Really great breakdown. The "just didn't care" mentality really seems prevalent the more I look at some American comics these days, for both artists and writers (I'm looking at you, "Hail Hydra" Captain America).
我隨便翻了幾本美漫看看, welcome new dawan, 機械女郎,精灵鼠小兵,戰爭故事,視角上的確有來回跳的情形,不止平面更是立體地轉。但是,若當幾個人圍成一圈對話,要每個人都露臉,這得怎麼做,在其中一人身後放面鏡子還是這人面前放個杯子看影子才能不越線嗎?也許只有打鬥才有這種流暢問題?還是說翻頁後就可以過線?
@thefellcor3 жыл бұрын
Besides the technicalities, the main issues with American comics is 1.the same genre of story and characters. It's always the troubled hero or the hero who didn't ask to be or the prince/chosen. Japan manga has hundreds more. 2. To offset the issue above or to revive characters a previous artist direction was to kill the character off, or simply the character was invincible for too long, the multiverse,omniverse or whatsoever criss-crossing universe is introduced. This gives the dead character more longevity but it's super confusing to a casual reader plus the oomph factor is removed whenever characters die. (They come back somehow).
@Policorrectus3 жыл бұрын
That's right on. If you've been following #ComicsGate & #FandomMenace, you'd notice the crazy things Marvel, DC and other Mainstream comic are doing to their establish characters. Not to mention they've been pumping out badly drawn comic or characters with terrible designs. When these subpar products don't sell, these companies uses their connection with Mainstream Media to attack their lost costumers. I think I'll get censored for the "Wrong Think" here. We'll find out