I was a youngster in the Detroit area in 1964 when Sandy appeared on the music scene. Always something there to remind me was big in our market which also included Windsor Ontario Canada. A powerful 50,000 watt radio station there CKLW played Sandy version in regular rotation continuously. Dionne Warwick version was played more in other parts of the states. CKLW was heard after sunset on the AM radio dial as far south as Florida along that corridor. Which aided Sandy's version greatly. I'm told her version was also popular in Southern California as well. So you had both Sandy and Dionne Warwick being played. Again in my market in Detroit Sandy had the most played version of the song. Her next song Girl Don't Come was also well received in my area. You to have people like me who were actually there at the time keep the record straight because things get reported wrong often in the retelling of events. You also can't just go by total record sales of Billboard or such. They don't accurately reflect individual markets and what goes on in them. Yet those are often the sources consulted in the retelling so you ended up with a misrepresentation of how things really were. You need to always consider the reporter and how they gathered their information before accepting it as fact. Most are just trying to make a "Quick Buck" so not much effort was made to be completely accurate.