I read from multiple sources that indicates a lot of people with depression have their depression symptoms disappeared for months or years (ongoing) after having switched to follow a ketogenic diet. But one must follow keto diet forever and can only afford a very short break from it. One must almost fully understand what a healthy ketogenic diet is and know exactly on how to execute, or else one will risk harming oneself. 我從多個來源了解到,許多抑鬱症患者在改用生酮飲食後,抑鬱症狀消失了數月或數年 (持續)。 但是一個人必須永遠遵循生酮飲食,並且只能承受很短的休息時間。 人們必須幾乎完全了解什麼是健康的生酮飲食,並且確切地知道如何執行,否則就會有傷害自己的風險。