I cant say exactly the specific chemicals he is using but i would take a gander it is a silver or iodine solution of some measure. What it appears is going on is a reversal of the last steps of print making. When a traditional print is made light is shone on photographic paper, it is then dipped in developer chemical (this makes an image appear on the white paper), then a stop bath as its called to halt the development process to stop the image from getting too dark. lastly the fixer solution to stop all chemical processes prior to rinsing the print. This restoration process looks like it reverses the development, then he reactivates the chemicals of the paper with the light and then redoes the development, back in developer, then stop bath finally fixer before he rinses it to dry. I believe this is a latent image restoration. In other words the image was always on the paper, but time and light exposure faded the contrast away. His process reset and redeveloped the image as it was when it was new. Photography with classic chemical process was an exciting time of my life. The chemistry of it all almost seems magic.
@wranglers29 жыл бұрын
Madison Ulmer I know the first chemical he mixed was KMnO4, potassium permanganate. Now sure what else he added to it however.
@GYYYO5 жыл бұрын
Madison Ulmer - He was granted a patent for his process, but it’s impossible to teach his technique because the amount of time he soaks the photos in various solutions can only be determined based on his experience.