看完主持人所有發問的問題,閲者可以意識到主要是尋找那里可以卡中國電動車脖子!我可以說給你知大部 車廠可以,但比亞迪不能,因它早已布局在高端重要技術,電池、電機、電控。而比亞迪電子也自主半導體領域I G B T 5.0晶片,已不用英飛凌。低端的技術大陸廠商可替代,高端的自動駕駛也 有大陸廠可互補。 電動車領域上比亞迪產業鏈自主可能是全球暫時最高( 計已量產的)。 Tesla 的電池知道誰供應嗎?主要是寧德時代,次 LG 。你估美國不想打壓? 可打壓早打壓了,答案是沒能力
在电动车有比 Eon Musk 更权威人士吗? 下面是他上周三的评论: “Our observation is generally that the Chinese car companies are the most competitive car companies in the world, so I think they will have significant success outside of China, depending on what kind of tariffs or trade barriers are established,” Musk said on Tesla’s fourth-quarter earnings call. “Frankly, I think if there are not trade barriers established, they will pretty much demolish most other car companies in the world,” he added. “They’re extremely good.” 还有必要讨论吗?