Woodlands & Trees of the New Forest. Pt1.

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Jim Holden

Jim Holden

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I've always felt that you have to walk through an area before you can say you truly know it. Better still, spend the night there as well.
So a big walk was planned over two days. 1, to know the New Forest better and 2 to check out how our ancient trees and woodlands are doing, or if I could even find them with the ever expanding pine plantations.
After reading up on forest law and it's origins, one name kept coming up. William the Conqueror the first Norman king who took ownership of this area, naming it his Nova Foresta (New Forest) banning the locals from hunting, collecting fire wood etc. Basic survival. They either moved out or faced harsh punishment for any of the above crimes against the king. This for me is the very real story of the hooded robber, Robin Hood. In order to survive they would go deep into the woodlands and live stealth, enacting revenge whenever possible. Story's like these filled my imagination throughout this walk.
My two day exploration started at the Rufus stone, the place made famous back on the 2nd August 1100. William the second was shot here and killed instantly when an arrow shot at a stag by his hunting partner, glanced off an old Oak tree hitting him smack bang in the middle of his chest . Was it an accident or was his partner an assassin? I tend to believe the latter as he wasn't a popular king, continuing the harsh laws on the locals like his father before him. His younger brother Henry was suspected of instigating the murder to claim the throne and become Henry 1st the third Norman king of England. He wasn't perfect in any stretch of the imagination but he drafted legislation to protect the people from tyrants like his brother and father so he gets my vote. Less than a century later the Magna Carter was signed into act and it was down to him.
Day one was an unbelievable joy, I was there to find the trees but the wildlife took centre stage. My first ever Siskin was spotted bathing in the river, I thought it was a budgie but it's beak was straight. Then a king fisher landed on a branch right in front of me before diving into the water, coming out with a minnow in it's beak. For me, this magical moment will take some beating. Luckily my camera was rolling, I was watching a squirrel when the king of fishers landed but by the time my lens focused he had dropped, rising out of the river with the sun on it's turquoise feathers, flicking droplets of water away before landing on the same branch. It's no wonder woodland folk believed in fairy's. I was transfixed. This was a purple patch for sure as moments later some people scared two deer through the same bit of river and they came my way, again I had the camera rolling. Normally it's there back end you see but they felt safe enough to walk within a few feet of me and like the magic KF, caught it all on camera.
My progress was slow, only covering eight miles in about twelve hours, but it really didn't matter, it would be day two when my feet, legs, and back would feel it while still trying to complete the planned circular. For now it was magical in the moment stuff and I was back in the zone. That place were the mind is still and I was noticing everything. Almost like nature was happening on cue, only too pleased to be filmed and take part in this adventure. Or maybe I was just enchanted, resonating on the woodland frequency. Whatever it was, it lasted well into the edit. Just had to do this wonderful woodland justice.
The plan was to camp at one of Williams old hunting lodges, well the remains of it, and although it seemed the perfect spot to watch the sun go down the lack of water forced my decision to crack on to a beautiful little river on the edge of a big old plantation. My first wild camp since Dartmoor last Feb 2020. The most peaceful night ever, one moment I was watching the last rays of the sun before she dropped over the horizon, tent door open cameras and gear still outside and the next it was absolutely pitch black and well after midnight. I was done in, and missed dinner, so a midnight feast, and that wonderful feeling of being out the box.
Music: www.purple-pla...

Пікірлер: 110
@charliebryce3783 2 жыл бұрын
I am currently recovering from cancer and can only shuffle around at the moment. So instead of putting on the news in the morning, I put your channel on for an immediate moral booster🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍 I love how you tie in the his history and archaeology to the landscapes you are walking in.
@stephennelson444 3 жыл бұрын
Another joyful 40 minutes, thanks Jim. Watching is like being there, listening is like being invited along.
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Bless you Stephen, validation for sure mate. Thank you for watching.
@LivingNaturallyLovingLife 3 жыл бұрын
That Kingfisher, Wren and those deer - this is what life is all about, long live the oak providing shelter and sustenance to man and beast. Many blessings Jim and thank you for sharing your journey. Niki ❤
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
That was the purple patch on day one for sure. All within twenty minutes or so. Just goes to show that our woodlands are doing Okay, teaming with life despite the systematic destruction for decades, nay.. centuries and that is what I needed to find. Nature in all her glory and completely ignoring my humanness gently watching from under the Oak. That's how I felt as I left that magic woodland, almost like I'd been accepted as a woodland creature, part of it in some way. Such a beautiful energy was found there, a complete return to the heart, just wish I could hold on to it for longer but it's real and where we all belong. Part two is almost done and will be uploaded at the weekend, hope you can join me, can't promise another King Fisher but day two was just as magical in it's own way. Many thanks Niki not only for watching but for your words also.
@LivingNaturallyLovingLife 3 жыл бұрын
@@JimHolden I wholeheartedly get this about you becoming part of the woodland clan. Due to the advance of development and the rape of the countryside in the name of development, monoculture and so called progression, you'll also be aware that most of society has sadly become increasingly disconnected from the land, be it woodland, dale or meadow and thus not kindred with their own genetic and cultural roots. All connection comes from the landscape, this is what gives a culture its authenticity and beauty. Disconnected populations can only experience an artificial, manufactured set-up - full of contradictions, conflicts and ugliness, much of what is apparent this very day. As you are an enlightened soul who's journey is enriched in simplicity, you know true beauty and it's tangible with each moment spent in nature. Blessings my friend, I'm looking forward to the next instalment. Your videos reaffirm what we can all be part of if we choose to be, if we only open the door and move our thoughts away from the demon in the corner (TV). *I don't own a TV* :-)
@scottroberts7875 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks again Jim,for this magnificent trail talk,i left a reply in your response page,ATVB my friend 🌳🌳🌳
@andycoombes161 3 жыл бұрын
Fantastic to see you back again Jim. The New Forest is an amazing place and your love for it is so evident. Great viewing :)
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Andy, kinda took it for granted in the past but certainly seeing it with different eyes now. I felt truly blessed to see the beauty of the wild life down there and of course the wonderful trees. Cheers mate.
@signchap 3 жыл бұрын
So glad you're back Jim, and on top form. It's always a joy to catch up with your adventures.
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you my friend, my mojo is back and hopefully back for good now that things are getting back to some sort of normal. This walk was the most special ever, not just for the scenery or the wild life but because for the first time in months my head was clear enough to really see it, to feel it. Such a buzz. Cheers mate.
@sarahblakemore2559 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for another amazing video Jim. You have really captured the atmosphere of the Forest and its wildlife, it made me wish I was there. And the personality of those amazing ancient trees....! Their age puts our brief human lives into perspective as being so much shorter, but with the capacity to wreck the environment long term for everything else. A power us humans probably do not deserve the power to have. Looking forward to part 2.
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Evening Sarah, and thank you for your wonderful comment. Yes it makes you think, for sure. Seeing nature in all it's glory despite all the destruction that has gone on for centuries. Truly humbling to be in the presence of these great trees and the biggest, oldest trees are in pt2. One of them in particular moved me so much, almost couldn't talk on camera but you will have to wait for pt2 to understand what I'm on about. Thanks again.
@CyclingSteve 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Jim, your adventures are always wonderful and inspiring. Thank you for bringing us along, this was just what I needed.
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Steve, not only for watching and commenting but for being here as well, my wonderful friends on YT are what really matter. Cheers mate.
@PaulOutdoors 3 жыл бұрын
This Jim is a masterpiece from start to finish. So many highlights, so many golden nuggets gifted to us that go hand in hand with the historical references that you skillfully weave in to this creative work of art. I do not have the words to adequately describe, to do the feelings justice that this invokes in me. Watching, listening, sensing is almost akin to being right there with you such is your Infectious and inspirational love of being out in nature. Nature is indeed the antidote my friend. A pleasure to wander with you and thank you for being the inspiration that you are Jim. Paul 😊
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Morning Paul, and thank you for such a great comment. In many ways this felt like a fail for me, I was trying to build a narrative around servitude and woodland law after the Norman invasion. The cruel act of banning the locals from hunting and foraging. I can't imagine how they would have survived but this is where the story of Robin Hood comes from, this period of history and the harsh treatment from our new Norman owners. Walking in there footsteps and imagining the landscape as it would have been a thousand years ago. Dense woodlands that went on and on, full of resources to support life. I set out on this walk with a sense of outrage, and I was ready to talk about it. But within the first mile or so my outrage softened and I was left in awe of the beauty that I found. The weather was perfect and it seemed like all the wildlife was out to play, now I felt better. "Maybe I'll just do a woodland vid after all then" So the rest of the walk was absolutely in the moment stuff. I did try again during the edit, but the narrative wasn't working so let it go. I don't accept our history Paul, a history of Kings and Queens with there foot on the neck of the people. We should be thriving by now, living in harmony with each other and with nature, but we are struggling, most still in poverty and paying the man for the privilege of living on his land. This is our world, it's our birth right to live in peace and freedom in the pursuit of happiness and I have a strong belief and faith that things are gonna change. Anyway rant over. Thanks Paul mate really appreciate you being here.
@andybennett3122 3 жыл бұрын
So relaxing to watch Jim. I've a job interview on Wednesday and watching this chilled me right out and put things into perspective. As all your videos do to be honest! You're a top bloke. Thanks for putting the effort in with making your films. Bloody brilliant!
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Andy, really appreciate it mate, and good luck for Wednesday, hope that goes well for you. I get as much joy out of making the vids as I do out on the trail, a real labour of love. As far as hobbies go I don't think it could be beaten, but the real quality comes when sat under a big old tree and the birds start ignoring you, just getting on with it real close. I had so many wonderful moments on this walk, way too many to fit into one video. Pt2 will be up in a week or two hope you get a chance to watch Andy. Cheers mate.
@richardhunt7582 3 жыл бұрын
A positive and uplifting film , thanks for sharing it
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Richard, really appreciate it mate.
@timoytickets7700 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful video Jim, and the camera work revealing the scenery and wildlife is absolutely second to none. So great you're getting out more. Been a subscriber for a while now and I know how difficult these times must be for you, like all of us who care for the planet. Those trees are like something from a ski-fi film--only a hundred times better!! Stay safe matey and keep enjoying your explorations!
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Yes it's been a bit of a challenge over the past year for sure, but slowly getting back to some sort of normal again now. My last upload, well the response to it, is what truly inspired this walk. Without you guys there wouldn't be much point to taking the cameras out with me. I was blown away by all the encouragement to keep going. I really did feel like it was over, but I'm through that now and will be forever thankful to each and every one who watches and comments. Inspiration works both ways so thank you for watching, commenting and for being here.
@Noggin60 3 жыл бұрын
Not enough time in one life to see the beutiful things in life, Jim, having lived in the "Forest" all my life i'm still discovering places and things to see and love. Thank you for your beutifully filmed videos
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
I went wrong a couple of times on day two, maybe wrong isn't the right word as I discovered new woodlands that I never thought to look at. Bratley wood and Inclosure some fine old trees there, proper blew me away. The sound of a Cuckoo all the way through. South Oakley Inclosure, wonderful...some big old Beach trees in there. But this walk was a lesson for me, it's big and beautiful and full of surprises. Thank you for watching and for your words.
@malcolmcoward7480 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jim, that was magnificent. So glad you have reappeared. It's a mystery to me that your style has not been picked up by one of the networks. So informative and relaxing. Well done mate, keep it up.
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Malcolm, really kind words sir. I just love getting out and love making the vids and appreciate every single person that watches. I'll keep doing it as long as I'm able, thanks again mate.
@joncadman4935 3 жыл бұрын
Oh Jim, you've just brightened these current dark and miserable Spring days, looking forward to settling down this evening with a brew to let it all soak in, the write up & introduction paint a wonderful picture, thanks as always Jim, stay safe my friend
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
It's been awful Jon, never known a spring like it. I hate to see the blossoms blowing down the road and seeing all the birds struggling. Should be the most optimistic time of year but it feels more like October. Thankfully the weather was perfect for this outing and it was magical mate. This is only day one of a two day trip, just working on pt2 now and I'm planning a coastal path walk in a few weeks so all good moving forward. Hope you are well my friend and I'll speak again soon.
@countbasingstoke 3 жыл бұрын
I found your vids last year. I was a bit depressed with everything…… and saw your favourite Hampshire hills video. Thank you you made me see the beauty that was around me. I have since enjoyed plenty time walking around Hampshire. From Hurst Castle to Keyhaven and the circular sea wall walk. To Bokderwood enclosure. Just a little 6 miler circular walk. The nature is amazing especially when you walk and suddenly stand still. My ears ring and you suddenly become very aware of what’s around you :-)))). Even the ant hills are a treat to see. One thing I do agree with what you said. We also found spring felt like it was 3 weeks late this year. Glad I wasn’t the only one who thought that. Well I am awaiting my first pair of walking boots. ( at the ripe old age of 48:-)). Never to old to start heh :-). Thank you again Sir. Do stay safe. You are doing us a service with your positive out look on life. :-)
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, really appreciate your comment, and sorry to hear of your depression last year. We all felt it, I was devastated at first with not being able to get out and about. Pouring myself into work, thinking that was the solution but another trap that only served to run me down physically, emotionally as well as spiritually. It was only earlier this year when I managed to get out again and like you say, standing still just listening and feeling nature all around that I started to feel better. Now I feel great again, work life balance is sorted and my essential time outdoors is a major part of my life again. We need to hear the birds sing in the morning and to explore the world around us. Hope the boots fit well mate and you get lots of use out of them. Thanks again and take care.
@BrianParkes 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks, I always like to watch your videos to get inspiration and help plan for myself. Always useful when you show the map! My eldest (16) and I did the Hangars way walk last year and they have volunteered to come on another this year. Brings us closer together as well as closer to nature, thank you. They are a little autistic and being able to see what to expect beforehand helps both them and I process before we get there. Also, funny how I can't watch the latest blockbuster without browsing my phone at the same time but your videos get my full attention!
@dirtyronald 3 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to part 2 👍🏻
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Hope to upload it next week, thanks for watching Mizzly.
@stevo728822 3 жыл бұрын
I spent an afternoon wandering through the forest on the Burley side. Got followed by a Chaffinch and played who blinks first with a deer. The roads through the New Forest originate from the days when they were cut to haul smuggling wagons up country from Christchurch and Lymington. A lady used to sit on her horse on a hill as a lookout for the Revenue officers. If she saw them coming she would put on a red cape to warn the smugglers. Though there's no mention of it in Burley, there was a big horse mounted battle between smugglers and revenue officers outside the Queens Head. The pubs of the forest were also the drinking grounds of actor Oliver Reed.
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
That's interesting Stevo. I'm sure back then they could have stayed hidden deep in the woods, safe from the revenue officers but would have been vulnerable once on the move. So much history down the forest, from every period going back to Bronze age times right up to the twenty first century. I'm loving exploring the area and look forward to getting back for another camp some time. Maybe I'll wait now until the Autumn comes, beautiful down there when the colour changes. Thanks mate.
@hereisthenews7793 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful, Jim. Those Ancient trees I could look at all day. As you like to say, just watching that gave me 'goose flesh!' Good to see you out again, and slowly things are starting to get back to some normality. Hope you can get out over the next few months. Take care mate. :)
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
I'd forgotten that wonderful feeling of freedom that comes with carrying a pack, and a couple of days to explore. Certainly came back big time on this walk. Just goes to show, I don't need to chase around the country looking for something that's right on my door step. Part 2 there are some big old trees, day one I'd say was about this magic woodland but the Forest opened up on day two...very different vibe with lot's more wild life and fabulous trees. Yes slowly but surely things are drifting in the right direction and yes I have some plans to travel soon. Thanks as always for watching my friend.
@sevrin1965 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful Jim, absolutely stunning, love the new forest, its truly magical, looking forward to pt2, best Sev ;-)
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Sev, yes the New Forest is a wonderful National park and is probably down the pecking order as far as NP's go but it's fast becoming my favourite. You can walk for miles without seeing a soul, as most stick close to the path but with complete open access lots of very remote areas can be found, and with it a sense of adventure. Cheers mate.
@parkourpeter112 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for another beautiful video. Its so lovely to see you’re out there enjoying our wonderful countryside once again. I’ve missed your videos !
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve missed doing them as well, so I won’t be leaving it ten months again that’s for sure. Really appreciate you watching. Thank you.
@tonycurrie5009 3 жыл бұрын
Great to see you back mate. You're been missed. I was only telling my mate the other day about your vids. 👊🏼❤️🤝
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Hiya Tony, it's good to be back mate. After the last upload and the fantastic response I couldn't wait to get back down the Forest, this time with the tent. My first wild camp down there and my first for almost 18months. How time flies but I'm back in the groove now and planning more outings. Cheers mate.
@tonycurrie5009 3 жыл бұрын
@@JimHolden brilliant great to see your vids back on KZbin. 5🌟 ❤️👊🏼
@LivingNaturallyLovingLife 3 жыл бұрын
Oh Jim we've missed you and your videos! I'm so excited I'm commenting before I've even seen the film! When you're on our screen - all is right with the world. Niki.
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Niki, can't tell you what that means to me.
@grantswheelstohills 3 жыл бұрын
As always Jim, fantastic. What a glorious day for a walk. Looking forward to part 2. Atb Grant.
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Hiya Grant, it was such a perfect day for a walk. To be out from sunrise to sunset does something to the soul, a proper tonic for sure. Pt2 will be ready next week. Thanks mate.
@nevadastars 3 жыл бұрын
Fantastic , if only the trees could talk . Batteries recharged , cheers .
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
I did hear once that if you sit quiet under a tree and meditate, the tree will sing to you. I know...it sounds bonkers but the story goes on to say that if you don't like the song or it freaks you out then the tree changes the tune to suite. I love story's like. Thanks mate.
@petebirchall4936 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing video, truly magical and beautiful. Definitely inspiring! I might find myself exploring the New Forest fairly soon. Leaving no trace of course! Can't wait for part 2..
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Hiya Pete and thank you my friend, the New Forest is a really special park, unlike all the others as you really could walk and explore for hours without seeing a soul. My way is off the main paths as that is were you see the wildlife, and you have it all to your self. Cheers Pete.
@wideawake2759 3 жыл бұрын
Big Jim thanks 🙏 again for another historic learning experience for myself and I’m sure others too 👍🏻👍🏻 Total legend mate ♥️
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you my friend, good to be back and good to get out again. Just working on part two as I write but won't upload for a week or two. It really clicked into gear for me on this walk, I see now when it all went wrong in the world. 1066 and England enslaved for the first time since the Romans left but this time they stayed. Part2 I kinda do a rant but like I've said before, got to be careful on here what I say. Better to do the history and let folk see it for themselves. Thanks again mate, freedom is close. The age of Kings and Queens is over.
@wideawake2759 3 жыл бұрын
Jim Holden can’t wait to see the back of them 👑 Hope the give all the land back when the do too Broke my heart in part 1 hearing about all them trees destroyed. And for what ... another needless war Hundreds of years to grow and minutes to destroy 🌳 🌲 Peace my friend and keep hugging them beauty’s ... i do 👍🏻👍🏻
@philotoole4323 3 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to part two Jim. Keep up the good work!
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Almost done with the edit for pt2 so should be up soon. Thanks for watching Phil.
@alanwetherelt7155 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful Jim .. Oozes with joy
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Hiya Alan, just what the Dr ordered, a pure tonic for the soul and the vibe lasted for weeks after. Just got to get back out again now, proper got my Mojo back. Thanks mate.
@StansOutdoorAdventures 3 жыл бұрын
Fantastic Jim. Hope your well. I'm sitting watching this while eating dinner at work!. I'm taking my lad camping down at Holmsley in the forest in a few days.
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
All good here Craig, thanks. Not good working on a Sunday my friend and I hope the weather picks up for you and your lad. Tuesday onwards is supposed to be good. Fingers crossed. Cheers mate.
@StansOutdoorAdventures 3 жыл бұрын
Cheers Jim yes we're hoping for a few days of sunshine. We're in a Naturehike cloudpeak 2 so it's right back to basics haha. Glad your planning more trips out..I love your videos 👌👍
@StansOutdoorAdventures 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Jim, hope you're well. I hope you and the family have come through covid okay. I've had to start revisiting your videos especially as spring is nearly upon us. They are such a beautiful work of art along with the music. I'm looking forward to 3 weeks on the south coast again soon, close to Mudeford in early May. Are you planning any new videos?
@wideawake2759 3 жыл бұрын
To get to see a flash of a kingfisher is a amazing feeling and it only happens when I am away with the fairies 🧚‍♀️ 😂 but to see footage like you have there was remarkable. I would like to think he gave you the time to film him there on that tree He knew you would appreciate that 😊
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
I found out on this walk that being away with the fairies is were it's at. My clumsy camera work nearly ruined the moment, but yes he stayed just long enough for a proper glimpse, totally took my breath away...pure magic moment that I'll never forget.
@wideawake2759 3 жыл бұрын
Jim Holden well I’ve never even heard of a Siskin till now 😳 but that was a lovely moment the Siskin was bathing and then floating of so blissfully See ya in part2 Big man 👍🏻👍🏻
@paulchearman6261 3 жыл бұрын
stunning wander, i am so guilty of neglecting the New Forest even though its on my doorstep
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Oh Paul I was the same mate. Until the lock down it just felt too close, not adventurous enough but I was wrong. I'm finding it stunningly beautiful, such a surprise as like you it's only twenty minutes down the road and mate it has saved me, saved my sanity. Being able to lose myself and embrace the beauty and history has been a joy. Thanks mate.
@RobertsBulgaria 3 жыл бұрын
YOU just keep raising the bar. Content 10/10, Editing 10/10, Music 10/10 Enthusiasm (as usual) 10/20. 👍
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Evening Robert, not sure what it was about this walk, but I ended up with twice as much footage as I normally do. Mostly good stuff as well. I've always thought "film as much as I can to have more options through the edit" but the slow pace, just chilling under a tree approach is different to hiking the trail. I really liked it and will probably do this sort of walk again. The edit went really well because of that, although more options can in it's self be a problem as the first run was well over an hour long so a need to be brutal and chop it up, maybe it should have been even shorter as I know that my longer vids don't get the same views but I try to avoid the numbers game and just make the vid how I like it. It was a buzz from the moment I pulled on the massively heavy pack to uploading the other day, and to be fair I'm still there as pt2 is still being made, and I may just go for another big old 40-45 minutes, I have loads of footage left., but day two I was proper done in, a result of the weight I was carrying. I've done it before, but I never learn and will no doubt do it again. So want to get that across. I think what I'm trying to say here is thank you Robert for your very generous score, really appreciate it mate, now I'll shut up. Cheers my friend.
@RobertsBulgaria 3 жыл бұрын
@@JimHolden I can understand that - perhaps try doing some shorter interim videos of the content you missed/edited out - it could be one tree, one sky, one bird etc. Just upload it and see what response it gets. The content is really good and you can't please all of the people all of the time, just call it your favourite edited out moments Part One - Two etc. and share it. I bet the KZbin Logarithm and your loyal followers will love it. 😉
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
@@RobertsBulgaria Morning Robert, I thought about what you said last night and I'm probably going to carry on doing it this way. My kids set up instagram a couple of years ago, and urged me to post at least once twice a week, the account is still set up, but I can't get on with all that. I know self promotion works as I've watched other channels do really well going down that route. But when I started this YT I was given advise about only making short punchy vids with a big laugh at the end or nobody will watch. Me being me I thought sod that I'll make long sprawling vids that tell the story of the adventure and see how it goes. At the end of the day it's about contact with like minded people, and there are many on here that get it and enjoy the longer vids. So it's really not a numbers thing, or a right here right now thing. I like to think that my grandchildren will show there children the vids and show them what a nutter there grandad was. That makes more sense to me and that's where the real motivation comes from. Always appreciate and respect your advice Robert. Thanks mate.
@stevecedwards5393 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Jim nice to see you back again and with another great video loved it thank you so much really enjoyed it be safe mate 👍
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Hiya Steve mate, so good to be back out and making these videos again. Proper missed it over the last year but I aint gonna miss any more. Got pt2 to upload in a week or two then I'm out again, can't wait Steve. Thanks for watching my friend really appreciate it.
@stevecedwards5393 3 жыл бұрын
@@JimHolden thank you Jim for sharing your films with us can’t wait for part 2 glad your not gonna stop making them cos you would be missed...thank you mate
@asaandthemarchharepart267 3 жыл бұрын
Brilliant one JIM. Absolutely fantastic. Have to watch it again later. Sat on Dartmoor at the moment in one hell of a storm haha.
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
O Asa my friend you make me laugh, I just got the image of you being blown about. Take care out there and I'll see you soon mate.
@LowPlainsDrifter60 3 жыл бұрын
I have wild camped a few times in the New Forest back in the 80s, it was forbidden but I didn't have any problems. It is one of the rare places in England where you can really get away from people, should you wish to. The New Forest has surely changed since the time of William the Bastard.
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
I noticed that myself on this walk, most just stick to the path either on bikes or on foot but I kinda like to get off the path and explore, and it doesn't take long before you get that alone feeling, alone with nature. This New Forest has been a revelation to me over the past few months. In the past it was somewhere we would bring the kids for a few hours to play in the river on a Sunday afternoon. Never thought of it as wilderness, but it's a unique area of wilderness with a very colourful history and quickly becoming my favourite national park. I intend to explore much more and wild camp again. Thanks for watching my friend.
@Linleys 3 жыл бұрын
What a stunning location. Lovely old trees. Your video was just so good to watch. Thank you for this one. Looking forward to part 2. Take care, W :)
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
If day one was about the magic woodland and the birds, I'd say day two was about the trees. Some big old trees, open heath with lots of deer and yes more birds. A different vibe but beautiful all the same. Thanks for watching my friend.
@scottroberts7875 3 жыл бұрын
Fantastic Jim, Fantastic, will watch again later,👍⛰️🌳🌳🪵 speak then my friend, Scott Somerset
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Scott, speak to you later mate.
@scottroberts7875 3 жыл бұрын
@@JimHolden Dawn in the New forest ,where Oaken giants support the sky, and Blackbirds forage upon a carpet of verdant green. Hawthorn blossom contrasts against timeless fissured barks. glistening golden cobbles sparkle in the brook. A flash of azure blue and a chest of crimson upon an enchanted flight. And a piebald pony stands amongst the contoured twisted timeless kings... Our kind of Royalty Jim,, Thank you my friend for this magical walk in a beautiful land.. ATVB. Speak soon. Scott Somerset
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
@@scottroberts7875 Fantastic verse Scott, and spot on. The words describe day one perfectly, thank you mate...made my day that. Always great to hear from you my friend, it seems we are on the same page with most things, our kind of royalty for sure. cheers mate, speak again soon.
@scottroberts7875 3 жыл бұрын
@@JimHolden thanks for the kind words Jim ATVB my friend
@jonm4989 3 жыл бұрын
Great video Jim, very informative and a lovely chilled vibe.
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jon, it will live long in my memory as the magic woodland. All the best mate.
@jonm4989 3 жыл бұрын
@@JimHolden great to see you back Jim. Your enthusiasm is contagious.
@WyeExplorer 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Jim, I commented a few days back but it's gone so I'll try again. Darn it was a good comment to. I'll just say simply fantastic - enjoyed every moment of your forest adventure. Good to see you out. Mark
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Mark, I was gutted when I couldn’t open it, I could only read a line or two about the trees in the Wye then nothing. Really appreciate you coming back mate and for watching and yes a fantastic walk and again thought of you and Paul when the king fisher appeared. First time I’d seen one close up, normally it’s just a flash of colour and gone. Thanks again Mark.
@boydray1816 3 жыл бұрын
Very very nice Jim.
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Boyd, hope you can watch pt2 mate as well. Very different vibe, much more open in the south of the forest and the trees are absolute giants, some are old friends but most I've never seen before. Cheers mate.
@time_and_tide 3 жыл бұрын
Brilliant again Jim, where did those 40 minutes go? Enjoyed every minute. Perfect blend of history, wildlife and being at one with nature can’t wait for pt 2 :)
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you JW, music to my ears that. I give myself a bit of a hard time about the length of vid sometimes. But, all I wanted to do with this channel at the beginning was record my walks and put them out there, and I'll stick to my guns as well but, I do get advised to shorten them so as to reach a bigger audience. So thanks again my friend and pt2 is up, not live until the weekend but ready to go.
@time_and_tide 3 жыл бұрын
@@JimHolden that’s strange because I prefer the longer videos, gives you more chance to absorb the area you are exploring! Thanks again for making them Jim, I’d imagine it must take a long time to create and edit videos like this. Can’t wait for pt 2!
@Extased 3 жыл бұрын
Another great video
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Andrew, pt2, will be up on Friday. Cheers mate.
@Extased 3 жыл бұрын
@@JimHolden look forward to seeing that Jim
@tonycurrie5009 3 жыл бұрын
Lol not watched it yet... 💪👌
@StansOutdoorAdventures 6 ай бұрын
Hi Jim, once again hope you're well 👍 Nearly that time of year again. I'll be back in the New Forest in late April early May. Want to do the Solent Way this year too. Have you got anything planned for spring yet?
@ianjeffery3812 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Jim next time don't get Woody Woodpecker to read your map I couldn't understand a word he said. Keep up the good work see you soon.
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Hiya Ian, I've never really liked doing the old map reading on camera. For me it can ruin the vibe. But it's good to show the route, some like to know but I do talk a bit fast sometimes, just want to get through it. Thanks mate, hope you can watch pt2 when uploaded. Some big old trees in the south of the forest.
@GreyGhost. 3 жыл бұрын
STUNNING upload, even by your standards mate, cheers. Ps. If you haven't read ' The Old Ways' by Robert MacFarlane or 'Waterlog' by Geoffrey Deakin ...... PLEASE check them out. Thanks for a wicked channel, regards from Newquay.
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Paul, this truly has been a labour of love over the past couple of weeks, it felt like I could glimpse perfection on this walk. Hard to explain but a very real feeling of connection. Impossible to convey through a camera but wanted to try. I've just googled both books and will get them, just my thing that. Thanks Paul, there is a FB group called Mountains of the mind I was wondering if Robert MacFarlane had anything to do with it, or maybe they just used the term. Send my love to Newquay, missing the beautiful west country. Cheers mate.
@GreyGhost. 3 жыл бұрын
@@JimHolden You will FALL in love with BOTH books mate .. thanks so much for a terrific channel.
@GreyGhost. 3 жыл бұрын
PS, MacFarlane and Deakin were great mates.
@countbasingstoke 3 жыл бұрын
Oh ps. Sorry. I took some video of my walk in the forest on my channel. I’d be honoured if you’d have a look. I have a question. I filmed some trees in new forest. And some had these strange line on ground below them. Do you know what they are? Perhaps drainage?
@JimHolden 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds like drainage ditches for sure but you never know. So much has gone on down the forest over the decades, lots of stuff during both wars as well. My brothers eldest son found a full belt of bullets down there (mid nineties) and they were a good six inch bullet. I have no doubt there will still be much to find down there if one set out with such a thing in mind. I'll pop over and check your vid out. Cheers mate.
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