Young Horse Slips During Trail Ride |~ This Is FAIR USE Tara Don't Strike Me!

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Today I am going over a video from Tara, reviewing a video where Bella, trips and stumbles while out on a trail ride. Or did her leg possibly give out?? Let me know what you think.
I will be giving my point of view on the methods being used, as well as giving the animal(s) in this video a voice. Don't blindly follow what someone says, even if they are a "professional", use your own critical thinking skills and question the tools, the method, and the trainers.
I am using all footage under the Fair Use Act for criticism and educational purposes, and do not wish for anyone to send hateful messages to the original poster. I hope to spread awareness about this type of unnecessary and dangerous practice that is so prevalent in the dog training world and horsey world, and to give these animals a better life. Let me know what you think of it, and what you would like to see next time! Until then, try to Stay Pawsitive :3
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@Amber-mv8wz 11 ай бұрын
I wish that it was only this one rider who makes me want to bite nails but sadly it's almost everyone who rides English & starts or rides a green horse. Their absolute insistence on constant contact & trying to force a horse into frame from the word go is not just ignorant but cruel IMO. A horse needs the opportunity to find its own balance, its own carriage when learning to deal with a rider's weight. Outside the smooth level footing of an arena EVERY horse needs to be free to use its head & neck for balance & to see its footing. Equitation & dressage are meant to be done in a ring not out on a trail. Being brutally honest here if you are any good at those things then riding your horse on the buckle out on the trail shouldn't be an issue for you. Everything about this rider screams insecure to me. Compensating for a poor seat & your own fears by clinging to the reins is all too common but it won't keep your ass in the saddle when things go tits up. The rule I grew up with & have always enforced is that if you can't get on a horse unaided then you can't ride the horse. You lack the strength, balance or the fitness required to be an effective rider. Yes, it is a test. It doesn't have to be pretty; it doesn't even have to be orthodox but if you can't get up there on your own steam then you don't belong there.
@K9Tay 11 ай бұрын
I completely agree with you! That's the point I've been trying to make with the mounting block comment. But apparently, I'm not working myself clearly. You said it!!
@beckyjones5722 11 ай бұрын
I take offence to that! Riding English is not cruel if you know what you are doing! This horse has not matured and Tara has no idea what she is doing!!!
@zaldiblak 11 ай бұрын
@@beckyjones5722 Yes, plenty of dreadful western riders too...2 raw to ride to name but one!!!!
@beckyjones5722 11 ай бұрын
Plus you join the world wide events????? DOH!!!!!???? What a weird fecking thing to say???????
@beckyjones5722 11 ай бұрын
I am done with this woman!
@Donna-dl8pp 8 ай бұрын
Thank Goodness I found your channel. I have watched a few of Tara`s videos and was horrified with her `teaching` im glad my instincts were right and im not the onlyone who feels bad for her 3 horses. please keep covering her vids
@K9Tay 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for the support, I will certainly be adding more reviews on her! 🐴
@ThePeage 7 ай бұрын
Me too! I saw Tara's videos about this horse a couple of weeks ago and posted comments on several of them to say the mare is displaying multiple behaviours that indicate pain in the ridden horse ... and posted these links: Sadly, though I was always polite, Tara appears to have blocked me.
@melaniesheen1642 Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad that finally someone is bringing attention to Taras videos of Bella, like I say I've tried in the comments but if you have anything negative to say about her methods you get ignored or blocked, I watched Tara riding Farouk in one of her latest videos and she looks too big for him and definitely riding in a saddle that's too small for her size and that's half the problem with her seat, Tara did comment she doesn't believe there's a problem with Bellas saddle and the creaking is from her boots, I agree that Bella isnt ready for these trips out and to be honest I don't think she's built a bond with her, why would they have a bond when poor Bella hates going into that arena because it means more of the same crap every time, I've come to learn that Tara isn't listening to any of her horses and just carries on doing things the way she wants, She's already said that riding 3 horses is too much for her and and her husband hasn't been well so they've taken Apollo's shoes off and he's not being ridden, what I don't understand is why doesn't she give Bella more time to grow and just give her a break and ride Apollo instead, instead shes riding a horse who just isn't ready and a perfectly good horse in Apollo is left out to grass,
@beckyjones5722 Жыл бұрын
Well said! But unfortunately Tara is blinkered and does not like to feel she is out of her depth or any criticism of any kind!!! To be honest she is making a fool of herself and much worse is her horses are the one's suffering!
@portalpixie2574 11 ай бұрын
Exactly. Apollo is currently in his prime.
@Aimee0206 Жыл бұрын
I'm like Tara and can't get on without a mounting block simply because I just don't have the strength for it. Doesn't change the fact that I'd still get off and check my horse is okay, even if it means that I have to walk home - the horses I ride matters more to me than my ego. Bella's a baby for christ's sake, you don't take chances with things like this
@thealaidlaw6696 11 ай бұрын
Another wonderful video Taylor, everything said is so true, unfortunately for this little mare there is only more work ahead, she like tara's other horses will spend her life being cantered in to the ground with tara pretending she's a endurance rider, when she has to trot her horses up she is to big to run, she's always out oof breath!! She takes Bella into the sand school and can't even ride a proper school movement, her saddle is far to small for her and she slams down on the cantal which must be so painful for her horses, its horrible to see and sad to think what that little mare has ahead, please keep making these videos to teach people what not to do, thank you❤
@K9Tay 11 ай бұрын
Thank you, I'm so glad to hear you enjoy the content. It means a lot to have your support ❤️
@2snowgirl520 11 ай бұрын
@@K9Tay, I agree, that saddle is too small for her. Her butt extends over the cantle.
@jacksg1809 10 ай бұрын
​@@K9TayI support u totally
@ruthrudolf9308 7 ай бұрын
I totally agree with your observations. It's heartbreaking to witness what she does to her horses and it can only end with one of them having enough of this abuse and fighting back. And taking another horrific fall (like the one when young Farouk brushed her off his back under a big tree) could very well be the end of her riding attempts.
@nindigo2038 Жыл бұрын
Race horses compete at the age of two which is bloody insane. Anway, it looks like to me that Tara isn't actually strong enough to mount her horses without the help of a block/stool due to her age, weight, and possible joint issues. She also looks stiff and heavy while riding. Furthermore, she seems to be compensating for her lack of bodily strength by holding onto the reins for dear life whenever her balance is threatened. It's a natural reaction, but of course hurts the horse's mouth. Overall, I think Tara may be bit too ambitious for her age with her horse training. She isn't young anymore which is evident for all to see. Time to take a step back and slow things down with Bella, and accept that she isn't as good a rider as she once was due to her age and health. It's something we all go through. We can choose to be graceful about it and accept it. Or not.
@beckyjones5722 Жыл бұрын
Well said!!! Poor Bella!!!
@Aine24601 7 ай бұрын
I agree...but its not age...i 65 ive ridden since a basket chair😂. Im a retired BHSI. Ive taught, worked as a polo groom for the Duke of Edinburgh-that shows my age. Bred Working Hunters and Welsh Section A for a while. All years and years ago. Never gone a week without riding. Took my Pony Club B at 16 then my BHSAI then BHSI. I still ride my 100% solid big chap Murphy, hes 17.1 Irish Sports Horse..and at 5ft2 i use a mountain block, obviously...or a ladder.😅. I have arthritis in knees and hands so am a happy hacker,my daughter competes him, a little. Ive groomed for a friend of Prince Charles Chris Collins years ago. Eventing. Been there done that quietly and behind the scenes the days when we lived in a tiny caravan and werd called Working Pupils. My dad was tough i had to be able to ride with no stirrups or reins over a set of cavaletti on a track..arms folded. That gave me the strongest seat and ive never lost it...fact. This woman drives me INSANE! She appears to think shes a trainer???? Shes had no.professional training its obvious. Shes like a stiff wooden block hanging onto the reins and it must be hell to have her bouncing about on your back. She has 3 gorgeous horses and rides each one the same heavy hands etc. Oh im not even going to say anymore. I had to stop watching her. Youre correct in every way fhough.Even though im 5ft2 and lightweight i know my capabilities now im 65 So glad i found real horse people who thought the same. Just caught one of her doing a half pass on poor Bella...apparently ladies you just pull with outside rein, kick with inside ...drag your horse over ..and there you go. 😱😱😱😱😱
@beckyjones5722 Жыл бұрын
I have no words for this woman as you know!!! I am glad you highlight poor Bella!!! If your striked for stating the obvious they are very ignorant! Her latest indoor arena hire????? Jesus you can see how confused Bella is!!! I feel compelled to let her supporters know all is not well and stop encouraging this woman to make really bad choices with Bella! She has no clue and needs professional help!! She does sit like a sack, very heavy handed, Yanks her poor mouth!! This has no relevance but if I purchased her saddle I would be questioning why it squeeked so much? The noise alone is a distraction! I expect no more from Tara to just put a green ribbon in her tail! Who was that for??? She expects a non equestrian walking the same fields to understand what this means??? No Tara you wear a full visual tabard stating how young your horse is, Riding in a public place where dog walkers, Hikers go to also!!!! Now this is the most important issue I have saved this for last as when I think about it I get really upset!!! She should have absolutely got off Bella with her legs going beneath her!!!! Then the poor girl asked to walk across the uneven service of the dried up stream, Could you imagine if water was running through there??? I bet she would have still tried to cross it!!! I think I have said enough so I will leave it there!!!!
@Sue-D1101 Жыл бұрын
I think if you look back on her older videos you will find her leading Bella through that stoney dried up stream when it was actually flowing with water. Not sure when it was but a while ago I think before she started riding her. Good luck letting her supporters know, you will be condemned before you finish typing. It’s ridiculous how defensive they are.
@beckyjones5722 Жыл бұрын
@@Sue-D1101 Yes I did see that vlog with her going through the stream on foot with Bella!! I also saw the vlog her walking Bella with NO Hi Viz on her and no hat on? Walking a public walkway cursing dog owners for not having their dogs on a lead! What a utter hypocrite indeed! Like I have said she blames everything else but herself?? She is deluded in my eye's!!!! Did you see the one with the land owner have a go at her?
@Sue-D1101 Жыл бұрын
@@beckyjones5722 Haha I did yes, that was Farouk’s fault she went the wrong way.
@beckyjones5722 Жыл бұрын
The woman is way too experienced for a neck strap either???
@beckyjones5722 Жыл бұрын
Surfaces not services apologies but you all know exactly what I was stating!
@marymacgregor6952 Жыл бұрын
Someone made a comment about having the vet check her on this video and she replied, “Don’t be ridiculous, she slipped.” Her attitude sucks.
@Sue-D1101 Жыл бұрын
She can be very rude if you’re not praising her.
@2snowgirl520 11 ай бұрын
@@Sue-D1101, she can be rude to drivers also.
@kajinsautumn9833 11 ай бұрын
@@2snowgirl520 And other riders.
@nicolavalentine5405 11 ай бұрын
I told her she was rude with the 'don't be ridiculous' comment and it got taken down
@Sue-D1101 11 ай бұрын
@@nicolavalentine5405 I’ve noticed there are no comments now in relation to her riding, only the false nice ones from her adoring followers. She must spend most of her day deleting or barring everyone 😂
@2snowgirl520 11 ай бұрын
I agree. I feel Tara is too heavy for both Farouk and Bella. It hurts my heart how she makes Farouk gallop so much.
@joyfulk9services 10 ай бұрын
I have horsey family in the UK. Growing up I ALWAYS felt they ride horses too small. My aunt there used to pair me up with the tiniest ponies. She said our legs had to sufficiently wrap around their horse at home was 15.2 when I was 12 to 13 years old, my medium pony was when I was 7 to 10 years old and my coach told me I outgrew him. I remember my aunt saying she was the UK they all do "pony club" and I always felt their sizes were off. Mind you, they do have some strongly built sport ponies, but my horse and myself at 17 to 20 were super comfortable, he was 17.3 and I was told too big for me lol but did he ever excel in sports and never had a single spine or joint issue. Happier and healthy horse is my preference. I don't necessarily agree to wait until 5.5 for full riding. Not all horses take that long to develop fully, many do. But just like large breed dogs, large breed horses like drafts or warm bloods take longer, agile, fine boned ponies and breeds are fairly safe between 3 and 4. Minimal weight is ideal of course.i did LOTS of bareback work when training the young horses. Lots of ground work with tack on. Then I used to lead around my tiny 90lb friend for the pony babies, or have them drag bags of grain 😂 there's tons of fun prep activities that can be done, agreed there.
@K9Tay 10 ай бұрын
Totally agree! Healthy, happy horses is the way to go! 🐴
@joannahillyard3006 7 ай бұрын
It’s only a matter of time before Bella has enough and dumps her on the ground then Tara will call her dangerous and hands her off to someone else.
@maddy7418 Жыл бұрын
This doesn’t really look like a slip to me. It looks like the horses legs just straight up gave out.
@hollywill2226 11 ай бұрын
I agree!! Too heavy, too much, too soon! Ms know it all can’t take it slow during training, can she?!?!?
@myriamlemieux1523 8 ай бұрын
Yes Bellla is too small for Tara who is also too big for her saddle! Bella is paddling with her front legs! This is not a plus for sure!
@marymacgregor6952 Жыл бұрын
She can’t mount without a block. She won’t get off to lead her horses because she can’t get back on.
@vanessaeverett1141 11 ай бұрын
@BeverleyZarnowski Жыл бұрын
I agree with you: Bella is not ready for this.
@spetrie2325 11 ай бұрын
I agree with all critical comments. I stopped watching her a long time ago for many of the reasons mentioned
@Aine24601 7 ай бұрын
I cant mount without a block as ive ridden for 62 years and have arthritis in knee. However, i may sound awful but this woman, to me, as a BHSI instructor for years, she drives me insane. She hangs on...her hands are so heavy and stiff, and shes far too sorry heavy for her. She seems to think she knows everything ....shes too heavy for 2 of her horses Farouk and Bella... except the Friesan. He is stunning but omg her riding! Okay i like good dressage....Carl Hester is my hero....but she is clueless, she never has professional training so sits up there reins too short,hands like lead . Her position has always been poor, i guarantee on a lunge with no reins or stirrups, arms folded, shed be on the floor in a second. I wouldnt ride Bella either till she was older. My boy is a 17.1hh Irish big boned Sports horse ...and im nowhere near her size. Im also only 5ft2 but hes my baby. Hes 8 now and we ard happy hackers and he does working hunters with my daughter. That constant yanking...drives me bonkers. But i heard from people on the Endurance Circuit...of whom I know a few , you cant tell her anything,her videos are cringemaking. Thats why shes always alone and only liked by non riders. Im sure shes a caring person but she knows very little and does hr own thing😱 Id have walked her home im afraid. I feel awful saying this but...i cant bear to watch so stopped watching.
@witchhazel8583 11 ай бұрын
Bella is beautiful... I think the saddle is way too small and the rider is not in the right position on the horses back. A small saddle gets you stuck and you can not use your seat or legs properly. Getting up from a block is ok I think. As long as someone holds down on the other stirrup, or you get up just sliding down over the horse from the block. And yes the horse is way too small.
@donnadiesburg7451 11 ай бұрын
This is so interesting. You said some things I wondered was wrong. Her tight rein constantly talking and foaming at her mouth. Thank you for your videos. \ Yes Tara talks incessantly
@lyndachabane1931 Жыл бұрын
Tara is all about showing off and that's it. Her riding ability leaves a lot to be desired... just keep sending her your money folks, 😂😂 Had to add... she is now asking for money for a coffee..... seriously, who does that!!
@2snowgirl520 11 ай бұрын
That’s another thing that bugs me about Tara. She asks for money for “carrots” when these people seem very able to pay for their own carrots.
@lyndachabane1931 11 ай бұрын
@@2snowgirl520 I think it's outrageous... I buy my own horse his Carrotts!!!
@jeanmilne397 11 ай бұрын
⁠@@2snowgirl520can’t stop laughing that’s so true 😂 👍
@chickensheil 11 ай бұрын
They clearly are very comfortable financially, I'm staggered she has the nerve to ask for monies for ' carrot fund' unbelievable!
@nicolavalentine5405 11 ай бұрын
​@@2snowgirl520Absolutely agree, its embarrassing, begging for money
@2snowgirl520 11 ай бұрын
Tara posts to brag. She wants people to think she is an expert.
@morgannmiller3019 11 ай бұрын
I just found your channel and I have to say, I'm glad someone finally said it. I'm sick of being harassed at the barn for not riding my horse until he's over 6 years. I've heard everything from "he's going to be untrainable at that age" to "it's too late to start him and now you've ruined him for life." My horse is 4 years old. Not only the physical factor, but horses are not fully mentally developed until at least 6-8 years old. Riding a horse at such a young age is bound to end up in disaster for the horse. Stop riding your super young horses people. You've just gained a new subscriber! 🐴🥰
@K9Tay 11 ай бұрын
Omg thank you so much, I appreciate your comment and support! You know, when ignorance screams, intelligence is silent. You are very wise and I know your sweet baby appreciates that! It's never too late to learn, maybe for some people, but not for animals!! Keep up the good work and feel free to send updates as you work with your horsey baby!! 🥰🐴
@morgannmiller3019 11 ай бұрын
@@K9Tay Thanks for your kind words! Thankfully I will be moving my horse soon and we'll be at a place that keeps more to themselves. Based on my initial impression, you sound like a Rick Gore (Think Like A Horse) fan? I love Rick because he strives to understand the horse and believes a lot of the same things you do. If you haven't watched him before I definitely recommend checking him out. His channel jumpstarted my journey to understanding horses and providing them with the best possible life.
@K9Tay 11 ай бұрын
HA! Yes I am a long time fan of his, and he taught me a lot about giving horses the best care as well! Love to watch him give updates on the boys! I love working with horses, and hope to own one or two (they need a buddy lol) some day when I have the right kind of property for them. Glad to hear you're going to be getting away from all the nosey barnwitches! Give your big guy a kiss and treat for me :D
@lmp8932 11 ай бұрын
The horse appears to throwing her off fore out in the walk but more so in the trot. She is also throwing her off rear out at the walk. She looks unbalanced, and frothing usually indicates pain or tension. It looks as if the leg dropped out, not a slip. The rider looks to large for the horse and is expecting too much from a youg green horse IMO.
@nicolavalentine5405 11 ай бұрын
According to Tara, frothing is a sign of happiness 😮
@zaldiblak 11 ай бұрын
Horse looks unsound...poor leg conformation and heavy rider.
@jmgill7074 Жыл бұрын
It's all about showing off! Look what I have and look at me!
@2snowgirl520 11 ай бұрын
I agree. Plus she is nasty. I have complained about her constant galloping of Farouk. Now she has recently posted a video of her constantly galloping Farouk and it seems to be aimed at me.
@lyndachabane1931 9 ай бұрын
I totally agree with you on that. It's a case of look what I can afford, 3 purebred and very expensive horses, videoing every single ride, videoing the horses in the field and overnight, washing a tail, and so it goes on. I am sure she just loves all the comments she gets praising her to the heavens and god help anyone that dares to make a disparaging comment, they are soon dismissed and blocked from commenting. A very strange woman indeed. She obviously loves the fame lolol.
@susanford6926 11 ай бұрын
She has been critczed by other people!!
@Sue-D1101 11 ай бұрын
Oh dear, latest vlog is even worse. I’m not often speechless but what is this woman doing to this poor horse! I’ve not got to the end as just can’t bear to watch. ☹
@firstdecanpisces2495 11 ай бұрын
Same…I immediately posted my thoughts about the new video of ‘Rubber Bella’ 😤 Have now given a commitment to myself to watch no more of this woman’s nonsense. She is a bully in fake sickly-sweet sheep’s clothing.
@nooralhuda32 Жыл бұрын
Green ribbons are for youngsters,, and yeah she so stinking cute and I mean Bella , wow first to comment ,, umm Tara did walk Bella in that area before but like you said she is not ready yet,, poor Bella I can feel she is not walking properly as if she is carrying like 10 big sacks of hey or sand in her back,,,my advice ? Loosen the weight Tara.
@debbiehorn8263 10 ай бұрын
I think Tara loves her horses but I have to agree with you on every aspect of her treatment of her horses. When I watch her ride Farouk it feels as though she loses control of him . I've gotten to were I don't watch that much and have unsubscribed.Appollo is a better fit for Tara.. I'm also a larger person and I'd feel better on him.
@joyfulk9services 10 ай бұрын
Nonetheless-i wouldve liked to see her after care after the ride. Once she untacked, i hope she was smart enough to inspect, cold hose for 15-20min and then poultice and wrap the back legs overnight just to be proactive. Maybe some bute before bed to alleviate excess inflammation. Hopefully she is a mindful horseperson on the ground and care of the horses 😬 With that said, i would also have some polos or good tendon boots on all 4 legs and bell boots, especially the babies theyre clumsy finding their footing and it can prevent injuries, possibly even prevent that hind end giving out to begin with.
@user-lq5dc2kp3f 7 ай бұрын
Do your comments get back to tara. Her head is high because the reins are too tight but mainly bcos tara is too heavy. It isn't a slip, her legs gave way. I agree with you
@K9Tay 7 ай бұрын
I believe her followers have ragged about me in her comments before, and at one point Tara did try to strike my channel for copyright, but aside from that I think she just ignores any criticism, no matter how nicely others try to word it to her.
@firstdecanpisces2495 11 ай бұрын
Another video of this very unfortunate Tara/Bella interface has just been uploaded…they’re back in the manege, and from the off Bella is clearly unhappy, uncomfortable, and evading pretty much everything Tara insists on…the video is stupidly titled ‘Rubber Bella’ ie, that the horse relishes and is naturally gifted at lateral work…Tara’s unrefined and bullish approach means that Bella is being asked to run well before she can walk…literally! She is not calm and relaxed under saddle in the school, and this will lead to a sour, bossy, unwilling character…not the best match for someone like Tara. She has an amazingly strong, confident and powerful war horse in Apollo who is probably her perfect partner in many ways…it’s always been the gorgeous, sensitive, gentle Farouk I’ve felt worried for…he is so out of place in the Tara universe…really upsetting to see him galloped all over the place with Tara slamming up and down on his narrow back and pulling on his delicate mouth…I keep telling myself I’ll not watch any more of her videos…it leaves me unsettled and angry every time.
@BismarcksOtto 11 ай бұрын
Good God, and isn't today's upload (Rubber Bella) just the perfect showcase of the problems of this pair (trio actually, if we count in the husband adding his own vocal commands for Bella from the sidelines in order to back up his wife) dialled up to 11? Ears pinned, unhappy, foaming mouth, pained/fed up eyes, constantly trying to get away from under the rider's aids/pressure in any direction... One other thing I noticed in particular this time: the cut away from Bella when she was ridden towards the manege to footage of the cattle in the nighboring field, followed by the last two seconds of Bella stepping into the manege proper, immediately doing a half-bolt 180 degree turn. Was she refusing on the approach already? That would, in any case, gel with the behavior exhibited for the rest of the video: that was one fed up horse. Since that video is also labeled "1/3", I wonder what more is in store. Also: apart from what benefit the cantilever action on that saddle might bring in theory or with a lighter rider, it's got to be the worst possible choice for this pair - the downward movement in the posting trot is bad enough, but every splat down at the canter here smacks the cantle down so severely it's got to carry all the way through through with a jolt on the horse's spine.
@2snowgirl520 11 ай бұрын
@@BismarcksOtto, I think her husband must be henpecked, and god help him if he doesn’t follow her orders.
@Sue-D1101 11 ай бұрын
@@BismarcksOtto I think this is one of her worst vlogs which totally emphasises her lack of knowledge. It’s painful to watch and I feel for poor Bella. I just wish she would take notice and get some help.
@zaldiblak 11 ай бұрын
​@@BismarcksOtto agree and yes the Bua saddle is so crap..did you see the vid she did of it being"fitted" ( in the loosest sense) to Apollo? It all seemed to revolve around Rens '( who has barely ridden) bo*****s pain in the previous saddle. Tara doesn't seem to understand anything about saddle fitting or design. Note also the dry spots on Farouk ( in the area of points of tree )when she removed saddle after the Boltby photo shoot...bad sign. She is too heavy to ride any 4 yo
@AliWade1971 11 ай бұрын
I stopped watching her videos a while ago, as really worried there will be a serious accident one day.
@hollywill2226 11 ай бұрын
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I’ve stopped watching this idiot and pray for the safety of those poor, precious horses (which I fell in love with) they give her 100 % every time she puts them in a hopeless situation!!😔
@Krookavan 24 күн бұрын
I think she uses the mounting block because she is 60 years old plus, and it's not so easy to get on a horse.
@kajinsautumn9833 11 ай бұрын
I've watched quite a few of her videos and UGGGG!! Her husband is a bore, too. CONSTANTLY saying, "Good Girl" to Bella no matter WHAT the horse is doing!! She is not a good rider and to watch her videos on her first rides on Bella... Horrible!! Always giving Bella confusing cues, yelling at her, etc. Thanks for talking about this person! Too bad she refuses any advise. I posted a comment that I thought Bella was sore and something was off on one of her videos when she is refusing to walk off. THEN Tara tries to make her canter and the poor horse looks lame or sore. Can't fix stupid.
@Aine24601 7 ай бұрын
Mounting block horse is too big for me really so i use one ...but i never ever did riding for 63 years. We were made to get on correctly i remember being 9 and riding my brothers 15hh little horse Zaach. Couldnt get up said we'll follow when youre up. 😮 half an hour later i caught up with them😅😅😅 i mean if you can only mount with a block what happens if you fall off your 17.1 hh when he trips in a hole...alone...on the beach where theres nothing of any height. Ill tell you. After checking hes ok and i mean really check... You walk....forever...😢 i remember it well.
@raulishnikovdancer2346 2 күн бұрын
Bella is soo adorable, she is a sweet. Just imagine poor Faroukh being of a lighter bone structure than Bella had to endure with Tara on him for an endurance race. I'm sorry she sold Faroukh and I'm not gonna see more videos of him, but I'm relief he is certainly in much better hands. Tara rides always stressed, trying to give verbal commands as if the horses were dogs, but doing the wrong things with her hands and legs. And No, a good girl, good boy is not the same with horses than with dogs, dogs understand they doing good, horses cannot understand they are doing good if you say gooooood giirrrl but still hurting her mouth. Of all the thousend videos of Spanish horses I've seen, Bella is the one that convinces me the more about the gentleness of the PRE breed. She takes so much abuse and still she is willing to go on. I don't know why Tara insists in riding horses, she clearly doesn't enjoy riding is like a nitroglicerine box riding her horses she gets afraid of everything and you can actually feel the nervousness of both rider and horses in the videos.
@Tereselynn 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely right!
@susanford6926 11 ай бұрын
You pointed out some great points
@Zen_Viniti 6 ай бұрын
Not going into 2point up a hill is pure LAZY!!
@g1000- 2 ай бұрын
Ano I'm a bit late to your channel but I wanna say thank god for you and im praying Tara takes note altho I'm very doubtful from what iv seen. I recommended her to watch Steve Young horsemanship on youtube hes amazing and does everything without pain!!!!! But she didn't like my recommendation
@bettydanico2959 6 ай бұрын
@Zen_Viniti 6 ай бұрын
Her back end gave out. This rider has no basic fundamentals of a proper seat and balance. 101. This rider DEFINITELY should have looked at this and evaluated this situation. This was not a small slip. This was a giving out of this horse's back end. Period. Again.
@missykins3250 7 ай бұрын
So i just want to comment on the horses not knowing left and right as my miniature horse gelding i taught him those cues, the same as you'd teach any other command word. I long reined him a lot both on trails and in the school when training to do long reining shows. And more so on trails than schooling/showing) i could tell him to move over to the left or right, with reins in one hand, no contact just using voice signals. So just saying it is possible
@K9Tay 7 ай бұрын
That's terrific!! I love to hear that, and I agree with you, I think it's very possible to teach them to move off of just your voice if you put enough time into it 😄🐴
@missykins3250 7 ай бұрын
@K9Tay he is a very special pony... in more ways that one! Lol I think something really bad might have happened to him in the first 12-18 months of his life, as dispite having had him for 20 years he still get quite nervous with people.
@K9Tay 7 ай бұрын
Aww I know what you mean! A friend of mine just adopted a horse who's also 20, very sound under saddle, but still surprisingly spooky with new objects.
@vinetakrivane5440 6 ай бұрын
This lady talks like "Think like a horse" a little
@Aine24601 7 ай бұрын
Sorry ive commdnted so much. I think its finally being able to vent about that awful woman. 😅😅😅
@K9Tay 7 ай бұрын
Of course, don't worry, that's why I have this channel, for honest criticism 😁🐴
@Sue-D1101 11 ай бұрын
Lateral movement vlog - One of the most disturbing aspects of this particular vlog is the comments. So many of them are saying how funny Bella is, oh she’s hilarious sone say! Well actually if any of you idiots read this, it is not funny, educate yourself and you will learn how actually NOT funny Bella is.
@persephonemaeve2704 21 күн бұрын
I’m so sad for Bella. She just doesn’t seem right in her body. Lots of over compensating on one side and seems to be dishing. There is so much more I could say but it won’t help the horse. Tara is just plain entitled and doesn’t care. The horse is not ready to be ridden full stop.
@K9Tay 21 күн бұрын
Awww I feel the same way for poor little Bella! I wish Tara could see that people are trying to help her and Bella, it's nothing personal. But there are none so blind as those who refuse to see. 😞
@Zen_Viniti 6 ай бұрын
Shes rolling her front legs while walking. This horse is not balanced. This is to be blamed by the rider and the trainer. Not cool.
@Zen_Viniti 6 ай бұрын
Yes, the rider does not have the core strength and if any, it's not being engaged or utilized during the ride as this rider is seemingly dead weight as said "sack of potatoes". This is not lovely. The saddle is too small for this rider. Period. Per horse, that is to be determined only in-person upon working with the horse.
@beckyjones5722 11 ай бұрын
I have been watching some of Tara's comments and some are dissing you stating a dog trainer who knows nothing about horses is trying to get viewers and that you was put in your place with a laughing emoji?!!! I tried to explain they obviously have no clue either! I am sure I will hear back from them! I mean honestly????? Who cares you get more views the fact is the woman is deluded and needs help!!!! Do you know what I would love is a specialist for Andalusians come and advice her! Get Bella checked! I absolutely believe Bella needs to grow and mature! I would put a bet on it!!!
@K9Tay 11 ай бұрын
🤣🤣 that's hilarious! I agree with you, it would be great to see a specialist help poor bella!
@Sue-D1101 11 ай бұрын
Oh that’s typical they all jump in to attempt to defend her. Which video was it?
@BismarcksOtto 11 ай бұрын
there have got to be one or two of the purely equestrian-focused youtubers who would be able to show and explain the fundamental issues exhibited in these videos in under five minutes and in a way even the mostly non-equestrian horse lovers who seems to make up most of Tara's fans would understand. Raleigh Link possibly, or the American gentleman (from somewhere in the South, judging from the accent) whose channel I plain don't remeber the name of anymore. He comments on others' youtube videos on occasion but predominantly posts his own videos.
@Sue-D1101 11 ай бұрын
@@BismarcksOtto The issue with this is you have to actually admit you need the help and this is never going to happen in this case. I’m sure she has some very capable professional equestrians near where she lives should she ever wish to source them out but I doubt that will ever happen.
@debilionetti3211 11 ай бұрын
@@BismarcksOtto The guy you are referring to is Rick Gore, from Texas and his channel is "Think Like a Horse". He has already done one or two videos on Tara and her lack of skill, and so has Raleigh Link. Excellent viewing and it goes to show that anyone who really knows horses will see in an instant that this woman is no horse trainer and her riding skills come from the dark ages. Look for her video of her "jumping" Apollo and you will see what I mean. No knowledge whatsoever of the forward seat! Poor horses.
@Tereselynn 3 ай бұрын
I'm 65 and only 5 ft.4 & yet I can mount horses from the ground with no problem! Cartainly am not like Tara!😊
@K9Tay 3 ай бұрын
That's terrific! I have since changed my mindset to not necessarily seeing a mounting block as the end all be all for bad horsemanship. If someone wants to use one because it benefits their horse or because they are a bit shorter, than that's totally fine. It's the overall picture, or totality of circumstances that is what I look at 🐴
@Tereselynn 3 ай бұрын
@@K9Tay No - even though she uses the block I'm laughing at the way she mounts every time on her horses.
@K9Tay 3 ай бұрын
@sailcatthecat972 4 сағат бұрын
Oh mind your own business. Do better!
@K9Tay 2 сағат бұрын
When you post something PUBLICLY then you shouldn't be surprised when people have an opinion about it. If you didn't want any feedback, then DON'T POST IT TO THE INTERNET. 😉
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