Yorckscher Marsch [German march]

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Dr. Ludwig

Dr. Ludwig

Күн бұрын

@michaelwalter3399 3 жыл бұрын
When you've got top drawer talent like Beethoven writing your military marches and Joseph Hayden writing your national anthem, you know you're living in a very classy country.
@ablackpencil8249 3 жыл бұрын
@m.b.blenkoblanka4167 3 жыл бұрын
Our "liberators", have unique in history. Wiped out an entire country. Their inhabitants expelled. The first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Konrad Adenauer, said that 6 million German refugees from East Germany, Prussia, went on the run, but never arrived here. They were all murdered, starved to death. Our liberators wiped out Prussia. From the capital of Prussia, Königsberg, nothing is left but the monument of Emanuel Kant! The land of Prussia! Wiped out! The country which gave birth to Kant, Hegel and Alexander von Humboldt! So many poets and thinkers. The country which took in so many religiously persecuted people from all countries of Europe. Especially the Protestant Huguenots. The country where the head of state, as the first in history, declared the first servant of his state. This country was destroyed by the Allies. Wiped out. Today? Germany stands completely before its annihilation. Prussia is reduced only to its military past. Prussia revolutionized the entire military system. By Clausewitz. And, Jews were the first time in Europe, in Prussia, equal citizens! And without Prussia, Europe had never been able to free itself from Napoleon. Prussia was wiped out. And Prussia must no longer be remembered in Germany. One is immediately considered a Nazi. Germany, is lost.
@muhammadabraratif4294 3 жыл бұрын
@@m.b.blenkoblanka4167 no no Germans are based.
@fiferplayeralt7118 2 жыл бұрын
@M. B thats cool and all but is this related to the comment
@cmourat1 2 жыл бұрын
Well, certainly classy in terms of music.
@tammo100 4 жыл бұрын
Prussian marches are the most beautiful in the world.
@martingschwandtner8473 3 жыл бұрын
Ja das glauben die Preussen! Alle Nationen oder Regionen glauben, dass ihre Kompositionen bzw. ihre Märsche die schönsten seien. Warum z.B. spielen deutsche Musikkapellen vorwiegend österreichische Märsche aus der k.u.k. -Zeit? Kaiserjägermarsch, Kärntner Lieder-Marsch, Rainer-Marsch, Deutschmeister -Regimentsmarsch (es gibt noch einen zweiten Deutschmeistermarsch), u.v.a.
@fedrickthegreat2138 3 жыл бұрын
Ja mein Freund
@aircraftsupport5800 3 жыл бұрын
I do agree.
@Major.Freischmidt 3 жыл бұрын
Totally agree
@flexu5828 3 жыл бұрын
Go listen polish generals march this is in my opinion better then prussians marchs Yorckscher Marsch and prussian glory.
@dernochjungenoergler Жыл бұрын
Man merkt schon, dass dieser Marsch von einem echten Genie verfasst wurde. Und damit will ich andere Werke auf gar keinen Fall herabstufen. Feldmarschall Yorck von Wartenburg war außerdem ein echter Ehrenmann. Danke für Deine Arbeit, Dr. Ludwig!
@technofeeling2462 2 ай бұрын
Absolut! Was ein Hochgenuss! Hörs mir seit ner Stunden an und ich dreh immer mehr ab
@robwittmann3576 10 ай бұрын
York von Wartenburg was infamous during the Napoleonic Wars, because he disobeyed the King of Prussia (who was forced into a brutal alliance with Napoleon, which in effect, turned Prussia into a vassal state of France). In 1812 the Prussians were forced to raise troops to help the French invade Russia. At one point during the French retreat, the Duke of Yorck (who was commanding the Prussian contingent) refused to obey Napoleon. Instead, Yorck had his troops defect to the Russians, and they began fighting the French under the aegis of the Russians (while being commanded by the Duke of Yorck). Normally, this would be a capital offense and the Prussian King wanted to execute Wartemburg for disobeying him. But this move by Yorck was very popular in Prussia and elsewhere in German speaking lands. It boosted morale and played a role in the German uprising against France. This is what Beethoven is commemorating here.
@rudolphpohl4115 8 ай бұрын
Actually Field Marshall Yorck von Wartemburg
@soewenue 7 ай бұрын
​@@rudolphpohl4115yorck von wartenburg, the most famous german family who fought two tyranns in two centuries.
@vonpfrentsch 7 ай бұрын
He was not a duke, but a count, and his correct name is Graf Yorck von Wartenburg.
@dbyers3897 7 ай бұрын
Apparently you have confused a British noble title with a German officer. There was no Duke of York during Napoleon's First French Empire. Johann David Ludwig Graf Yorck von Wartenburg was a Prussian commander with Napoleon's army during the invasion of the Russia in 1812. He declared his corps neutral once they were abandoned during the French retreat. The king never wished to execute Yorck but issued an order suspending him from command due to fear of French vengeance. Once the Prussian court recognized how popular Yorck's courageous decision was with the people, he was allowed to resume his command. He then helped lead Prussia to declare war on & defeat France.
@thearmy7876 7 ай бұрын
i aint reading that
@dr_sussy_magussy 4 жыл бұрын
Me: I like Beethoven Friend: So you like Symphony No. 5? Me:
@davidcadman4468 4 жыл бұрын
My personal favourite is en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphony_No._7_(Beethoven) But I'll settle for this march :)
@Zula_The_Squid 3 жыл бұрын
@@davidcadman4468 The second movement really do be thirsty. But what about his Große Fugue though?
@janwinnicki6218 3 жыл бұрын
Scharnohorst ✌️✌️✌️💀💀💀
@navalbaguette784 3 жыл бұрын
@@Zula_The_Squid The Große Fuge is my personal favourite, but unfortunately I'm not too keen into his orchestral works. His keyboard works on the other hand, are my favourites(e.g: Appassionata, Tempest, etc). My favourite composer's Chopin, so there already lies a hint as to what music I like...
@Zula_The_Squid 3 жыл бұрын
@@navalbaguette784 To be fair, after the 360th time one listened to his symphonies, they get kinda stale. Which is usually when people move on. I'm atm into Schönberg, Mahler and Bartok.
@julatzschmulatz9607 6 жыл бұрын
Danke für das tolle Hintergrund theme ist echt klasse, und noch dazu der Schnee. Das freut meine Augen und Ohren vielen Dank.
@scottnyc6572 3 жыл бұрын
From US here and have to say this is the most beautiful song I’ve heard!! Simply brilliant!!!🇺🇸
@m.b.blenkoblanka4167 3 жыл бұрын
Our "liberators", have unique in history. Wiped out an entire country. Their inhabitants expelled. The first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Konrad Adenauer, said that 6 million German refugees from East Germany, Prussia, went on the run, but never arrived here. They were all murdered, starved to death. Our liberators wiped out Prussia. From the capital of Prussia, Königsberg, nothing is left but the monument of Emanuel Kant! The land of Prussia! Wiped out! The country which gave birth to Kant, Hegel and Alexander von Humboldt! So many poets and thinkers. The country which took in so many religiously persecuted people from all countries of Europe. Especially the Protestant Huguenots. The country where the head of state, as the first in history, declared the first servant of his state. This country was destroyed by the Allies. Wiped out. Today? Germany stands completely before its annihilation. Prussia is reduced only to its military past. Prussia revolutionized the entire military system. By Clausewitz. And, Jews were the first time in Europe, in Prussia, equal citizens! And without Prussia, Europe had never been able to free itself from Napoleon. Prussia was wiped out. And Prussia must no longer be remembered in Germany. One is immediately considered a Nazi. Germany, is lost.
@piuforte 2 жыл бұрын
Gets even more brilliant when you know the historic background 💪💪💪
@1_oooop 2 жыл бұрын
@@m.b.blenkoblanka4167 your talking about the communists
@m.b.blenkoblanka4167 2 жыл бұрын
@@1_oooop nope! I mean the biggest Terrororganisation of the world history! The USA.
@hockeyalek7 Жыл бұрын
@@1_oooop the Jews created communism
@fernandofajardogarcia1312 4 жыл бұрын
Was an York wirklich episch war, war der Kavallerieangriff den er 1813 während der Schlacht von Leipzig in Möckern während der befreiungskriege führte. Sie Deutschen sollten mit dem Yorkcsher Marsch, der in Ihrem Soundtrack enthalten ist, einen Blockbuster in dieser Episode Ihrer Geschichte machen. Ich entschuldige mich für mein Deutsch, aber da ich Ihre Sprache nicht spreche, musste ich auf Google Übersetzer zurückgreifen, daher stelle ich mir vor dass das Ergebnis gruselig gewesen wäre. Ein toller Job den du gemacht hast. Ein Gruß aus Spanien.
@m.b.blenkoblanka4167 3 жыл бұрын
Our "liberators", have unique in history. Wiped out an entire country. Their inhabitants expelled. The first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Konrad Adenauer, said that 6 million German refugees from East Germany, Prussia, went on the run, but never arrived here. They were all murdered, starved to death. Our liberators wiped out Prussia. From the capital of Prussia, Königsberg, nothing is left but the monument of Emanuel Kant! The land of Prussia! Wiped out! The country which gave birth to Kant, Hegel and Alexander von Humboldt! So many poets and thinkers. The country which took in so many religiously persecuted people from all countries of Europe. Especially the Protestant Huguenots. The country where the head of state, as the first in history, declared the first servant of his state. This country was destroyed by the Allies. Wiped out. Today? Germany stands completely before its annihilation. Prussia is reduced only to its military past. Prussia revolutionized the entire military system. By Clausewitz. And, Jews were the first time in Europe, in Prussia, equal citizens! And without Prussia, Europe had never been able to free itself from Napoleon. Prussia was wiped out. And Prussia must no longer be remembered in Germany. One is immediately considered a Nazi. Germany, is lost.
@fernandofajardogarcia1312 3 жыл бұрын
@@m.b.blenkoblanka4167 Preußen ist viel mehr als sein Beitrag zur Kriegskunst. Wer glaubt, dass das alte Königreich, das das heutige Deutschland belebte, nichts weiter als eine Kaserne war, kennt die Geschichte einfach nicht. Preußen verlieh der Mathematik dank Euler und den Königsberger Brücken die Theorie der Graphen, es verlieh der Kunst und der Literatur Glanz, nicht nur seiner eigenen, sondern der Menschheit. Preußen und Deutschland insgesamt werden von ihren Feinden immer als ein Land der Mörder dargestellt, aber wer in seinem Leben ein wenig gelesen hat, weiß, dass das nicht stimmt. Zu den von Adenauer erzählten Ereignissen muss ich sagen, dass es der deutschen Marine in diesen unglücklichen Tagen gelungen ist, eine Rettungsaktion für ihre Bürger über die Ostsee durchzuführen, die Dunkerke wie ein Werk von Zwergen erscheinen lässt. Gott segne Preußen... und die Husarenregimenter der Ersten und Zweiten Garde. Erhalten Sie einen herzlichen Gruß.
@tumlili7129 2 жыл бұрын
Gut zu verstehen - was du geschrieben hast. Dankeschön!!
@fernandofajardogarcia1312 2 жыл бұрын
@@tumlili7129 Gern geschehen, mein freund.
@piuforte 2 жыл бұрын
@@fernandofajardogarcia1312 Google hat einen guten Job gemacht 😉
@friedrichdergroe4338 6 жыл бұрын
Beethoven ist ein super Komponist
@hermanncurtze 5 жыл бұрын
Beethoven ist auch für mich das Größte. Seit meiner Kindheit kenne ich diesen Marsch aber bis heute wusste ich nicht, dass Beethoven ihn geschrieben hat.
@bogdan6313 4 жыл бұрын
Even though I don't speak German, I can understand this comment.
@jonasboecherer3493 4 жыл бұрын
@nervouskrystof 4 жыл бұрын
@nervouskrystof 4 жыл бұрын
@DenRaph no
@JannisMarquardt-bc6jf 4 жыл бұрын
Ein wahres Meisterwerk! Und mein persönlicher Lieblingsmarsch.
@dersven8373 3 жыл бұрын
kein Wunder bei diesen Komponisten
@LaPatrioteFrancaise 6 жыл бұрын
The march, the painting, and this snowy effect are great. Great job once more!
@MrRaptonic 5 жыл бұрын
Décidément, je vous aperçois sur pas mal de musique patriotique de notre voisin germanique. Cela fait plaisir ^^
@munastronaut8147 4 жыл бұрын
why are you french this is german march
@LaPatrioteFrancaise 4 жыл бұрын
@@munastronaut8147 And what's your point ?
@munastronaut8147 4 жыл бұрын
@@LaPatrioteFrancaise basically theres a march from austria or germany idk what specific country in the german Confederation which is "Pariser Einzugsmarsch" which basically means "Paris-Entry March" and that symbolizes Franco-German enmity
@bekluwe 4 жыл бұрын
It’s odd that a French like to hear Prussian marches although the Germans and French were historically enemies.
@deutscheshymnenportal9196 6 жыл бұрын
Einer meiner Lieblingsmärsche, einfach Klasse
@Hrisitolsnf6 3 жыл бұрын
My friend: What is your favourite genre? Me: it's kinda hard to explain...
@lolpuuroa 3 жыл бұрын
not really, just say that you like marches
@uncfcosmonavy8822 3 жыл бұрын
@@lolpuuroa with PRUSSIA
@mateialexoaea2522 3 жыл бұрын
Otto, when's the new prussian empire coming?
@bismarckfamily277 3 жыл бұрын
Hehe he companion Bismarck....
@rayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 3 жыл бұрын
@TimMatterSnorri999 Жыл бұрын
Der beste Deutsche Marsch der Welt!!! Er ist so patriotisch und fröhlich!! Ich liebe diesen Marsch er ist bei meinen Marschliedern die Nummer 1! Es lebe Preussen! Es lebe Deutschland! ❤❤❤Grüsse aus der Schweiz 🇨🇭🤝🇩🇪
@gottfriedheumesser1994 Жыл бұрын
Und komponiert in Wien.
@rednaxela4937 5 ай бұрын
Echt? Es ist einer der einfachsten Märsche die es gibt. Einfach immer das selbe hintereinander. Deswegen spielt die Bundeswehr den heute noch beim marschieren, dann müssen die sich nicht so viel Noten merken.
@Stefan-rr5ds 4 ай бұрын
Mich als Sachse hat das auch erfreut, vor allen Dingen das die Sachsen damals(1813)noch die "Kurve" auf die Befreiungsseite genommen haben!
@dirkhumpert2435 6 жыл бұрын
Herrlich! Herrlich! Den hört immer wieder gerne. Ich finde der hat etwas erfrischendes! 😀👌
@jackobtthoronn5388 6 жыл бұрын
Beutiful Marsch..🌷🌷🌷🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪👍🇷🇺🇷🇺
@jurgenjungen7263 4 жыл бұрын
Sehr gute Einstellung. Dafür kämpfen wir. Und für unsere Kinder.
@randolphadom5384 4 жыл бұрын
@@jurgenjungen7263 Und wir werden gewinnen, weil unsere Sache richtig ist. Grüße aus Russland, deutscher Kamerad.
@shtcare 3 жыл бұрын
jurgen jungen, get a life and think what you say, mooron!!
@sir_dreadlord_on_blitz7042 3 жыл бұрын
@@shtcare die meinen das als joke
@m.b.blenkoblanka4167 3 жыл бұрын
Our "liberators", have unique in history. Wiped out an entire country. Their inhabitants expelled. The first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Konrad Adenauer, said that 6 million German refugees from East Germany, Prussia, went on the run, but never arrived here. They were all murdered, starved to death. Our liberators wiped out Prussia. From the capital of Prussia, Königsberg, nothing is left but the monument of Emanuel Kant! The land of Prussia! Wiped out! The country which gave birth to Kant, Hegel and Alexander von Humboldt! So many poets and thinkers. The country which took in so many religiously persecuted people from all countries of Europe. Especially the Protestant Huguenots. The country where the head of state, as the first in history, declared the first servant of his state. This country was destroyed by the Allies. Wiped out. Today? Germany stands completely before its annihilation. Prussia is reduced only to its military past. Prussia revolutionized the entire military system. By Clausewitz. And, Jews were the first time in Europe, in Prussia, equal citizens! And without Prussia, Europe had never been able to free itself from Napoleon. Prussia was wiped out. And Prussia must no longer be remembered in Germany. One is immediately considered a Nazi. Germany, is lost.
@willkettle3959 6 жыл бұрын
Sie verwöhnen uns wirklich mit all diesen täglichen Uploads!
@dr.ludwig 6 жыл бұрын
Gerne :D
@TonyNewJersey1 3 жыл бұрын
Danke Dr. Ludwig! Sie erhalten eigenhändig unser deutsches Kulturgut am Leben und bewahren es vor dem Aussterben, vor allem in diesen traurigen Zeiten! Weiter so und danke!
@Jurgen123445 Жыл бұрын
Beethovens Musik gehört ganz sicher nicht irgendeiner Nation.
@thorvald1441 6 жыл бұрын
Mein lieblings Marsch wie ich ihn liebe! Danke für das Video!
@AMM-bs2ku 4 жыл бұрын
Great march composed by the great Beethoven. Too bad that with this pandemic we cannot celebrate as it should be 250 years since the birth of Beethoven. Thank you Dr Ludwig. 💓💓💓💗💗💗💖❤🎶🎼🎵
@m.b.blenkoblanka4167 3 жыл бұрын
Our "liberators", have unique in history. Wiped out an entire country. Their inhabitants expelled. The first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Konrad Adenauer, said that 6 million German refugees from East Germany, Prussia, went on the run, but never arrived here. They were all murdered, starved to death. Our liberators wiped out Prussia. From the capital of Prussia, Königsberg, nothing is left but the monument of Emanuel Kant! The land of Prussia! Wiped out! The country which gave birth to Kant, Hegel and Alexander von Humboldt! So many poets and thinkers. The country which took in so many religiously persecuted people from all countries of Europe. Especially the Protestant Huguenots. The country where the head of state, as the first in history, declared the first servant of his state. This country was destroyed by the Allies. Wiped out. Today? Germany stands completely before its annihilation. Prussia is reduced only to its military past. Prussia revolutionized the entire military system. By Clausewitz. And, Jews were the first time in Europe, in Prussia, equal citizens! And without Prussia, Europe had never been able to free itself from Napoleon. Prussia was wiped out. And Prussia must no longer be remembered in Germany. One is immediately considered a Nazi. Germany, is lost.
@FoxWolfWorld Жыл бұрын
It was the government’s response to the pandemic, not the pandemic
@MRJBS117 3 жыл бұрын
Just discovered this channel. Absolutely love this march! If I was walking into battle and this was playing I’d feel so proud to fight
@gallowsongs 2 жыл бұрын
I love the pride in the music. You're prepared to give your life for your loved ones, and your representing those virtues, and the music is representing you.
@kronniichiwa9909 3 жыл бұрын
Finally found it. Beautiful. Greetings from Romania
@ColonelHogan9162 6 жыл бұрын
Einer meiner vielen Lieblingsmärsche. Viele sind recht eintönig aber solche wie dieser ziehen einen richtig mit.
@johannesmohner7823 Жыл бұрын
Da kocht mein Blut und ungenannten Disziplin zieht in meinen Körper ein ! Bravo. Am besten gefällt mir das Video wo die NVA dazu marschiert mit dem preußischen Paradeschritt. Ein Meisterwerk. Grüße aus Mainz am Rhein
@frederickgates4349 3 жыл бұрын
Saluditos Dr.Ludwig vielen danke also my favourite march,danke
@Ralphieboy Жыл бұрын
The painting shows the Prussians crossing the Rhine RIver at Caub, just downtream of where I live.
@Atlas-yu6gm 5 жыл бұрын
A good mix of Military music and Beethoven's orchestral music. This is remixes back then
@neiretzlik4337 4 жыл бұрын
It's my favorite marsch. I can listen to it whole days!
@hdexotic1914 4 жыл бұрын
Don’t say marsch, you don’t deserve to speak my language
@theprinceofschwarzenberg5949 2 жыл бұрын
@@hdexotic1914 bro calm down
@SubaruPieter 6 жыл бұрын
Been searching for this march since 2013, when I first heard it in a World of Tanks video (the maker of that vid didnt add the names of the music...) now, years later, I finally found it!
@dr.ludwig 6 жыл бұрын
Better late than never XD
@SubaruPieter 6 жыл бұрын
@@dr.ludwig True
@bjanabkhaleesi4009 3 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite channels on KZbin!
@marycavender7136 4 жыл бұрын
Great familiar March with gusto and power! The pictures are impressive too! It's the sort of advertisement you don't mind seeing repeatedly! ♥️💛🖤👍! Awesome job!!
@helmuthintermayer6081 6 жыл бұрын
Ein toller Marsch mit einem Klasse Bild. Super gemacht. Danke.
@knuthartmann4846 3 жыл бұрын
Die Ur-Bedürfnisse des Menschen, sich zu bewegen und zu singen und darüber sich auszudrücken, sind die beiden Ur-Gründe für Musik.
@michaeltheitalo-prussianbo6199 6 жыл бұрын
0:08 that intro is what i really like
@Cannuck1865 4 жыл бұрын
Who gives this a thumbs down? Great recording and version. I luv watching this being played by the Berlin honor guard/band with all their original K98's!
@indiaball9064 4 жыл бұрын
When I hear the music I feel that I am a Prussian Soldier and is marching.
@spdfatomicstructure 4 жыл бұрын
When I hear this piece, I picture the Yorkshire Regiment marching to the front lines
@Marco-bf4uu 4 жыл бұрын
@@spdfatomicstructure Yorkshire? This march is made for the General von York.
@soudruhholub8306 3 жыл бұрын
When I hear the music I picture Christmas.
@robertoldach2560 3 жыл бұрын
That's the way old Prussia worked: you feel prussian, you live prussian - you are prussian. Best greetings to India from Pomerania. 👌
@tomvanlooveren5025 3 жыл бұрын
@@robertoldach2560 I'm a Belgian re-enactor of th Napoleonic ages. We do the 2nd Pommersche Landwehr Infantery Regiment. And when I put that uniform on, I become a Prussian. Mitt Got, For Konig und Fatherland!!!
@weiterimtext8134 4 жыл бұрын
250 Jahre Beethoven! Wie hatte Beethoven das wohl aufgenommen, wenn die Böhmische Landwehr mit dem Yorkschen Marsch vor ihm als ungekrönten König vorbeimarschiert wäre! Zu selten hat man diesen schroffen Mann liebevoll gehuldigt.
@sqoli5161 4 жыл бұрын
my county in Britain is Yorkshire so I listen to this alot for that reason
@johnfrancis2215 4 жыл бұрын
Mine too sqoli lol
@wtflmaa7842 3 жыл бұрын
You are aware that the shire around the English town of York has absolutely nothing to do with the Corps of Field Marshal General Count Ludwig Yorck von Wartenburg or its march, are you? They are not even spelled the same.
@ErichsvonMansteinn 8 ай бұрын
​@@wtflmaa7842 Ludwig's father changed his name from Jark(a) to Yorck to make it more English (York) and dropped von Gostkowski.
@malcolmabram2957 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. Beethoven is my favourite composer, I have listened to so much of his music, from piano sonata through to symphony. However, if you played this and asked me who composed it, I would not have guessed. Beethoven, perhaps more than other, has so much variety in his compositions, and can always surprise.
@Atomprofessor 3 жыл бұрын
Wow! Das hat das Heeresmusikkorps aufgefüht als ich bei der Bundeswehr war und bei nem Ehrenzug mitmarschiert bin! War beileibe kein guter Soldat, aber jetzt habe ich irgendwie einen dicken Kloß im Hals!
@alexmartin4772 6 ай бұрын
This is very awesome. I love how you put snow falling in the video.
@lordwolfgangjosephuskaiser6778 4 жыл бұрын
Einfach brilliant wie immer.
@atdit 6 жыл бұрын
Es ist wieder da! Schön.
@georgmelcher9243 4 жыл бұрын
Man kann auf Deutschland stolz sein 👍🇩🇪
@alfredsteiner8152 3 жыл бұрын
Du meinst aber hoffentlich nicht die BRD.
@nixerdixer9891 3 жыл бұрын
@@alfredsteiner8152 was spricht dagegen außer Verschwörungstheorien?
@SgtPepper271294 3 жыл бұрын
Nationalstolz ist schon ein bisschen überholt, gel? Ironischerweise ist gerade das etwas, was ich an Deutschland schätze, die, natürlich geschichtlich begründete und letztlich auch auferzwungene, allgemeine Ablehnung das Nationalismus (zeitweise zumindest). Verglichen mit dem Großteil des Restes der Welt kann man sich durchaus relativ glücklich schätzen in Deutschland zu leben, aber sollte Stolz nicht etwas persönliches sein? Ich habe mir nicht ausgesucht wo ich geboren wurde, weder das Gute noch das Schlechte in der Geschichte Deutschlands liegt in meiner Verantwortung und sich mit fremden Federn zu schmücken ist wohl kaum eine gute Rechfertigung für Hochmut. Abgesehen davon ist van Beethoven 44 Jahre vor der Gründung der deutschen Nation gestorben und die Preußen haben für den Großteil ihrer Geschichte andere deutsche Staaten bekämpft. Man mag den Yorckschen Marsch durchaus deutsch nennen, aber ihn Deutschland als Nation anzumessen ignoriert die Wirren der Geschichte.
@paulweyns6814 3 жыл бұрын
auf Belgian auch Beethoven grossfather war ein Belgier
@m.b.blenkoblanka4167 3 жыл бұрын
Our "liberators", have unique in history. Wiped out an entire country. Their inhabitants expelled. The first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Konrad Adenauer, said that 6 million German refugees from East Germany, Prussia, went on the run, but never arrived here. They were all murdered, starved to death. Our liberators wiped out Prussia. From the capital of Prussia, Königsberg, nothing is left but the monument of Emanuel Kant! The land of Prussia! Wiped out! The country which gave birth to Kant, Hegel and Alexander von Humboldt! So many poets and thinkers. The country which took in so many religiously persecuted people from all countries of Europe. Especially the Protestant Huguenots. The country where the head of state, as the first in history, declared the first servant of his state. This country was destroyed by the Allies. Wiped out. Today? Germany stands completely before its annihilation. Prussia is reduced only to its military past. Prussia revolutionized the entire military system. By Clausewitz. And, Jews were the first time in Europe, in Prussia, equal citizens! And without Prussia, Europe had never been able to free itself from Napoleon. Prussia was wiped out. And Prussia must no longer be remembered in Germany. One is immediately considered a Nazi. Germany, is lost.
@Egg26454 6 ай бұрын
Hello,I am a fellow Prussian,and to say I’m proud that I have Prussian heritage.
@Dieset1 6 ай бұрын
Very believable!
@Egg26454 5 ай бұрын
@@Dieset1 is this like a joke or like a hate comment because I am actually Prussian dawg
@Egg26454 5 ай бұрын
Or you are just French and mad
@Dieset1 5 ай бұрын
@@Egg26454 joke
@bwehhueh5135 2 жыл бұрын
may the glory of Prussia never be forgotten
@halligallihub 2 жыл бұрын
Preußen war das Unglück Deutschlands und ist zum Glück verschwunden (auf der Müllhalde Geschichte)! Als Sachse bedauer ich bis heute, dass der alte Fritz bei Kunersdorf von seiner Tabakdose gerettet und die Österreicher bei Königsgrätz verloren haben!
@Anthony-ct3cv Жыл бұрын
@TheMagicalFrogYT 7 ай бұрын
@@Anthony-ct3cvhe meant that we shouldn't forget history
@Mary_Kraensel 4 жыл бұрын
Dr Ludwig, I still love what you did with the artwork. You're right, it IS epic!! ❤
@marycavender7136 4 жыл бұрын
Love the video as it spikes up the senses to keep one on their toes! Love the illustration to magnify the the nobility of the impressive song!🇩🇪👍🎵🌹🎼🎶
@felixhedemann 6 жыл бұрын
Mein Lieblingsmarsch !
@rhysnichols8608 2 жыл бұрын
After Prussians very impressive strength under Frederick the great, the army experienced 3 decades of stagnation and the once most powerful army in Europe (the world by extension let’s be honest) became largely outdated by the turn of 1800s. When Napoleon promised Hanover to Prussia but then offered it to the UK in exchange for peace, Prussian king Frederick William the 3rd was advised to declare war for honours sake. Prussia also hated Napoleon before this and almost was involved in the 1805 campaign against him However in 1806 Prussia issued France an ultimatum, without consulting her allies, Prussia went to war. In 1806 a largely outdated Prussia army was smashed at the twin battles of Jena-Auerstadt and was defeated in a month. While yes Napoleon was an amazing military leader and France was very strong, the news of Prussians rapid defeat was a shock to many. After 1807 at the treaty of Tilsit, Prussia lost a lot of recently acquired polish lands and her army restricted to 34,000 men. A board of enquiry was established to find out what went wrong. Over 100 generals were sacked and only Von York (who the song is named after) and Blücher remained in command. Military thinkers such as Sharnhorst, Gnaisanau, and Clausewitz helped modernise Prussian doctrine. Copying the french model but also experimenting with new ideas, such as using mixed cavalry and infantry units, rather than the usual method of having a huge cavalry reserve which would be sent in independently to exploit opportunities, the Prussians experimented with having smaller close cavalry support, allow a degree of free thinking meaning local small gains could be rapidly exploited. This had pros and cons as it spread the cavalry too thin to have much power, but meant locally they could often have more force than the french. This doctrine would eventually lead to the ww2 combined arms and blitzkrieg tactics with armour and infantry in close support. This was the genesis of this tactic Prussia also introduced skirmishes in larger numbers and new infantry formations, with commanders more thoroughly trained and allowed a larger degree of free thinking. During the 7 years war being very deliberate and disciplined in a slow moving perfectly formed army was THE best method to win, but by the Napoleonic era speed and shock were more prevalent, Prussia had to learn fast. The Prussian staff, used the ‘Crumper’ system, this meant every man had to complete 1 year military service, and then did 2 years reserve, this meant on paper Prussia’s army was around the allowed 34,000, but due to the rotation system of having 7 new men in and 7 out every month, after a few years majority of Prussians men were trained soldiers and ready to be called up. Prussia next saw action on the same side as Napoleon in 1812, where they were obliged to help him invade Russia. Prussian forces saw little action with the notable exception of Lithuania on the road to Riga. Prussian and Russian forces engaged in a town battle and something notable happened here, the only flag standard the Russians lost in the ENTIRE campaign was captured by Prussian dragoons. The battle was a draw and not much else happened. This flag was later returned to Russia in 1830 in exchange for a Prussian colour captured in the 7 years war. At the end of 1812 many Prussians began to defect and local commanders organised cease fires with Russian. In 1813 Prussia switched sides and joined Russia and Austria and Britain against France. In may 1813 at the battle of Lutzen and then Bautzen, Prussia engaged France once more. Napoleon remarked ‘these animals have learned something’ Prussian forces had decent success in the 1813 campaign against France, Blücher even defeating Napoleon on 1 occasion, but also being defeated 3 times in turn 😉 Prussia suffered another humiliation in 1814, Blüchers army of Silesia outnumbered Napoleon 2:1, yet it was defeated 4 times in 6 days, and suffered 6000 casualties compared to Napoleons 600!! Blücher and a mental break down, however Prussia reformed alongside its allies and France was soon defeated. Prussians had a deep resentment for France, deep rooted in history. Blücher tried to blow up the Jena bridge to erase Prussians earlier defeats, this failed. Prussia then kept many veterans in reserve as the Congress of Vienna tension was rising between the allied powers, however in 1815, Napoleon had slipped his bonds, and returned to France!! The coalition declared him an outlaw and began mobilising against France, with the closest armies being Wellingtons and Blüchers army of Belgium. Napoleons Armiee de nord launched a strike into Belgium, his aim to separate the allied armies, defeat them and occupy Brussels. He then hoped to negotiate a settlement from a position of strength. French double agents informed Prussian officers that Napoleon planned to come between the allied armies and mons. This meant rather than move east, Prussian forces moved north. On June 15 Wellington and Blücher met and promised to support each other. On the 16th the battle of Lingy took place. A near equal size Prussian and french army collided, with savage street fighting involving capturing, losing, and counter attacking small villages, fighting was uncharacteristically savage for the time, but both french and Prussians bayoneting enemy wounded and executing prisoners. Prussian infantry displayed great discipline and skill forming squares and fending off cavalry, and believe best form of defence was aggressive attack, the main villages changed hands several times, often with groups of 3, 10 or 30 men skirmishing across houses and fighting house for house. Eventually, after equal fighting the french managed to drive the Prussians off and break their centre, however the flanks remained intact in withdrew in good order. Prussian field Marshall Blùcher launched a last min cavalry charge to allow time for the main army to escape. Shouting ‘forwards in the devils name!’ Charged the french centre and had his horse killed under him, pinning him under his dead horse with 2 brigades of french curassiers stampeding over his head. He eventually escaped and the landwher formed an impressive rear guard keeping the french at bay for 5hrs until they ran out of ammo. The french were uncharacteristically lazy and didn’t Pursue the Prussians until 12pm the next day. Crucially Napoleons scouts reported the Prussians were retreating EAST back to Prussia, when in reality they moved north towards Wellington. There was also a lot of mis trust of the English as the promised support never came at lingy, however Blùcher insisted they move north and stay in contact with Wellington. Carl Von Clausewitz who was at lingy, stated “given the circumstances there is nothing out of the ordinary regarding this battle, in which 78,000 men lost to 75,000 men, by a very slight tipping of the scale, and with no real gains for the victor aside from 21 guns and a few thousand prisoners” In total Prussia suffered 16k casualties and the french 15k. Lingy was the first real solo Prussian effort against Napoleon since 1806 and they had acquitted themselves well. The final main engagement of the Napoleonic wars was Waterloo. In which the Prussian effort is highly understated. From 1pm onwards, Prussian troops began occupying the outskirts of the village of plancenmois on the french right flank, 2hrs after Napoleon had engaged wellingtons Anglo/German/Dutch army. The Prussians began street fighting against the friend young guard for the village, with brutality again being exhibited on both sides, by 4pm 20,000 Prussians had forced their way through most of the village, french wounded were thrown from roofs, bayoneted or even strangled. The same was done to Prussian wounded when the french made minor gains back. When the Prussians had captured most of the village, Napoleon sent his elite old guard grenadiers, they quickly retook the village with a bayonet charge, massacring the wounded in turn. French elite units were then sent against the British, and again like a tidal wave 30,000 Prussian infantry stormed the village, by 8pm both the Prussian and British had the upper hand, with Wellington driving off the french middle guard and the Prussian cavalry breaking through on the french right and rear, causing a general route! This allied victory ensured Napoleons final defeat, Blücher wants to call the battle ‘la belle alliance’ after Napoleons head quarters, and to emphasise the joint effort. However the British ‘Waterloo’ prevails. The crucial role of the Prussians ensured victory, something the British down played for their own political reasons. The reality is french Marshall Ney (who often is criticised as incompetent at Waterloo) correctly sensed weakness in the British centre, and launched a charge of cavalry squadrons to prevent the British from reforming and to instead pin them in squares. These squares would have been very vulnerable to french infantry which would have swept them away and likely won the battle, however when Ney needed infantry, there were NONE available, as reserve units were quickly redirected to face the Prussians at Plancenmois, meaning for 2hrs Ney wasted the cavalry keeping the British pinned down hoping infantry would be available, it never came in time. It stands to reason if the french guard units facing the Prussians were free to attack the British centre, the battle would have ended very differently…. After this era, Prussian doctrine of close support, aggression and a high quality of leadership transformed them into the foremost army in Europe that would dominate the continent for over a centrist right up until the end of world war 2.
@christianhansen6508 Жыл бұрын
@Weesel71 4 жыл бұрын
This is a particularly convincing performance. Thank you.
@grossdeutschland-mapper274 6 жыл бұрын
Lang lebe Preußen. Ich wünschte man könnte das 🇾🇪 umdrehen
@adrien437 6 жыл бұрын
@Fabian Kirchgessner auch im Herz eines Franzosen von deutschen Wurzeln ;)
@JensGloe-sp9yl 7 ай бұрын
He defended the marketplace of the free imperial city of Lübeck in 1806 after the Battle of Jena and Auerstätt, which he fought with Blücher against the French, while Blücher defended the castle gate and Scharnhorst the mill gate. The Holsten Gate was impregnable. He was seriously wounded in the process. This is the only march Ludwig von Beethoven ever composed for the great general
@konigsberggeneralreal Жыл бұрын
This masterpiece make Me crying sometimes, I Listen to this March During covid, I studying, Sleep, eat, While listening German March, And im falling in love, But all Lost when i Go back to school and get college
@Anthony-ct3cv Жыл бұрын
@konigsberggeneralreal Жыл бұрын
@@Anthony-ct3cv yea, idk why i like anything about history in WW1
@thenorwegianyoutuber Жыл бұрын
This march was played in Norway actually by the Norwegian garde on the 17. May national day
@polygonalfortress 2 жыл бұрын
a lovely song for the christmas holiday!
@xJunglEx Жыл бұрын
Германия - великая страна, с великим наследием. Немцы - прекрасные люди, которым есть чем гордиться. Не могу не выказить уважение народу, поднявшему свою страну из пепла и ведущему её в светлое будущее Европейского единства. С любовью из России.
@finnheitzler6442 Жыл бұрын
😍 🇷🇺🤝🏻🇩🇪
@jamesbancroft2467 6 жыл бұрын
realizing and focusing on the fact that Germany isn’t Großdeutschland induces a great, bubbling rage in me...
@sadmoose6449 4 жыл бұрын
That reminds me of some dude with a funky mustache that failed art school.
@Ckern182 4 жыл бұрын
@@sadmoose6449 what he means is that prussia is basically owned by Poland and the heart of Prussia is owned by the ruskies
@sadmoose6449 4 жыл бұрын
@@Ckern182 Yes I know, he reminded me of the mustache dude because he also wanted all of Prussia back, so he invaded Poland.
@Ckern182 4 жыл бұрын
@@sadmoose6449 If hitler TRULY loved Germany as much as he said he did...he would have invited the Kaiser to rule Germany once again after he took power, but he used the german people to push his racist sentiments
@marschallblucher6197 4 жыл бұрын
@@Ckern182 We don't got Prussia anymore.... But at least we have Brandenburg .
@FoxWolfWorld Жыл бұрын
I played this for my Danish friend. He’s now my German friend
@sevenocho4818 6 жыл бұрын
⚪⚫🇩🇪⚪⚫🔴 Die 3 Flaggen die ich am Meisten mag
@zumabschiedsagichleiseschs6272 3 жыл бұрын
Die erste gefällt mir 👍❤️wie viel kostet das 😁😄
@Hori_Ado 5 жыл бұрын
One of the finest prussian marches.
@m.b.blenkoblanka4167 3 жыл бұрын
Our "liberators", have unique in history. Wiped out an entire country. Their inhabitants expelled. The first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Konrad Adenauer, said that 6 million German refugees from East Germany, Prussia, went on the run, but never arrived here. They were all murdered, starved to death. Our liberators wiped out Prussia. From the capital of Prussia, Königsberg, nothing is left but the monument of Emanuel Kant! The land of Prussia! Wiped out! The country which gave birth to Kant, Hegel and Alexander von Humboldt! So many poets and thinkers. The country which took in so many religiously persecuted people from all countries of Europe. Especially the Protestant Huguenots. The country where the head of state, as the first in history, declared the first servant of his state. This country was destroyed by the Allies. Wiped out. Today? Germany stands completely before its annihilation. Prussia is reduced only to its military past. Prussia revolutionized the entire military system. By Clausewitz. And, Jews were the first time in Europe, in Prussia, equal citizens! And without Prussia, Europe had never been able to free itself from Napoleon. Prussia was wiped out. And Prussia must no longer be remembered in Germany. One is immediately considered a Nazi. Germany, is lost.
@IlBaroneRozzo 20 күн бұрын
Played this in Kaliningrad, now it's Königsberg
@achantus1 Ай бұрын
One of the best marches. Of cource it had be Beethoven. One og my favourites. Greetings from Norway.
@tef_newalbionpacificmedia 5 ай бұрын
Glorious and inspiring! Danke Herr Ludwig.
@lucschoesetters4307 3 ай бұрын
Sturm und drang. German greatness.
@m.b.blenkoblanka4167 3 жыл бұрын
Our "liberators", have unique in history. Wiped out an entire country. Their inhabitants expelled. The first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Konrad Adenauer, said that 6 million German refugees from East Germany, Prussia, went on the run, but never arrived here. They were all murdered, starved to death. Our liberators wiped out Prussia. From the capital of Prussia, Königsberg, nothing is left but the monument of Emanuel Kant! The land of Prussia! Wiped out! The country which gave birth to Kant, Hegel and Alexander von Humboldt! So many poets and thinkers. The country which took in so many religiously persecuted people from all countries of Europe. Especially the Protestant Huguenots. The country where the head of state, as the first in history, declared the first servant of his state. This country was destroyed by the Allies. Wiped out. Today? Germany stands completely before its annihilation. Prussia is reduced only to its military past. Prussia revolutionized the entire military system. By Clausewitz. And, Jews were the first time in Europe, in Prussia, equal citizens! And without Prussia, Europe had never been able to free itself from Napoleon. Prussia was wiped out. And Prussia must no longer be remembered in Germany. One is immediately considered a Nazi. Germany, is lost.
@FantadiRienzo 2 жыл бұрын
"The first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Konrad Adenauer, said that 6 million German refugees from East Germany, Prussia, went on the run, but never arrived here" Where did he say that? Sounds exaggerated. In cold war-Western Germany, the official number of eastern refugees missing was 2-3 million
@arctix4518 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah Germany is a country in demise... Of course yeah definitely ... So that is what demise looks like ok much learned lol
@Exodon2020 Жыл бұрын
Nach dem Krieg konnten die Deutschen froh sein, überhaupt noch ein eigenes Land zu haben, in dem sie leben durften. Hätte man sie (uns) exakt so behandelt, wie es die abartige Ideologie der Naziverbrecher, denen sie nachgelaufen sind verlangte, wäre von Deutschland heute nichts mehr übrig. Berlin, Hamburg, München, Köln... Alles bloß weitere Königsbergs, die heute fremde Namen trügen. Dieses Geflenne ist unerträglich! Preußen ist tot. Es wird nicht zurückkommen! Und "verloren" ist dieses Land nur, wenn die Nachfolger der Verbrecher von einst sich erneut an der Macht festsaugen können.
@adrien437 6 жыл бұрын
Was ist die kleine Musik am Anfang? Ich habe gemerkt, dass fast alle deutsche Märsche mit ihr beginnen PS : wunderschöner Marsch... sicher mein Liebster
@dr.ludwig 6 жыл бұрын
Der Lockmarsch^^ is auch schon oben
@ichmaglego6631 Жыл бұрын
Diese Musik ist dem Deutschem Volk
@jestersareawesome4332 4 жыл бұрын
This is my 5,000th video that I’ve liked. No joke.
@dr.ludwig 4 жыл бұрын
What an honor
@MariaVazquez-du3st 7 ай бұрын
I love all marches. This one is great.
@sanwan7138 Жыл бұрын
This March is from the Germany I love. Of course this was the golden age of 1880-1900 in west. civ.
@MartinB-q3s 3 ай бұрын
Immer wieder schön Mr Beethoven ❤
@dragongaming6967 4 ай бұрын
Image in the Background: " Wilhelm Camphausen, Blücher's Rhine crossing near Kaub "
@bencekovacs311 4 жыл бұрын
Das ist einen sehr schöner und Wunderbar Marsch musik!
@paulsrealm7850 6 жыл бұрын
I swear I clicked this too hard that my phone fell
@dr.ludwig 6 жыл бұрын
Sweet XD
@mrspencer9999 Жыл бұрын
Ein herrlicher Marsch - Einer der Besten. Jedesmal ein Genuss. Da will man gleich im zackigen Stechschritt marschieren.😅
@ganzlustig9754 6 жыл бұрын
@walterbar3118 4 жыл бұрын
Auferstanden aus Ruinen...
@tekumserastadt906 4 жыл бұрын
Mit dieser Jarnitur von Politweibern janz besimmt nich ! Det kann ick dir flüstern. Die ham wat janz anderet im Sinn, Nachtigall ick hör dir trappsen !
@jonasboecherer3493 4 жыл бұрын
@stevesmith2718 4 жыл бұрын
Preussen hat uns Polen gestohlen.
@tubickkema3009 4 жыл бұрын
@@stevesmith2718 nein Preussen starb mit dem Preussenschlag aus und den Nazis
@trotsky7115 6 жыл бұрын
I cant say anything...all of my support are just transferred to you
@TimMatterSnorri999 Жыл бұрын
Das ist so ein patriotischer Marsch! Es lebe Preussen! Es lebe Deutschland!!!
@Berlina08482 3 жыл бұрын
Mein Lieblings Marschlied! 🇩🇪👑 ⚫⚪🔴
@r.j.lombardi111 2 жыл бұрын
Nice music Also I'm glad that you are still doing ok, Freund. Schöne Grüße aus Winkowitz
@mischelin4674 5 жыл бұрын
0:27 beste Stelle 😍
@ErichsvonMansteinn 8 ай бұрын
Johann David Ludwig Graf Yorck von Wartenburg. Ludwig's father changed his name from Jark(a) to Yorck to make it more English (York) and dropped von Gostkowski.
@grenadierofpommern5331 3 жыл бұрын
Best way to show my kids Prussian heritage is to show them this song
@Idunthevalkyrie 6 жыл бұрын
well done Herr Dr.
@preuensgloria4895 4 жыл бұрын
Ludwig ist der beste
@seitetrang 3 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite marching songs.🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 💖 from 🇻🇳
@Willhelm-f6f Жыл бұрын
Beethoven ist einer der besten Komponenten der Welt. Wir werden sie Herr Beethoven nie vergessen.
@Aziruf 3 ай бұрын
Ludwig what is the origin of the leitmotif in the beginning of so many Prussian marches? I’m talking about that thing at 0:01 , it’s in the beginning of many
@dr.ludwig 3 ай бұрын
The Preußischer Lockmarsch, it's meant to announce an upcoming march for the soldiers to get ready.
@Aziruf 3 ай бұрын
@@dr.ludwig thanks
@whatsup8583 Жыл бұрын
Starts with classical Prussian intro 🔥🔥🔥, Prússia can't die
@millermann123 Жыл бұрын
Hast du eine Ahnung wo die Tonaufnahme herkommt? Ich will mir sowas eigentlich immer kaufen und ggfs. durch den Interpreten bzw. Spielenden mehr gute Aufnahmen ergattern.
@alonsopena1526 3 жыл бұрын
Muy marciales las Marcha Alemanas , bien mil gracias..
@Youtubegucken17 Жыл бұрын
Wunderschöner Marsch
@elijahdiaz509 Жыл бұрын
Es lebe Preußen! es lebe Deutschland! Yorckscher Marsch ist mein liebstes deutsches Lied, mehr als Erika!
@kelvinMidulOfficial 3 жыл бұрын
I am playing this on christmas
@karstenernst9897 7 ай бұрын
Ein sehr sehr schöne Melodie. Ein sehr sehr schöner Marsch 👂👂😇😇😇🖤🤍❤️🙏🙏🙏⬛⬜🟥🫶🫶🫶⚫⚪🔴👍🫡👏😉😊💪
@laurenceskinnerton73 Жыл бұрын
Very good.
@jordz6795 3 жыл бұрын
Been searching for this song for so damn long!
@kkh1395 2 ай бұрын
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