Why this DESTROYS the limits of AMP SIM Tech!

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@TheRok99 Жыл бұрын
I played a wedding this weekend with a Boss ME90 direct into a PA system and everyone said how great it sounded. I thought of you and your channel and I just had a chuckle to myself. Speakers are everything. Well… 97.2 percent
@zaturnneo Жыл бұрын
Speakers, and a good sound guy! I did the same thing years ago with my old RP7 Valve. My amp shit the bed during sound check, so I plugged into the snake. No one knew any different, and like you, got compliments on the quality.
@Dm3qXY Жыл бұрын
what a surprise, another blues / jazz guy believing he's making a point here..
@TheRok99 Жыл бұрын
@@Dm3qXY It takes all kinds to make the world spin around my friend. I love this channel and I love the education it provides people. As I'm getting older, the more I'm finding I am shifting the type of music I am playing and listening to. I've played every kind of music from rock and metal to jazz and blues and country. Variety is the spice of life. If you don't stop yourself from hating on everything around you, the only thing that's going to be left for you to hate is yourself, so don't go down that path.
@kennhern Жыл бұрын
Amp and cab sim really like house speakers since its full range and flat response, something most amps aren't, as they are almost always mid scooped. Personally, I like going to the PA and asking the sound guy to leave the EQ flat and adjust the gain and volume where he wants to. I get compliments about my sound as well, until I say it came from an ampless rig and the traditional guys can't seem to wrap their heads around the idea of not having an amp. "That's not rock n' roll," they say, "you don't have respect for yourself, man," someone said. Meanwhile, they crank an amp to ear-splitting volumes that the audience can't hear over the vocals while the audience is developing tinnitus overnight. Yeah, permanent hearing damage is rock n roll.
@Dm3qXY Жыл бұрын
@@TheRok99 and of course you had to make it about you and how you're a victim of my hate... the world does not revolve around "your friend", nor around you, my friend... and be sure of one thing: being a victim doesn't make you right either (such a hateful message.. oof.. how many friends told you that?)
@matiaserp Жыл бұрын
I don't play electric guitar even less record it, yet here I am appreciating how awesome these plugins sound nowadays.
@JJ-mp7rg Жыл бұрын
And it’s great for people who are just getting into music. So many GOOD cheap or free programs and so many GREAT tutorials to recommend.
@precisionsoundworksstudio Жыл бұрын
Let's go!!!!!!!! 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻
@Pervatory Жыл бұрын
Sounds great! 2023 is an amazing time to be a guitarist with all these tools accessible.
@mouldypretzel Жыл бұрын
After watching your channel for all these years, I can honestly say that between Bogren Audio and Otto's 1111, tone is no excuse for me not to practise. These kind of videos help so much. Thanks Glenn!!! PS: DI boxes rule!
@lowtonezf104 Жыл бұрын
Glen. Love your work man. Thanks for all of your hard work!!
@emmanuelrogercosta9671 Жыл бұрын
very impressive, does the "old school cranked marshall thing" beautifully, and handles low tuning in the mix. So far one of the best amp sims you've shown us so far
@treewisemenllc7281 Жыл бұрын
Everything from Jens Bogren is quality, that's why you're doing this.
@kidnavajo Жыл бұрын
“It’s gone from the red bean where everything sounded like ass” *Vildjharta has entered the chat*
@stevenm78 Жыл бұрын
I see a lot of people saying that they wish they could use the IRDX with other amp sims. Well you can. Shut off everything but the cab section on the Subzero, then add your desired amp sim and shut off the cab section. Bingo!!! Your amp sim with Bogrens IRDX TECH. 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻. Enjoy!
@alexcrouse 11 ай бұрын
The IRDX made it sound more like a cranked tube amp with a 4x12 in the room to me. That little bit of compression/sag sounded REAL.
@keithkozma Жыл бұрын
I think the clicking in reaper you're seeing is from the USB ports. How do you have your interface connected? Are you using the USB-A ports or USB-C? If you're using the USB-A ports, they're known to blow ass on Macs, especially the Apple silicon models (M1, M2). Get yourself a USB-C to USB-B cable and connect your interface to a USB-C port.
@peevee605 7 ай бұрын
I got this one and while I don’t get the lead tone I want from it (think Gary Moore with Greeny and a Soldano SLO 100 for infinite sustain), this thing is an absolute beast. Percussive and tight AF. And if you burn the fretboard for leads, this will put a wicked smile on your face.
@s.macmillan460 Жыл бұрын
Love it Glenn...your making me a proud Canadian watching your channel and opinion
@thomastucker5686 Жыл бұрын
Glen, happy so see your guitar playing progress. In like two years you will likely be a true shredder if you keep it up!
@jamanjeval Жыл бұрын
I'd like to see you do a comparison between these cabinet/amp sims, specifically the ones with impulses and microphone controls, and compare them to the physical equipment set up the same way as depicted in the UI. Some of these sims sound really good and I'm curious if they're reproducing the real thing or an idealized version of the sound.
@yrmthr Жыл бұрын
Some people worry about sims and spend time trying to find the latest & most realistic thing while i dont waste any time worrying and use the real thing
@JaredAngell 10 ай бұрын
Just picked up the Bogren plugins today. Hot damn, these are awesome! Thanks Glen!
@BoyanGeorgiev666 Жыл бұрын
Rocking this amp sim since last night and I think it is awesome. The cab sim is great. The amp sounds great.
@CrushingAxes Жыл бұрын
Dude this ampsim is great! I still use Neural DSP and NAM all the time, but this is probably the most flexible and it sounds so great! Really great plugin! Man this flying v is awesome!
@Grishaatwar Жыл бұрын
About the Reaper popping. It still happens on my old laptop occasionally, where I noticed my CPU would sometimes microstutter/choke. After I changed to a desktop pc with a much better CPU, I've haven't had this issue. Perhaps your issue isn't due to Reaper itself, but rather some very brief moments of increased CPU load.
@skymoon3471 Жыл бұрын
From what they’re describing I’m going to assume IRDX is multiple IRs convoluted together. This would create big cpu loads on background threads, you won’t see the cpu meter shoot up but you will hear pops and clicks
@jamescuttsmusicjcm5013 Жыл бұрын
I suspect that is the case. I haven't had any issues with Reaper since I went through waaay back and set up my machine properly. There are still some weak areas. My gfx card is waaay out of date and so the studio drivers are not available for it from NVIDIA anymore. These can occasionally spike even still. But luckily, it isn't really an issue as I have managed to scrape enough bs off in other areas / background crap, to be able to play with a very low buffer size for tracking (32). If you are having these problems peeps, you need to do some setup or... maybe you are just running on a potato. Reaper is so ultra lightweight, it doesn't really consume anything on its own. Most issues can be traced back to specific plugins, bad OS/Reaper setup, or a hardware fault.
@markconner5341 Жыл бұрын
It doesn’t have an issue with MacBooks but it does with mac studio
@riangarianga Жыл бұрын
@@jamescuttsmusicjcm5013 Exactly, a couple of days ago something was killing my PC, and after more than one hour I traced it back to my SSL 2 interface. Uninstalling/reinstalling the drivers solved it for good.
@waynethorpe1341 11 ай бұрын
And how intensive Is this Plug-in?
@eMKayJR Жыл бұрын
Can't believe that throughout the whole video Glenn has not mentioned what this plugin is and what amp it's based on, coz it's still kinda obscure in guitar world. It's the MLC SubZero 100 suite with other MLC overdrives and effects. Not many players using it yet - I only recall Maciej Meller from Riverside using a whole array, wet-dry-wet system with SubZero and Silenoz from Dimmu Borgir having his own signature amp (used also by Decapitated). I'm saying that because from the video you can assume that the whole suite is actully Bogren Digital's creation, while they made the plugin based on MLC SubZero and the IRDX tech (which is fantastic, don't get me wrong!).
@francobuzzetti9424 Жыл бұрын
because for those who actually liked it it's on the description is my guess
@mrcoatsworth429 Жыл бұрын
I've seen George Harris (Steve Harris' son) using at least an MLC cab when his band was supporting Maiden this year.
@riangarianga Жыл бұрын
Not mentioned because Bogren is the sponsor here, you know, whoever else doesn't matter... unless they send stuff 😜. Actually I really appreciate your explanation, big thanks!
@SteamvilleQuintet Жыл бұрын
The link to it is in the description JUNIOR. You play bass don't you. Poorly no doubt.
@riangarianga Жыл бұрын
@@SteamvilleQuintet Chill son, why that rage? Are you like 13-14? You certainly sound like that. No worries, you don't need to prove anything, we all are here just learning some bits, relaxing and having a nice chat together. Glenn didn't mention it through the video, but that doesn't cause any hole in the time-space continuum. This is just a show full of screaming, half-arsed information, and exaggeration, nobody takes anything at face value. For real musical/life advice check for example Tomo Fujita's teaching and motto, it'll do you good.
@dave5655 Жыл бұрын
They really need to license IRDX or the other companies need to figure out what Bogren is doing. And I can’t wait to hear this on bass amp sims.
@stevenm78 Жыл бұрын
You can use the IRDX on any amp sim. Just shut off everything but the cab section on the subzero, load your amp sim of choice and shut off the cab section of that sim and their you go. 🤘🏻
@dave5655 Жыл бұрын
@@stevenm78you missed my point.
@CreativeMindsAudio Жыл бұрын
Hope you get that IRDX tech in your impulse loader. it's a game changer. like i have no use for this amp sim, but the cab sim within with IRDX is amazing and I gotta pick it up at some point.
@jeddak Жыл бұрын
10:28 THAT's what I was waiting for. Thank you.
@93Dynos Жыл бұрын
Hi Glenn, could make a quick fire round on how you would generally approach a full mix ? Like EQ for guitars and bass, compression, added distortion, synths or string if there are any, what to look for etc. In a few words, what's your routine and first steps when presented with a new project? F you and greetings from Greece!
@sonicclang Жыл бұрын
Glenn, I have that same "click" thing happen to me and I use Cakewalk. I almost wonder if it isn't a USB issue? I don't know. I've had to throw away so many great takes due to that.
@8KilgoreTrout4 Жыл бұрын
Glen! The TICKING you hear I solved by putting my computer in "High Performance" power settings. May not help you, but it fixed mine. I simply cannot continue playing when that's happening. It needed to be solved!
@molochsorcery4357 Жыл бұрын
Dear Glen, I'm in a bit of a real pickle because of some health issues I have recently had caused me to make some major life changes and get rid of almost all of my almost all gear, including my amps and beloved guitars, save one each, and move into an assisted living situation. I'd like your opinion on what sort of computer interface to use for my guitar, (and yes I will be using Reaper), as well as headphones, monitors and mics to use with my one remaining Celestion 15 watt tube amp. Oh and maybe some some useful plugins you'd use in such a situation. Thanks very much, amigo and many blessings on your continued efforts to educate us on how to do things correctly. Rock on!
@EpIcHoBoGuY Жыл бұрын
I feel like the only thing stopping these from being indistinguishable from the real thing is amp interactions such as feedback, I know we usually want to avoid it but a lot of the greats have used feedback musically at one time or another.
@jamesbryant8087 Жыл бұрын
I have yet to find an amp sim that can produce controlled feedback like on a real amp. I do enjoy how far they have come though, and they are easy to use in a pinch.
@jamescuttsmusicjcm5013 Жыл бұрын
@@jamesbryant8087Just turn up your speakers. Lol! EDIT: It is not an amp interaction, it is a speaker and pickups interaction.
@waynethorpe1341 11 ай бұрын
This feeds back Like a real Tube Amp
@lightiskalkin Жыл бұрын
Naaaahhhh Glenn, I ain't got more money aaa Edit: BTW since you're looking for switching daws, why not Logic??
@claytonvolner5950 Жыл бұрын
Honestly impressed with the sound from this. Also impressed with the scream quality at 2:58. Both are record ready
@just4stringsandsteve Жыл бұрын
THE AMPING ON THAT BASS FOR THE FULL MIX!! Got it sounding beefy and cutting just right!
@michaelnachoescamilla6241 Жыл бұрын
Though we are roughly the same age, Your Beato reference made me howl. Mad respect to B. Love your channel Glen and I don't even play the crap you spew. Love, Emee
@gespinha Жыл бұрын
Hey Glen, how're things? You preach that "the tone is in the speaker" in every single video. Simple question: if manipulating the amp sim settings give us the tone we need, what settings should we set our guitar tone and pickup position to? Don't those have a big effect on the tone as well? (speaker + pickup position + tone knobs = proper tone?)
@lightiskalkin Жыл бұрын
I believe it's all about perspective, for Glenn and other producers too, tone generally mean the final sound that gets recorded and mixed, so he is right when he says that the tone is in the speaker as well as the mic that is being used on that speaker and even a CM of change in the mic position can change the tone drastically. That was from the perspective of a producer and engineer, but I as a guitarist will say that it's also true that details like how fresh the strings are, what pick are being used and what electronics are being used in the guitar change how the recording would sound too, but the perceived change is very minimal and hardly can be pointed out in a mix. I think the whole tone is in the speaker thing is for those guitarists who obsessively comment about how tone is in the finger. Yes, it is true that tone is in the fingers, how you play your instrument is how your performance is gonna sound, but if you compare the tone that can be changed by your playing vs the tone that can be changed by moving the mic and changing the speaker, is when one realizes what is actually more important in recording. Hope this helps!!
@LordNerevar1 Жыл бұрын
Cheers from Gdańsk! Home of real MLC Amps!
@alexcrouse 11 ай бұрын
That clean sound was actually pretty legit.
@woodward_alan Жыл бұрын
That was a perfect clean channel demo lol. Would be the extent of my clean channel exploration too.
@HalcyonGuitars Жыл бұрын
One thing I can say after watching your channel for a while is that all these amp sim demos have really improved your guitar playing…:)
@rockmovieswithtyler1989 Жыл бұрын
The Brown Sound was good but was mono and in only my left ear! Every other time I heard it, at least that was not in the full mix at the end of the video, unfortunately sounded like farty fizz in Stereo at least that is what happened for my in ear headphones wise as far as this video is concerned! Good video despite these problems anyway and I hope you get that Reaper situation fixed when you can! Thanks and have a good day!
@markob.19 Жыл бұрын
Personally I don’t mind the amp sim demos. Keep them coming Glenn!
@Danny_Aniss Жыл бұрын
I have recently made the switch from Reaper/Samplitude as my main DAWs and now been using Studio One.. I gotta say it's well worth learning! Such a fantastic DAW!
@markconner5341 Жыл бұрын
StudioOne is a computer killer for PC
@sickmessiah Жыл бұрын
While watching I was about to say “ try studio one “. The. You said it. Drag n drop daw heaven.
@XscudX Жыл бұрын
Gleeeennnnnnn!!!!! I'd really wanna hear your take on how to get a good clean tone. What guitars? amps? Speakers? Effects?. Thanks and cheers from Scotland
@BlueDragon7511 Жыл бұрын
I sometimes reach a point that being a guitarist is an old man's hobby. Why do I say that? Well, whenever I see and hear guitarists bickering and whining about the lack of clean tones, I sometimes can't help but either shake my head, roll my eyes, or chuckle at some of those comments. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against blues as a whole genre, but it simply gets tiring to hear so many guitarists, both old AND young, bitch about their beloved "stratocaster cleans" tone missing in a metal channel. Like, what do they expect? Anyway, keep it up, man, I always check in to see what sort of informational videos you have out and take them into consideration. Keep chugging away! 🤘
@avadhutgita2067 9 ай бұрын
Gonna check this out ! Using amphub now, but downloading this trail right now. Thx for the tip ! 🤘
@MikeSingSing Жыл бұрын
Can the amp section be bypassed to just use the Cab+IRDX-Section? I usually use my Torpedo Captor X, so would be fun to see how the IRDX lines up vs the TwoNotes DynIRs.
@JALNIN66 10 ай бұрын
This sounds more like being in the room with a JCM800 than anything else I've heard. Glad I waited to buy an amp sim. This is the one for me.
@darkonation Жыл бұрын
Channel Rules Glenn 🤘🎸 Thanks so much. 🙏
@ElliotDelgado Жыл бұрын
man that sounds pretty good TBH! i know this video is for the amp sim and IR.... but that Vicious guitar is just gorgeous!
@nathanv.4397 Жыл бұрын
I jammed w 2 friends a few days ago. The host said, "Leave your amp behind." I played through his 'Nuxx' head, into the Harley Benton 2x12 w the Vintage 30s. I had to dial in the tone on his laptop which was frustrating bc I'm unfamiliar w the software. It was cool but I'm going to bring my amp next time and run it through his Nuxx without most effects turned on. If he had some IRs perhaps I would've liked it more.
@datajake1999 Жыл бұрын
Glenn, have you attempted to reach out to the Reaper developers regarding the problems you are experiencing?
@danielpsullivan6265 Жыл бұрын
I love everything they make. All the one knobs are gold. The heaviest cab in the world ir pack is surprisingly great sounding. Theres no reason for me to get yet another sim by them, but I'm still getting this soon!
@precisionsoundworksstudio Жыл бұрын
It would have been nice to hear more clean sounds. 😜 All kidding aside, fantastic overview! OMG that Hapas baritone sounds amazing.
@sabholdings9995 Жыл бұрын
For the next VCC: Glenn, thanks for showing me that I've been playing that main "Running With the Devil" riff slightly wrong---- SINCE 1978! If I was still married, she would have stood in front of me with that big "L" hand letter thing. I not only SUCK, I'm OLD.
@davidbrierly2453 Жыл бұрын
Hi Glen, I'm super new to the realm of recording. But do have some mics, interface and my guitar setup. I'm just wondering, should I really even bother going out and getting acouple of different heads and another cab ?. As I still like the idea of real pedals and recording from real gear. But with the way Sims are going (which I've still gotta learn where to get good ones and how that all works) should I just focus on building up Sims instead. Ofcourse it saves room but nice to physically see gear in the flesh. I'm on the fence about it 🤪 Ps, absolutely loving your channel which only just discovered
@jaroswave Жыл бұрын
O fuck thats interesting. I've been telling that for some time, that the cabinet part of the equation is what needs to be improved because like you said, ampsims - we got that figured out already. Nice.
@dougwolfla4650 Жыл бұрын
Bought it, it's pretty heavy. I'll have to retro fit it into my 3 tracks I was just about finished with. It's worth the $80. I wish I had it about 5 releases ago...
@waynethorpe1341 11 ай бұрын
Also. Best Amp sim yet. Dose blues rock the best Hard to tell the difference.
@michaelperez3887 Жыл бұрын
Maybe it's the Reaper or maybe you need a better Mac upgrade. Maybe CPU is processing at its max depending on what on. Only a guess.
@Dylan-rf3fw Жыл бұрын
Hey Glenn! I'm new to the channel only been watching for a month or so must say dam good stuff sir ! anyways long story short I found this older Blackstar HT Club 40 in the dumpster area at my apartment, I was curious why it was there seemed in decent shape hauled it up to the house plugged it in and it has worked fine no issues from what I can tell other than a slight "white noise/ crackle" happening when nothing is being played that doesn't really bother me... anyways to the point I always hear you and others talking about V30's today I was cleaning out under my desk and pulled the combo out, I noticed it has a 70/80 in it. my question is. What is your take on this speaker in comparison to the V30 ? pros and cons?
@Rushtallica Жыл бұрын
I'm thinking the audio problem may have something to do with the interaction between Reaper and the Mac. I don't recall any complaints like that in all the time you used a PC. That socks, as I know the newer Macs are great. I have an M1 mini with 16gb RAM and 528gb drive I was thinking of making my recording rig but now wonder if I'll experience that, too. Hmm... I'd suggest trying logic, but all tye times I've looked at the Apple Store reviews there seem to be a fairly high ratio of users with complaints relayed to updates messing up important functionality. I may try Reaper on the M1 as a more compact solution but will definitely hold onto my trusty PC just in case. Anyway, I agree with some others on the likelihood of CPU load spikes and maybe how the buffer is set.
@matturner6890 Жыл бұрын
Macs aren't better
@DOBbysMusic Жыл бұрын
So you're telling me I DON'T need that cab loaded with fender specials down at the EZ Pawn? Like, dude, I've been sold on Bogren ever since you released the Pulse and linked their IR pack from Tue Madsen. Ballgrinding Scoops forever!
@necroticpoison 11 ай бұрын
Tbh I think the IRDX tech is the last thing ampsims needed to get over the line. I hope they integrate a way to have external IR loaders happen before a standalone IRDX and have it process that signal. You can put any IR file you want in the MLC and use the IRDX tech which is great. Can't wait for a standalone (IRDX) version if it's even possible. Having the IR breathe is damn good. Kind of getting sick of the static blanket sound of IR's.
@MrHutto1 Жыл бұрын
I got this a few weeks ago. I absolutely love it. Ill probably never be in the same room with one of these so, it'll do.
@christopherjunkins Жыл бұрын
Yep, I heard that... went as soon as it did "GOD DAMNIT RE...APER... yea we both had the same thought at the same time LMAO!
@predz23 Жыл бұрын
I like the whole 'more dynamic' mode thing, but maybe it needs to be in a shoot out with the Torpedo Two Notes Wall of Sound. Two Notes can also simulate Speakers overloading and compressing, plus the 'exciter' function. I use it all the time so I'm not quite convinced to try this yet
@celestialode Жыл бұрын
Hey Glenn another cool video but you should demonstrate how the amp sim sounds if you turn off the IR emulation of the plugin and load one of your own so we can hear a head to head comparison. Also do the other thing and use a different amp sim (for the head) with it's IR part turned off and use the Bogren's IR instead. That thing slays for sure
@denissullivan5723 Жыл бұрын
What is that LTD you are playing? Looks and sounds great!
@NuclearHeadshot Жыл бұрын
Hey Glenn! When does ELE 2.0 come out? I can barely wait!
@jrmylnrd Жыл бұрын
Sounds good! I use Studio One for my recording and haven't had any issues with it that I couldn't figure out.
@kutnersuicide Жыл бұрын
I was really impressed with it when I tried. It's awesome.That said, I have cabs, I have mics, I'll keep recording real cabs if I feel I want to. I like doing it.
@ericsampoll Жыл бұрын
Very cool. I'm definitely trying this one out! My live tone was always a JCM 900 and a 2x12 Boogie, so this can hopefully emulate that. Keep up the good work, G. ✌️🎶🎵🎸🤘 Cool guitar, btw.
@masterchikin Жыл бұрын
Make the jump Glen. Studio One is worth it.
@matthewfritz Жыл бұрын
A lot of what I've been seeing with the MLC SubZero, especially with the IRDX, is that people really LOVE the cab section. I mean they love it to the point that they even disable the amp itself, pick an amp sim they really like, and use the MLC cab section in place of an IR. That seems to get some pretty cool results, especially with it already being able to do the cranked Marshall thing. The versatility is truly there for ANY amp, not just the SubZero sim, and the possibilities are endless.
@tonedowne Жыл бұрын
This is what I am thinking. I only really use cab sims and record my real head with a load box. If this can sim really lives up to the hype, then it might be the way forward.
@eMKayJR Жыл бұрын
I guess Bogren Digital should make an actual cabsim plugin with IRDX and a vast array of cabinets - no amp, just the cabs, different speakers, mic's.
@tonedowne Жыл бұрын
@@eMKayJR Yeah, I would be all over that.
@ledruid Жыл бұрын
Hey Glenn, great video as usual. I've been looking deeper into transitioning to amp sims (the tube amp and cabinet are becoming more and more of a hassle over the years), so I have a question: is there a way to get the benefits of a real amp's FX loop using real pedals and an amp sim on the DAW? Would that be realistic feasible or am I overcomplicating things? Cheers!
@_wayneman_ Жыл бұрын
Wow, these Neural DSP AmpSims are getting better and better!
@peevee605 Жыл бұрын
This tech is also in the 5150 sims from Bogren. They sound amazing too.
@Wyl7 Жыл бұрын
Glenn, did you ever get around to checking out McRocklin’s Polychrome DSP?
@marcomoscoso7402 Жыл бұрын
Your guitar playing has been improving a lot Glenn, specially that fast downpicking.
@alrecks619 Жыл бұрын
interesting stuff, definitely will make your guitar sound "less flat" (or whatever that is) and more convincing. I think the tech didn't really catch on until now because tube snobs tend to not like amp sims anyway lol.
@alrecks619 Жыл бұрын
speaking of which, i think Celestion did similar stuff with their Dynamic Speaker Response/DSR collection.
@Dethsoul Жыл бұрын
REAPER pops and stutters during my recordings when i have certain plugins running. Either mute the channel or turn off specific plugins to alleviate the issue for the moment. I think Lancaster and Boogex IRs have been the biggest culprits in my case.
@DrCarlosMusic Жыл бұрын
Man that shit sounds sick! Ese mi crazy Glen gonna try out this mofuggin plugin
@KevinelGamerlol Жыл бұрын
Hey Glen! Are you still doing the review of the Harley Benton cabs with the new V30 speakers?
@IKilledTheDodo Жыл бұрын
The only difference I heard with the IRDX on was maybe a tiny bit more «flub» in the low end. That’s not something I’m really missing in my life.
@riangarianga Жыл бұрын
I don't think high gain sounds can really benefit from what dynamic IRs can offer just because by definition they aren't very dynamic.
@IKilledTheDodo Жыл бұрын
@@riangarianga That might be true
@pgprog Жыл бұрын
OMG that thing sounds just amazing good lord big super expensive amps are in deep trouble
@diarrheapool Жыл бұрын
GLENN, do you still have an older version of reaper you can install? i avoided the updates because when i did do one, it fucked my shit uuuuuup. went back to the older version=problem solved
@theoryofmine7473 Жыл бұрын
The Glenn Fricker album needs to happen.
@MRC_5000 11 ай бұрын
hmm, if they release a more complex version of the bass knob, i might have to check it out...
@karterestill Жыл бұрын
I'm a Kemper man (go ahead and hate Glenn😅) definitely do not regret it, especially because I use it live. But this Amp Sim, is the best one I have ever tried. Had a show friday, and it was the first time I even touched my Kemper since this came out. It is SO worth it! The only thing it needs is a transpose feature 🤘🏻
@ericsyre9418 Жыл бұрын
I recorded demos with my old Pod X3 Pro and some people wondered what amp I used for it as it sounded great. At this point it's more or less like people drinking wine. They're going crazy over their very expensive bottles which, after a few glasses, all tastes alike. If it sounds good to your ears and in the mix, then it's good. Whatever the price, if you're fine with it why bother pay more?
@PeterWicket Жыл бұрын
Hey @spectresoundstudios What are your thoughts about the video "why the line 6 pod sounds really bad" by jhs pedals?
@yrmthr Жыл бұрын
So people get off knowing their pushing air at 119db. Whats wrong with that?
@MatthewBreithaupt 11 ай бұрын
Cool, but does it do feedback when you hold the guitar up to the computer screen? 😀
@needsLITHIUM Жыл бұрын
so IRDX basically simulates speaker cone breakup. COOL!
@youztuber5000 Жыл бұрын
A DAW shootout vid would be really cool
@doobiouscannibis Жыл бұрын
I'll vouch for Studio One. I use the $15 subscription model, gets ya free Melodyne. Nice work flow. Was easy to get used to.
@cdawg-switchhitter2473 Жыл бұрын
Hmm I’m on reaper 8 hours a day sometimes and it never crashes. Could it be something with your hackintosh?
@Baldwinr1992 Жыл бұрын
Anyone else think the tone at the 10:00 minute mark sounded a lot like zach wild's tone from the Steel Dragon record? I'm getting real Livin the Life Vibes from that tone and that Is wicked!
@BlackChromeJamTracks Жыл бұрын
WTF Priest song is that at 14:23??? You're def having fun with it!!!! Holy Jesus suffering fuck on a burning cross that set up sounds good 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
@projectshininglight Жыл бұрын
Hey Glenn, huge fan of your content, recently I was promoted into the video/audio producer of the media company I work for. Making online commercials, podcasts and video...im having trouble getting my voiceovers to sound sharp and clean, any advice you could point me to would be so very appreciated, and any of your followers, if you guys have any advice, please share
@AGuitaristWithNoName 7 ай бұрын
I love real tube amps but I’ll admit to being impressed.
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