No short-cut is a real short-cut. Every step towards a strong entity should be solid, clean and undoubtable.
@chenghaowang45414 жыл бұрын
Everyone knows it should be, but only few follow
@dr.jimmyyiminghuo49564 жыл бұрын
The few that follow either becomes MUSK or the DUST. Sometimes, 卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证,高尚是高尚者的墓志铭。BUT, not always. The universe we exist got its own rules and laws.
@chenghaowang45414 жыл бұрын
@@dr.jimmyyiminghuo4956 However, still, taking advantage of short cuts make money in most cases, which is the foundation for future greatest
@dr.jimmyyiminghuo49564 жыл бұрын
Chenghao Wang you think there is no side effect? There will be no punishment? No one gonna use it against you some day? How can you exclude the possibility that they just pretend to keep the eyes closed on it now, but when you achieve the so-called “greatest”, they gonna yank your ass really hard.
@dr.jimmyyiminghuo49564 жыл бұрын
Just play by the rules of the law, no one got in the big trouble. Wise people just give up any silly overconfidence that you can escape it.
esther see 体制问题,美国好多企业出事了体制就给“消毒”了,二十年前美国那次疫苗事件,相关公司屁事没有,整个社会都在全力维护资本,只有个副产品“补偿计划”。
@anavelun074 жыл бұрын
esther see 欧美也不是不复制,他们是利用经济手段和控制舆论去复制,比如你知道bmw x6,一直被说成轿跑suv鼻祖,其实要真较真AMC的eagle sx4才是现代第一辆量产轿跑suv,只不过公司已经没了,旗下专利权几次拆分后有几项变成变成无人认领了。还有本田奥德赛的所谓魔术座椅,也是以前美国庞蒂亚克下属倒闭一个品牌的专利。现在也是很多车的造型都能在几十年前的概念款或高端款上找到溯源,只不过这些车厂利益早已磨合相互心照不宣罢了。