Your Pet Cards Deserve a Better Home

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Salubrious Snail

Salubrious Snail

Ай бұрын

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@NumotTheDragon Ай бұрын
They're not my pet cards, they are my kids lol
@yubeluchiha Ай бұрын
@Hatb0x Ай бұрын
Arcane bombardment and thousand year storm are just 6 mana counterspell removal, but I love them
@sneakysquid9917 Ай бұрын
Me with Sunbird’s Invocation
@1am2l Ай бұрын
Me with Eye of the storm
@Blacklodge_Willy Ай бұрын
Me with Mind's Dilation.
@runeserpent1449 Ай бұрын
Me with forbid
@gemmafire8628 Ай бұрын
Yay, a fellow Bombardment enjoyer! At first it was my pet card bc the art and mechanics matched up really well with a d&d character I was playing at the time capenna came out. It remained my pet card when I realized there were so many different things I could build around it
@kierafurneaux3172 Ай бұрын
You can take Telepathy from my cold dead hands
@lawrencehu7654 Ай бұрын
That shouldn’t be too hard, just need to wait until you draw the card and cast it xD
@RagingPoo 29 күн бұрын
I am also quite the Telepathy enjoyer. Props on great taste mate 👍
@xcelentei Ай бұрын
Secret fourth type: neat mythic you accidentally drafted 4 of on arena, that you should NEVER run more than 2 of even in the decks it's good in. But it feels bad to have two whole mythics you'll never ever use, so you convince yourself that if you deck build around it juuuust right you can make a "combo" deck that's "just GOTTA run it at 4. It's the keystone of the whole synergy!."
@REMdonor Ай бұрын
lmao i just finished painstakingly optimizing my decks for the last few hours instead of playing with them and this is the first thing i open youtube to
@joecarey3969 Ай бұрын
SAME and not me staring at my pet card, the card that literally inspired the deck to come into existence, as falling under the power level of a deck im really trying to push, literally just before seeing this!!
@Keck282 Ай бұрын
I feel that. I finally took Scute Mob out of my +1/+1 Selesnya deck a few weeks ago. That car was one of the original 99 of the deck
@tuckermatis1572 Ай бұрын
This is the most "Johnny" video I've ever seen.
@jaredwright1655 Ай бұрын
How so
@Random_J_ Ай бұрын
Pet cards are more important than winning. Never ever cutting
@wickederebus Ай бұрын
And that's why I prefer Battle of Wits format. Proxy friendly, it's like Legacy but everyone has to run 4 Battle of Wits, and make their deck able to resolve it somehow
@ThatShadaku Ай бұрын
out of all the cards i have polymorphist's Jest is probably my fave blue card, theres just something comical about "oops all frogs lol" that makes it a favorite of mine
@pauldyson8098 Ай бұрын
My buddy cracked a Whippoorwill in a pack of The Dark back in the day, then immediately took out a Sharpie and wrote "WHY THE HELL CAN'T I FLY?" on it. Also, my all-time pet card is Ifh-Biff Efreet. Look it up; I'll wait.:D
@joshbowdish9851 Ай бұрын
That card is silly, i want it and why is it $100 :(
@hughjass5494 Ай бұрын
Stuffy Doll was the pet that my playgroup would chuckle at me for shoehorning into every deck - none of which it really belonged in. It never had a home, even after it's big brother Brash Taunter was printed. Then, one day out of the Who, Donna Noble extended her hand and whispered; "Rejoice, for their time is come. The First Doctor shall provide us access to card advantage, countermagic, and Pariah. I'll do the rest.", and I've been KOing players with Blasphemous Act and Star of Extinction ever since.
@TheTotalTurtl Ай бұрын
You had Borborygmos and Fblthp my guy!! Donna rules tho
@chibichanga1849 Ай бұрын
The Upstate Farm for my pet cards was actually the conceit for my Selvala Explorer Returned deck. She's generically powerful; the game plan of ramp on turn 1 to play her on turn 2 and have 6-7 mana on turn 3 is pretty strong and open ended, leaving all kinds of room in the deck for whatever interesting jank you might feel iffy about including in a more focused deck. Your Radha deck has a similar feel, so it makes sense that you also think of it as a comfy home for pet cards.
@ardinhelme687 Ай бұрын
*looks guiltily at the dozen copies of elixir of imortality slotting themselves into every deck I build* Yeah... I've had a bad experience or two with mill...
@ralonnetaph6450 Ай бұрын
listen, it's re-usable anti-mill on a single card. And I'm not just coping because I just built a deck around scion of the ur dragon and re-usable options to put dragons back into my deck from the graveyard to copy them again aren't as plentiful as one would expect.
@Dragonmaster600 Ай бұрын
That's one I used to have in every deck. Then Underworld Breach was printed. Still have a few elixirs floating around since Breach can go everywhere.
@ScotlandsPalace Ай бұрын
For real, I ran in in a Vazi treasure deck that had the tendency to draw most of the deck with greater good effects. One time I played against our ngathrod player, and with only 4 cards left in library shuffled everything back in with the elixir. Let's just say ngathrod hasn't been seen since
@Robert-vk7je Ай бұрын
It depends on your goals, I guess. When you have fun playing your pet cards, despite losing games because of them, what do you value more: Fun or winning? How important is winning to you? How important is having fun to you? Are you only having fun, if you win? Do you need to optimize your decks to have fun? I won't cut Boompile for a more reliable sweeper, because I like what it does to the game. :)
@soxs9527 Ай бұрын
Winning is great for tournaments, but in reality it’s game that’s meant to be enjoyed in any fashion. If I wanted I could do a 1 mana deck for the fun of it, but definitely wouldn’t win
@drew-id Ай бұрын
But does it do anything if you can't reliably use it?
@Robert-vk7je Ай бұрын
@@drew-id It does make everyone hold their breath, when I toss the coin. Edit: And it is usually followed by sounds of relieve or screams of pain.
@meekumanu Ай бұрын
Been fitting Witness Protection into every blue deck I've made for ages and I will definitely never stop.
@salubrioussnail Ай бұрын
We love a good Legitimate Businessperson
@benjaminloyd6056 3 күн бұрын
Witness Protection is a legitimate way to slow down an enemy commander.
@casketbase7750 Ай бұрын
A good psychological trick is assuring yourself that your pet cards already have comfortable homes. I recently put Boomer Scrapper in my Kardur deck and it's been an all star. I would never have discovered it if I stuck to Rakdos staples. My red and black pet cards already have decks to call home. Boomer Scrapper didn't, but now it does and I have a new card I love.
@youandyourcontent3260 Ай бұрын
Lol, I can't believe it. Not a week after I finished my first fully home-made deck on the premise of "Man, Trazyn was really cool in 'The Infinite and the Divine'" and "necron funshit," you release a video that tells me exactly how to build that same deck. Outstanding video, Snail
@saqvobase4301 Ай бұрын
There's a quote from the Pokémon games that I like a lot: "Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites" Build your decks in a way that makes the cards you love shine.
@Garl_Vinland Ай бұрын
Which is why in my opinion, Poliwhirl is the best pokemon in the game
@lucadidone268 Ай бұрын
Yea nice words, have you ever heard of powercreep?
@priinceoftiime Ай бұрын
You forget the other side of the coin "It's one thing to enjoy leisurely battles, but real battles can a severe trial. Truly strong Trainers sometimes must be prepared to choose Pokémon that can win rather than their favorite Pokémon. " - Gentleman Pokemon ORAS
@zoninkspl6597 Ай бұрын
This quote is referring to silvers arc in gsc pokemon. it's not relevant whatsoever to mtg or even competitive pokemon. It's maddening that i have to see this on an mtg video. Have i not suffered enough.
@priinceoftiime Ай бұрын
@@zoninkspl6597 My favorite pokemon are Ferrothorn and T-Landorus
@steeveedragoon Ай бұрын
I feel like as I continue making my collection of magic cards, rise of the eldrazi is going to find it's way into a lot of decks. It's incredibly expensive at 12 mana, and by itself it isn't even much of a win con, but destroying a permanent, drawing 4, and taking an extra turn is just so unbelievably crazy.
@thetrinketmage Ай бұрын
I’m glad I lurk in the back of your mind
@deputydevil6839 29 күн бұрын
My first ever trip to a card store one of my friends found me a constant mists in a common bin for 20 cents. That and spore frog were the pet cards of my first ever deck, but they've just been doing nothing since I dismantled it. (deck was not fun, i had no idea what i was doing) You've inspired me to build a Questing Beast fog deck to bring out their potential! Thank you Mr. Snail
@Crossark1 Ай бұрын
My pet mechanic is populate, and two of my pet cards featuring that mechanic are Sundering Growth and Rootborn Defenses. They both achieve something the deck needs - removal and protection - without sacrificing the mechanic.
@Eckendenker Ай бұрын
My farm upstate is the tokenbase of my Talrand deck. My favorite card is wind drake. I was collecting it casually for years. Always picking them up from draft chaff and asking friends if they have older or special ones in their shoe boxes. When I built my first commander deck I choose a budget Talrand and put all my wind drakes together as tokens for Talrand. Whenever I make a token I draw them from a deck of wind drakes. Some of these are very special, because of a strange language or because a friend marked it in some way before they gave it to me. The only real change aside from upgrading the card powerlevel of certain effects, was the manabase. At first I took all my favorite old islands (6th edition, Invasion, that odd Unglued, a foil Onslaught one, etc) but now I have gotten all of the versions of the John Avon one (first printed in Portal Second Age and part of a best of land cycle in 6th edition). The one with the drake on it!
@Zephyr_Dephyr 3 күн бұрын
One of my favorite cards of all time is The Door To Nothingness. Its so absurd and looks incredibly scary, but I have loved it ever since I found out it existed. I am trying to make a deck around it at the moment, so it is fun finding the weirdest cards that synergize with it.
@tylerfoster2814 Ай бұрын
Here for the Mage artifact fetch cycle. If you want to showcase the glory of your pet cards, build a cube full of them.
@FinetalPies Ай бұрын
This video got me thinking aboot which of my pet cards would work in decks I already have so now I'm slamming Lifeline into my Preston, the Vanisher deck.
@FinetalPies Ай бұрын
My "pet card that's just good" is Binding the Old Gods, running enough removal feels like a chore sometimes so I love when there's one that I'm actually enthusiastic for.
@petrri323 17 күн бұрын
Teferi's Puzzle Box. 4 mana artifact that makes everyone at the table ship their hand to the bottom for a new one off the top at the beginning of their turn. It causes people to play more "fair magic," as it becomes difficult to set up plays in advance. (The card is even more fun when you have a Scroll Rack, or Sensei's Divining Top. That way you get to keep parts of your hand for next turn while your opponents likely won't.) Pretty niche and stacksy, but every time it's played the game becomes FAR more interesting. It's not as "feels bad" as most stacks effects as well. Opponents can play all their cards still. They can attack and block and play as normal. Just don't get too attached to the cards in your hand.
@NeoNeonGreen Ай бұрын
Mishra's Bauble is forever my precious. I'd put it in almost every single deck if I could
@GranatappleLPT Ай бұрын
Rogue's passage is my ultimate pet card, together with the "you are already dead" type of cards
@cheesushcrust4545 Ай бұрын
I cram one of my collection of masterpiece Lord of Extinctions and an altar of dementia into any deck that even vaguely gestures at the graveyard that can run them at this point. I love that stupid combo so much
@3dibleMus1c Ай бұрын
What a great way to start my day.
@crazydud2432 Ай бұрын
I had been introduced to Magic by a friend when I was probably 8 and we barely knew what we were doing. I think had managed to gather a few cards but didn't have enough for even multicolored deck. My first even real purchase was for a harvester of souls semi-precon thing. it had a bunch of black cards and I think barely functioned as a deck, but it came with an additional booster pack at the bottom. within that booster pack, the first I ever opened, was Gisela, Blade of Goldknight. she also had the most text of any card I had seen and an absolute insane ability but it would be a long time before I even had enough boros cards to make a deck she could fit into. I've since kept her throughout all these years, always moving her to whatever my strongest (or usually current) boros deck ended up being. usually it has been nothing but jank since I was little and eventually fell out of magic, but this past year Ive come back to it and I'm old enough to pay attention to proper deck building techniques/ strategies (hence why im here). she currently has a place in my Otharri deck as my favorite win con of letting my opponents duke each other out while I make myself as unassuming as possible/ focus on defensive. It's still a bit of a jank deck since its still boros and has some consistency issues but its better than any I had before it at least. Its always fun for her to hit the table, new opponents dont want to read the wall of text or dont fully understand the implications until a round or 2 of combat and think how cool it is that they get to slug each other out, until they then later realize how hard it is to deal with me
@kevlarstargate4365 Ай бұрын
Running eye of the storm alongside whirlwind denial is definitely up there, for me
@Spinoguy03 Ай бұрын
Fog is my only pet card, mainly because my table is very combat oriented, and whenever someone swings at me for lethal, I always have it. It's helped me win over half of my won games
@williamsonnerhed1111 Ай бұрын
I love the card firbolg flutist! Such a fun premise and a lot of value with the myriad
@27777BigRedBarn Ай бұрын
Glad to see the Snail is growing!!
@deohere7647 Ай бұрын
Draining whelk and triskelion (with original art) are my derpy monster children. I love they.
@milespaskel4776 Ай бұрын
Rewind is my 'pet' counterspell. It's just so nice to be able to untap the lands for more nonsense, and in the rare world you've ultimated o.g. tamiyo that's infinite counters!
@Kaxxaa Ай бұрын
At this point I must own at least 10 Phage, the Untouchable, which is my pet card. A deck got black and at most 2 other colors? She’s there, waiting to smack an unknowing enemy in the face. I even built a deck with her in the command zone which is really fun to pilot. A lot of tricks to get to play her and to win with her :)
@Soraking007 Ай бұрын
This is me adding the virtue cycle to every deck i can even if it doesnt truely benefit because goddamn it i love making triple mana on basics reanimating everything once an upkeep and buffing everything and dealing way more damage than i should
@Soraking007 Ай бұрын
Another card ill try to fit into every black deck is slice from the shadows i love that card. And ill always try to fit invasion if segovia in any blue deck because who doesnt love casting counters with convoke or bounceles with convokwle or basically spellsling for free almost. Mix that with dopplegang and triple mana virtue and u got a recipe for being the most hated blue player ever as ull always have creatures to convoke ur nuisance pieces.
@aleksydawidowski1331 Ай бұрын
Speaking as someone, who either plays Naya Dino-Tribal or Kalamax spell-slinger decks, you don't have to worry about pet cards being good if all dinos are the goodest pets
@camoking3609 Ай бұрын
Primal storm was the bane of my Lunch tabel and i intended to keep that tradition alive!!
@Clayray94 Ай бұрын
Thieving amalgam is one of my favorites. I wish it was legendary so I could build it as the commander. I actually did that once with permission from my playgroup and it was super fun
@Hollow_Granadag Ай бұрын
I don't have kids but if i had one it'd be called Guttersnipe. Is my deck red with atleast 30 instant/sorcery spells? Here you go buddy! We're gonna cast some spells and blast some fools tonight.
@noxington4260 26 күн бұрын
My personal pet card is Reconnaissance. I think it has a ton of interesting interactions that are possible. Unfavorable block? Remove your creature from combat. Opponent flashed in a blocker? Remove your creature from combat. Your whole team just swung out at an opponent and killed them but now you’re wide open for the crack back? Remove all of your creatures from combat AFTER the damage step but before combat ends and untap them, keeping your shields up. Literally my favorite card of all time.
@prod.fffeedback7679 Ай бұрын
I inherited a large collection of cards from around arabian nights-invasion block from my dad, so I have a huge number of cards like this from all those sets that aren't great by modern standards (at least not usually worth a slot) but have some really unique effects and awesome art. One of my favorites that comes to mind is City of Traitors.
@DragoSmash Ай бұрын
i looooove quirky cards with either weird interesting effects or with a lot potential one of them is Panglacial Wurm, so i made a Wurm deck, with Atla Palani as the commander to be able to drop the Wurms easier i have several others in my collection, that mostly haven't seen any use because just as you mentioned, i don't want to give them a diservice, things like Isochron Scepter Silence Time Stop most Split Second cards etc
@okranad Ай бұрын
Another well thought out and entertaining video. Love this channel.
@jeluenhayo2410 Ай бұрын
Damn, I watched all the videos and now I don't have any more videos to watch on this channel. Will wait for new ones. Kepp up the good work! P.s. Also you have a pleasant voice. Especially for a snail.
@benjaminriggs6881 Ай бұрын
I love bearhug, and howling mine/howling mine effects have to be my favorite. Temple bell, cut a deal, bad deal, prosperity, black vise, font of mythos and effects like these are some of my favorite things in all of magic. I built a deck around them originally designed around Queza, Augur of agonies, is now headed by the Second Doctor and Vislor Turlough and it's one of my favorite decks to play of all time.
@shaunwilliams8943 6 күн бұрын
Enter my entire deck built around Ochre Jelly. It runs tutors but they all only ever tutor for it, commander is Nethroi. It’s so fun to watch people try to figure out what the deck is trying to do before it’s too late
@dratsi7038 Ай бұрын
Gishath is my pet comander. Pulled it when I was first getting into magic, from the original Ixalan. I finally got to pull it out my box and make a commander deck with it, when the new Ixalan set came out and have had a blast with it. One of, if not my favourite decks I own.
@ich3730 Ай бұрын
gishath is one of those tribal decks where you can always be excited for upgrades. Same for stuff like dragons, angels or elves. There will always be new support for these tribes until the sun eats the earth
@CSLWoodward 24 күн бұрын
Gryff's Boon has been a favourite ever since I discovered it in my Eldritch moon starter deck.
@cosmicwolf9228 5 күн бұрын
I wouldn’t say I have any pet cards because I haven’t made a ton of decks, but my favorite is probably Body of Research. I started with Strixhaven and throwing that in my commander deck and casting it with Esix Fractal Bloom on the field is one of my happiest memories. Copy an opponent’s flyer with double strike and lifeline and haste, popped them, looked at the other guy and he said “good game”
@Fluxus_Lux Ай бұрын
I run the card "Get the Point" in my lowest-power commander deck. It made one of my opponents laugh once, so it was worth it.
@tessajanes9626 Ай бұрын
Smoke Spirit's Aid is the card I stare at longingly every time I brew, just trying to find something new and cool to do with it
@itslilith2106 Ай бұрын
Oh my very first little critter buddy, the card that got me into magic and deck building, sweet Serrated Scorpion my bug
@jyomi7506 19 күн бұрын
Mirage Mirror and Sculpting Steel. There's so many powerful artifacts and enchantments that people are playing now, and these are great for getting to try those without forking over the $40 for them...
@SwedeRacerDC Ай бұрын
I am big into playing around with pet cards. Finding a way to make them work. You provide a great framework to validate their use in a format designed to be casual. I like to keep my decks casual enough to have fun, but competitive enough to be considered a threat in most games. It's a challenging balance, but it's exactly what commander is for.
@rdavidsonjr0770 Ай бұрын
I’ve got a two and that are from the first deck I was given, Scuttling Doom Engine and Sands of Delirium. They’re the cards that got me into artifact sacrificing and mill decks. I’m not sure that they’re bad, but they’re still two of my favorite cards.
@sethdaley2821 Ай бұрын
I have an unhinged love for Moonsilver key. I love it since it goes in any decks that I NEED ashnods or phyrexian altar in which is most decks I play. It also finds homes in any decks that need a specific mana rock, namely chromatic lantern or something like extraplanr lens/caged sun. I also recommend it to basically everyone when their deck might need it. It's just too versatile not to love!
@mfsoab Ай бұрын
Same! Very underrated card for it's versatility and reasonable mana cost! Recently built 5 new decks and was sad to see, that I had run out of Keys...
@dom6637 Ай бұрын
Off the back of reading this comment I quickly fired up moxfield and slapped it in my Imotekh deck, such a cheap option to search for ashnods/krark clan ironwork or various other pieces. Didn't realise how many artifacts with mana abilities I had that I wanted at every opportunity! Thank you!
@Omio9999 Ай бұрын
Basalt Monolith is also searchable with Moonsilver Key. Pair it with Rings of Brighthearth or with Forsaken Monument, and you have yourself an infinite colorless mana engine, lol
@motorboot2822 Ай бұрын
I just recently built myself a Gonti deck. Forty swamps and all my pet cards in black and colorless. It's a pile with a mana curve and I love playing it.
@LordZanba 20 күн бұрын
My Jhoira (the suspend one) deck is the perfect place for big, meaty pet cards, as is my The Mimeoplasm. These were the only two decks I had for several years just because they were super fun to play. One day, I discovered Worldfire was removed from the ban list, and so I set out to make a deck specifically around casting it and winning. I am thinking of putting it in Jhoira as well. Some other specific examples of pet cards I have are Sindbad, Black Sun's Zenith, Blasphemous Act, Wild Ricochet, Ixidron, Bane of the Living, Mirror-Mad Phantasm, Psychic Battle, Valakut's Awakening, Memory Erosion, Mind Crank... I could keep going, but it turns out I have a lot of them.
@ghuruzilla Ай бұрын
Colossus of Akros was my old pet card from middle school, now it is retired inside of my colorless control commander deck as a finisher.
@toniconge7003 Ай бұрын
Helm of the Host and Rite of Replication the flashy fantasy of making clones of big ol lads always blinding me.
@bradeybunch9599 Ай бұрын
My favorite pet card of all time is living dead. It's made for some really fun moments in a lot of games and I just really like how it works.
@yagosouza7381 Ай бұрын
I started playing by the time return to ravnica was a thing and my first constructed deck was dimir. I still got all the cards I played back then, and naturally, my pet deck is dimir with "Lazav, dimir mastermind" as it's commander. It was nice to build around a card that I like so much, bringing back some combos, synergies and pet cards I used to play back in the days. Also getting to put together in a cohesive way mill, draw, discard, copy and theft strategies, fitting the guild line of work.
@genpsycausle Ай бұрын
Door to Nothingness goes into every 5 color deck I build, and one day I'll resolve its ability.
@9clawtiger Ай бұрын
Hero of Precinct One. Played a bunch with it in standard in an Esper midrange build. Haven't found a home for it in EDH.
@coolbarryo1852 Ай бұрын
shore up best 1 mana protection out there; doubles as a combat trick, triples as a combo enabler with tap effect creatures
@user-mo4mi5mv3j Ай бұрын
the one card i run in any deck that i can truly consider a pet card is artistic refusal in my gavi nest warden deck, it's become about as feared as the fierce guardianship it came with in my playgroup
@seanadair4384 Ай бұрын
I started playing in Zendikar. Vampire Nighthawk is an instant include in any of my black decks. It won many games for me around the lunch table at school.
@matthewwhiting255 Күн бұрын
Saddleback Lagac goes in every green deck I build
@joshbowdish9851 Ай бұрын
Hey I did a ramp deck with Myojin too! (Progenitus). I've started building decks specifically for pet cards and the results have been phenomenal. When i started thinking about every card in the deck in relation to that one card, I realized I needed to think about every card in that deck in relationship to every other card in the deck. So it kind of led me down this path of "each card must combo with every other card", leading to some pretty synergystic decks. It's kind of turned pet cards into pet synergies into pet decks that I'm excited to see unfold as the game goes on. Anyway. Build decks around cards in the deck! not just the commander.
@deskbot000 Ай бұрын
When you mentioned your Radha deck, I heard "Rata" and thought for a second we had the same pet card (Ratadrabik of Urborg) and got a bit too excited
@Dev.L Ай бұрын
For me it's Possibility Storm and Wild Evocation. They can both bring out the top end of people's curve out of no where, but it's all random, so you can't plan for it. They also dissuade people from holding up instants as well, so no tricks, just everything on the table.
@Susie_Legion_DBD Ай бұрын
Me when my pet cards are farewell, homeward path, cyclonic rift, and teferi's protection
@GranatappleLPT 18 күн бұрын
Funnily enough, i keep making sticker Voltron decks😂😂
@AdesVomSilberfeuer 28 күн бұрын
I am unreasonable attached to "Vanish into Memory" and jam it into basically every deck that features blue-white. The good thing is that the card is flexible and it never felt bad having it in my hand. At worst its a blink spell that saves your ass (by either saving something on your board or blinking an attacker) and let's you rummage through your library. At best it removes a 10/10 Orc army from the game and let's you draw 10 cards for 4 mana at instant speed.
@arp098 Ай бұрын
One of my absolute favorite cards is spellweaver volute, just because of how insanely unique it is and I love the story of how it Finally found a home in a deck. There were several commanders I was wanting to build but had failed to actually get a deck up and running. Jadzi, neera, gale, and edgin. Then one day I saw 12 and an idea hit me, it's a generic value producer based off casting cards from places other than your hand and every single one of those commanders fit that theme, so I threw them all into a deck, added some cost reducers, ramp and a few foretell/aftermath cards for more value, including spellweaver volute. The deck is a blast, it's not really good but giving my opponents spells is fun and the deck csn get pretty wild from time to time. And it just occured to me, out of all the times I've played the deck, I've never drawn spellweaver volute.
@tpete096 Ай бұрын
It's hard to pick, but I think my favourite pet card is mystic reflection. There's nothing more satisfying than making 10 sad robots and putting all you basic lands in to play.
@jonpiest4648 Ай бұрын
Built a deck around my kid, Eye of the Storm. Only nonland permanent with Illuna as the commander, turns the stack into soup and once made a judge cry. I love it more than i love my parents.
@sorin_markov Ай бұрын
How do you mutate Illuna with no other nonlands? Token generators?
@jonpiest4648 Ай бұрын
Yep, tokens, eldrazi spawn/scions where you can get them. They tend to come attached to other useful effects like on spawning breath or growth spasm, and they fix your mana in a pinch.
@robindavies9865 Ай бұрын
Pet card is Grim Feast. Mostly because it was in the first pack I ever opened. After coming back to Magic after many years adrift, and discovering commander, I’ve had and begrudgingly cut this from 2 Golgari decks so far. I think it definitely deserves to be part of the core of its own.
@theorca3893 Ай бұрын
I loved the video on radha, so i built an izzet version with Red Death and 4 cost rocks. Ramping 6-7 mana for turn 4 consistently lets the deck run a bunch of dumb pet cards like Arjun, Dismiss into Dream, and Curse of Unbinding. Thanks!
@mr.yaplus Ай бұрын
I like the classic bird of paradise
@joeywarren60 Ай бұрын
Personally, I love Artificer's Hex. It's hilarious VS Voltron, but even without a voltron deck at the table, things like Swiftfoot Boots are so common it's great to have as a niche removal piece at one mana.
@drahydra Ай бұрын
Master of Predicaments my beloved
@Starki11er88 Ай бұрын
Delina Wild Mage is my number 1 pet card. I had bought some cards off a friend to start trying magic out. The second I read her text along with the dice rolling I knew I had to fit her in as many decks as possible. This all culminated in one of the funniest games I've played where I had Wyll Blade of Frontiers and Delina where I technically went "infinite" since every successful roll added more and more dice making the odds of getting a 15 or less "impossible" We were all just laughing around the table as I was rolling heaps of more and more dice.
@laurenhutchinson4194 Ай бұрын
I love when your noggin’ gets joggin’!
@666cashley Ай бұрын
My #1 pet card is also my favorite commander; Firesong and Sunspeaker. Makes for such a slow, monolith commander deck but if things go my way, and the other players leave me alone while I just play lands and take each other out, I might have a chance. I call it "spirit bombing," as I'm just collecting energy until I finally "unleash shell" (not in the deck currently).
@silhouette2116 Ай бұрын
Seize the Spotlight, a pet card that has the very nice quality of being just incredible. And im never mad no matter what my opponents chose to give me its so fun.
@nathantripathy 14 сағат бұрын
I run a Mountain Goat in my Zada deck, just for the fun of having a super pumped Mountain Goat attack someone :-) The same goes for including Nahiri, Harbinger in my Gisela deck. I suppose I could thematically put Nahiri in my Eldrazi commander deck.
@ethanweigold7025 Ай бұрын
Spell Swindle will always be one of my more beloved bad counterspells, plus they printed that new five mana counterspell that discovers which I equally love. It appeals to the Timmy in me to play big mana counter spell and get big effect cause I stopped someone else’s also big spell.
@atrekkytribble6572 Ай бұрын
Quicksilver Fountain my beloved. I’d love to slam it in every deck regardless of color, but giving it a proper home is good enough for me.
@muffinhydra 7 күн бұрын
my pet cards are nephalia academy and reliquary tower. I started playing commander in 2016 on MTGO, getting wheeled with neccusar or leovold or any other deck was a daily possibility which made nephalia soooo good and also Cyclonic Rift with 10+ permanents often meant discarding to hand size. That time period really scarred me and both lands are an auto include in every commander deck I build.
@insnpngn Ай бұрын
Norin the Wary and Viashino Sandscout are two of my pet cards, and it is fortunate that a deck built around Norin takes good advantage of Sandscout.
@Petronio39 Ай бұрын
Argh, just being reminded of how my friend cut Shigeki from a desert deck I built him. (we do deck exchanges) This was before any of the new thunder junction stuff mind you, I just thought he synergy was really clean, since it was repeatable self mill for Hazezon, and it could return a instants and sorceries from the graveyard at a decently cheap rate for the colors.
@SilverAphelion Ай бұрын
Artificial Evolution is my single pet card that goes in every deck that has blue.
@glennfinito Ай бұрын
One of my pet cards is angelic renewal and it accidentally turned out it was one of the best cards in my Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher vampire deck
@SuperPengas Ай бұрын
My biggest pet card is a black board wipe called make an example. I found it during my budget deck building days because its only $0.50 but i fell in love with the way it plays in a commander game. It can hit hexproof and indestructible which i find to be useful pretty often, and it also lets you play some serious mind games and politics with the table. You could ally with someone and they sacrifice none of their creatures or you can mind game an opponent who has to carefully make two piles that they value similarly. The gameplay loop of playing a 4 mana board wipe that can bring a player in check without resetting the game is so satisfying. Make an example goes in every black deck i have ever built. To top it off its also 3 generic and 1 black pip so its easy to cast
@Gokais Ай бұрын
In the right deck, Chandra's incinerator gets an insane amount of value. My personal favorite use is in a Ghyrson Starn deck, where with only Starn, the incinerator, and a 1 damage pinger now taps for 10 total damage
@RagingPoo 29 күн бұрын
I have a lot of pet cards to be sure, but lately I've been vibing with Peacekeeper
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