I hear what you're saying. I kind of think listening is more difficult than speaking. I want to take more advantage of your video. I've got to make a effort.
Hi, Yumi, I''m Shiro. As you say, Listening is harder than saying something.I also noticed about that before.Maybe I'm also an intermediate or an advanced class student. Recently,Listening to what a native speaker says is too difficult. I noticed, I can't do that correctly soon still now.
リスニングしてると短い単語を固まりで言われると全然わからなくなります。 that is just a ~ みたいなフレーズを一瞬で言われると今、何言ったの?となります。 なんていうか機能語がまとまってる状態というか。 自分で真似して慣れれば聞けるようになるんでしょうかね・・・ ネイティブはよくあれで聞き取れるなと思います。