version just makes you feel even worse because you still know you provided the foundation for it. Anyway....well done for asking for any advice. It is a start but please stay with it and hold your head up. The moral ceiling is too low so you need to stand aside from that to give yourself room to stand up tall. I don't know if this link will work but I just found it. Although there is a religious part it isn't as cranky as you might think at first but mostly I really like the way it deals with this subject of maintaining a higher standard than the world in general wants you to have. I hope it helps. I thought it was spot on. www.jw.org/finder?srcid=jwlshare&wtlocale=E&lank=pub-ivwrd_1_VIDEO
@somber8233 2 жыл бұрын
@@Samua3 I don't think I've ever seen a woman like you who... did things they should be ashamed of and later reflected on your poor decisions and grew. I only ever hear. "I just had fun." It's truly a sad state of affairs more people don't reflect and grow like this.
@andulasis6283 Жыл бұрын
@@somber8233 there are women who look back on it and realise how bad it was for their current situation their in, unfortunately at this point it is too late for man options. Many doors closed because of that and that why it’s important that young people realise that early on. It will only damage them in the future. Thanks for being honest about it and providing the truth!
@theprimalnutritionist5212 5 жыл бұрын
Fucking spot on.
@mikenguyen2890 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with what he said. However, we live in a real world where most ppl me included is selfish and just wants personal gains
@ssing7113 2 жыл бұрын
That’s sickness and sadness … you need to pray
@MrViciado00 4 жыл бұрын
@reprogrammingmind 4 жыл бұрын
But swiping right tho
@thanishrao2097 4 жыл бұрын
@TheGrapplingMonkey 4 жыл бұрын
I get how it´s bad for women. But somehow as a man it´s kinda hard to understand how it´s bad for me. Don´t get me wrong. I´d like a longterm loving relationship but I also feel the urge to just have casual sex sometimes and there a women who want it, too. Are there videos of JBP going into that. Not the repercussions on society or females, but the individual male.
@theweresheepdog6446 4 жыл бұрын
It's bad for us _in the long term_ . Casual sex is good for us in the moment, but it breaks the women and then when we get ready to settle ALL of the women out there are already broken by the carrousel of penises they rode, and then our wife and mother of our kids will be those insufferable bitches, anxious, depressed, narcissist women we see all around us, verbally (and sometimes physically) abusing their kids and husbands. By more on statistics about that search for "The Truth About Sex", by Stefan Molyneux. There we can see that despite what society (mostly artists) want us to think, the fact is that with each sexual partner, the women's mind gets more and more shattered, and more problematic they will be. So after all there was a REASON why our ancestors decided non-virgin women weren't fit for marrying and having kids. So those women create broken kids, who will repeat their behavior but even worst... And the cicle repeats, as a snowball. I think we all can agree that the vast majority of women under 40 right now fall in that description. So the question is up to us: is it better to satisfy the immediate needs of my penis, or think in the long term, restrict myself a bit and save civilization? I don't know the solution. Maybe going for prostitutes and coming back to ostracize promiscuous women? Social pressure is tens of times more effective with women then with us.
@TheGrapplingMonkey 4 жыл бұрын
@@theweresheepdog6446 Thank you for your answer. I totally agree with you. The point for me is this: Why should should the Individual behave like this if society as a whole does not. I am looking for an argument for the individual male and it's hard to find. Somehow the Dude who is doing the right thing sacrificis the oppertunity to meight with beautiful women while others will jump into his place.
@theweresheepdog6446 4 жыл бұрын
​@@TheGrapplingMonkey ​ @The Grappling Monkey Society indeed is not, and is destroying itself at the same time, as we all can see. And data points to that those two things are not unrelated. In the end of this I'll tell you more about my advice to you about having or not sex, but ear with me just for a minute, please... You are totally right in that if someone doesn't do that but most people do, they will be at disadvantage. What we do NEED is to start a big conversation of decently smart people all over the West to find the best ways to fight and start a counter-revolution, to stop and recede the sexual revolution that started in the 60s, by imposition of the mainstream media and following orders from a revolution that started before. At least 150 years ago, but probably more like 500 years ago. At the very least we need for sure to stop marrying women that have "been around the block" too much, if you know what I mean. And make clear to them this is how we, most of the men, think. So they sexual market value will go down, and they will have to pause and consider their options. FOR SURE we need to stop State redistribution of wealth from men to women. The more we do that, the more they hate us and they love the state. Probably THIS of stopping wealth redistribution to neo-Marxist "classes" (race, gender etc.) alone would solve 99% of the Western problems. The day you hold your own son in your arms your perspective changes forever, because you finally discovers that you were never the protagonist in your life, but he (or she) actually is. The most important thing in the universe. The day you hold your teenage daughter in your arms while she cries, and you know that she has _avoidant personality disorder_ , and that this will NEVER have a cure, and that she has an estimated chance of dying from suicide of 50% before she is 30... And that it all happened because you chose badly her mother, which became a kind of a narcissist feminist monster, incapable of showing love and that spends her time verbally abusing everyone. Well, I will tell you.... One's perspective does change A LOT in such a case. Having been in this for more than 10 years already I can tell you how to get informed about all of that really fast, thanks to the 80-20 rule (Pareto principle): just spend very few hours absorbing the following information and you will have 80% of all the information you need: 1 - watch or hear to the three part series from Stefan Molyneux called "Gene Wars", to understand what is really going on. KZbin deleted it but surely there are backups in some places. 2 - watch the video "Why Women DESTROY NATIONS, Civilizations (...)" at Dailymotion (KZbin also censored it), by Black Pigeon Speaks. 3 - watch my playlist "How to offend a feminist" 4 - watch the video I told you about before, "The Truth About Sex", from Stefan Molyneux. And then you are set. In general anything from Jordan Peterson, Black Pigeon Speaks (A.K.A. Felix Rex), Paul Joseph Watson, Stefan Molyneux, Scott Adams, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Firewalls from Bill Whittle etc. will help you. I don't know how deep you have been trying those things, so I just show you the basics. Anyways the important part is to know more about Antonio Gramsci, the Frankfurt School, the Fabian Society, and the links between Saul Alinsky to those and to Hillary Clinton and Obama, and thus understand this entire war of black people, women and gays against our countries is nothing but part of an open conspiracy designed by communist philosophers to destroy the nation who would prefer freedom, so they can finally implement their ideology here. I say "open" because it's openly in books that you can buy at any book store. I'm a philosopher specialized in Political Theory and have read more than 600 books from communist philosophers alone, so that's how I know it. I have been writing a book myself to explain it in a manner accesible to everyone, and it has already 900 pages (!)... Which means I still must have 2/3 of the work to do. But as I live in a 3rd world country I have to work 19 hours a day to feed my family... SO things move slowly in that part...
@theweresheepdog6446 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheGrapplingMonkey Continuing here because it was too big already. Well, to finish it let me tell you what I would recommend you to do, if that's what you want to hear: you need sex, as do we all men. OK, I get it. I have had more than 200 women before marrying, and that basically f. up my entire life. But I know it's hard to resist. What I can tell you is: IF a woman has had around 8 sexual partners or more, she is already (literally?) screwed for life. It would require a lot of willpower and decades of therapy to heal her broken spirit. So yes, just bang them. BUT don't fall in love with them, and certainly DON'T GET THEM PREGNANT or your kids will suffer. Since you are asking me, I would say to you only marry a woman with three or less sexual partners, and even that may prove too much. Nothing beats virgins in the aspect of mental health and decency. Make sure the women who rode the cock carousel know that their sexual market value is getting lower by the day, and that soon they will be too old. Make all the women know that we don't like non-virgins, and more importantly, spread this word to our fellow men. We need to understand again that non-virgin women are spoiled goods, just like a yogurt in the supermarket that someone has taken the lid of and let there exposed. You wouldn't buy that, would you? Also when marrying one of the two should always keep at home and take care of the kids. That's another conversation. Uff. That was a lot. Hope it helps... :)
@arnaldob.carvalho5475 4 жыл бұрын
@@theweresheepdog6446 that's well put together to a YT post. yes I believe its important its not about women per se, but they are just a part of the bigger political spectrum problem
@fransxescoli4834 5 жыл бұрын
Call it Flower Power Tax euphemistically, a Promiscuity Tax. Instead of Single, Married or Widow; classify people among Celibates, In-A-Relationship, and Flower Power. People living da life would pay the Flower Power Tax annually - since they turn 18 and on - to moderate their hypergamy and put the incentives into long term relationships based in love and trust. Polyamorous schemes would be respected and encouraged, although charged as well. Income from the tax would be used to compensate incels for the discrimination they suffer and to subsidize motherhood or other desirable behaviors for the whole group. Untamed hypergamy has turned us into a statistically sterile society where the use of unscrupulous means, deception and cheating are rampant. Brutal inequalities are flooding the sexual market, and this has a repercussion in many other areas of the economy. People are increasingly thuggish and greedy in the pursuit of ever higher partners and lays.
@honantong 5 жыл бұрын
On the other hand, openness in people interaction creates more exposure to different people and minds.
@thanishrao2097 4 жыл бұрын
Minds, not bodily orifices for cheap, downright disgusting thrills
@ChristinaAnders Жыл бұрын
But you can do that without sleeping with different people. Just visit different parts of the world and study about different types of people. Get to know different people and like I said you can do that without going to bed with the people you meet b
@bzwaxmanga4344 Жыл бұрын
what about scandinavian countries promiscuity. They don't date, they have sex and only speak the next day if they want(usually don't). Where do that leads? also high chlamydia cases.
@matthewgiroux9590 Жыл бұрын
Poor family values and more broken families. And lets not forget mass islamic immigration to sweden.
@bzwaxmanga4344 Жыл бұрын
@@matthewgiroux9590 ty. I wasn't aware of that. But why are the imigrating specifically to scandinavian countries ?
@Angelos907 3 жыл бұрын
Peterson speaks that monogamy is not good for society but what about each individual separately??? Is it the best choice for it??
@andreasleonlandgren3092 5 жыл бұрын
It has its pros and cons like Every choice has.
@theweresheepdog6446 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, no doubt. But adopting it as the societal norm, and erasing most mechanisms of self-control... It's bad for the whole of society in the long run, for sure...
@andreasleonlandgren3092 5 жыл бұрын
The Weresheepdog well put i remember one week i sex with 2 DIF women i felt great. Yet if you use it as an addict or ar in porn the effect are fatal.
@theweresheepdog6446 5 жыл бұрын
​@@andreasleonlandgren3092 I remember once being locked in a big hotel room for 3 days with 8 women. 2 men, me and a friend. All of the women were very hot. Both of us had sex with each of the girls, most of them more than once... Well, of course that was a blast. By those years I also was drinking and eating too much. But having so much emphasis on the ludic and hedonistic life for so many years, while my brain wasn't even fully formed... It brought in dire consequences. The pre-frontal lobe doesn't develop as much as it should, and then we don't have as much willpower as we should... Things get more difficult, life gets harder, we procrastinate more... It's a mess. I'm trying to get out of it but it's a slow process... My kids depend on me managing to do that, and nothing is more important than they are, for me... So I would gladly change the past and had focused more on the more important stuff of life...
@mariab.774 5 жыл бұрын
@The Weresheepdog Well said and good luck!
@elijones7926 5 жыл бұрын
@@theweresheepdog6446 im happy im not the only one that thinks that prommiscuity is harmful. Im not a preacher, or an older person even...it just always felt, well "wrong". Like it cheapens life in some fundemental way that i couldn't understand. i always felt the saying "sex is sacred" is true...although i dont even like calling it "sex". I like to think of it as making love...the physical manifestation of love. It has purpose, and no, it doesn't have to just involve having kids. I read a LOT of articles both defending and denouncing promiscuity, and my take from it is that it does indeed cause mental harm (not to mention increased chance of sti/std), but all in all, it leads to a morality decline. A "social accepted objectification" if you will. I would think most feminists WOULDN'T be on board with such an act...but a lot seem to defend it as "liberating and un patriartical". Just because a person sleeps around a lot doesn't necessarily mean they are liberated. It just means that POTENTIALLY, when they possibly stop such actions, they might be filled with regrets. Or not...i don't know what people think...it just seems like at some point a person (man or woman) would get more hurt than good feelings from it. Either way, it makes me feel kind of sad. I don't want to think of town orgies as a normal healthy thing...especially if i had children. I would want them to find a healthy life partner...someone that would love them till the day the died, and vice versa. That seems like it has more merits than sleeping around.
@jimmoefoe1471 9 ай бұрын
Polyamory is not the same thing as promiscuity. Both of them have different consequences
@andulasis6283 Жыл бұрын
To me it isn’t fully clear what is being said here. You create psychopathic behaviour or what? I have a friend who has slept with around 80+ girls/women already and is now in a committed relationship for 1+ year and he told me he is very happy and now knows, he doesn’t want anyone else but her. He then asked me why I’m so strict and against casual sex and I simply can’t put a proper argument besides that it involves many future risks such as more likely to be unhappy in the relationship, more likely to divorce and more likely to get cheated on. Yes I do have my insecurities but it just feels wrong to me. I do not want a promiscuous women and neither do I want to engage in such behaviour anymore. Friends and family around me all see me as extremist and I can’t put down a good argument. This video unfortunately didn’t help me much either so if someone could dumb it down for me or give me some good argument. I won’t change my opinion on it since it feels wrong and i know it’s not healthy, I just wanna be able to explain why it’s not healthy
@katrbudz892 9 ай бұрын
1+ year is not such long term and you can say nothing after that time yet. Lets wait 5+ years and evaluate, write a comment after that time, ok?
@andulasis6283 9 ай бұрын
@@katrbudz892 someones hurt :D
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