Yankee Stadium Special Edition Construction Time-Lapse

  Рет қаралды 104,257



5 жыл бұрын

EarthCam is celebrating 10 years in the new Yankee Stadium with a look back at the construction from 2007 to 2009. This special edition time-lapse features new, never-before-seen footage of the construction process. See the massive effort it took for Turner Construction Company to build one of the most iconic sports stadiums in the world, from the start of construction in 2007 to opening day in 2009.

Пікірлер: 54
@gomphrena-beautifulflower-8043 5 жыл бұрын
Wow. Just wow!
@TheWildChildJr 5 жыл бұрын
It's just amazing. Takes the breath from you to see how they can make projects on paper, turn into one of the most historic Stadiums in MLB to this day. Alls It takes is Wood, Concrete, Filler, Scaffling, and lots of brains and faith to put together this masterpiece.
@DavidElkind42 5 жыл бұрын
Hard to believe it's been 10 years. Time flies.
@MrEli-li1hp 5 жыл бұрын
I know, honestly I prefer the new stadium though
@travispassman8144 3 жыл бұрын
Before you know it, it'll be 20 years
@Cjga1114 2 жыл бұрын
Nothing will beat the old stadium! I’ve been to both!
@N-Scale 3 жыл бұрын
That stadium is so beautiful.
@Pippet 5 жыл бұрын
Just amazing
@averyandzane5013 4 жыл бұрын
Great video
@asyrafnukman1991 2 жыл бұрын
I like this music
@MrEli-li1hp 5 жыл бұрын
Been lookin for this! Yankees goin all the way this year! No-doubt!
@someshittomakeyouhappy 4 жыл бұрын
Doesnt ever seem like they will 😔
@benallen2196 Жыл бұрын
@@someshittomakeyouhappy Im starting to think they are cursed or something
@grizztough4091 3 жыл бұрын
Good stuff!
@manuelgrothe608 Жыл бұрын
Yankee Stadium should relocate to East Rutherfords, New Jersey at the Meadowlands
@Angelgreat 5 жыл бұрын
Do the Yankee Stadium Demoliton 10 year anniversary next!
@CycloneStorm 5 жыл бұрын
Can't believe it's already been 10 years
@goalhornstudios8426 5 жыл бұрын
Let’s hope Yankees win 2019 World Series
@MrEli-li1hp 5 жыл бұрын
They basically have some all stars having to sit the bench because of how good they are.
@someshittomakeyouhappy 4 жыл бұрын
@@MrEli-li1hp they were so great in 2019 eli
@jay.b.26 3 жыл бұрын
Probably one of the best stadiums in the mlb coming from a Red Sox fan
@IngolfTube 5 жыл бұрын
@niggy. 4 жыл бұрын
2020 yankee wit no brim
@AndrewRivFN 3 жыл бұрын
This is the House that Derek Jeter built.
@laquanny2009 5 жыл бұрын
Witnessed this stadium in 2018 there’s not a bad seat in that place !
@carolinajardim103 3 жыл бұрын
Honda Stadium Construction Time-lapse June 2010 August 2013
@eastythebeasty6757 2 жыл бұрын
Now it's 13 years In (2022)
@princeofdarknessxyz1 3 жыл бұрын
Do you have citi field?
@Biaxial 3 жыл бұрын
How many seats now
@WindomRettes 3 жыл бұрын
This ain't Yankee Stadium,Yankee Stadium was destroyed 10 years ago,this is Steinbrenner Field.Let's not forget it.
@davidwesley2525 Жыл бұрын
The House that RUTH Built Steinbrenner Destroyed. 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😭😭😭
@emperorbclarke7219 3 жыл бұрын
treatments empowered all over the globe, earth, land, sea and people. every Vibration. Vibrations only. .B.C. Empowered lists to add as time goes on to strengthen. .B.C.
@lenadams854 2 жыл бұрын
@acercade439 5 жыл бұрын
@lenadams854 2 жыл бұрын
u good?
@niggy. 4 жыл бұрын
@godbluffvdgg 7 күн бұрын
Compared to the modern builds...It pales in comparison...Our Citizens Bank Park, ain't much better...
@gordonharder5905 4 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry. Building a mini baseball stadium with major league field dimensions on the site of one of the best sports movies EVER is wrong. The ambience of a small town America and it's (forgotten) values will be tarnished all in the name of the almighty dollar. On August 13, 2020, unless Shoeless Joe Jackson is welcomed FINALLY into his rightful place alongside baseball's greats, I find this move by MLB to be totally disgusting!
@no.6freemasontigertomahawk963 3 жыл бұрын
私は、現在URに住んでおります。 私は、身体障害有り 「特に足の膝のじんたい断絶深刻」 Panasonicアシスト自転車を盗まれ   しばらく歩行 苦しさに下を見 動かない 女性「警察に電話したら?」 自転車の警視庁のステッカー思い出し 自転車屋にTEL 「買って一年間以内の保険があるから。」 110番に電話 私の住んでいるURにパトカー 警官2人到着 パトカーから一人降り もう一人の警官は、パトカーでURの端から端まで動き パトカーから大きな声で 「自転車は、ありませ----ん。」 と もう一人の警官に大きい声で伝え 私は、どう考えても自転車100台はある。と思った。 そして警官達と話し始めた。 「防犯登録番号はわかりますか?」 私「わかりません。」 警官がタブレットを出し 「住所は?」 「埼玉県越谷市千間台西3-3パークタウン13-402号」 警官 「埼玉県越谷市千間台西3-3-3」 =「越谷市千間台西3-3 パークタウン3」 と言いはじめたので 住所が違うと伝えようと言おうとしたら 「ちょっと待てっ!  あったぞ!」 そうするともう一人の警察官が 「あなたの部屋に泥棒が入ってます。402号室に一緒に行きます」 一緒に私の部屋の中に入り、  色々 部屋を見ながら 出してる紙とボールペン 椅子に座って  私に色々話かけ 書く素振りは、あったが何も書かず、 暫くして一緒に退出  もう一人の駐輪場いる警官と合流。 警官「自転車が分かったぞ!」 「赤と紫の自転車」 ? 「ネイビーブルーですが。。」 「住所  埼玉県越谷市千間台西3-3 パークタウン13 402です。」 UR! 埼玉県越谷市千間台西3-3 パークタウン3 ではない。ではない!! 時間をかけて押し問答。 警官が 「よし わかった。」 そして パトカーに乗り 交番まで行き 交番の中に一緒に入る。 警官が書類を出し 色々書き 私に 「右手の人差し指に この黒いインクを付け、  この書類のここに あなたの指紋を付けて 」 私が指紋を付け 全て終わった。 そして 警察官に 「紛失、盗難? 自転車屋に渡すための証明書を下さい。」 と言うと 警察官「ない」 何回言っても 警察官の返答  「ない」 ないの一点張り 交番から出され あれから俺、辛かった。 ・全て狂った。 全ての予定の事が全て出来ず、 ・自転車の移動手段無し  勿論 自転車に乗っての全ての事が出来ない。 ・外出の全て移動  部屋から階段降りて アシスト自転車で乗って動く  全てですから。 全ての仕事の事が出来なかった。 結果、酒を飲んでごまかすしか方法がなかった。 食料は、足と引きずりながら買い物をした。 自宅で出来る自営をしてた。 ・つまり 商売をはじめていた。 ・とゆうことは、 もう契約している会社方々の取引で↓ ・「持ち金は、自分の商売用のお金。」 ・「自転車購入の余裕のお金は、勿論無い。」 全て自分でやっていて そうすると 部屋にいつものインターホンが鳴る 配達業者が来た 「はーーーい」 と出ると 警察官だった。 警官  「すみません。ちょっと下まで来てもらえますか?」 私    「今? すぐにですか? 緊急ですか?」 警官  「はいっ」 私   「ちょっと待って下さい。 コンロの火を止めたり色々。」 換気扇、パソコン、電気などつけっぱなし。。。。 急いで 私は、 私   「はい、行きましょう。」 鍵だけ閉めて、 ・「部屋から出た時は、私は服、靴、鍵だけでした。」 そして 私は、パトカーに乗った。 着いたのが越谷市警察署だった。 そして 警官「こちらへ」 私は、二階の部屋に入れられた。 床は畳  三面 白い壁 一面だけ透明のアクリルの壁。 9時間以上中にいた。 警察官が現れたと思ったら 「こちらが保健所の職員の方です。」 部屋から出ると、 「保健所職員、警察官、私」 車に乗り みんなで移動。 車が駐車場に入った。エンジン止まった。 一緒に降りて ドアを開けて建物の中に入り  廊下を歩き 部屋に入り座る。 保健職員が私に話しかけたので 返答した瞬間に 警察官 「はいッ! 入院」 精神病院に強制入院決定だった。 長い入院生活  外部との連絡方法なし 長い入院生活で記憶にあるものは、 私が洗剤を飲んで苦しんだ事。 あとは、、、、 お腹がずーーと空いていた。  病院を退院して、  自宅に帰ったら 多額の負債 多額のお金がなくなり ・全ての取引先からのお断りの知らせ、  売買全滅。  ネットでのビジネスが全て不可能なった。 私が住んでいるURに見てた、聞いてた 証言者がいました。 子供達 大人の皆さん 多数になりそうです。 警察署へ書類を作成はじめようと。 ただコロナ患者が出たので時間が必要です。 この出来事を知ってたUR住民皆様  私に声をかけてくれた事  感謝   UR住民の証言をまとめて署に送る。 その前に皆様へ テレビ、SNS(スマホ、アプリ、パソコンでのコミュニケーションツール)、 記者、メディア、新聞社、政治家、団体、友達、知り合い、家族に 伝えて 事実です。 どうなるんだろうな~? ・私は、元新日本プロレス  ・アントニオ猪木さんから生きる事を指導されてます。 ・私のはとこのおじは、長州力。 ・埼玉県の警視庁、警察署、交番のポスターは、撮影禁止との事 ・埼玉県は、全て この方の写真↓         高田延彦さん
@no.6freemasontigertomahawk963 3 жыл бұрын
ども!!笑TT.  まだまだ、  ダメ。埼玉県越谷市警察署、色々、来てたが、110番 往復 048- などなど、。。。ダメ。この話も駄目、してない。 今、現在  キツいね。。。 自宅。 不法侵入者有り。  隠れてか。。。ネットで高い買い物、してる。食べ物。誰か。。。。。。。ピンポン。。誰?w 感謝。一年間の支払いか? 出れない、銀行にお金があるの?  出てない。 どう しよう? 。。。。何かアドバイスください。 あれば、 最近、
@lenadams854 2 жыл бұрын
@@no.6freemasontigertomahawk963 that was a sus comment
@lenadams854 2 жыл бұрын
12/18/21 Translated, spaces deleted: I currently live in UR. I have a physical disability "Especially the severe ligament of the knee of the foot" The Panasonic assisted bicycle was stolen. Walk for a while Looking down on the pain, it doesn't move Female "What if I call the police?" Bicycle Metropolitan Police Department sticker recollection TEL to the bicycle shop "Because there is insurance within one year of buying." Call 110 Two police cars arrive at the UR where I live Get off alone from the police car Another policeman moves from end to end of the UR in a police car Loudly from the police car "I don't have a bicycle ---- Hmm." When Tell another policeman in a loud voice I have 100 bicycles by all means. I thought. Then I started talking to the police. "Do you know the security registration number?" I "I don't know." The policeman puts out the tablet "address?" "Park Town 13-402, 3-3 Sengendainishi, Koshigaya City, Saitama Prefecture" Police officer "3-3-3 Sengendainishi, Koshigaya City, Saitama Prefecture" = "3-3 Sengendainishi, Koshigaya City, Park Town 3" Because I started to say If you try to tell me that your address is different "Wait a minute! There was!" Then another police officer "There is a thief in your room. I will go to room 402 together." Enter my room together and go While looking at various rooms Paper and ballpoint pen Sit in a chair Talk to me a lot There was a pretense to write, but I didn't write anything Leave together for a while Joined another policeman in the bicycle parking lot. Policeman "I understand the bicycle!" "Red and purple bicycle" ?? "It's navy blue ..." "Address: 3-3 Sengendainishi, Koshigaya City, Saitama Prefecture, Park Town 13 402." UR! 3-3 Sengendainishi, Koshigaya City, Saitama Prefecture, not Park Town 3. is not it! !! Take the time to ask and answer questions. The policeman "Okay he got it." And he got on a police car Go to the police box and enter the police box together. The official puts out the documents and writes various things to me "He put this black ink on the index finger of his right hand, Here he puts your fingerprint on this document. " I put my fingerprints on it and it was all over. and To the police officer "Lost or stolen? Please give me a certificate to give to the bicycle shop." Speaking of Police officer "not" No matter how many times I say Police officer's reply "No" No one point Taken out of the police box It's been hard for me since then. ・ Everything went crazy. I couldn't do all the things I had planned ・ No means of transportation for bicycles Of course, I can't do everything on my bicycle. ・ Move everything out Going down the stairs from the room he rides on an assisted bicycle Because it's all. I couldn't do all the work. As a result, I had no choice but to drink alcohol and cheat. I went shopping for food while dragging my legs. I was self-employed at home. ・ In other words, I was starting a business. ・ Toyu is a transaction of companies that have already contracted ↓ ・ "Your money is your own business money." ・ "Of course, I don't have enough money to buy a bicycle." I'm doing it all myself Then The usual intercom rings in the room Delivery company came "Huhhhhh" When it comes out He was a police officer. Policeman "Excuse me. Can you come a little below?" I "Now? Immediately? Urgent?" Policeman "Hai" I: "Wait a minute. Turn off the stove and do various things." Leave the ventilation fan, computer, electricity, etc. on. .. .. .. Hurry up, I I "Yes, let's go." Close only the key, ・ "When I got out of the room, I only had clothes, shoes, and keys." and I got on a police car. I arrived at the Koshigaya police station. and Policeman "here" I was put in a room upstairs. The floor is tatami mats, three white walls, and only one is a transparent acrylic wall. I was there for more than 9 hours. If you think a police officer has appeared "This is the staff of the health center." When you get out of the room "Health center staff, police officers, me" He got in the car and moved together. The car entered the parking lot. The engine stopped. Get off together Open the door and enter the building Walk down the corridor, enter the room and sit down. Because the health staff talked to me The moment you reply Police officer "Yes! Hospitalized" It was decided to be forced to be admitted to a mental hospital. Long hospitalized life No way to contact the outside What I remember after a long hospital stay is I suffered from drinking detergent. later,,,, I was hungry all the time. It was After leaving the hospital, When you get home Large debt A lot of money is gone ・ Notice of refusal from all business partners, The sale was annihilated. All business on the internet became impossible. I saw and heard in the UR where I live There was a witness. Children Adults It seems to be a large number. Trying to start writing documents to the police station. However, I need some time because I have a corona patient. UR residents who knew this event Thank you for calling out to me. Collect the testimonies of UR residents and send them to the police station. Before that, to everyone TV, SNS (smartphones, apps, communication tools on PCs), For reporters, media, newspapers, politicians, groups, friends, acquaintances, families tell It's a fact. What will happen ~? ・ I am a former New Japan Pro-Wrestling ・ Antonio Inoki is instructing me to live. ・ My uncle is Riki Choshu. ・ It is prohibited to shoot posters of the Metropolitan Police Department, police station, and police box in Saitama Prefecture. ・ Saitama Prefecture is all his photos ↓ Nobuhiko Takada Next and last: Children! !! Lol TT. Still no good. Saitama Prefecture Koshigaya City Police Station, various things have come, but 110 round trip 048-etc. .. .. No good. This story is no good, I haven't. Right now, it's hard. .. .. one's home. There is an illegal intruder. Is it hidden? .. .. I'm doing expensive shopping online. food. who. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ping pong. .. Who? w Thanks. Is it a one-year payment? Can't get out, do you have money in the bank? It did not come out. What should I do? .. .. .. .. Please give me some advice. If so, recently Recently what?
@no.6freemasontigertomahawk963 2 жыл бұрын
@@lenadams854 THANK YOU,sir
@no.6freemasontigertomahawk963 2 жыл бұрын
@@lenadams854 THANK YOU,mom!
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