可能有人唔鍾意金句,不過依句都有意思 All war is a symptom of failure as a thinking animal D人就係唔再諗點自救,想判個問題比其他人,當其他人都唔諗點救,其他人就會嘗試判番比問題製造者。 結果源頭製造者(無腦巨人)同無產階級(調查兵團)就會有衝突,於是戰爭。 我只係想知究竟係調查兵團分哂D資源,定係搵艾倫為無腦巨人裝番個大腦,經營D回收處理設施。
@hoyinching931310 ай бұрын
如果每個人價值就不同,接受社會極端,後果就係正常人又好相對接受無腦巨人及想改變命運的調查兵團。 無神論者/讀書人就會有行動,實行“god you have to do something to prevent the class struggle”😅
perhaps what he meant isn't that relativism is completely utterly trash, but that he often finds that people are using relativism as a defence mechanism for their lack of thinking but rather come into a conclusion based on feelings, the main character here is not even relativism, but relativism as an example of people succumbing to emotional arguments than logically sound arguments and so he advocates for making logical arguments and admit if one is wrong than to deny thinking and become anti-intellectual in short: make logically sound arguments, and reflect if you are wrong
@realgrandpatsang245210 ай бұрын
@@91722854 thanks for your explanation, makes sense to me