You Are Evil and You Must Be Destroyed: Regaining our Humanity in an Inhumane World

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Seth Andrews speaks candidly about his own struggles as a human and activist in this polarized and often outrageous world.

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@Octoberfurst Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this Seth. I too used to be an right-wing Evangelical Christian who hated liberals/Democrats. But I was a "nice guy" who "knew" I was right. Those on the other side were mean and stupid. But because I actually started civilly engaging with and listening to those on the other side I began to change. I am now a progressive and an atheist. People can change! Now former allies consider me part of the "Satanic cabal" and a hopeless sinner. I am what I used to hate. The irony is overwhelming. I don't consider my former friends evil, just grossly misinformed like I was & living in a bubble.
@markderamo9229 Жыл бұрын
I'm a conservative and I vote for Trump. Am I misinformed and do you have tolerance for me?
@denisebutler5938 Жыл бұрын
@@markderamo9229. Yes, Trump will lead you straight into the hands of the Zionist Jews! Your fate will be the Noahide Laws which will not allow you to worship your Jesus! Enjoy your ride!!! But, all presidents and state authorities are serving the Zionist agenda!
@BadPerception 11 ай бұрын
@@markderamo9229 We’re all misinformed one way or another. It’s all about perspective. I do not blame you for voting for Trump. A lot of good people were fed up with the system. I don’t care who you vote for as long as you’re civil. It’s your right as an American to voice your opinion at the polls. And I appreciate you for doing so, even if I don’t agree with your ideas.
@markderamo9229 11 ай бұрын
@@BadPerception The problem is, we were doing much better as a country before the rigged election of 2020. If you voted for Brandon, you voted for an admitted socialist and that messed everything up that Trump accomplished. We are seeing the effects of it everyday with the crime in liberal-run cities, the broken border, gas prices, rent prices, grocery prices, and the world being a much more dangerous place. But misinformed democrat voters don't care about that stuff which is why we're in the current position that we're in. : (
@jonstone9741 11 ай бұрын
@Octoberfurst I'm glad to hear that you achieved such a major change in your life. Congratulations. I'm a progressive and an atheist, so I guess we're allies. Vote blue in 2024. I'm not a big fan of Old Sleepy Joe, but we can't allow Trump to get back into the White House.
@jeffrreykoehn7324 Жыл бұрын
Great talk, Seth. The current state of the culture astonishes me. I'm older, and I remember a time when there were liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats, and most people might vote Republican in one election, and Democrat in the next, depending on current events and issues. Not anymore. Political parties are now exactly like religions, and the country is in the throes of extreme tribalism along those lines. It worries me.
@leealexander3507 Жыл бұрын
It should worry all of us. Our country is in deep trouble unless we come together as Americans.
@lemsip207 Жыл бұрын
There was more demarcation in the UK in the 80's with Labour & Conservative parties being more extreme. John Cleese sent that up in a Liberal Democrat party political broadcast with a typical fiery delegate speaking at a Conservative conference and the same speaking at a Labour conference. Then Labour & Conservative moved closer together with John Major & Tony Blair. Major wasn't much further to the right than Blair except the latter wanted to bring about devolution & was more internationalist. So divisions are now made on single issues so it is difficult to find somebody who takes a moderate line. Especially on Covid where people either didn't want restrictions at all & ust carry on as usual & others who wanted Chinese style total lockdowns. You were free to go out in the UK during lockdowns but often there wasn't a reason to go out as places were closed. It was like a months long bank holiday or Sunday with only supermarkets, other food shops, pet shops & cycle shops open. There aren't many people who will be happy to be wearing a face mask but not take the vaccine. I didn't mind wearing one at first but after a year & a half I got fed up with them especially in heatwaves. It was like having to wear wellington boots every time you went out. You don't mind at first but soon get fed up. I don't like talking through a face mask either but only because I don't think I would be heard. I didn't take the vaccine but didn't take part in anti vaccine mandate protests because they attract extremists. Then there is the forced teaming so once you've taken an extreme position on one issue you are meant to take certain extreme positions on other unrelated issues.
@wfemp_4730 Жыл бұрын
I think tribalism has been greatly enabled by the Information Age (unfortunately).
@olivia362436 Жыл бұрын
Well said and getting truer all the time
@Doriesep6622 11 ай бұрын
well said.
@cosmicgregg Жыл бұрын
I wish you could get a national platform for a speech like this Seth.
@darkshade996 Жыл бұрын
Seth, in an hour-long speech, you have perfectly encapsulated many of the frustrations I have had personally with today's sociopolitical climate, especially on social media. This needs to be required viewing for EVERYONE. I know there will be those who will eagerly miss your points, and throw a party for doing so. But if even 1 out of 10 people can restore their humanity in this perceptively inhumane world, then that is an impact worth making. Keep up the good work!!
@leealexander3507 Жыл бұрын
Social media is easy. I simply block anyone I find annoying.
@lemsip207 Жыл бұрын
I used to watch Sonia Poulton's Rise programme religiously on the Brand New Tube platform until it was hacked & taken down. She is fairly balanced but some of her guests are extremists. When it was put up again it was no longer user friendly with no chat room & the videos buffering so stopped watching it. I also downloaded the Light newspaper (I came across a print copy outside a health food shop a year ago) from their website every month & back copies until august this year & after that was too preoccupied with first a stomach upset & then intense anxiety to be bothered. Then I suddenly remembered to download it today. I looked through it & realised how right wing it was. It is horribly sexist & pro natalist hating the fact that the UK birthrate is now 1.58 children per woman but that is still higher than in Germany, Italy & Spain. No woman needs to be burdened by more than two children.
@MetallicAAlabamA Жыл бұрын
I love this! And this being told by one of the best voices in the world makes it even better. I remember being in a McDonald's drive through getting my kids, st the time, my wife, and myself something to eat. We were behind what looked to be a African American couple who were at the drive through window. As they pulled off, I slowly pulled up to hand the money to the employee, and he says- "The people that just pulled off paid for your order."... There was a pause from both me and my wife, and all we could think to ourselves after we pulled off was that it made us smile and it helped us out. That day was a disaster for my family, and I wish I had the time to explain it. But what those people done for us is looked at as God working in his most unusual and mysterious ways. But all I can think is that if these people do things out of the goodness of their hearts, then why can't God do the same? Oh God works through people you say? Just think about how ridiculous that really sounds, and how ridiculous it actually is. Why will God work through people like that, and not be so "mysterious"? Why do people want to point to the supernatural for an answer, when the evidence is right there in front of their eyes? Why do I have to ask this question when this shouldn't even be something we ever need to worry with? I give religion credit for one thing, and one thing only. And that's the fact that religion forced the human mind to question what it was being told. Our ancestors had to think really hard as to why our leaders had to walk into a cave, climb a mountain, build a sanctuary, a mosque, a temple, or whatever, in order to speak to this god...alone! You could say that we owe some of our brains development to what we call suspicion. We used that feeling of suspicion and asked the question "Why are you so special that God talks to you and you only? I want to see God! I want to have that personal relationship with this god!..Oh God is now beyond our understanding? God is beyond reality you say? But I can still have a personal relationship with this god, but I have to cast all doubt away, put my entire mind and heart into believing that this god did this, did that, and so on, and so on?" These types of questions are what developed our brains into a better understanding of ourselves, our world, our Iives, our species, and our universe. So that credit that I give to religion, is the fact it help human beings develop what we now know is science, and knowledge. Once we can get people to understand this, and that religion was just a stepping stone over the confusing waters of reality, and that we can leave it behind, just like we leave the pacifier behind from being a baby. We no longer need that pacifier! We need to continue our evolutionary growth, and let childish things go.
@alanmacification Жыл бұрын
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity. However, any sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice. In this case, it was the compounding of the stupidity, he was going to get the ticket anyway. Never make other people pay for your stupidity. His behavior was irrational and self-centered. All he was doing was paying for the next guy in the toll lane. More harm has been done in this world by people trying to cover their mistakes than by the actual mistakes.
@bipolarminddroppings Жыл бұрын
Did you come up with that play on "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" yourself or were you borrowing from someone? It's a really clever line, props if you thought of it yourself.
@nicholemoore2448 Жыл бұрын
"You are evil and must be destroyed." - The mindset of the Christian god in a nutshell. I no longer believe in that god. No longer will I be dominated by that mind set.
@Plethorality 7 ай бұрын
I broke up with Calvin years ago. He no longer dictates what God is.
@wet-read 3 ай бұрын
​@@Plethorality Why believe in God at all?
@josephcampisi5401 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been saying this FOREVER. The inherent tribal behavior that served us so well millennia ago when we were roving bands of hunter/gatherers is nothing but detrimental in a 21st century world of 8 billion people. Until we as a species realize that we are ONE tribe, we will continue on the path to destruction. And unfortunately, l don’t see that changing.
@Joe-of2ji Жыл бұрын
Thank you Seth, for reminding us to be kind to the people who drive us nuts. It's not so easy in this political climate these days
@laurajarrell6187 Жыл бұрын
Seth Andrews, since the first time I heard you, and more and more, it seems your heart and brain expands! You are what we all need to evolve to!! Though, the 'higher' human animal will of course be darker as we blend all 'races' lol. Thankyou for a fantastic talk👍💙💖☄🥰✌
@giovannifranco9819 Жыл бұрын
Hello everyone, from Manila, Philippines.
@geyb7556 Жыл бұрын
philippines is doomed
@jamesschneider2091 Жыл бұрын
Inspiring presentation. Seth has traveled a long and challenging journey of personal growth to now taking personal responsibility for discovering the TRUTH. 👏👏👏
@bernardtannerjr.6010 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Seth. This speech is one of your best. I needed this. Thanks again.
@Letts_prey Жыл бұрын
One of my favourite speakers giving some timely, apt and honest nuggets of wisdom, and awkward home truths. Thank you Seth. You really are a beacon.
@stanleyhyde8529 Жыл бұрын
I could listen to this man talk all day. A fine example of a person translating a lifetime of experience into the betterment of their fellow humans.
@jdjsidjdi Жыл бұрын
You've described the kind of person I think I've become. I'm spending too much time arguing with people for its own sake. I so appreciate your honesty and vulnerability. We have all, to some degree, put down the tool of self-reflection in favor of "scoring points" or "winning" against those we have forgotten to be human. So thank you for this reminder of how easy it is to be caught up in our own tribalism and how easy it is to be, well, human.
@Domzdream Жыл бұрын
You havent got nearly enough 'likes' for this brilliant and positive speech. Nicely done Seth!
@kennethc2466 Жыл бұрын
You know, he might have a point if the person OWNED THEIR MISTAKE, and didn't pass it on to uncounted others. A person who cared about other would have TAKEN THE TICKET, rather than inconvenience people over THEIR OWN mistake. What is positive about a person making others pay for their mistakes? What, people getting dumped on by a weasel, who can't accept accountability for his actions? I don't think so. If positive means, 'let everyone treat you as if you don't matter', I'm not going to be part of it.
@uncleanunicorn4571 Жыл бұрын
My disagreement is my inevitable tendency to elevate myself over right-wing science deniers, it's not an issue of liking Marvel versus dc, if you can't figure out vaccines work, to pretend we are on equal footing is to commit a debasement of knowledge and human progress.
@kennethc2466 Жыл бұрын
@@uncleanunicorn4571 Funny you say, 'right wing' science deniers, instead of plain old science deniers? Also, the use of 'we', as if you're part of a tribe, with a standardized dogma, that everyone accepts. You know, instead of an individual, who's integrity stands on it's own, outside lowly primate tribalism. Seems your disagreement is a tribal one, science free, yet full of absolutisms and platitudes. You know, like a 'right wing science denier' would use. Seems you pretend political cults, runs by politicians and their handlers, are the defining metric of of a fictional false dichotomy. Seems you ARE on equal footing. Now, please tell me 'left wingers' don't deny science, so your circular projection may be compete. Even better, blindly accuse me of being the 'other', so you may further show the binary tribalism you employ, blindly.
@eddybrevet6816 Жыл бұрын
Bringing the background 2 the fro-front, find, wired wrong , monkey business, a murky past indeed,
@KBosch-xp2ut Жыл бұрын
@@kennethc2466 You need to chillax.
@joanfregapane8683 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this wonderful video. A needed message for everyone, definitely including me.
@richardstuckwisch5489 Жыл бұрын
One of the most EXCELLENT presentations you have given so far!
@skepticalotter2983 Жыл бұрын
Wonderful talk! I almost always learn something new & valuable every time you have a new talk/episode/book release. I can’t wait to be able to see one live. Thank you and keep doing what you do!
@Furball891 Жыл бұрын
I think that nowadays it's very important for everyone to remember that they make their own online experience, not only by how and who they engage in debates with, but by actually thinking which platforms you need to be on and who to follow or unfollow. Yes, the social, political and religious debates are important, but for my mental health they have to be balanced with enough wholesome videos, silly cat memes and beautiful art. And I don't actually need an account on every available platform, just a couple of them to keep tabs on people and events I think are important (Even though I have heard it for years from people how I'm weird and missing out for not being on certain platforms at all). Great and important topic to talk about. Thank you for this, Seth.
@kennethc2466 Жыл бұрын
@benadams3569 Жыл бұрын
So, you "won an argument?" What does it mean? The person who "lost" doesn't care, and probably doesn't even think they "lost."
@benadams3569 Жыл бұрын
Six days later, I feel I need to make it clear that I enjoyed this presentation as much as I have all of Seth's previous speeches. (The original comment sort of didn't make it seem as if I did lol)
@sueware8377 Жыл бұрын
This was a SPECTACULAR lecture...I am SO glad to have are a voice of reason in the midst of the chaos that is our world....thank you so much Dr Andrews!
@InterestsMayVary2234 Жыл бұрын
I spent 20 years as a Psychologist before having to retire early due to a brain tumor. In the years since, I have spent far too much time arguing with people on social media. I am fed up with people but I haven't helped anyone since my retirement so I am far more fed up with myself. It's time to let it go and start helping again. Thanks, Seth.
@arturovillaluz2053 Жыл бұрын
We live in a world where there are societies that believe that "the earth is flat", "vaccination is a conspiracy", "JFK Jr. is still alive", "the moon landing never happened," etc. You can't argue or change the minds of people with "frozen beliefs".
@darlenegriffith6186 Жыл бұрын
I know exactly how you feel!
@DaveCM Жыл бұрын
Yep. I've done the same. I came to the realization that 99.9% of the people will not change their minds. So, it is a waste of time and energy.
@tedferkin Жыл бұрын
@@DaveCM I am there too, it's making me more and more depressed. People cannot think beyond themselves, and not even that. People are living in the literal here and now, they cannot even think of the consequences of their actions now, to possible issues even as little as 5 minutes in the future. What ever is easiest, what ever satisfies now. I've talked to people about climate change, they agree it's happening, but it's such a hassle, and I'm not going to be around when the effects hits, and most likely my children either..... They don't seem to think of the effects on their grandchildren, by their own standards, less the effects we are already seeing.
@arturovillaluz2053 Жыл бұрын
@@tedferkin Trying to change people's minds is like "pushing a cork down the water . . . it will immediately jump back up."
@26beegee 6 ай бұрын
Excellent. Really makes me think, assess my past beliefs and behavior and consider how I want to behave and think going forward. Thanks, Seth.
@shawnh6934 Жыл бұрын
The Walking Dead is a crash course on tribalism. Love your check list!
@RobGravelle Жыл бұрын
I was there. Awesome presentation Seth!
@stephenrichie4646 Жыл бұрын
Excellent speech. Of course.
@TreeHairedGingerAle Ай бұрын
Thank you for this!
@LawrenceAdele1919 6 ай бұрын
Wow, this was profound but above all, it was humble. Thank you for sharing.
@gayasparagus 10 ай бұрын
This will always be a good message.
@vicm5272 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant talk!!
@brettkoozin5932 11 ай бұрын
Man, I really indentified with that. Thank you for the eye opening perspective
@DaveCM Жыл бұрын
Being surrounded by so many evangelical Christians, I do do forget that not all Christians are the same sometimes. My wife is a Christian and I forget that. My wife is liberal and fully supports the LGBTQ, etc... The church she attends has same sex couples.
@robfromvan Жыл бұрын
You can also be a conservative and be an atheist, it’s very common.
@TipTheScales27 Жыл бұрын
Captivated by the entire speech, Seth. It was perfect for my 4 mile run 🖤
@ArKritz84 Жыл бұрын
Poor guy running himself ragged for some change, and still drove through the wrong lane and was probably billed anyway. 👌
@pmstraight Жыл бұрын
Add to the fact that him running over to that other lane put his life at risk for somebody pulling through, and he effectively paid for the next person pass through. His actions did him absolutely no good.
@skepticalotter2983 Жыл бұрын
If I was him, I would have just kept going and paid the fine when it was mailed to me.
@tklyte Жыл бұрын
@@skepticalotter2983 That's probably because you're thinking and not under pressure. In that situation, he was reacting and that's a whole new experience in the head. He probably went home, settled in and thought... "why didn't I just keep going?"
@fumanpoo4725 Жыл бұрын
I feel we are all doomed...the religious, the nonbelievers...all of us. I am so depressed and demoralized.
@smilefrownupdown 10 ай бұрын
So good! Im encouraged to self reflect!
@Candace-Loves 9 ай бұрын
So many well stated points that or country, and probably everyone everywhere needs to hear, especially right now.
@harkema8090 Жыл бұрын
Well done, Seth!
@MrFringehead Жыл бұрын
Thank you for bringing up this topic in such a humorous and relatable manner. The best definition of "extremism" that I've arrived at after having similar introspective experiences is the notion that some malevolent entity is intentionally inflicting suffering on the tribe. Like you mentioned in your talk, this belief is often factual in the case of actual declared feuds between groups or wars between polities. But often, the conflict arises from incompatible solutions to objectively real problems. Inherently dicey situations offer bad actors a ready-made dichotomy to exploit in order to put one or more factions on a war footing toward the others. First World societies compound this vulnerability by making the consequences of our individual actions as opaque as possible. Our situation is pretty cursed at the moment because the only way out, as I see it, is for individuals to willingly put aside the tools that let them exercise control over others; to stop trying to lead people toward utopia or to war against the "Great Satan" and to promise neither redemption nor victory.
@245194LAC Жыл бұрын
Well said. Excellent observations. Divisiveness has become the order of the day and the go-to position for people who cannot defend their position, which is often filled with inaccuracies or outright untruths. This is becoming ubiquitous. I, too, was once on social media and have seen the light and extricated myself from the midst of the trolls and the headaches they bring. I can't imagine what it must be like to get out of bed in the morning for the sole purpose of disrupting the good order of society by wreaking havoc on my fellow citizens. Thank you Seth for such an invigorating presentation. Simply brilliant.
@CaptFoster5 Жыл бұрын
It took me falling on my face and almost dying and becoming a grandpa five weeks after that happening to wake me up from how I had been wasting so much time and energy on trying to change other people's minds and going down one rabbit hole after another. That all happened in August 2021 and since I now concentrate almost exclusively on my granddaughter, the rest of my immediate family, and my backyard garden. Oh, I still have my opinions and don't mind expressing them. But I stopped worrying about others and I am all the better for it
@cytoplast0161 Жыл бұрын
Damn. Seth is cutting deep on this one
@DRayL_ Жыл бұрын
When I was a Christian, I used to love listening to Tony Campolo. I saw him on Seth's list of people who he considers an ally. Not sure if Seth has done any interviewing with him, but if so, I'd like to see that.
@DRayL_ Жыл бұрын
Anyway, this was a needed speech. People need to recognize that even the "enemy" needs to be treated humanely. I've failed at this at times. But I try to have civility when discussing a topic with a theist...and I prefer it. Heated conversations don't really accomplish anything.
@cullenarthur8879 Жыл бұрын
@@DRayL_ Dave Warnock has a youtube show called the GD Show with Genevieve and they interviewed Tony Campolo a month or two ago. It was a really good show.
@chloetabohakanema9459 Жыл бұрын
This video came at the right time in my life, thank you Seth
@danmurphy9480 6 ай бұрын
I needed to hear this. Thank you.
@candyvance2983 Жыл бұрын
This makes so much sense. Yay, Seth!
@robinhood20253 Жыл бұрын
My daughter will sometimes look at me and say are you fighting on the internet. Lol
@bipolarminddroppings Жыл бұрын
My fiancee does that to me lol.
@erinnmackie3507 6 ай бұрын
My boyfriend looks at my face and asks that
@Mekelsior 6 ай бұрын
Very important presentation. We must not paint everyone black and white, we need to consider the nuance. Seek the best for all people, enlarge our tribe to all of humanity.
@bortiz11 Жыл бұрын
Seth basically described my feelings while using social media, which are the reasons for quitting most of it. I began seeing people as dumb, stupid, etc. I saw this, and I quit. 2 years later, I'm more empathetic and sympathetic than I've ever been, and I understand people as individuals, and as groups, better. My youngest told me that I finally became a model father. My oldest is happy I'm more open-minded and a beter critical thinker and communicator. That alone makes it worth quitting social media, and it and helps me push forward in life.
@MrJamesVanEngen Жыл бұрын
You have an intriguing story. Thank you! I use social media in large part due to disability. To quit using social media would be a detriment to my health and well-being. You are naturally allowed more opportunities.
@SnakeAndTurtleQigong 5 ай бұрын
I always learn so much from this rhetoric style. ❤
@alanachamberlain5257 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this message.
@kimloveskaitlin 4 ай бұрын
@jacaris Жыл бұрын
One of your best! Loved it!
@scralet017greer3 Жыл бұрын
This is great. Thank you for your work Seth. We need more people to think like you do.
@davex444 Жыл бұрын
Well said Seth. Thank you.
@emordnilaps Жыл бұрын
Excellent. Near the end (55:00) I suddely saw a connection between the point Seth was driving at, and the admonitions on little cards I've made for reading to myself. Before, say, starting to drive (or posting). From the Buddhists' Pali Vinaya I have gleaned this small gem: Is this a good time to speak? Am I telling the whole truth? Is my voice gentle? Am I being kind? Will I be helpful?
@rayotoole9351 Ай бұрын
Marcus Aurelius wrote about this very topic 1800 years ago in Meditations. A timeless message we need to be constantly reminded of.
@coffeefrog Жыл бұрын
I despise tribalism, yet ironically I often find myself resenting tribalists as “the other.” It really is human nature, and it requires constant attention to keep in check. Thanks for the wake up call, and keep up the great work, Seth!
@moniquedelaney7958 11 ай бұрын
Yes !
@Instramark Жыл бұрын
Seth traded his old church for a much better church. More of better churches like his please.
@vmitchinson 11 ай бұрын
I learned along time ago (50 years ago) that getting All hot bother and mad causing my heart rate and blood pressure to increase. When I realised that the source of my frustration probably did not even know that he had caused me to get mad much less care. The end result is my blood pressure and risk of a heart attack was increased. So all that I accomplished was increased harm to myself. Since them I have relaxed and still here after 80 years and still reasonably healthy.
@degas 5 ай бұрын
👍♥️ Good on you.
@dustinellerbe4125 Жыл бұрын
Great talk. Let's get rid of wokism
@sassyinscrubs5206 Жыл бұрын
He gave this speech in san antonio recently....he did great
@broknows9138 Жыл бұрын
Excellent talk, points worth remembering. Thanks for sharing!
@LOwens-xf8yo Жыл бұрын
I love the honesty in this speech. I had a similar realization when my wife explained that just because I win an argument, doesn’t mean I am right. Just means I’m good at arguing. Which feels very hollow. I hope someone out there can hear this too.
@62wyo Жыл бұрын
Wow that was awesome!!
@ArcaneEther Жыл бұрын
I have a tough time convincing myself to let go of an argument in the face of an interlocutor who simply will not accept that their arguments are wrong, even when presented with multiple points of demonstrable evidence against it.
@pestemmedico6369 Жыл бұрын
It's difficult for me as well. I think what helps is realizing that we're dealing with psychological blockage at that point. It's like trying to make an alcoholic accept that he is an alcoholic. Until one is psychologically ready to be open, no argument in the world will help because we are looking at it from our eyes and not theirs.
@johnmcleod8961 3 ай бұрын
I didn't last very long on brought out the worst in me...I've been off of it for years now...egos do not care about ultimate truth or only cares about self preservation...I'm a 65 yo retiree...I really do not care to be around people anymore...I stay home to my self...I like it this way.
@truthseekeratheist9105 Жыл бұрын
Much of the fighting is due to the fact that a majority of people don’t know how to communicate and KZbin and Twitter force people to try to communicate in no more than three paragraphs, because after three paragraphs people stop reading.
@olafruiter4604 Жыл бұрын
Hello Seth, thank you for this very inspiring speech. I needed this, i needed this reality check. Like you said: "Sometimes we need to crush the enemy, but it's so much more rewarding to develop an ally. I will never surrender my snark, but when possible.... 🙂". Hear hear. Thank you again!
@ocularpatdown Жыл бұрын
I have to say, Seth, I haven't had the opportunity to watch your videos. There's something about your voice and delivery that is soothing, and to be honest, it's probably a bit of a (positive) primal thing because you still have that "preacher" voice and cadence going on; fortunately, in service to your causes today. Thank you. And speaking to your Canadian example. My wife and I visited Canada last month, went to both Toronto and Montreal. We saw a live football game: Montreal Alouettes vs. Toronto Argonauts. I felt that tribalism, lol. I don't think, though, that the CFL rivalry is as intense as the one between the Maple Leafs and the Canadiens, but I could truly appreciate that. For the record, while we were in Montreal, my wife and I were rooting for the Argos. That was a bit awkward. Oh, and my football tribe opposes Harvard. I think everyone in the Ivy League does so, as well Keep fighting the good fight, and thank you for reminding me of my need to maintain my humanity. Be well, sir.
@danmurphy9480 Жыл бұрын
I really needed to hear this. It’s just so easy to use ones anger as a crutch to boost ones sense of worth.
@uriituw Жыл бұрын
That world map slide really needs tweaking. Especially in Australia.
@IheartDogs55 Жыл бұрын
What Pavlovich said is precious, wise, and beautiful.
@pineapplepenumbra Жыл бұрын
3:30 This is one reason why I tell my pupils to leave a large gap between themselves and the vehicle in front (along with being able to get out of the way of emergency vehicles, etc), IF all the berks behind had done that, all it would take would be for 3 cars at the front to reverse back, he gets into the correct lane, and everyone's happier. 4:40 "It says Pike Pass" What if he's foreign? For example, in the UK, where I live, we have no such signs, and 1 in 5 or 6 people here was born abroad. 5:35 "Why didn't I jump out?" Good Question. I'm _always_ the one to jump out and help people, and have had other people whine about the situation, rather than try to solve the problem, even hooting at a little old lady stuck in a large puddle, or harrassed mothers with children, etc. Once I was coming up a hill towards a bend, and there was a queue. It turned out some bloke had rear ended someone and then couldn't get his car started, right on the sharp bend. I stopped to help, and eventually had to go round, pull up at angle to block traffic, so I could reverse his car up onto the verge (no power steering, which is one reason why he didn't want to do it). While I was looking to see if I could find a point to tow his car clear, some dopey mare came up and said, "You really shouldn't park on a bend like this!" Like he had _chosen_ to park there! What a fucking idiot.
@domiro8156 Жыл бұрын
thanks Seth for sharing some personal feelings and inspiring thoughts with us....
@CyreniTheMage Жыл бұрын
Damn, Mr. Andrews, what a long video that will do absolutely nothing to change my views! Now I gotta go link it to my friend and interest groups to stoke tribal anger and pick out the best roasts and insults to applaud! :V
@thesatinbowebird Жыл бұрын
I'm sure the brony/furry sub reddit will love to roast this video!
@CyreniTheMage Жыл бұрын
@@thesatinbowebird What? REDDIT? Screw Redditors, they suck! Small, niche old-school sci-fi forums are where it's really at!
@thesatinbowebird Жыл бұрын
@@CyreniTheMage I'm sure you would class the brony/furry community as a tribe. Do you like it when people roast and insult your views? Surely you of all people would have a bit more respect for other peoples views and not be so judgemental
@CyreniTheMage Жыл бұрын
@@thesatinbowebird But *my* tribe is better than all the other tribes! Everyone else likes things I don't like and therefore their groups are bad!
@jasondiasauthorpage615 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps the most pressing question of our time: Who is us, and who is them?
@rebeccamurphy4695 Жыл бұрын
Your best presentation ever! *chef's kiss!*
@bipolarminddroppings Жыл бұрын
Ive been in the same situation as Seth except I did help the guy, but for selfish reasons, I wanted to get going so I got out of the car, handed a fiver over to the toll attendant and said "thats for him and me" then walked back to my car. I literally preferred paying for him over waiting for a couple minutes. I've never been able to work out if that makes me a bad person or good person, or if it makes it neutral...
@skepticalotter2983 Жыл бұрын
Sounds neutral to me.
@MrFringehead Жыл бұрын
No matter what your personal character might be, your actions in that situation succeeded in moving you closer to your goal and possibly aligned with your values if you believe that "time is money." I think all we can reasonably ask people to do is solve problems in a way that doesn't threaten the health of society.
@bipolarminddroppings Жыл бұрын
@@MrFringehead I dont care about money. I'm just impatient.
@tirebiter4009 Жыл бұрын
That raises an interesting religious issue. The act itself is not important. If you did it purely out of self sacrifice and kindness, than it's a good deed and will be helpful on judgment day. But if you did it for selfish reasons, or to feel good about yourself, than it's a sin and, as the expression goes, there will be hell to pay. And you don't get to decide which one is the case.
@jayfredrickson8632 Жыл бұрын
Think of it this way: Before: you're unhappy. He's unhappy. After: you're happy. He's happy. You've just increased the total amount of happiness in the world. That's a net good!
@SteveFrenchWoodNStuff Жыл бұрын
You always give such incredible, humorous and insightful presentations. Thanks for more great content!
@MichaelYoder1961 Жыл бұрын
Excellent talk, Seth!
@tklyte Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad I watched this. Thank you Seth. I have some thinking and some work to do. Keep up the good work **************************
@TalonCain Жыл бұрын
22:20 defeats the principle of embarrassment that apologists like to use. Nice subtle debunk.
@l.wolfm.7006 Жыл бұрын
Seth. Brilliant! 👍💖
@kristinescozzari3839 10 ай бұрын
Before replying I ask myself if I would say this to anyone while sitting in a coffee shop. NO? then don't say it online. Thank you the reminder. Nuanced opinions are tough to maintain in the face of unrelenting binary statements.
@MXF5700 Жыл бұрын
Damn Seth. The amount of rationality and reasonableness in your speech is enough to make a man fail NNN. If things don't work out with Natalie slide into my DMs, Jesus Christ...
@Magnulus76 Жыл бұрын
Valerie Tarico's quote is so true, and so timely. Mere performativity in a sort of ritualistic fashion isn't really the sort of "goodness" people traditionally meant by the term.
@catznjam470 Жыл бұрын
🥰👍👍 thanks Seth! 💪😁🤗
@quartzninja Жыл бұрын
Sucks to think about the fact that that guy most likely was still given a ticket for his mistake, given that he had already gone through the wrong side and all. All the embarrassment and scrounging up of change to pay the way for the next guy who went through the right side...
@AgonySoup Жыл бұрын
I've taken what you've said to heart. I'm going to try and do better when I speak to ppl online.
@LifeIsThePrayer 7 ай бұрын
I used to argue on social media until I realized that chances were good that I was arguing with an AI bot.
@chaingun1701 Жыл бұрын
This reminds me alot of something I hear from one of my favorite KZbinrs, The Mighty Jingles, who covers a lot of World of Warships. When someone in the replay gets mouthy in chat he'll often say something along the lines of, "calling someone an idiot isn't going to make them play any better it just makes you look like an arsehole." (He is British of course).
@BenYork-UBY Жыл бұрын
In addition to Seth's checklist before posting, I'd add: - no posting after 12:00am - is there an argument to respond to, or is there just an unsubstantiated opinion/shitpost? Don't feel obligated to address the latter - try to argue with your own argument. If it's easy to think of a response to your own post, you're probably making a bad argument. - don't try to argue a subject based on speculations. If you don't know anything about the matter, don't debate it.
@tklyte Жыл бұрын
_ and most definitely, NO posting while under the influence.
@BenYork-UBY Жыл бұрын
@@tklyte yea that's a good thing to add as well
@williams3476 Жыл бұрын
@Keysdwj Жыл бұрын
Seth, I enjoy your style. I know it's a big thing going from where you started to where you are. Myself I never made that journey. Various churches growing up, and most time in a Methodist church, where I finally was surprised to understand that people believed this stuff. I always believed it like I believed in Santa Clause, then they put me in a confirmation group, and me not understanding what it was, I was fine with it, stuff to do, help clean up elderly person's property, and fun stuff. So I went along no problem, but then at the end of it, when it was explained to me that now I'm supposed to "swear" I believe the stories, and be confirmed, well that I could not do. I didn't even understand that others thought the stories were real until then, I thought it was just social norms stuff, that I also tended to not understand. Ok, I'm off topic here, but I do enjoy your talks, and I do enjoy and agree with your take on this issue.
@jamieward2880 Жыл бұрын
This is the stuff i seek.and i bteak down with weakness and battle my demons both self inflicted and inflicted upon me.but this is where i find me strength to battle my mental illnesses and morallity issues.
@alifmuhammadchicago Жыл бұрын
Wonderful speech, Seth, as usual. I will say this about the need to video the Houston guy and the "slacktivism". I think that you, sir, do video work and activism with duch devotion where it is hard to draw a line. I believe that it is hard to feel like we are the "real deal" if we don't take every opportunity to act, and technology makes it impossible to take *every* opportunity. You don't need my approval, I'm aware, but I hope you feel some empathy in the comments. You definitely have mine. Thanks, again.
@thecoopstr Жыл бұрын
I enjoy your perspective. On of my go-to's is neuroscience and I have a small point on what you said you 'get' from social media. I realized it might have been a 'throw away' comment. I will likely be indulging myself with this point, but here goes. The social status neurochemical is serotonin, not endorphins. Almost all our our adulting troubles are caused by this. Once you are past the adolescent (sometimes extended) search for oxytocin (mate), it primarily boils done to social status. It's called 'social' media. The ultimate villian in racism and bigotry is due to our biological need for an quest for serotonin. It's just a cheap way to get it as opposed to finding a cure for polio or cancer or being the guy stepping on the moon for the first time. Social media has provided an even cheaper means to the serotonin end. But it doesn't last. None of the neurochemicals last and they begin to habituate so you need to try harder, add more resources. Keep going back to the same slot machine. This was a great topic. I would love to see more of it.
@areuarealman7269 Жыл бұрын
Is that why people gaslight make stuff up for little hits hits just cruel too be cruel ?I know so but I wish everyone would admit it .
@varyolla435 Жыл бұрын
Yes there is an addictive nature to gaming and online interaction as anything which offers potential "reward" - be it physiological and/or emotional = we are hardwired to seek it out. After all if sex was not pleasurable then we would not seek to reproduce - leading to the demise of the species. So the problem here is not one of stimulating a neurochemical response as frankly our entire being is driven by chemical responses of some type or another. The problem as always is = the nature of our society. Moral of the story: we value "success" - which usually means monetary gain which is typically at the expense of others in some manner. Thus individuals who are inculcated into a constant need to "gain" reflect = sociological conditioning - of which neurochemical interplay is involved. So the problem with gaming or (anti)social media is one of its creators purposely exploiting the nature of the experience in order to prey upon our systems vis a vis neurochemical response. That makes it a problem of behavioral psychology. Grocery stores are purposely designed as an example to exploit shopper's behaviors so as to sell products. Companies will pay the store extra to place their product line in "just the right spot" to maximize the chances of it being sold. Similarly online entertainment and media also exploit our need to feel like "we belong" and via repetitive stimulation exploit our response to potentiate the experience so that we keep coming back and stay longer. That coincidentally is exactly what drug dealers do - or gambling venues as you inferred. It is a disingenuous business model which exploits our inherent weaknesses. 🤔
@thecoopstr Жыл бұрын
@@varyolla435, I humbly submit, your words having echoed within me ==our entire being is driven by chemical responses of some type or another.== I would add ==chemical calls== and respectfully suggest that your words should indicate further investigation and study to the greater importance of these chemicals as being the single most important force that separates us from inanimate and inorganic materials and from which the nature of our society is derived. Then on the societal level we can begin to address the causes by making sure each one of us is able to juggle our proper neurochemical balance to optimum societal effect.
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