覺得說仔話討論電車難題冇意思 因為道德嘅價值在於實踐呢個諗法幾好。近排做咗份assignment探討正義戰爭理論喺以巴戰爭嘅應用,其實寫到最後你會發現正義根本唔存在,甚至一啲道德原則係可以俾人挪用實現自己嘅利益。所以我結論只能話要分邊個啱定錯根本冇可能,而戰後所謂嘅正義實踐亦都受制於戰勝國同其他強國。There is no justice, only a tapestry of narratives and interpretations. 冇嘅,當了解吓個現實世界係點運作咯 (btw新年快樂 祝說仔大病初癒 龍年行大運😂🥳)
我之前解过电车难题,要点系: a. 1个人既价值无法与5个人既价值做比较,反之亦然 b. 人在扳扳手之前必然已经决定好舍弃既系那一边 c. 道德从未就舍弃1人还是5人达成基本共识,所以舍弃1人还是舍弃5人在道德上都无罪,道德上无罪法律上亦必然无罪。 d. 主视角只要跟随自己的自由意志去决定舍1或者舍5,就无罪
we, living in a society full of material enjoyment in exploitation of the poor and even children (think Fujicon and Iphone), the distance this creates also make us feel not so responsible for their suffering, living day to day, thinking we never shot a person to death, stabbed a person, push someone into a volcano etc, but actually we are all killers, moral relativists