Your Lie in April 10th Anniversary ✨Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Emotional Piano Medley✨🎹 Ru's Piano

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Ru's Piano Ru味春捲

Ru's Piano Ru味春捲

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@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
如夢落櫻滿薰香,夢醒猶記四月謊。 今生無悔入四月,來世願做友人A。 🧡Join RuRu's Membership & Patreon 加入會員領取每月福利 (專屬直播/專屬影片/Discord/樂譜/音訊/拍立得/明信片) 📍Membership 頻道會員:kzbin.infojoin 📍 🎻大家可以透過超級留言、超級感謝支持RuRu,這對我的創作之路有莫大的幫助唷! 🎼「Your Lie in April 10th Anniversary」楽譜
@A-N-Y_toast 8 ай бұрын
@ULun15 8 ай бұрын
@Phoenix0211 8 ай бұрын
@Hunter-0527 8 ай бұрын
@silver-gh4dc 8 ай бұрын
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
大家有發現嗎?沒有你的四月..已經迎來第10個年頭了, 身為一位鋼琴家、一位四謊的忠實粉絲,今晚想透過史坦威鋼琴,帶大家回憶10年前的那份感動 想妳了,小薰
@A-N-Y_toast 8 ай бұрын
@silver-gh4dc 8 ай бұрын
@Kamitsuki999 8 ай бұрын
@Phoenix0211 8 ай бұрын
@iceyuki598 8 ай бұрын
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
Do you notice that April without already the 10th year? As a pianist and a fan of Your Lie in April. I want to use the Steinway piano to bring everyone back to the touching memories of 10 years ago. Miss you, Kaori.
@A-N-Y_toast 8 ай бұрын
@Hunter-0527 8 ай бұрын
@silver-gh4dc 8 ай бұрын
@happytime5914 8 ай бұрын
@iceyuki598 8 ай бұрын
@ULun15 8 ай бұрын
「春天,馬上就要來了。讓我與你相遇的春天,就要來了。再也沒有你的春天....就要來了。」 突然覺得我好有勇氣… 四謊完結後的每一年四月,都會再回來重看一遍QAQ把自己虐的不要不要的 每次聽到任何一首OP、EP、OST,我的那個眼淚是真的沒在客氣的🥲 今年四月初一個不小心,就把四謊直接再刷了兩遍….真的體會到什麼是哭到沒眼淚 很喜歡很喜歡這一部所傳達的意境… 而且對Again的印象更有感覺了,原本對這首比較沒有記憶點,但這幾次重看後… 覺得這首的旋律&情緒也是把劇情抬升到另外一個檔次的功臣之一 老大這次一次彈這三首我可能要先準備好幾包衛生紙🧻了ಥ_ಥ
@Kamitsuki999 8 ай бұрын
@ULun15 8 ай бұрын
@@Kamitsuki999 快去看!還來得及
@gorun1274 8 ай бұрын
@ULun15 8 ай бұрын
@@Kamitsuki999 快去看!還來得及
@ULun15 8 ай бұрын
@@gorun1274 真的….
@philipbrowning3544 8 ай бұрын
10 years, wow… this anime really left a mark that kind of makes it feel out of place in time, like I can remember it as clearly as if I just watched it but it still feels like an old friend too. A piano tribute by RuRu is definitely the perfect way to mark the moment!
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment. I like this anime very much so I play the song "April is Your Lie" every April
@_Aditya_kun 8 ай бұрын
"She taught him that even in the darkest moments, there is always a flicker of light. And though she may be gone, her lessons live on, reminding him to live a life worthy of her memory. Her presence was a melody that echoed in the hearts of those she touched. She lived like a melody, always fleeting but eternally remembered." Will wait for the next spring without her to rewatch the memories she left behind.
@javalgandha8881 6 ай бұрын
(T_T) cannot wait for another spring without her.
@ULun15 8 ай бұрын
大黑來詮釋這三首真的好有感覺ಥ_ಥ Again跟Orange也有大黑的版本了!!! 四謊真的是一部讓人胃痛,卻也會想一直回味的一部作品呢 尤其是配上音樂,總是能把我的眼淚哭的一滴不剩QQ 劇中一直在強調「把情感投入在音樂中,把自己的情緒毫無保留的傳遞給聽眾」 這一段真的非常有感覺,因為每一次聽老大的音樂總是能有相同的感受 感覺自己好像身臨其境般的體會到音樂的溫度,以及所傳達的情緒(能聽到老大彈琴真的是好幸福呢♪( ´▽`) 而且其中有一句台詞我真的超喜歡! 宮園薰:一位有名的小提琴家曾經說過「音樂能夠跨越語言」,透過音樂的交流互相明白、互相了解 就像是靈魂相繫、心靈重疊一般,那是透過樂器產生的對話、是合聲中誕生的奇蹟,那一瞬間 音樂跨越了語言。
@jasonshih001 8 ай бұрын
@ULun15 8 ай бұрын
@@jasonshih001 好QAQ
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
謝謝U綸的支持 四謊的音樂只要一聽前奏就覺得胃痛,音樂真的寫得太好,完全能讓人融入在劇情當中
@ULun15 8 ай бұрын
@@RuRusPiano 真的是有夠胃痛…一直聽一直哭QAQ
@naul2477 8 ай бұрын
Each April is turning out to be an even more important event than the last, despite the time that has passed, Shigatsu left an indelible mark that remains to this day. ❤️✨
@silver-gh4dc 8 ай бұрын
聽著RuRu的琴聲,四月是妳的謊言的記憶都浮現在眼前,宮園薰霸道、充滿自信、光明的幫助有馬公生走出自己的傷痛,在有馬公生的面前,以一名凜然的小提琴家的身姿,對他說出:「不是還有我在嗎。」告訴他「前方可能是昏暗的夜路,即便如此,仍舊堅信著前進,堅信星光會為我們微微點亮前路。」兩人一起演奏出充滿繽紛色彩的音樂,宮園薰幫助有馬公生找回琴聲,有馬公生陪伴宮園薰最後的日程,甚至那最後的一封信真實又感人的說出自己的心聲,帶給對方最後一項禮物,四月是妳的謊言真的是一部好作品,帶來很多正面的影響。 沒有想到「四月是妳的謊言」十年了,但我還記得宮園薰「我喜歡了你十年,卻用一整個四月編織了不愛你的謊言。」 謝謝RuRu每一年都會用音樂回憶著四月是妳的謊言,每一年的詮釋也都會有些許的不同帶來新的感受,帶來光明、光彩的音樂,照亮別人的內心。很喜歡這一次的Orange光明又溫暖。 RuRu辛苦工作整夜,真的要小心過勞,要好好重視身體健康,宮園薰也是因為病痛而...。
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
謝謝silver的支持 留言寫的真好,簡述了「四月是你的謊言的」劇情,又回憶一次最後一集的心痛感,永遠記得當初看完之後整整哭了一晚都很難平復,整晚一直想到劇情與那失去的痛 這幾天的行程真的太硬了,以後會減少這樣的安排,不然身體狀況一定會受影響的
@songzlyricz3051 8 ай бұрын
It's April. April's about to end now. Such a masterpiece this anime was, Your Lie in April.
@luminusnut 8 ай бұрын
Oh my... 10 years already. 😭 I always remember, everything in 'Your Lie in April'. Every April reminds me of 'Miyazono Kaori'. I really love her a lot. Bless to hear this anime's Piano Cover from RuRu once again.
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
Never forget "Your Lie in April," and Kaori
@RuRusGaming 8 ай бұрын
@silver-gh4dc 8 ай бұрын
@A-N-Y_toast 8 ай бұрын
@Kamitsuki999 8 ай бұрын
@ULun15 8 ай бұрын
@Phoenix0211 8 ай бұрын
@NCVluminati 8 ай бұрын
this series is definitely one of those that leaves an everlasting impression to you. it sure did for me
@icohirosensei 8 ай бұрын
I swear the first notes of this piece automatically makes me cry. 😢
@teren60 7 ай бұрын
Can't believe its been 10 years.. man.. how time flies...
@renefrijhoff2484 8 ай бұрын
Just like Anohana, Shigatsu wa kimi no uso left a deep impression on me and just like Anohana, when I hear the song it's all onions again. Great anime for having a good cry. Beautiful played.
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
This anime is really tear-jerking I will never forget Kaori
@yoshihirokimura4243 8 ай бұрын
RuRu素敵!!  最高です。
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
@HimeSakura_5170 8 ай бұрын
RuRu老大辛苦了 お疲れ様でした!!👏😀 四月の串燒をありがとうございます!!✨ これは素晴らしいですね!とても癒される音色です😌🎶 日常生活でたくさん聴きますね!!ありがとうございます!🥳👍
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
@HimeSakura_5170 8 ай бұрын
@kakegurui619 8 ай бұрын
"Untuk Kousei Arima." "Rasanya aneh menulis surat untuk seseorang yang baru saja menghabiskan waktunya bersamaku." "Kau orang yang mengerikan. Lambat, bodoh, tak tahu diri." "Pertama kali aku melihatmu adalah saat aku berumur lima tahun." "Saat itu ada pertunjukan dari sekolah piano yang ingin aku ikuti." "Anak laki-laki yang canggung itu menarik perhatian semua penonton hingga mereka tertawa karena dia kesulitan mengatur bangkunya..." "Dia bahkan duduk di depan piano yang terlihat terlalu besar untuknya, dan saat dia memainkan nada yang pertama, Saat itulah dia menjadi orang yang ku kagumi." "Memainkan nada yang penuh warna 24 pallete, melodi yang mulai menari-nari." "Aku kaget sekali saat ada anak di sebelahku yang tiba-tiba menangis." "Dan beberapa saat itu, kau malah berhenti bermain piano." "Padahal kau sudah memengaruhi kehidupanku. Jahat, bukan?" "Jahat! Lamban! Bodoh!" "Saat aku tahu kalau kita satu SMP, aku sangat senang sekali." "Bagaimana ya cara agar aku bisa berbicara denganmu?" "Apa dengan membelikanmu sandwich setiap hari?" "Tapi pada akhirnya, aku hanya bisa memerhatikanmu dari kejauhan." "Lagi pula, kalian semua terlihat sangat akrab." "Seolah-olah tak ada tempat untukku disana." "Aku pernah melakukan operasi saat kecil, dan mendapat perawatan rutin meski tak diopname." "Setelah pernah pingsan di kelas tujuh, aku sudah sering keluar masuk rumah sakit." "Aku mulai lebih sering masuk daripada keluar." "Ke sekolah pun terasa berat untukku." "Aku tahu kondisiku tidak begitu baik." "Suatu malam,, saat aku melihat ibu dan ayahku menangis di ruang tunggu rumah sakit, aku sadar kalau waktuku sudah tidak banyak." "Saat itulah. Aku,, mulai berlari." "Aku mulai melakukan apa saja yang aku suka, jadi aku tidak akan menyesal setelah pergi ke surga nanti." "Kontak lensa yang selalu membuatku ngeri, memakan kue utuh dan aku tidak akan mencemaskan berat badanku, bahkan partitur nada yang membuatku kesusahan. Aku memainkan mereka dengan caraku sendiri." "Lalu.. Aku melakukan sebuah kebohongan." "Kalau Kaori Miyazoni menyukai Ryota Watari, itu semua hanyalah kebohongan." "Kebohongan itu, akan membawaku kepada Kousei Arima." "Kebohongan itu yang membawamu kepadaku." "Tolong sampaikan maafku pada Watari-kun nanti." "Ya, tapi tetap saja." "Kurasa tidak akan butuh waktu lama untuk Watari-kun agar bisa melupakanku." "Sebagai teman, dia orang yang lucu, tapi aku lebih memilih orang yang lebih serius." "Lalu,, Sampaikan maafku pada Tsubaki-chan." "Aku hanya orang yang numpang lewat, dan akhirnya pergi." "Aku tak bisa meninggalkan kesan buruk, jadi aku tidak bisa meminta apa-apa pada Tsubaki-chan." "Atau, jika aku jujur, 'Tolong kenalkan aku pada Arima-kun'," "Aku rasa Tsubaki-chan mungkin akan keberatan untuk melakukannya." "Lagi pula, Tsubaki-chan sepertinya tergila-gila padamu." "Semuanya sudah tahu soal itu sejak lama." "Satu-satunya yang tidak tahu hanyalah kau dan Tsubaki-chan." "Kebohongan yang sudah membawamu kepadaku tidak pernah kubayangkan sebelumnya." "Kau lebih pesimis dan pasif dari yang aku pikirkan, kau juga ceroboh dan keras hati." "Suaramu lebih rendah dari yang aku duga, dan kau juga lebih jantan dari yang aku duga." "Dan kau.., lembut seperti dugaanku." "Sungai yang kita lompati di jembatan keberanian itu sangat dingin dan enak, ya?" "Cahaya bulan purnama yang masuk ke ruang musik terlihat enak seperti Manju." "Saat kita mengejar kereta itu, aku benar-benar merasa kita bisa menang." "Menyanyikan Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star bersama-sama di bawah cahaya bintang juga seru, ya?" "Lalu ada juga kejadian di sekolah saat malam hari, kan?" "Bukankah salju itu terlihat seperti kelopak bunga sakura?" "Menikmati segala hal di luar panggung padahal aku ini seorang musisi, tidaklah masuk akal, bukan?" "Bukankah lucu jika kejadian yang paling tidak terlupakan ternyata sangatlah sederhana?" "Bagaimana denganmu?" "Apa aku bisa tinggal di dalam hati seseorang?" "Apa aku bisa hidup di dalam hatimu?" "Apa kau akan mengingatku meski hanya sedikit?" "Jangan tekan tombol reset, ya!" "Jangan lupakan aku, ya?" "Aku bersyukur karena orang itu adalah kau." "Apakah sampai padamu?" "Semoga bisa sampai padamu." "Kousei Arima... Aku Mencintaimu" "Maaf canele-nya tidak kuhabiskan." "Maaf karena sering memukulmu." "Maaf karena terlalu kekanak-kanakan." "Maaf, maaf, maaf ya... Terima kasih." "P.S. Aku memasukkan sesuatu yang selama ini aku simpan. Kalau kau tidak mau, buang saja."
@danisha.h5921 8 ай бұрын
@dwinandacakrawiguna 8 ай бұрын
NANGIISS :'(((((
@rakaharyono6564 6 ай бұрын
Damn, keinget lagi
@jeremy741114 8 ай бұрын
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
@hallvanvlack735 8 ай бұрын
Amazing medley. I am happy and sad at the same time. Very beautiful!😄😭👏👏👏
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for your support! These songs is so tear-jerking
@HaGiang169 8 ай бұрын
Finally, 'Again' has come back again for many year. I used to hope this melody performed one more time in your channel. How much emotional feeling it is!
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for following. The previous version of "Again" was several years ago
@UtskushiSekai-s7b 2 ай бұрын
Truly beautiful , I have no knowledge of piano but the anime pierced through my heart like an arrow . Hearing this made so many different emotions stir up in me
@kimitseng5437 8 ай бұрын
@boomer150 8 ай бұрын
It took me 10 years to stop crying after watching this, come the tears again...... 😭😭😭😭😭😭
@feamorx86 8 ай бұрын
you are not alone in crying 😢 especially when I heard the second part 😭😭😭
@SilentNinjaKenshin 8 ай бұрын
Who's cutting onions again? Stop it ! 😢Amazing medley
@mauricioac 8 ай бұрын
Thank you RuRu as always for such a beautiful performance. You are an inspiration! The steinway bright tone certainly shines on this one
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for your support and compliment! I'll keep doing my best
@russssss95 Ай бұрын
真的聽一次淚流一次..來只是要當讀papper的音樂..聽一聽莫名就滴眼淚了 喜歡把這句當作動力來源⬇ 或許前方只有...伸手不見五指的黑夜。即使如此,我還是要充滿信心、繼續向前, 相信星星的光芒...多少會照亮前方的道路。走吧!踏上旅程吧! ──宮園薰 感謝
@RuRusPiano Ай бұрын
@桃白七 8 ай бұрын
@RK_Chris 8 ай бұрын
今年是四謊的十週年,每當這個月我都會看四謊,因為這個月看有著特別的意義,且每次看都會流淚,四謊教會了我許多哲理,例如:「鋼琴是你的一部分,不過那一瞬間,鋼琴確實成了你的全部,但你卻硬要將它從身上剝離,就像要自斷手足一般,所以你才會疼痛得無法自抑,露出痛苦得無法自抑的神色,你能忘懷嗎?」這句話我特別的有感覺。 RuRu彈的這三首其中一首私の嘘我特別的喜愛,每次聽著聽著眼淚就流了下來,直到現在依然還是喜愛這首曲子,期待RuRu這三首的詮釋
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
我們常常在動畫裡可以學到很多人生的體悟,四謊裡面的經典台詞也不少,你分享的我也很有印象,鋼琴是有馬公生內心喜愛的事物,但因為害怕失敗而逃避,這份痛苦只會永遠留存在心中。 而小薰卻成為了照亮他的一顆星,儘管拖著重病的身軀,卻不斷勇往直前,小薰說:「或許前方只有...伸手不見五指的黑夜。即使如此,我還是要充滿信心、繼續向前,相信星星的光芒...多少會照亮前方的道路。走吧!踏上旅程吧!」最後用盡餘生改變了有馬公生,真的有夠感人
@Yassin915 8 ай бұрын
That was totally grandiose . I kind of cherish that habit of fans to rewatch Your lie in April every April , Look how grateful we have been to this anime even if 10 years passed . You managed to incarnate Kaori once again !!
@bills6009 8 ай бұрын
Grandiose means "superficially so," lol
@Norigirigiri 8 ай бұрын
What kind of dictionary did you read?
@bills6009 8 ай бұрын
@@Norigirigiri None, from my memory
@Yassin915 8 ай бұрын
What are you guys talking about?
@hrickdas1022 8 ай бұрын
Thank You. To Ru for playing, and to everyone for listening. Always remember...
@AlansPiano 8 ай бұрын
5:55 這裡真的好感人,流動感的旋律配上清脆的史坦威高音,真的很催淚 7:17 第一次聽到的大黑這麼高的音呢 Btw,這次的收音很棒唷低音也調的很平均,不會有糊糊的感覺!
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
謝謝阿郎的肯定 抒情的曲子在我的環境收音好像總是比較好
@sc4679 8 ай бұрын
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
@chikenraice7033 7 ай бұрын
Ah another spring has passed without Kaori. Thank you Ru sama for helping us remember her
@iceyuki598 8 ай бұрын
看到這首歌,就代表 春天來了😭😭滿滿的感傷又來了😭😭
@Omarh9991 8 ай бұрын
This beautiful melody brings back so many memories and I'm so grateful for that! ✨🎻✨💛💙
@gennarisai 8 ай бұрын
四月是你的謊言串燒演奏真美麗好感人 謝謝宮園的10週年鋼琴音樂會。
@TFGhunter 8 ай бұрын
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
@TFGhunter 8 ай бұрын
@lindenhenry2 7 ай бұрын
@RuRusPiano 7 ай бұрын
Thank you ❤️
@yue5035 8 ай бұрын
每年一到了四月,免不了的要重溫一下四謊,這已經深深的刻在我的基因裡面了。令我意外的是原來四謊已經邁入第十個念頭(時間怎麼過得那麼快),但即便如此,它仍然在我心中占有一席之地,每次回顧的時候,總是哭的像第一次看一樣 這次串燒中《私の嘘》是讓我最有感觸的,它總是讓我想到小薰 ,前奏一響全身就起滿雞皮疙瘩,隨後而來的便是無止境的哀傷
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
每年四月都會想起小薰,這動畫的劇情太深刻了 四謊的配樂總是讓人融入劇情情境中,我是配樂前奏一響就胃痛那種一陣揪心的感覺會突然湧上
@rio-nakao1012 8 ай бұрын
RuRu! いつも素敵なピアノをありがとうございます! 🌸🍶✨🌸🌿🍱🥢🍡🍡🍡🍵☕🍹🍸🍷
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
Thank you ❤️
@Kamitsuki999 8 ай бұрын
已經好久沒看四謊了,不知不覺迎來10週年~ 當初看的時候真的哭的不要不要的...QAQ 就算已經大概猜到劇情走向也還是防不住啊~~ 節奏氛圍都做得很好,音樂也下得很準,帶入感真的太強烈了.. 我很喜歡看胃痛催淚這類型的動漫,其實我也不知道為什麼要這樣虐自己 可能因為哭出來讓心中的壓力減少一些,讓心情好一點? 四謊我看了一遍後因為太胃痛而不敢看第二次 但現在我覺得聽完這三首就有動力 期待重新詮釋的三首曲子吧(衛生紙準備好~
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
這部的劇情刻畫太深刻了,而且畫面也美如畫 當初我是查公仔時就被劇情雷,但是還是看到最後還是哭到不行 這種帶著遺憾地失去實在太令人不捨了
@Kamitsuki999 8 ай бұрын
@桃白七 8 ай бұрын
一路丟失,一路尋找,一路與孤獨抗爭,一次次的接近一次次的遠離,在明白中抉擇在不明白中遺忘...或許,這就是成長吧?花開堪折直須折,莫待無花空折枝~ 謝謝Ruru老師的音樂,每次都能用音樂引領更深刻的思考(◍• ω•◍)ゝ
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
@Jinzo05 8 ай бұрын
A fiitting medley for the anniversary. The Steinway really added a compelling quality for the remasters. The passionate performance and brilliant arrangement made this such a wonderful listening experience. The cosplay was quite beautiful as well. Well done 👏
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! It’s great to play songs of Your Lie in April on the Steinway
@monaちゃん好きのL羽王カオス 8 ай бұрын
私、オレンジの曲大好きなんです。 さん、演奏ありがとうございます。
@victorb056 8 ай бұрын
I just woke up and you're already trying to bring me tears? Especially with those clips in the back 🥲
@Jeff-zb9zq 8 ай бұрын
重看四謊很多次, 看了這套動畫後才認真努力練琴, 每次彈不好都會想起 說Again! 之後再慢慢練
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
@sandychin2533 8 ай бұрын
「此生無悔入四月,來世願做友人A」 雖然沒有看過這一部,但它淒悲又優美的音樂卻深深的打動我的心, 期待的詮釋(衛生紙已準備等一下一定哭爆
@ccyen5783 8 ай бұрын
@周任保 8 ай бұрын
@@ccyen5783 派欸
@sandychin2533 8 ай бұрын
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
@AlansPiano 8 ай бұрын
終於被我等到Orange/Steinway version 了
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
@silentKeys20 8 ай бұрын
Really enjoyed the medley! I'm also currently learning all the OST's and songs from the anime now. Will also be cosplaying as Kousei in an upcoming convention, wish me luck!
@張展維-w3l 8 ай бұрын
經典樂曲~絕不會因時間而消逝,只會歷久彌新~ 辛苦RuRu的改編
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
@Opandort 8 ай бұрын
When you start playing, all nostalgic memories are back to me. Thank you, Ru ❤
@LiChiKu 8 ай бұрын
在四月即將過完的此時細細品味這個充滿感情的串燒,格外有味道。連大黑好像也被四謊感動了,這次的琴韻說不出的空靈沉凝,層次真美。謝謝 RuRu 熬夜製作這個迷人的串燒。這麼美的曲子,這個點閱率絕對不正常。KZbin 快些回魂呀,把真正美好的東西推出去啊!
@biswajitdutta1045 8 ай бұрын
Miazono Kaouri 💖😌 四月は君の嘘は私にとって初めてのアニメシリーズです。💖 このビデオをアップロードしていただきありがとうございます🥺 🇮🇳💝🇯🇵
@charlieli8675 8 ай бұрын
這次Orange套用了之前天氣之子「大丈夫」的風格 聽起來綠意盎然,多一點生機
@Rufan-yude 8 ай бұрын
四月代表的歌曲,莫非於四謊沒有錯。 四謊的歌曲每一首都可以感受到主角們悲傷的感覺,雖然我自己是沒有看過四謊,但每次聽都會想再讓人多聽幾次,自己自然也就愛上了四謊的歌曲。 老大這個cos也好好看
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
@nahuelburgues 8 ай бұрын
Your video brought back a lot of memories from when I saw Your Lie in April for the first time. It is a beautiful anime. It's sad but it's one of my favorite animes. Your performance is very emotional, RuRu 👏👏👏 Straight to the heart ❤Thank you for bringing these beautiful songs to my memory
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
This is also one of my favorite animes. It attracted me at first because it was about music, but I didn’t expect the plot to be even more impressive
@GamingAbir931 8 ай бұрын
The music still makes me sad 😭 The song that has a magical thing in every verse 💔 Still loves the song 💕❤️ Thanks for making this ❤️♥️💖💝💞❣️
@Phoenix0211 8 ай бұрын
謝謝 宮園Ru彈奏🎹 又到了說謊的季節了~ 這部小串燒(大黑)來詮釋真的好好聽🥹 看著歌詞,想起劇情,不知不覺感動到🥲 不管過了多久~還是越聽越…催淚💦 旋律很強勁,但我的心很堅強,我不害怕前進🛤️ (ノ_
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
謝謝凰少的支持大黑來詮釋四謊的音樂最適合了,動畫裡面的琴也是史坦威呢 配樂總是讓人想起動畫的劇情,一聽就讓人覺得鼻酸胃痛
@yoshihirokimura4243 8 ай бұрын
素敵な衣装です。とても可愛いね!! ピアノ楽しみにしています。「オレンジ / Again / 私の嘘」とても素敵な曲ですね。RuRu最高!!
@BM5562 7 ай бұрын
@RuRusPiano 7 ай бұрын
@Longflow7512 8 ай бұрын
This is definetly one of my top 5 animes of all time and your piano playing is so amazing. It is always a pleasure to here these songs, especially when there are played so well. Thanks!
@abbas6213 7 ай бұрын
Daaamn, it has already been 10 years since that anime. Man, time sure flies- it has left a scar within my heart for sure haha, for example twinkle twinkle little star is tear jerking now. Thank you Ru for these amazing covers ❤️🔥💕💓
@pei2202 8 ай бұрын
@cpuuk 8 ай бұрын
I may have something in my eye remembering the series through your music. Thank you ❤
@javalgandha8881 6 ай бұрын
Again does certain things to my heart that I cannot even fathom. What a piece of art. Thank you Ru.
@MizuPiano 8 ай бұрын
在美國等到早上,終於聽到了。 夢裡竟然夢到自己買來樂譜在練這組串燒 😂 所以醒來就真的買了樂譜,太愛了!一定要練 “Again”! “Orange” 真的是 bittersweet 的感覺。 最喜歡的歌之一!學會之後,一直複習著,因為不想忘記。
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
哇!等到早上太感動了吧,不過隔天再聽也沒關係的謝謝你的聆聽與支持樂譜 這三首都很令人催淚,當初看完動畫第一個彈的就是Again,後來還找了小提琴夥伴一起錄Watashi no Uso
@jatonio 8 ай бұрын
Great song to start Spring. Excellent symphony for this song and also for the 10th Anniversary of the series. Greetings Piano Ru's ❤️🌹
@alchew469 8 ай бұрын
@alchew469 7 ай бұрын
@Pogonateur 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! Your piano touch is beautiful, thank you for paying tribute to Your Lie in April it is such a masterpiece
@RAGE0620 8 ай бұрын
@jovy7482 8 ай бұрын
@IrvingSegovia 8 ай бұрын
Que hermoso medley, Your Lie in April es uno de mis animes favoritos, no puedo creer que ya hayan pasado 10 años, muchas canciones de su soundtrack son tan hermosas, no me canso de escuchar tu interpretación de "Watashi no uso", algo tiene esa canción que hace que me guste mucho, simplemente maravillosa. Las 3 canciones se escucharon hermosas, también el vestido está muy lindo. What a beautiful medley, Your Lie in April is one of my favorite anime, I can't believe it's been 10 years already, many songs on its soundtrack are so beautiful, I don't get tired of listening to your interpretation of "Watashi no uso", something about that song that makes me like it a lot, just wonderful. All 3 songs sounded beautiful, also the dress is very cute.
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! This is one of my favorite anime too
@bluelouis2894 8 ай бұрын
@yaoching225 8 ай бұрын
@marcopare91 8 ай бұрын
Thank you once again for the beautiful performance, this soundtrack quickly became part of history
@茉莉柚子可以搭嗎 8 ай бұрын
好久沒聽鋼琴音樂ㄌ!謝謝Ru 味穩定又治癒的琴聲 希望一切安好
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
@753951amy 8 ай бұрын
雖然還沒看過這齣催淚&胃痛的番!找時間補起來!!! 還是老話一句:我永遠會支持下去的,不管什麼時候都會!!
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
這部超好看!大推推推推推!神作! 謝謝言葉之庭 只要你們在,我就會一直彈下去的
@chiuman841 8 ай бұрын
快補! 4月份還有幾天
@miraisan21 2 ай бұрын
Very Sad Song My Favorite Piano Cover 💯💯💯💯💯
@macyvandeusen6611 8 ай бұрын
Lovely music, played with great feeling. Pretty dress. RuRu, you bring me great peace. 👑🎹
@Indubitably_Pol 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for the tribute this was amazing! This show has inspired me and amazed me beyond words and you continue to give life to these now old notes. IMO you would have killed it in Arima’s suit for the outfit. But kaori is fine :)
@Leobooki 8 ай бұрын
Miss Ru ,your music always makes the day seem so much sweeter 🎹🍬💕 beautifully played . I hope your day is bright and full of life 🙏
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
Thank you
@Leobooki 8 ай бұрын
@@RuRusPiano 🙏 The thanks is all mine ,while I have not watched this anime yet , I was very touched by your playing 🎹🎼 it has very curious and I look forward to watching it this weekend 😇 Thank you Ru! 💛
@gabrielbessades 8 ай бұрын
For the 10th time i watched it, cried about it, and... bunch of another springs will come, without Kaori 😢
@z8701213 8 ай бұрын
@一弦定音-e5d 8 ай бұрын
@BettyYuChihChen 8 ай бұрын
四月必聽 的超感動串燒
@姚鴻國 8 ай бұрын
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
@姚鴻國 8 ай бұрын
@@RuRusPiano 會 但就是會忍不住一直聽下去
@markyankovskiy28 8 ай бұрын
Haven't watched it yet, thanks for the recommendation. I knew about it but kind of forgot 😅 It will be good, good anime always has good music
@呂紹華-u5k 8 ай бұрын
只能說⋯要珍惜當下⋯⋯ 有愛,有夢,就要去追⋯⋯ 沒有永遠的美好結局⋯⋯ 小薰永遠都在心中😭😭😭
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
@堯堯-k9y 8 ай бұрын
@DJWARREADY 8 ай бұрын
Cant believe its 10 years since the anime aired. Where did the time go? Anyhow great medley and cosplay
@ookiiokonomiyaki 8 ай бұрын
Shigatsu wa kimi no uso was one of very few creations that ever made me shed a tear. Beautiful covers of some beautiful pieces! Thank you so much!
@alchew469 7 ай бұрын
@lndnfsu2 8 ай бұрын
it's so great this channel is still playing piano! love it
@asz19730311 8 ай бұрын
喜歡這旋律,喜歡這歌詞 我以為你中間那段會是綠鋼琴,原來是你獨創的旋律 舞蹈的雙手,在黑白鍵上跳舞 心情飄飄的, 聽著絕無僅有的感動 記憶中的動人曲子不多 給你最獨特的標記, 品嚐著美味的春捲, 給RuRu,100個讚
@RuRusPiano 8 ай бұрын
@歐拉歐拉-o7s 8 ай бұрын
@_dpmusic1 8 ай бұрын
One of my favorite animes. Great medley 🙏
@RETROGRADE3438 8 ай бұрын
This is gonna be great, cheers to the year filled nostalgia of my first anime
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