哈哈,新加坡我还是有点发言权的,必须赞👍🏻儿子昨天第一天去营地,开始他的两年兵役生活,开始还有点担心,昨天先生发了宿舍以及营地环境的视频给我,床垫枕头全新而且是品质好的那种,说是让孩子们可以好好睡觉😊生活、训练的东西一应俱全,每天规定孩子们一定要打电话给家人😊儿子留言给我说:Mom, I'm doing fine right now❤
China is wonderful. No country is perfect. Thank you for this video. I wish my country is much bigger and our weather is better. Thank you for speaking up for Singapore
Thank you for always supporting Singapore in your video. China is also great. Stronger and bigger than Singapore. Singapore is never match with China. We just have to be humble. Learn from other countries and be better.😊
Do not hold back when you think the Chinese characters in the newsletter is an error. Point them out and don't undermine your learning. Because in SG, our Chinese language taught in school, is getting from bad, worse to worst. Young children in SG .are very ignorant when come to Chinese characters. They refused to recognise or learn the character even with the help of han yu pinyin. I have noticed this for many years, is very heart broken. I am a English educated but love to speak Mandarin, so is very sad that should one day the language will be forgotten. Back then we have English and Chinese school/class. Obviously, I'm from English class in a Chinese school. That how MOE works, back then. A lot of complications. Very upsetting........Right now😢