Muslim Cool (Book Review)
21 күн бұрын
2 Muslims Trekking Across Iceland
New Book & Future of This Channel
The Orthodox Jews For Palestine
Understanding Pro-Israel Muslims
Speaking About Palestine in Public
The Myth Of 'Islamic Countries'
How The UK/US Manipulate Muslims
The Truth about @MohammedHijab
@artlover648 2 сағат бұрын
I am from 🇧🇩. Love her channel so much. May Allah bless her. Aameen.
@plumbfitter2007 6 сағат бұрын
You are irrational and brainwashed
@syedalehasnaatshah 7 сағат бұрын
Brother, belonging to Muslim family I can tell you even I have challenges with some muslims. There is a lot of cultural baggage that communities need to drop.
@williambarylo 4 сағат бұрын
Yes, I've seen it happening with my born Muslim friends and family too. Some people turned the religion into a tick box exercise
@Bold33248 9 сағат бұрын
Brother William, although I am a born muslim, but I see many similarities between us. I was outclassed because I dont usually go with peers, very deeply observing and often times critical. Dont get along with the stereotype. But in my 60s I began to feel the bliss of isolation . I can feel Allah very close to me.
@williambarylo 4 сағат бұрын
Same with some of my born Muslim friends. Modern life has become a tick box exercise. Glad to hear that you're feeling comfortable on your own. I hope we can all get to that point!
@Bold33248 3 сағат бұрын
@@williambarylo honestly, its such a feeling that cannot be described in words. You and your Allah. And, the pain simply vanishes. others worry over petty matters, while you soar over the clouds. But after years of neglect.
@Bold33248 9 сағат бұрын
Dear brother, the reason you find the majority of muslim influencers on the offense, or quite different to Paloma, lies in the inherrent fear with which most of us are brought up, as subjects of the colonizers, who branded their marks in our minds and culture. We are not used to a life that explores nature to see the print of Allah in it. So how can we not be slaves.
@williambarylo 4 сағат бұрын
Spot on!
@Bold33248 9 сағат бұрын
Brother, Dubai has compromised its islamic identity with a rather secular one, incorporating its traditional Arab infrastructure with seemingly corporate/ trading companies working for israeli intersts, which is simply none other than the globalist and occupational jewish state.
@facts.explained. Күн бұрын
🤎Eid Al-ad'ha Mubarak🤎 (Blessed the great Sacrifice of the Prophet Abraham commemoration feast) May Allah Almighty extend your life to witness it again and again, and give you a good health and prosperity, and forgive your shortcomings, and grants you access to his Gardens in the hearafter, Ameen.
@williambarylo 20 сағат бұрын
Ameen and to you too
@user-to1di5nz6e Күн бұрын
@williambarylo 20 сағат бұрын
🐈🐑🐔 🇪🇸
@madihaq2252 Күн бұрын
Those trigger warnings 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The fact that those even needed putting up makes me want to actually cry. So nothing left to do but to laugh instead.
@williambarylo 20 сағат бұрын
... And it's 2024 *sigh*
@AHK4680 Күн бұрын
From a salafi household, but she seems charming.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
I think she's so different from what the internet has to offer nowadays. She just seems so in love with Islam
@Marlena68 Күн бұрын
Very important video. Thank you
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
Thank you!
@sorayavanderschyff937 Күн бұрын
Ive been following her for a few months now . I really enjoy watching her channel and her content. Its simple, honest and so refreshing to see Islam being practiced in such a beautiful way in Spain, Mashaallah
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
I agree!
@Jblcc Күн бұрын
I found her channel last year, her channel is so soothing, simplicity, and watch her channel on every eid celebration. Immediately i subscribe 7:01 that was what made me subscribe to her channel
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
Even in real life I wish more Muslims in the UK would at least not be scared of physically/mentally challenged people. Her kindness is exemplary
@mrsporty9669 Күн бұрын
Gracias 🍎
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
De nada
@luci3564 Күн бұрын
Mashallah! 😊 [Con vuestro permiso, voy a expresarme en español que me resulta más fácil (perdón por las molestias de antemano).] Soy una española que volvió al islam hace unos meses. Durante mi investigación sobre el islam los meses anteriores a hacer mi shahada, descubrí el canal de Paloma. Como española que no conocía ningún español/a musulmán, verla en KZbin fue una ventana abierta por donde entraba un rayo de luz y esperanza✨. En ella vi el ejemplo de que se puede ser española y musulmana a la vez, que no es incompatible. ¡Ahora sé que esto es algo demasiado obvio! Pero quienes hemos crecido toda la vida en España hemos escuchado demasiadas veces que "ser español es lo contrario a ser musulmán" porque "gracias a Los Reyes Católicos en 1492 se unificó el Reino de España al derrotar el último reino musulmán nazarí de Granada (sur de Andalucía)". Cuando llevas toda la vida escuchando esto, creedme que es una lucha interna muy fuerte porque sientes que al abrazar el islam te estás enfrentando a toda tu cultura y renegando de toda tu identidad, cuando no es así del todo... El islam acepta lo bueno de cada cultura y rechaza lo que es malo (como comer cerdo, que aquí en España es bastante habitual, como el jamón ibérico que se considera "muy español", por desgracia). Entonces, fue para mí muy hermoso ver que no era la única española que quería ser musulmana, pues sólo conocía africanos musulmanes (de Senegal -como mi marido-, Malí, Guinea, Marruecos...) o asiáticos. Para mí, Paloma fue una inspiración...ella nunca presumió de ser "buena musulmana". Es más, yo creo que cuando empezó su canal aún no era musulmana (aunque no estoy 100% segura...o quizás estaba empezando su andadura). Si os dais cuenta, en los vídeos más recientes ya no hace retratos humanos, eso era antes. Ahora está más enfocada en editar sus videos y expresar su arte de esta manera. Además de esto, creo que es la única persona de su familia que ha abrazado el islam por lo que es una inspiración para quienes nos debatimos con dar el paso y nos llegan pensamientos de miedo al pensar si seremos aceptados por nuestra familia... Entonces, ver todo el amor que le tiene a su padre, y cómo él la ama, es muy muy emotivo y nos da corage su ejemplo. En momentos en los tenía muchas preocupaciones en la mente, escucharla hablar era un gran alivio. Tiene el don de transmitir mucha paz al narrar su experiencia de ir a la mezquita, sus emociones al leer alguna sura, sus momentos de servir comida a la comunidad, etc. Es más, sin ella pretenderlo, gracias a su sencillez y su forma de ser, ha inspirado a muchas personas a tomar su Shahada y hay ejemplos en su canal. Es algo digno de admirar. Y personas como ella son necesarias porque desde su humildad y dulzura, vemos que el islam no es tan difícil como parecía, sino que es una religión para todo el mundo. Y que cualquier persona puede abrazar el islam. Obviamente, los primeros pasos en el islam son como los de un bebé👶🏼 todo es nuevo y hay que ir aprendiendo. Paso a paso👣 Parece que ella se inspira en el sufismo, pero se nota que está haciendo su camino por aprender del Corán y la sunna. Es impresionante destacar su esfuerzo y dedicación. Incluso veo que practica más el islam que muchos musulmanes de nacimiento que he conocido. ¡Simplemente le estoy muy agradecida! 💜 Que Allah le bendiga y le guíe. Y que nos guíe a todos por el camino recto, in-sha-Allah🤲🏽 Muchas bendiciones para tu canal, Dr William, haces una gran labor! De nuevo, Mashallah!😊
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
¡muchas gracias! ¡Tiene una forma original de transmitir el Islam en KZbin!
@syedalehasnaatshah Күн бұрын
May Allah bless her and keep her in the straight path. Ameen
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
@cobra8888 Күн бұрын
Debater? Yes. Strong Man and can probably kick my ass? Sure. Wise Muslim? Never. He likes it too much to judge people and saying who is or who isn’t a Muslim. Big mistake. Accepting Andrew Tate and discrediting Prime Minister of Scotland or some Quranist calling him “worst than Atheist” shows your true color and relationship towards Islam.
@reactionary Күн бұрын
What is the spinning wheel device behind you. Is it a PC?
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
Yes it's my desktop
@ErenYeager-bp8om Күн бұрын
Allāh be the judge upon the normalizers of Kufr. Choose the path towards pleasing Allāh and not the Kuffar.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
The Saudi and UAE Royal families need to hear more of that stuff
@BuffaloPros Күн бұрын
I've found the best way to show nationalists perspective is by showing them the Knights Templar, who are Euro supremacists themselves.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
@BuffaloPros Күн бұрын
Had/has to be done, for the pleasure of Allaah! They are no longer hiding.
@nashcomp Күн бұрын
Brothers and sisters unite, its the time
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
The Hour is near
@erikkhan Күн бұрын
Have u watched the documentary TRT did about their community "Resilient souls" I was genuinely surprised how much they were rooted in tradition.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
I'll have a look!
@Gintoki7 Күн бұрын
Allahuma barik 💖
@GwynnBlake Күн бұрын
No matter how many positive comments she and her channels get - Islam has nothing to do with desires or views of lunatic and culture oriented individuals. Islam is the culture that has its own pillars and borders and these are immovable and finalized. Allah had decided WHAT IS our religion and HOW it must be followed, and even decided which differences are allowed, and He sent his beautiful messenger Muhammad and aided him with his beautiful companions - Allah, by their lives and examples, had shown us how Islam must be followed the best way possible - and that's the only way and example we muslims look for to. All other ways are in hell, no matter what people call them and how people describe them, so it is better for everyone to constantly pure and correct their faith and lifes, which means constantly compare their path with path of Muhammad and his companions, and correct our religion while we can and death isn't standing in doorsteps of our lives. May Allah cover every sincere human and jinn with his mercy, and His mercy is the grandest and He forgives those who ask forgiveness and correct their lives, and make it easier to follow the path that he decided for muslims and make all other non-muslim paths worthless and needles. Our Lord make it easier for us to obey You in hearts, words and deeds the way You decided to us and make all other ways of no need. Protect us from all sects, blasphemy and heresies no matter how they look and what they contained of. la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah - there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger. la hawla wala quwwata illa billah - There is no power and no strength except with God. inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un - Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed, to Him we return. All bida'h leads to perdition and to hell. (bidʿah, in Islam, any innovation that has no roots in the traditional practice (Sunnah) of the Muslim community)
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
Exactly, maybe she follows very specific jurisprudence opinions
@BuffaloPros Күн бұрын
It's ironic that Muslims would make debate channels when debating isn't permitted.
@BuffaloPros Күн бұрын
That may explain why she's "divisive".
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
If only it was actual debates!
@BuffaloPros Күн бұрын
Unfortunately, some leaders have misled Muslims on how to practice Islam. Aisha, radiallaahu anha, wasn't even literally 6 at the time of marriage. She was 17 or 18. I suggest a video about that. The proof is obvious using ahadeeth.
@BuffaloPros Күн бұрын
She was basing her birth year on menstruation. No one knows the exact year or month she was born. Ancient Arabian tradition for most who survived femicide.
@BuffaloPros Күн бұрын
I'd let her learn at her pace. Besides, everything is exactly as Allaah wants them to be.
@BuffaloPros Күн бұрын
Doing better than most Muslim channels, probably, anyway.
@BuffaloPros Күн бұрын
Perhaps her heart is a better place than most of us, after all.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
Very valid points
@BuffaloPros Күн бұрын
She's teaching love. How many focus on that?
@BuffaloPros Күн бұрын
I've learned it's generally useless to dwell on what others do. Focusing on humans is nothing that brings peace. The stigmatism associated with "sufism" is WAY blown out of proportion. I don't know anyone who worships dead people.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
Just like in many situations, people rely on stereotypes rather than actually knowing what's behind the label!
@BuffaloPros Күн бұрын
Sadly, very true. You probably know this, but the Qur'an does say the shuhudah, if I said it right, are alive in their graves but we don't see it. How can people forget salutations to the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, are received by him? Shuhudah being alive doesn't mean people worship them.
@thewiseofearth Күн бұрын
I cannot watch any of her videos not because they are bad, but because I deeply envy her. To have the ability to practice your religion without fear of persecution, disowning, killing, being kicked out to the street, losing your job, or being forced to divorce your wife, is a dream I have that I know cannot be realized as long as I live in this hellhole of an Islamic country. Congrats to those who escaped to the west or anywhere else thats respects humanity, and good luck to the likes of me who live in secrecy.
@MuhammadZyedMan Күн бұрын
Most Islamic countries don't allow you to be Muslims they want the people to semi submit to the government
@thewiseofearth Күн бұрын
@@MuhammadZyedManthat’s a bafflingly retarded comment That only a foreigner to the affairs, and lives of muslims in the real muslim world, would say. Its the sort of thing muslims say to cope with how much of a failure islam behaves when integrated into the political sphere.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
I'm sorry you are experiencing such hardships. No one deserves being under such pressure
@anikmahmud1737 16 сағат бұрын
You sound like a Liberal degenerate filth that also happens to identify as a Muslim. I'm from Bangladesh, which is kind of a Sh!thole I must say. Despite that, I wouldn’t DREAM of moving to the West because the West has "sUpEriOR mOrALs", the ONLY reason would move to the West is for ECONOMIC opportunities, that's it! The fact that you consider WESTERN LGBTQ land as a moral hub exposes who you TRULY are!
@yahiiiaplays1252 Күн бұрын
This is a good video.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
Thank you
@danielahmed8162 Күн бұрын
Oh All mighty Allah 😭😭😭. Please give this people knowledge. This people gonna destroy my religion 😭😭😭
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
Comment moved to the "Hijra to Saudi" discussion thread
@danielahmed8162 Күн бұрын
Blame the British Hindu Raj colonial era for this reason.😅 this people are so uneducated that they can make any false things about anyone. It's a big shame 😭😭 for Muslim. This Muslim represent Islam as third class religion.
@KaanfitnessUk Күн бұрын
Thanks for this videos it's refreshing to see such Muslims who are diverse, tolerant and appreciate art and creativity. I think they are more Muslim in their spirit than the so called 'religious' Muslims who would invalidate her. They make Islam appear harsh, ugly and with very little to offer the world.
@yahiiiaplays1252 Күн бұрын
The Colonization through the Christians and their imported laws was the worst thing to happen to the Muslim world. And I am not afraid to say it, the Salafists and Wahabbists that were emboldened by Saudi Arabia and USA to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan and spread the harshest, ugliest version of Islam is not what we should carry onward. No wonder We are divided and weak, even though the Quran is less harsh in every conceivable way. Allah is the loving and caring (Ar Rahman). All His advice is sincere and has valid reasons. If Allah Himself doesn't withhold forgiveness and doesn't measure by outward appearance, then I have no right to do anything other than what was commanded of me alone and to leave others to be true to Allah to the best of their abilities.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
Thank you. There are many examples of the Prophet's pedagogy to correct people, and it looks like nobody follows it sadly.
@Fxrichards Күн бұрын
I had hope when you claimed to be objective but not soon after you started to defend Islam instead of “trying to understand them”… you are so disingenuous…
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
I clearly said that Mark's story is valid. The imam doesn't know his facts. He will never convince other Muslims and because of that he's not a good ally of Israel.
@hurataimad136 Күн бұрын
Yeah you can find channels that better represent Muslims then them Dawah character channels. I'm sure a few are sincere, but a few are not, though most are a mix of both. People tend to convince themselves of the need to sellout a little here and a little there for practical reasons. A good example from my own personal experience was when I went on hajj with a Muslim tour group who up sold their product. They made out that at Mecca we would have 3, 4 bedroom accommodation. Instead we got a 15/20 dorm room situation. Well the pilgrims were rather upset, some rebelled and occupied some of the better private rooms hired for late comers. After things settled and the majority of the hajj was over, I got talking to the tour owner about the drama and he explained his stance. Very nice guy, may Allah reward him with Jannah firdaws and forgive his sins. He claimed that if he didn't up sell and tell a few lies, his hajj tours wouldn't make enough to cover his costs. He believed it was necessary evil to keep the good of his hajj group going. At the time his Hajj tours was a good deal, relatively cheap in comparison to others, offers were great and his motivations weren't money based, rather a need for survival. He was a good man, looked after his family but he was wrong here. Very few Dawah channels will be sincere completely, but I'm sure their core intent would be good. Going to vloggers who aren't doing the dawah thing will give a better representation of Muslims for me.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
That's exactly it. the problem for many dawah channels is that they rely on KZbin for income. From that point, it's hard for them to produce content they believe in VS producing content that will generate clicks. That's why Mohammed Hijab's and Ali Dawah's charitable initiatives struggle sadly.
@enacausmembrane Күн бұрын
Got it. We need Ahlul Hadithé Hispania Movement.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
That's a brilliant idea. For starters, let's send the best KZbin debaters to Andalusia.
@enacausmembrane 15 сағат бұрын
@@williambarylo Andalusia doesn't exist anymore. Those remaining muslims are bunch of fasiq. A mass dawah campaign is needed to fix those westernized muslims first.
@enacausmembrane Күн бұрын
This is not Andalusian Islam. This is as haram as all the other cultures we have today from Pakistan to Morocco. This is simply diluted form of Islam. Haram Detected, Stupid Culture Rejected.
@enacausmembrane Күн бұрын
Music No Hijab Sufism Freemixing Ticking all the boxes to bring as much misrepresentation of islam. Not hating on her, just saying, she would have been LASHED many times had she (and these people) lived in Caliph AbuBakr's or Umar's times.
@alijahalilovic32 Күн бұрын
When was somebody lashed for listening to Music?
@enacausmembrane Күн бұрын
@@alijahalilovic32 It’s really every single they did in combination. It’s not just her. Even my people (Al-Hind) would also get lashed for even worse. Very sad.😔
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
When I see something I don't agree with, I remember the story when a man came drunk and urinated in the mosque at the time of the Prophet; or when made mistakes when reciting the adhan. People are on a journey and learn constantly; when they make mistakes, it's about finding the right approach to correct them. To make things more complicated, there are different rulings regarding music, covering of the hair or freemixing in public spaces. For example, she hasn't mentioned whether she wants to wear the hijab at some point and working towards it, or if she follows a particular religious opinion.
@lmessay-jh6xz Күн бұрын
You're an intellectual eunuch. Go back to sleep
@elif9124 Күн бұрын
@enacausemembrane you seem to have an obsession with violence and causing harm to others. I already saw your hateful reply to my comment. Claim and call whoever and whatever a misrepresentation of Islam. Others will do the same to you and say you're a misrepresentation as well. Allah swt knows best.
@elif9124 Күн бұрын
i see alot of her in myself, my mother and many of the women in my family. And we are from a totally different region; Turkiye. Although we dont wear the hijab, we never felt any less of being a muslim. We dress modestly, we love nature and music as well. We fast, pray and give charity. These are all things that are immensely more important than just wearing the hijab, or eating halal meat thats hand slaughtered versus machine slaughtered. Islam is not complicated, but people make it complicated by preaching and glorifying random rules that are poorly supported from historical context. Thank you so much for sharing her channel ❤
@enacausmembrane Күн бұрын
Maybe a bit Hudud will fix that.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
Indeed, in the History of the revelation, good behaviour and helping those in need came very early compared to the ritual aspects
@Altair-El-Haddad Күн бұрын
So basically committing tabarruj which is one of the greatest sins a vvoman can commit? Of course you're from 🇹🇷 lol.
@shadowguard3578 Күн бұрын
@@enacausmembrane fix what?
@elif9124 Күн бұрын
​@@enacausmembrane 🤣Nothing to fix. Clearly you don't know in what context to use Hudud. One can only pray for the hate in another's heart to be removed, such as yours.
@rukahazuki6650 Күн бұрын
I found her channel years ago and love it to this day. There's a Ramadan series in my country, Jejak Rasul( sort of like a documentary vlog programme that talk about Islam and Muslims and Islamic history as well as sirah around the world). They will cover certain regions each year and one of unforgettable to me is when they went to Spain. It left deep impression in me as well as a bit of sadness that time. I admit that that time I wish Islam will come back there. When I found Paloma's channel, I was so elated and I remembered that feelings when I watched Jejak Rasul it but this time I'm really happy.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
Hers is not a history channel but I appreciate she tries to search a bit more about History too!
@66hats Күн бұрын
Jazak allah for letting me know about this channel - I've subscribed to her
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
thank you!
@mortarman83095 Күн бұрын
Assalamu alaykum sir William, I am writing you this comment in hopes of you reading it and perhaps reconsidering your stance on the situation. Now, let me start off by saying that the way many Muslims react when they see channels like Paloma's (i.e. not full hijab, music, etc.) is unacceptable; not only does this behaviour deter people away from Islam, which can make them be held accountable (and Allah knows best), but it is not how the prophet peace be upon him would ever speak to another Muslim, no matter how "un-islamic" they might be. Yes, he would get angry at times, but only at the right time and in the right place (e.g. when someone makes a major mistake). Furthermore, I've come across your channel through your video "the social hierarchy of Muslim converts", I thought it was a great work, and I can see how you have integrated the idea of that video into this one, many Muslims unfortunately have this attitude of "wrong Muslim" and "right Muslim", they fail to understand that "Muslim is Muslim" (unless they're very clearly deviants but you can spot those very easily thankfully), and that we're supposed to bring Muslims closer together, not divide them even further through race, religiousness, or any other factor, ESPECIALLY in our time where the Ummah has never been this divided before. So all in all, I think you deliver a great message that a lot of Muslims need to hear nowadays, and I personally thank you for this. Now with all this being said, to present Palona's content of revealing her hair, including music etc. as perfectly acceptable, is problematic as well, because remember what I said earlier? Our job is to bring Muslims closer together, but to what exactly? To Islam itself, of course, the religion of Allah! And what does Islam teach us? To avoid musical instruments, drawing humans (I'll say drawing is disputed but the most authentic opinion is it should be avoided), spare our beards (i.e. not shave them), but more importantly, protect our modesty! Guard ourselves, especially our sisters by covering up their hair, treating their bodies as valueable treasures, not as a cheap product for any man to see, and to seperate herself from the non-muslim woman, who does not look after her modesty or dignity and holds herself for a cheap price, this is how we tell apart the Muslimah from the Kafirah, our sisters cherish themselves, they dignify themselves. So with all due respect mr. Barylo, when you present Palona's uncovered hair as if it's no problem at all, you are also in a way deterring people away from Islam, not through faith of course, but through practice. I don't know what your intentions are, and I'm not going to speculate over them, but it would be kind of you to at least include a small heads up like "note: I am not saying it's okay for women to not cover themselves, but the hatred people are directing at her is unacceptable". For all you know, maybe a sister who's trying to wear her Hijab watches your video and uses it as an excuse not to do so. So with that being said, please brother, let us all practice and preach Islam as the prophet peace be upon him practiced and preached it, and let there be no division between us like the West with their radicalized left and right wing, let us all come back to the religion of Islam, a religion meant to be moderate, neither strict nor loose, a religion meant to bring peace and harmony to people. May Allah guide us
@elif9124 Күн бұрын
I guess you didn't pay attention to the trigger warning at the start of the video.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
It is not my job to tell people what to do and what not to do, I'm not a theologian or a jurist. I'm here to analyse what people are doing. There are many different fiqh opinions about music and covering the hair. Also, as a new Muslim, she is on a journey. Maybe she wants to wear hijab but she is not ready yet.
@mortarman83095 Күн бұрын
@@elif9124 I did notice it, but it felt like it was pre-emptively mocking people who thought what I thought, rather than saying "I'm not saying these things are okay but you need to hear me out"
@mortarman83095 Күн бұрын
@@williambarylo you are neither a theologian nor a jurist, I am well aware of that and I respect you for not wanting to dive into the fiqh of things, if someone doesn't know, then they shouldn't speak up, and that's fine. But respectfully, if you're going to tell the people who attacked her to quit their toxicity, then you also need to talk about the other side of the issue, you can't just criticize one side and leave out the other. Influencer or not, every Muslim is obligated to remind others when they do evil and encourage them to do good and you did the former, so why not the latter? I'm not asking you to give a full detailed explanation on the matters, just speak common sense, like for example how not a single one of the four madhaheb said it's permissible to show a woman's hair, you don't need to study Fiqh to know this, it takes a minute to look up. You especially can't say the sentence "maybe she's following a different Madhhab or scholar" without acknowledging that pretty much all of them have agreed upon Hijab being a must, I really respect your approach to this situation and I don't want to discourage you or be rude to you in any shape or form, I just think your presentation was a bit biased regarding this case, though this is in the end just my opinion, if you think it's not your buisness to remind people of the Haram (as much as I and most scholars disagree), then I respect your opinion and will not further bother you. May Allah guide us all to the straight path.
@MrFeezy91 Күн бұрын
May Allah bless you and reward you for the manners you've portrayed in these comments. May Allah guide us all.
@ayeshamalikv Күн бұрын
Islam is about looking inward not outward. Islam is about Allah Almighty and the Prophet (Peace be upon him)and connection with Allah and emulating the prophet SAW. Criticising others is non Islamic Not all tubers are the same And can’t be painted with the same brush. Best you study what Islam is about. It is about faith not about criticising others. Completely non Islamic.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
Well said!
@cornflakez5350 Күн бұрын
Underrated channel you.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
thank you
@pellesvansl Күн бұрын
Leave sufi communities for sufis, there are such in the u.k. too but you choose to compare paloma with aisha rosalie or others who have zero creativity
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
Who is Aisha Rosalie?
@pellesvansl Күн бұрын
@@williambarylo blocking theology recommends her as role modell for reverts
@This-Is-The-End Күн бұрын
I'm "native musilm" & I found her far more muslim than me! May god protect her.
@enacausmembrane Күн бұрын
😢 very sad you consider these people proper muslim
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
Everyone is on a journey
@This-Is-The-End Күн бұрын
@@enacausmembrane At the end neither my "consideration" not yours will count! Isn't it ?
@thetruthnothingbutthetruth1 Күн бұрын
@enacausemembrane Please focus, concentrate on what you are reading, people say & what it means. More Muslim than me does not equate to saying or meaning 'proper muslim'.
@anikmahmud1737 16 сағат бұрын
​@@enacausmembranecan you define what a proper muslim is? A lot of the Arab wealthy upper class Sheikhs commits every Haram they can possibly find, they are just very good at HIDING it! I don't consider her as "Proper" Muslim, but she is my sister in Islam.
@browntaint6916 Күн бұрын
I love that channel..
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
Andalusia is a lovely place
@nourisardardp Күн бұрын
Love the disclaimer at the beginning 😂 Great video
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
It's 2024 and we still need such disclaimers *sigh*
@tally3018 Күн бұрын
You make some good points. Some very good points. However she is selling Sufism.... And whoever complains about haram police / bidda police, should remember that part of the duty of a muslim is to remind people of what is forbidden and what is good. If you dislike people doing al wala wal bara maybe you should ask yourself why you dislike it. Is it because you disagree with a particular ruling, or is it because you want to shape Islam according to your own desires?
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
I think people who dislike the haram police mostly dislike the pedagogy they use, which is often very confrontational and not prophetic at all. The Prophet (PBUH) has a particular way of educating people even with the most ignorant, like that time when someone urinated in the mosque, or that man reciting the adhan incorrectly, etc... there's a verse saying that if he was harsh, people would have turned away. It's about selecting the right approach that works for each person. Most people don't do things out of malice but often because they don't have the full knowledge about something
@tally3018 Күн бұрын
@@williambarylo Again, very good points, some of which I was advicing my son just yesterday (And that I should keep in mind myself) Please keep in mind the other end of the spectrum as well. You could call them the "Halal police", those who make everything halal. Music = halal (If the lyrics are good). Hugging the oposite gender = Halal (if the intention is right). Smoking = Makruh (Essentially Halal) And I could go on for a few hundred more lines. With the majority of people you should be soft the absolute majority of the time, but there are exceptions to this, such as with some disbelievers and hypocrites.
@tally3018 Күн бұрын
@@williambarylo BTW, I enjoy your videos a lot so please do not interpret my comment as general hostility. I especially identified with one of the videos where you talked about the heartbreak of being rejected because you are not the "right" kind/race/class of muslim. May Allah join us in Jannah, Amin.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
@@tally3018 Yes. Islam is the middle path!
@Solemn_G Күн бұрын
I love her channel. Gives you a glimpse into Andalusian Muslim culture.
@enacausmembrane Күн бұрын
Andalusian Muslim Culture has been WIPED OUT, and only the weak ones like her remain. That culture is unislamic as hell. We need a HARAM alert for these people.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
Her channel reminds me that being Muslim is not always about debating
@aag24 2 күн бұрын
Oh dear. I have lived in the UK all my life and never once did I think you had to be rich to be a Muslim, nor do I hang around in "Shisha lounges" nor do I even like "Dubai" … there is obviously something wrong with me! My mother never wore hijab, she was the daughter of a sheikh from Al-Azhar (from the old pre-WWII days) and she is the most amazingly good Muslim. My father was a university teacher and he never made "big money". I am old now and my parents are old but I don't think I was that different (or maybe I am … I don't know). We were always taught to believe that you shouldn't judge other people by their religion or how they practice their religion. Maybe I have been taught wrongly. I hope not. I think not.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
I think you're a miracle in this modern age! You were around the right people.
@AbdulKareemAbdulRahman Күн бұрын
i know th brother mentioned the shisha lounge mybe a few times more than necessary. but take the bigger picture to understand where he's coming from - that helpful green ticks tally sheet, which many other muslim youtubers do, in fact, do.
@aag24 Күн бұрын
@@williambarylo I think you are right. I suspect things have changed since I was young. I just turned 50 a few days ago and hate to think of myself as one of those rose-tinted glasses folks … I can't help thinking things are significantly worse in th modern age. (I have also seen some of your other videos and I have to say that you are an amazing fellow and I am sorry for any difficulties you have had in the UK. You to be a splendid and wonderful person.
@williambarylo Күн бұрын
@@aag24 thank you. I think you're right. People older than me recount times when people would invite each other at home, cook for each other, people would talk to each other in the mosque and people's ultimate car was a Toyota because it's reliable. Nowadays people of my generation find it hard to meet, mosques become utilitarian places and money (or the illusion of money) has become a priority. There are still a few places where it's possible to find the spirit of these old days, but I think modern British culture of individualism and materialism has imposed itself on many