I just started dating this guy 1.5 months and I made a mistake and let him stay over my place the second week we met. I was single for 3 yrs. I didn’t want to waste too much time because I wanted a kid. He was the first guy I found that I really liked. He love bombed me and I thought he really fell in love with me. Now I realize he didn’t love me after all. He kept telling me a lot of stuff and never makes it happen. I told him not to hang out with some of his bad friends but he hides himself from me and hangs out with them. So I stop talking to him the past 3 days and decides I didn’t want to continue with him. He also never planned to see me for last two wks. He was busy with his friends that came to visit from Ethiopia. I feel so bad I let him sleep with me after 3 yrs. Thank you for this info.