低等不存在。首先把自己工作做好。其次 你没在军队工作过,不知道chain of command. E-8,E-9的权力非常大,他们是士官系统。直接管人的,权力相当于中国部队改制前的参谋长。各军种的总士官长在哪里都是3星将军的待遇和级别。他们直接对标各军种的首长,在华盛顿DC出席各种高层军方会议。到基层时 很多士兵都不认军官,很多军官叫不动士兵,来一个E5,E6这些junior士兵乖乖听话。因为很多军官不是他们直接的chain of command
What happens if a female sailor gets pregnant? Pursuant to US Navy Regulations, Sailors who become pregnant during a sea duty tour will be reassigned to a valid requirement ashore for a minimum of 24-months. These changes place Sailors at meaningful and challenging assignments that best meet their skills and career needs while also filling critical gaps ashore.
If you are discharged from the military without a VA service-connected disability rating of at least 50%, then all your efforts will be in vain.
@teresapoo3 ай бұрын
Don’t in my channel spread anxiety
@RichFu-o2m3 ай бұрын
NAVADMIN 006/24: Navy's pregnancy assignment policy. Sailors who become pregnant during a sea duty tour will be reassigned to a valid requirement ashore for a minimum of 24-months.