Wife Confessed She Allowed Her Affair Partner to Briefly Finish Inside Her. Can This....

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5 ай бұрын

Wife Confessed She Allowed Her Affair Partner to Briefly Finish Inside Her. Can This 19 Year Marriage With 3 Kids Be Saved After 11 Years of Lies?.
#redditrelationship #redditupdate

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@melissastipes613 5 ай бұрын
Am I wrong? So he is a violent drunk , who tried to cheat, but still thinks she is the ONLY one in the wrong? He hits and humiliates her, SERIOUSLY!?
@DaraxXxDevious 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, this story seemed to constantly contradict itself, and I'm confused. Man admits he was violent and aggressive towards his wife and kids and was a raging drunk. Admits he was a terrible father and husband, but then says he hopes others can also handle the situation with love and understanding like he has tried to do. Then also says he didn't need a DNA test because his kids look like him, but later says all the kids are his through DNA evidence.
@xhytecodm 5 ай бұрын
I seems that started after he found out about the cheating. I'm not making excuses for it, but I'm saying that she cheated when he was a good husband and only after finding out did he start pulling away and doing those things. That being said He should have never gotten back with a cheater. Let her fall into depression for all I care. Whether it's a girl or guy cheating is a betrayal
@lillia2479 5 ай бұрын
@xhytecodm He was an alcoholic and abusive husband BEFORE she cheated. He even tried to cheat on her but "stopped at the last minute." He is justifying his beating her and "cheating pass" as "trying to recover his ego as a man."
@Business458 5 ай бұрын
If you are with a woman who treats you like crap long enough then she will bring out the worst in you. If I ever made the mistake of taking back my ex and worse marrying her then I could even have gone to jail by now
@Business458 5 ай бұрын
​@@lillia2479a woman who cheats doesn't love her husband and she will make up excuses not to sleep with him Even if he doesnt catch her, the way she acts will still be horrible
@miceltusav88 5 ай бұрын
Short answer, no. Long answer no, and Shame on you for thinking it could be saved
@Isla_ed1ts 5 ай бұрын
@ianmoritzplatapino3684 5 ай бұрын
When you have no spine you will think I like op, trying to save the unsalvageable
@ragingsaviorkami9862 5 ай бұрын
​@@ianmoritzplatapino3684 Not unsalvagable. My grandma and my grandpa lived together the rest of their lives in love, pure absolute love, despite him having cheated when they were younger. They almost split, but grandma forgave him, and after that, they were deeply commited to each other. Commited to a point where, when she became ill(she got cancer), he got ill too and died, essentially of a broken heart. She died a few months later. Life happens, shit happens. Relationships aren't perfect. Calling someone a person with no spine just sounds like that red-pill giga chad bullshit. Cheating isn't excusable, I agree, but in rare stories like this one, it's just a dumb decision someone made once and deeply regrets. Not to mention the OP's wife was under influence of alcohol.
@ajzephyros7454 5 ай бұрын
@jrjr6683 5 ай бұрын
Ok. Shes a cheater. But this guy is a psycopath. Wtf is wrong with him. Hes got more like an abuser kind of behaviour. He WAS a victim but not anymore. Now is his wife the victim of his ego dude, thats horrifying
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
he admitted she only started cheating on him after he had been abusive for years. sh also got raped by the AP on what seems to be multiple occasions. SHE is the victim
@yeyosilver7067 5 ай бұрын
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
@@yeyosilver7067 you are genuinely a deranged person to think abuse is justified here
@jrjr6683 5 ай бұрын
@@yeyosilver7067 thats not karma. Thats abuse. And hes a worst person than her. Shes not good, but he is hideous
@yeyosilver7067 5 ай бұрын
@@jrjr6683 So they both deserve each other
@alexb7932 5 ай бұрын
@ranykabour1634 5 ай бұрын
Bruh I had to rehear it twice I thought I was tripping
@alexb7932 5 ай бұрын
@@ranykabour1634 The fact that no one else in the comment section picked up on it made me think I was hearing things
@idoonotkno894 5 ай бұрын
i mean i guess bro made her consent to S&M 😂
@kingkongaintgotshitoneme 5 ай бұрын
muslims ...am i right?😂
@idoonotkno894 5 ай бұрын
yea ... when i heard muslims beat their wives it blew my mind @@kingkongaintgotshitoneme
@lillia2479 5 ай бұрын
13:33 Summed it all up. Never thought I'd side with the cheating wife. So he was an alcoholic and abusive. He even tried to cheat but stopped "at the last minute." Yet she's the one who forgave him and gave him a second chance. He even agreed that he wouldn't have been able to deal with his past self. But because she cheated (possibly SA'd), he became the monster that he used to be by beating her and wanting a pass to cheat because of his "ego"? Yeah.... that's a no from me. 😑
@jeremychappell2758 3 ай бұрын
You can’t side with her if they both are in the wrong
@lillia2479 3 ай бұрын
@jeremychappell2758 You can. He went too overboard. Sometimes, too much is just too much. You can disagree that she was wrong by cheating, but from what she has been doing to redeem herself, he is making it worse than necessary. She stopped when she knew she was in the wrong. He continued, even though he knew he's in the wrong. So which would you choose? Someone who stopped when they realized or someone who continues when they've realized?
@LuskyMJ 5 ай бұрын
Wtf that whipping just hit out of nowhere
@epimetheaus1214 5 ай бұрын
If I accept everything in that as fact, that man needs real mental help. Those violent outbursts are something he needs to deal with yesterday, the fact she drip fed him and kept him in a constant state of betrayal and pain is of course going to leave a wake like a tornado. She betrayed a man she clearly loved and thought highly of, needs to accept that the marriage was over the moment she strayed. She's needs to find healthier ways to come to terms with her guilt for his, her and their children's sake. They need to get out of the suffering and revenge stages and get to accepting, moving on and healing, probably with other people.
@ragingsaviorkami9862 5 ай бұрын
I would agree with everything but the "other people" part.
@ushnishchakraborty 5 ай бұрын
The whip thing was weird af. Is it really what I think it is? Like consensual DV?
@Maninawig 5 ай бұрын
S&M is not DV. However, given the context, it would be more of an act of attonement.
@ushnishchakraborty 5 ай бұрын
@@Maninawig This is not S&M. Not to mention the consent here is also not similar to sexual consent. The consent here is out of guilt. Cheating is wrong, but the appropriate course of action would be to divorce her. Not start beating her ass. Weird.
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
@@Maninawig no that's just straight up abuse. from what it sounds like OP is in a country where divorce isn't really an option and when that's the case you can be 100% certain that women have no power there. OP explained how he had been abusive for years. and what is his first response to starting to "fix things"? he starts beating her. this woman has been abused and defiled by all the men around her. her husband for abusing her and the AP for raping her and going against her consent by finishing inside her.
@DaraxXxDevious 5 ай бұрын
@@Maninawig S&M would mean she was fully consenting, of her own freewill. She was being convinced they should do this under duress and therefore it ultimately was not consensual, she just let him because that's what he wanted.
@Maninawig 5 ай бұрын
@@DaraxXxDevious though not often done now, there were religious physical acts of atonement (such as self flogging) as a way to punish and absolve someone from a sin. So it might not have been out of duress, but her way to take back the pain she gave her husband. I am in no way condoning it, and the practice has been stopped for very obvious reasons. All I am saying is that she might have concented through the same mindset that people self-harm... that idea of "this is what I deserve" more than him cohersing her into something. On his side, I see a lack of consistency in his acts, which when combined with the lack of divorce laws in his country, leads me to believe he was grasping at straws for ways to overcome the hurt without something like a therapist to guide the anger.
@Yamyatos 5 ай бұрын
I think OP needs therapy, more than his wife. After listening to quite a few of these, his wife really seems remorseful and really is doing her part, yet he keeps demanding more and more and more.. it might be a cultural thing, or that im just not a very romantic person in that sense, but i dont get why he cant just forgive her. It's not that i wouldnt have been shocked, or wouldnt have wanted her to do her part.. but she clearly did. Every little whim he had, she went with it. Therapy, spanking, telling their family.. all of it. Yet he still has doubts and wants more. I think at this point his trust issues are the biggest problem for the relationship. Again, might be cultural, but it's utterly sick that he came up with the "i can cheat once for free" bullshit. That has NOTHING to do with reconciliating, or solving his trust issues. That's just petty, and even coming up with with this dumb an idea is damaging their relationship on his end. Full access to every communication device she owns also seems pretty dystopian, but is a bit more understandable concerning his trust issues. Really tho, all in all OP should ask himself whether all their relationship issues are really due to his wife, and not him. Quite frankly, he said he had anger issues and was alcoholic, combined with all the dumb shit he came up with and the potential cultural issues, i wonder if she is only with him out of fear at this point.
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
oh no, they both need the same amount of therapy. OP because he's an abusive psychopath and the wife because she suffered at the hands of an abusive psychopath
@Yamyatos 5 ай бұрын
@@loveyourwaifu1035 When you say it like that.. ^^
@stardustdeath2497 5 ай бұрын
Can’t even call it gaslighting anymore for 11 years, she just lit the fire and stared at it
@IsadorkTS 5 ай бұрын
I listen to many of these, like a soap opra. But my god, this is not the way to deal with cheating. Dispite what his wife did and got herself into. This is just abuse, emotional abuse and physical. He made promises he didnt keep, he emotionally lashed out. Honestly, I can see why she likely cheated, or wanted out, i doubt he was much better before this, and thr only thing keeping her in that relationship is severe emotional trauma and fear. If your partner cheats on you, anger is not the answer, especially long-term anger forever, that is not forgiveness that is abuse.
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
OP stated that where he lives divorce isn't a thing. so it's probably a country where the wife has no say. OP also admitted to having abused her for YEARS even BEFORE the cheating. even if she wanted out of that marriage, she couldn't. so she could either take it all on the chin, or use cheating as a way to get away from the abuse. cheating is disgusting, but trapping your wife in a marriage where she gets abused non-stop is FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR worse
@mayuuchan7874 5 ай бұрын
@@loveyourwaifu1035 It's really horrible to hear that she probably won't have a way out. Like, he is already admitting a lot of psycho shit that would get you arrested in a lot of countries... Imagine what he's doing that isn't shared... Also "love" the fact that he is lamenting about how she lied to him for 11 years, but all he's doing rn towards her is lying. Hypocrisy at it's finest right there. But sure, she's the narcissist
@Business458 5 ай бұрын
If you are with a woman who treats you like crap long enough then she will bring out the worst in you. If I ever made the mistake of taking back my ex and worse marrying her then I could even have gone to jail by now
@rabbidrabbitgaming1485 5 ай бұрын
I don't know how to feel about most of this honestly. Like yeah, it's fine to try and do some of these things to repair a relationship, but this is just insane. I remember a lot of these stories are like, "I'm not going to be their jailor, so I'm leaving them", but this dude has the extreme version of being the jailor and is still upset. Honestly should have just left each other, nobody is winning in any of this
@ragingsaviorkami9862 5 ай бұрын
Who are you to say that no one is winning in this? If they're able to get over it and keep their marriage, they both won. It sounds like they still truly love each other deeply.
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
@@ragingsaviorkami9862 no, the wife doesn't love him tbh. she's just afraid of him. and how is living with a husband who's had a history of being abusive and who threatens to cheat a win in any book? she should get out and get atleast half of what they own.
@doublejacketjimmy391 5 ай бұрын
Yeah I know she cheated and all but instead of uselessly tormenting her for your own satisfaction should've just ended the marriage right there or if its not an option just live in separate places. That shit he was doing is just extremely unhealthy to say the least and not worth it.
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
8 wipings with a stick and 11 with a hand are.... unhealthy? since when are unhealthy and abuse synonyms?
@Extremelybraindeadhumanbeing 5 ай бұрын
@@loveyourwaifu1035she agreed to it
@doublejacketjimmy391 5 ай бұрын
@@loveyourwaifu1035 Where did I imply they’re synonyms?
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
@@doublejacketjimmy391 that was sarcasm because of how much you downplayed genuinely how fucked up the situation actually is. it isn't just "unhealthy". it's full on abusive
@doublejacketjimmy391 5 ай бұрын
@@loveyourwaifu1035 You seem to be overly fixated on the word “unhealthy” and ignored the rest of the comment. It clearly states: “extremely unhealthy to say the least”. I didn’t downplay anything.
@maxr7527 5 ай бұрын
Strong case for systematic paternity tests at brith. Also : Yeah , don't abuse you spouses at any rate. You lose the moral high ground when you debase yourself to that. Divorce is more healthy.
@reillycurran8508 5 ай бұрын
Mans is clearly on some Andrew Tate shit, I hate cheaters as much as the next guy but whipping her, prison guarding her phone, and holding a one sided open marriage over her head isn't revenge it's spousal abuse. This some shit like what you'd expect out of Iran or Pakistan, and it doesn't help that it does genuinely seem like the guy actually did rape her from her description of the events. It sounds like what she's most terrified of are the consequences of divorce under the grounds of infidelity, and given what OP already does to her even without divorce, I'd say that's pretty damn fair since I'm not entirely sure honor killing her for possibly being a victim of sexual assault would be out of the question.
@patchon25 5 ай бұрын
Found the cheater
@prophetofthemightysquirrel5434 5 ай бұрын
@@patchon25 Defends an active cheater for lying and cheating, on the basis of an extremely low chance the traitor got "raped". Trash always gets piled together. Note le heckin' epic updoots, as well - a congregation of cheaters.
@ushnishchakraborty 5 ай бұрын
@@patchon25 Found the woman beater
@sheepphees3350 5 ай бұрын
I don't understand part of ur point. So if u were cheated and give a second would u be open with ur spouse as before?
@devoteeofmediocrity821 5 ай бұрын
Yes, the spanking thing was pathetic. However, the open marriage is a one time pass, and it’s perfectly understandable that he’d demand transparency in his marriage at this point. His trust was broken, and she needs to earn it back. Should she be terrified of divorce? Yeah, she betrayed her husband *and* her children. Will the husband do so? No. He’s lying to himself about getting over the infidelity and is only doing so for the kids and superstition. Oh, and she wasn’t r4ped. If you have the cognitive ability to be held responsible for drinking and driving, you have the ability to know if you want smooches.
@notting2640 5 ай бұрын
OP should convert to Islam 😂 he followed the halal rulebook play by play 😂😂😂
@tiffy_love 5 ай бұрын
bro just doesn't want to let it go it's been 11 fucking years LET HER LIVE edit: babe I said LIVE not LEAVE
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
nah, he can't do that. he must abuse her even more, so he can have his "masculine ego"
@Extremelybraindeadhumanbeing 5 ай бұрын
She can leave🤷‍♂️
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
@@Extremelybraindeadhumanbeing did you literally not hear OP say that divorce isn't a thing where they live?
@Extremelybraindeadhumanbeing 5 ай бұрын
@@loveyourwaifu1035 flee the country🤷‍♂️
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
@@Extremelybraindeadhumanbeing yes, with several kids in tow, no job and probably a husband that's gonna try to hunt you down. be realistic
@454fire 5 ай бұрын
A case where both people are not worth supporting initially. The wife doesn't deserve support not only for the cheating, but the fact she lied about it for 11 years. The OP doesn't deserve support because he says early on in those 11 years, he was an alcoholic who pursued other women, had anger issues, and would trash the house in such a manner that it scared his wife and has led to resentment from his children. He's literally a hypocrite because he said his wife forgave him for his almost cheating situation. If that's the case, then why doesn't he just forgive her? He may have not gone all the way(according to him...who knows the real truth), but he put himself in a situation where he could've cheated and only stopped at the last second, which is bad enough in itself. He even said it himself that if he was his wife at that time, he would have left. I wonder how he acted 'before' the incident and if it could've been a factor as to why she kept hanging out at night instead of coming straight home after work. Not defending her actions, but it would've added more context. Now the wife has repented in a better way than one could expect, but the fact she trickle-truthed it till the end still doesn't give me respect for her. However, she has my support more than OP if it came to it cause she has apporached this reconciliation far better than OP. What is wrong with the OP? Hitting for punishment? Free Cheat Pass? Forced confession? Monitoring all her devices like a security team? I am all for someone repenting for their mistakes, but it has to come for the CHEATER for it to mean anything. If her 'pride' was so important, she would've suggested confessing to her family members herself as a way to atone for her sin. It doesn't mean anything if she's forced to do it for the relationship to continue. And there's not really a relationship at this point. It really just seems the wife is remorseful of her actions to the point she is accepting of any thing he suggests for forgiveness, and this guy is doing everything in his power to abuse that power.
@peternicholson4159 5 ай бұрын
So you clearly don't trust her yet your making her jump through hoops for your own ego, I don't condone cheating in anyway but she deserves a medal for putting up with your crap! I actually hope she finds someone else just to get rid of your pathetic self!...
@Business458 5 ай бұрын
Take note that she treated him like crap when he was nice and she is submissive when he wasnt Maybe this is what she is into
@LosKrachosHD 5 ай бұрын
For me it sounds like the dude has a huge problem
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
OP's a full on narcissistic abuser
@Business458 5 ай бұрын
His wife cheated and was treating him like crap through out his marriage, that does things to a man.
@ElRincondeMixUnboxingsyReviews 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, the guy will never let it go and just want to see her suffer for that. Cheating is bad, but what he is doing to her is even worse.
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
especially she was already abuse even BEFORE the cheating began
@yeyosilver7067 5 ай бұрын
It's not worse
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
@@yeyosilver7067 it is. she's faced his abuse for years BEFORE the cheating and now he beats her again. 8 strikes with a stick and 11 with the hand... sometimes i think people in these comments section would agree that killing cheaters is justified, even if they do everything to prove their remorse
@Mikoto028 5 ай бұрын
Well, if he can make it even worse than this, why not?
@yeyosilver7067 5 ай бұрын
@@loveyourwaifu1035 Bro it's a fake story, imagine being so stupid as to want to be moral in a story where the goal is to visibly make the guy look bad lol Wake up
@sophiaisabelle0227 5 ай бұрын
Seems like he couldn’t hold it anymore and released it all without any mercy.
@handlebarmustache 5 ай бұрын
This is the first time I've sided with the cheater.
@saltedcaramel7602 5 ай бұрын
Right?! This guy is clearly manipulative and abusive.
@legiontepes3474 5 ай бұрын
You have problems.
@handlebarmustache 5 ай бұрын
​@@legiontepes3474he should have left her immediately and gone on with his life. Instead. He physically assaulted her over and over. If you think that's okay, you should get help immediately.
@hentaiprotagonist392 5 ай бұрын
Thought it will be another regular cheating story and suddenly hearing the word "whipped" 😂
@Business458 5 ай бұрын
😂😂😂 he is definately no SIMP
@leviackerman5866 5 ай бұрын
dude what the title ☠
@marcellixxx 5 ай бұрын
@DarkEinherjar 5 ай бұрын
And this is why you divorce: so you don't become a wife-b---ing, controlling, a---ive piece of garbage. So you don't sink to your partner's level or lower by seeking a r--enge affair.
@lolmanv Ай бұрын
this is why u should just leave when someone cheats. now everyone is suffering including the kids for something he apparently forgave years ago
@melissastipes613 5 ай бұрын
Seriously, this guy said the WIFE is a narcissist?? He is THE NARCISSIST
@vlad-igor 5 ай бұрын
Sounds nonsensical is this fake too? What's d day???? 😅😅😅
@kizo_wotw4717 5 ай бұрын
I believe that Op wants his wife to give up her desire for reconciliation, and is looking for her to say "no", to move forward and begin the divorce. The problem here is that Op will not be satisfied with anything, he wants her wife to hate him for all the conditions he is giving her, but she continues to comply. Basically OP is wasting his time, he will never forgive her since his wife committed "the unforgivable act", not only did she lie for so long, she is also willing to do anything for OP to forgive her, which is creating a loop in reconciliation.
@saltedcaramel7602 5 ай бұрын
This just sounds toxic. They should have split.
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
divorce doesn't seem to be an option where they live. but the worst part is the years of being an abusive drunk that OP admitted to. and all that was from BEFORE the cheating even started. that woman was stuck in an abusive relationship and had 7 kids to take care of. you can only expect so much from a person in such a situation
@AverageCommentor 5 ай бұрын
Nothing can convince this guy that she's sorry lol. She agreed to all of your conditions, including beating her up like a maniac, yet you still think that she's "selfish"? And the whole "pass" idea, if you were to use it, would make you just as bad as her, but I'm sure you wouldn't be very happy if she went ahead and asked to beat you up. You agree not to use the pass, then think up some ridiculous excuse that maybe she didn't tell her parents everything, despite her telling yours everything (which sounds far more terrifying) so that you can still use the pass *even without her knowledge* (which would make you even worse than her). Honestly, haven't you seen how submissive she is towards you, and maybe realised that the reason she let him do it to her is *because* she is submissive. Now your whole theory of all cheaters being selfish and wanting control is shown to be false, and you just need to make her more assertive if anything. Your idea of getting her to tell you everything works, the rest is all meaningless revenge that serves no purpose, as she is clearly extremely remorseful and submissive. I can't believe I'm siding with her, a cheater, but the way you handled this is way out of control, and your reasons for each punishment fail to have any sort of consistency. But, of course, you cannot see this comment, nor all the others calling you out, so hopefully this is a fake story else that wife is going to have a hard time.
@user-ve4hy3dg5j 5 ай бұрын
So…. She cheated and you beat her? Real healthy relationship there.
@Business458 5 ай бұрын
its not healthy but it would have been worse if she got rewarded for her cheating by being given this guys property and for him to learn that his kids werent his like others
@barbarasantana6848 2 ай бұрын
I don't give 2 craps about what she did 11years ago, but the fact that he admitted to his anger issues and alcoholic tendency prior to her cheating makes him no better than she. So who is he to constantly humiliate her and whip her. Heck to the no.
@gwenrichard7507 5 ай бұрын
The whole reason you can move on after cheating is because you realize they made themselves a worse person, but you are still as valuable. OP has hurt his wife, the mother of his children and thinks he's still the victim This reminds me of the riots after a police brutality. People looking back will see the riots first and use it to justify the brutality. "I don't blame the cops if this is how the citizens act" Id like him to explain how he would react if this was how his father treated his mom.
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
oh, OP was never better than his wife. he admitted to abusing her for years BEFORE the affair even started. he shared that divorce where they live isn't an option. and even after all that he even beat her more after finding out her cheating and emotionally blackmailed her the entire time. this man was so violent his own children don't want to be around him.
@lillia2479 5 ай бұрын
Just him mentioning that he had to "restore his ego" already made it sound weird and then confessing his actions BEFORE she cheated made it even worse. I never thought I would side with the cheating wife. He's toxic. ​@loveyourwaifu1035
@ragingsaviorkami9862 5 ай бұрын
​​@@lillia2479 If it was a normal case of cheating, I would understand. Being cheated on is usually a heavy hit on a man's ego. I got cheated on by my ex and didn't leave the house for two years afterwards, that's how badly I took it. I hated myself, I wanted to die, I thought I wasn't even a man at that point, considering how low my ex thought of me that she'd want to fuck someone else behind my back. I even tried to unalive myself after I tried getting back into dating at some point, only to fail miserably. But OP's wife was under influence, and was most likely raped, like what part of that does he not understand?
@lillia2479 5 ай бұрын
@ragingsaviorkami9862 The reason why I said when he felt the need to "restore his ego" sounding sus is the way he said it. That she needed to be beaten and submissive to him because that's "what cheaters really want."
@Business458 5 ай бұрын
The b cheated, she had everything coming
@eliott.b76 5 ай бұрын
@cloudydays6374 5 ай бұрын
Tbh, if you keep saying “do this and I will forgive you” “do this and I will get rid of my pass” and then go back on it after she does those things, it really shows that you don’t forgive her and aren’t in a place to forgive her. It’s clear you tried for the kids, but it’s just not gonna work. All you’re doing is delaying the inevitable.
@user-fw7fj3df5r 3 ай бұрын
Never trust a cheater. In life or in love
@gthreesix 5 ай бұрын
I think the guy wants a divorce by doing all those things, but doesn't have the balls to go through with it.
@tkabey 2 ай бұрын
This relationship should have just ended already. This was too much.
@Afghanisstan 5 ай бұрын
Before I even start listening: No
@mbthemeatball3716 5 ай бұрын
bruh the tactics that guy used were pretty narcacistic, I don't like it a bit, also he seems to be able to justify his actions. I dunno I'm a bit suspicious about if all of what he said is true because narcacists tend to be very self rightous
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
dude was literally an abuser for years even before the cheating happened to his own admission. then his first response is to hit her 8 times with a stick and 11 times with his hands to get his "masculine ego" back after she admitted to cheating he is full on sick in the head
@BrokenAries 5 ай бұрын
"Cheating is bad! But also I almost cheated and I was an alcoholic. Oh also I'm abusing my wife now constantly and make her do shit to make up for her cheating"
@Extremelybraindeadhumanbeing 5 ай бұрын
He almost cheated and he immediately told her. She lied for over a decade. As much as everyone pity’s her I feel nothing towards a cheat.
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
@@Extremelybraindeadhumanbeing she was also abused for years BEFORE the cheating started and he almost cheated BEFORE she started cheating. this wife had 7 kids to take care of and an abusive and potentially cheating husband to deal with for YEARS. you can only expect so much from a person, especially seeing how they couldn't get divorced
@Extremelybraindeadhumanbeing 5 ай бұрын
@@loveyourwaifu1035 cheating has no excuse. Anyone who cheats deserves nothing
@Extremelybraindeadhumanbeing 5 ай бұрын
@@loveyourwaifu1035 and yet again, there’s a stark difference between almost cheating and immediately telling your partner, and having an affair and hiding it for 11 years
@VergilTheLegendaryDarkSlayer 4 ай бұрын
Cheating is never a mistake, it's a choice I have no idea why OP kept calling her choice a "mistake"
@gummiesunny 5 ай бұрын
we aint gonna talk about how the gameplay is being flown through? lmao bros in creative
@LapinNoir2328 2 ай бұрын
Wtf did I just listen to…
@heyyitsjanea 5 ай бұрын
you do not engage in bdsm out of anger wtf
@MzK1sz3s 5 ай бұрын
So this happened 11 years ago??? If so, why the hell are you still holding it over her head?? 🤨😒
@LandonPoland 5 ай бұрын
my ad was about free taxes, do not do it always hire a expensive accountant like I will be, trust me best way to go
@djrozairo4011 5 ай бұрын
can someone math the ages for me rq cuz that shit doesn’t seem to add up in my head 😭
@user-qp3kl8rq2m 5 ай бұрын
I think the wife is 3 years older than him
@DevinDeklavs 5 ай бұрын
This story is one of the few where all I feel is disgust for OP. Obviously spouse is a pile for cheating, sounds like she was having a shit life and made some real dumb decisions. At the conclusion they deserve each other and I can at least appreciate OP being seemingly honest about his actions and feelings
@arhael3594 5 ай бұрын
In this case context matters. If she was abuser before cheating, I wouldn't hold it against her. Not being able to divorce makes the situation even worse.
@clairgranger8197 5 ай бұрын
I'm sorry but this dude....I don't like him....he is literally abusing his wife...omfg ...I could never
@kywayneellis5958 5 ай бұрын
Well she cheated her fault
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
@@kywayneellis5958 did you not hear the part where OP had admitted he had been abusive for year BEFORE she cheated... and that she CAN'T GET DEVORCED FROM HIM even if she wanted to?
@Porchy. 5 ай бұрын
found the victim blaming cheater.
@kywayneellis5958 5 ай бұрын
@@loveyourwaifu1035 skill issue
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
@@Porchy. ok let's completely ignore how OP had been abusive for years and his first response was to beat her. because everything is justified when your partner cheats right? because i would be justified to abuse, kick punch, stab, cut and even kill my spouse if they cheated on me right?
@queenscrescentmoon 5 ай бұрын
Didn't he say that he was an alcoholic and horrible so much so that his kids don't talk to him..... And if the cheating allegation is true then sad for him.... But as per his discription, it sounds like she was SAed and couldn't do anything about it.... Also no matter what OP whipped her?!?!?! Kept one sided open relationship dangling over her head and made her agree to it?!?!?! I'm sorry but OP looks messed up in his head....
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
OP is just a full on narcissistic abuser
@Business458 5 ай бұрын
Being with a cheater that long will make you pick up bad habits
@queenscrescentmoon 5 ай бұрын
@@Business458 Bad habits..... maybe, straight up whipping someone and threatening them is different..... You stop being a victim when you victimized others..... Also he was an alcoholic and his kids don't like him....as per his discription so.....
@Business458 5 ай бұрын
@@queenscrescentmoon she can still leave the house and its not like OP will stop her, she chose to stay Take note that she caused this toxic situation for the kids and she is actively trying to mentain it for selfish reasons regardless of how it affects the kids She caused and she agreed to the whipping so not only isnt she a victim since she caused this situation she isnt a victim because she agreed to the whipping (she prefers it to ending the marriage ). He hasn't victimized anyone other than the kids (they are victims of his choice to be with her and they are victims of her choice to be a bad wife) Women are by nature abusive and disrespectful to the men that they are not attracted to who love them. Even if before he caught her cheating she was definately hurting him as often as possible in whatever way she could while he endured and hoped that she will eventually or that her behaviour was somehow driven by hormones or something until he learned of her cheating (he also never cheated even if he came close to it due to her behaviour). He then realised that it wasn't her being depressed, going through things as a woman or any excuse that she gave. She just never loved him, she settled for him, she used him and she treated him like crap when he did nothing wrong. His anger comes from that and he is only giving her what she has been giving him (I believe that to some extent it was his fault for staying with a woman who doesnt value him and it is also her fault for not only causing all this but also agreeing to the arrangement) Her wanting to fix things is only because he isnt acting like a doormate and she doesn't want to be publicly embarrassed for cheating which is much more important to her than the mental health of her kids. The second he starta treating her with love is the second she will cheat on him again with another man because he still isnt the type of man that she is attracted to
@queenscrescentmoon 5 ай бұрын
@@Business458 Some men are abusive, some women are abusive and it's not okay..... Who consents to being whipped? No one cause it's not right..... Yes she should leave him and yes he too should have left her.... Its a toxic relationship and doomed already..... And I still can't see past his abusive behaviour. Also I feel that she is a victim.... She asked the supposed "affair partner" to stop and he threatened her and didn't stop.... A no is a no....an intoxicated person can't give consent. Her husband instead of supporting her accused her of cheating and she, after all the time together just took all the allegations. I just can't look past all that.... And most people in the comment section seem to agree that he is TAH.....
@alext9320 4 ай бұрын
12:12 hits like a truck.
@MaryAX 5 ай бұрын
What in the Indian call center am I listening to 😭
@sheepphees3350 5 ай бұрын
With this video he can understand that after cheatin: That the partner that a partner willing to reconcile can pass for a lot of crap And also is impossible to regain the trust again. So people don't cheat and if someone cheats on u, leave them. Also don't be an abuser. They're meant to be together because they're crap
@napiski2260 5 ай бұрын
Could anyone tell me what is the BGM/song he uses in his videos? Much apreciated.
@firstnamebunchofnumbers3738 5 ай бұрын
@Alpha-gn3rx 5 ай бұрын
Some of what this guy did, I think is unethical but in the situation she would need to do a lot to repair the relationship if I were going to stay and there would be a lot she would need to do to make it up to me the parts I don’t like is the beating and the cheating pass I don’t think those two things really help that much and are just not right
@vlad-igor 5 ай бұрын
@emily.letsendbslintheuk554 5 ай бұрын
Ok this is a totally toxic relationship, he admits to abusing her (im all for spanking but not to the extent that she cant sit properly for days) also he was abusive before he found out about the affair and she cheated and kept it a secret, also she is implying that the bloke she cheated with raped her as she claims he took advantage cos she was too drunk hence she wasnt in the right mind to give consent, why blame the bloke when she was just as much to blame 🤬
@kaki_maki403 Ай бұрын
Not to defend the cheating wife but OP sounds super abusive and they should have separated ages ago.
@franklinmatthys9262 5 ай бұрын
Lol cheaters will cheat....😂 You gonna cry again for keeping her.😅
@littlemisstink921 5 ай бұрын
Am I the only one that’s struggling to understand what the fuck he’s saying? 6 minutes in and I don’t think I’ve heard one coherent sentence. I know he said English isn’t his native language and I’m not trying to be a bitch…I’m just struggling to understand and make sense of it.
@chrisj.1608 Ай бұрын
Again you had me up until the part you talk about the physical punishment that's not how it works that's not okay nothing about that is okay and I hope to God that this is just AI generated because if you really think it's okay to hit your partner because she cheated you are the problem
@ladnardjohnson9623 5 ай бұрын
@mamiJean24 5 ай бұрын
@lagjusyaps 10 күн бұрын
Whoa whoa what videos
@GuardianHalberd 5 ай бұрын
Ya, this is the biggest simp of all stories, even the fake ones This guy is just pathetic
@Business458 5 ай бұрын
A SIMP would have kept taking abuse from her. He was a SIMP but he is become something else
@Syrin23 5 ай бұрын
This goes to show you that you should ALWAYS trust your instincts, AND the fact that no man can let it go. She loses all value.
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
yet he is totally fine despite having been A DRUNK ABUSER for years, even BEFORE the cheating and ADMITTED TO ALMOST CHEATING HIMSELF. god some people here are so twisted
@jheiryhernandez8290 5 ай бұрын
Dude doesn’t sound like a prize him self. Everyone sucks. You should have left, this made you a sadist.
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
OP spent years abusing his wife and children, then his first response to his wife admitting she cheated is hitting her 8 times with a stick and 11 times with his hand. cheating is fucked up, but even if she wanted the SHE COULDN'T GET DEVORCED. she is the victim. full stop
@karlking9871 5 ай бұрын
Nothing will ever be enough, and now he is just being an asshole always dangling it above her head, if you do this i will forgive then she does it and i forgive her but i cant forgive cheating its unforgivable, buyt if you do this one thing it will (almost)make it right, she does and its still not enough. he just likes having this power over her and it might eventually push her away. This is not a healthy relationship. Either forgive her fully or move on, this limbo just doesn't work long term.
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
he literally admitted to abusing her for years BEFORE the cheating started; and his response to finding out wis 8 hits with a stick and 11 with a hand to her back, just to boost his ego. he loves power. he wants nothing but power; he wants her to be afraid of him and loves the feeling. he is an abusive narcissist
@jayblack854 5 ай бұрын
yeah u know the saying ignorance is a bliss and u have a argument pass by saying dead ap. if u want the truth sure but if ur happy why rock the boat?? and shes dum like dont tell him and be as good to him or better. like that ur penitence u did it 1 time u either feel that pain for ur action and be good or ruin ur world.
@emZee1994 5 ай бұрын
*People siding with the cheater need a serious reality check. OP is the victim, not her. Having said that, she really did do everything one could ask for reconciliation. Unfortunately it seems that some things just can't be fixed. OP needs to trial a separation period whilst he goes to therapy. If he still can't forgive her, then they need to divorce. She's the mother of his children so he should stop torturing her*
@loveyourwaifu1035 5 ай бұрын
ok. so he abused her for years BEFORE she cheated. he told her HE ALMOST CHEATED. LIVING IN A COUNTRY WHERE DIVORCE ISN'T POSSIBLE. and when he found out she cheated he HIT HER WITH A STICK 8 TIMES AND WITH THE HAND 11 TIMES... ah yes, the violent and abusive drunk is totally the victim here
@niknikktm 5 ай бұрын
It's funny to me to watch people from a western culture lose their $hit over the way someone from an Eastern culture handles certain situations.
@tubbylita 5 ай бұрын
As someone from the East and living in a country with no divorce, I'm also disgusted by this man. He has no moral high ground, to be honest. I hate cheaters, but I hate hypocrites more. I doubt that he truly stopped himself from cheating at the last moment. I think it's the third party that stopped him, lol. He keeps moving the goal posts and consistently eats his words. He just wants to inflict more pain on his wife, and he won't stop until he repaid her at least 10x. I hate it more that he uses God as an excuse. And don't use Eastern culture as a shield to excuse this man's behaviour. Cheating is wrong no matter the gender. So is emotional and physical abuse.
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