実際の航空無線を聴いて演出つけたんだと思いますよ。リアルにATCってあんな感じです。ただ交信で使用しない用語も混じってますけどね。AltitudeはFlight level、Under My Controlとは言わずvector to を使用します。 ミッション中は日本語も混じりますので、凄くリアルに作ってます。
I love how they made the characters sounds like they were really in a big room with the voice echoing all over. The voice acting also helped the tension build up, its seriously awesome.
@sshashaki2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. I think it's a great movie with good voice and sound effects.
Wizerd03「Trebor, this is Wizard 03. Now maintain angel 32.」 Trebor「Wizard 03, this is Trebor. You are under my control. Steer 040 maintain present angel.」 Wizerd03「Roger.」 Trebor「Wizard 03, target position 030 range 90 altitude 32.」 Trebor「Target dead ahead 25 Wizard 03, how about contact?」 Wizerd03「Negative contact.Request terget altitude.」 Wizerd03「Trebor, Wizard 03, negative contact. Bogy dope.」 Trebor「Target dead ahead 15 heading 190 altitude 32 mach 1.2, reduce speed!」 Wizerd03「No joy, negative contact. I say again, no joy. Request target position.」 Trebor「Caution! Almost same position same altitude. Use caution. Wizard break…」 Trebor「Priest 21, this is Trebor. Clear fire. Kill Wyvern.」 Priest21「Trebor. Say again.」 Trebor「I say again. Kill Wyvern.」 Priest21「Roger. Kill Wyvern.」 Wizerd03「This is Wizard 03. Request order.」 Trebor「Wizard 03, this is Trebor. Are you normal ?」 Wizerd03「Trebor, this is Wizard. Ah, we had heavy jamming and now lost position. Request further instraction. I say again, request order.」 Wizerd03「This is Wizard 03, request order.」