I've made some big changes...
@devinkaauwai8906 8 минут бұрын
Love this! Where is your couch from?
@sarahmcw 28 минут бұрын
This couldn’t be more right!
@lizzygrace6322 2 сағат бұрын
Why do all your videos have auto subtitles? Just honestly curious!
@jacintasalt8731 2 сағат бұрын
So true!
@michelleb8658 9 сағат бұрын
I love tips like this
@ahsa222 9 сағат бұрын
My parents gave me a present when my little sister was born (2 years younger) and I swear I believe that’s why we always had a good relationship.
@katemaher157 10 сағат бұрын
Honestly I'm so grateful someone else feels the same way as I do about maternity clothes. Rather than looking just fat maternity clothes make it look like I"m pregnant lol!
@HederKlowd 11 сағат бұрын
Our age gaps are NFP so 3-4 years, it's pretty awesome! Great balance of independence and collaboration between those kiddos. And yes, positive language is good from birth to graduation!
@HederKlowd 11 сағат бұрын
So similar in values and goals! ❤ We also are still cosleeping in a three Japanese shikibutons set up with our almost 6 year old on the end, then Dad, 3 year old who weaned last Fall, and then me (eventually with baby) on the end. My 10 year old left the room at age 5, so I'm crossing my fingers the current 5 year old follows suit soon
@MrsV19 12 сағат бұрын
When my mom introduced me to my brother my mom said that (while she was holding him) i walked in, walked around them turned my nose up & walked right back out lol.....A year later i accidentally almost k*lled him, I had an old wooden fischer price clock that i wanted to share with him so i dropped it in his crib....ringht on his head😅.
@artluver3155 12 сағат бұрын
Getting a sibling is not the same as a 2nd wife. No vows are being broken because a new baby is on the way. It is a weird comparison.
@chloeboman7042 12 сағат бұрын
so effing literal 🙄 are you autistic? serious question
@amberhaning2881 13 сағат бұрын
So, unrelated but just really bothered and needing to share- the other day my daughter got to watch a little more screen time than usual. Typically, I let her watch two 20 minute shows while I get dressed and cleaned up breakfast. The other day her time was interrupted by visiting grandparents so I told her she could finish it after her nap. She did and then we went down to my MIL’s later for some playtime (they live next door). When I came back to pick her up, she was watching a show again with their 10 year old. When we told her it was time to go and we had to turn it off she threw the tantrum of all tantrums, so intense her nose started bleeding. It took 15 minutes to calm her down (I did not yell, but it was hard). That FREAKED me out. I’m not big on TV in general and would honestly get rid of it if my partner would let me. Now I’m trying to avoid it at ALL costs yesterday was our first tv-free day. Hoping to keep it up without directly telling her we’re taking a break cause I know it’ll upset her and I know her 2 year old brain could comprehend why. Anyway! Wish me luck.
@therockbottom5256 20 сағат бұрын
With a 6 year age gap I focused on how much they would love each other one day and made it clear that oldest got treated special as a baby because “that’s how we treat babies” and Not because they’re any more special
@Sydvicious_studios 20 сағат бұрын
Very weird comparison that doesn’t really make sense but ok
@notworkingmom1941 16 сағат бұрын
Actually it absolutely makes sense. Parents are the First Love of a child. When they suddenly Bring someone home to also bee loved it is a shock. Don't know the english word, but like "beeing kicked of the throne"-shock. Evolutionary children we're taiking all the resources from there parents. Now Situation is diffrent but Kids are still "fighting" each other for the best recourcess. Especally since we now tend to have kids closer in age, than waaaaay back.
@harringt100 15 сағат бұрын
​@@notworkingmom1941We have kids closer in age now than in the past?
@panamapatti3364 20 сағат бұрын
Thats exactly what my parents did. It had a wonderful out come. My brother and I haven't spoken in 20 yrs. Good advice.
@harringt100 15 сағат бұрын
Wow. I am somewhat doubtful you're sincere, here.
@panamapatti3364 14 сағат бұрын
@@harringt100 I'm sincere with sarcasm
@Alex-or8rk 20 сағат бұрын
That is a horrible analogy.
@msjkramey 20 сағат бұрын
What a weird comparison... my parents just framed it as me getting to be a big sister and that it was going to be so, so exciting to have a little sister to love and hang out with. And then she got me a kitten to practice being gentle before my sister was born. (I was only 4)
@chloeboman7042 12 сағат бұрын
yess just judge everything that isnt how you did it back in your day! why dont you just let people do what they want to do and keep your passive aggressive attitude to yourself 🙄
@msjkramey 11 сағат бұрын
@@chloeboman7042 it's weird to compare your kid getting a new sibling to your husband sleeping with a new woman. You really don't see that?
@AC-iw5mv Сағат бұрын
I agree with you
@AC-iw5mv Сағат бұрын
@@chloeboman7042do you have kids? Nothing about her comment was passive aggressive
@theGEnericE 20 сағат бұрын
Better option is what my mom told me about my new brother. She told me he was my baby and we were all going to help me with him. I was so proud of him and loved him so much. No jealousy, just happiness.
@4everloved142 20 сағат бұрын
I gave my son a gift from his baby sis. He had a new toy that came from his sissy and it also gave him a distraction while I was taking care of his sister. I also told everyone to greet him when they came to see her. She won’t remember, but he will. That also helped a lot too. He is special needs, 7yo and will not leave his (almost) 5yo sister behind. She is stubborn and wants to do what she wants, so I try and say “We’re leaving sissy, let’s go!” when at a store to try and use reverse psychology… nope! He screams “no!! Sissy!!! come on!!! Don’t leave her” ❤ It’s precious, just trying to get him to understand we’re not actually going to leave her 😂
@harringt100 15 сағат бұрын
​@@4everloved142That's so cute. My older brother used to try to stick up for me, too. He objected to the nickname my mom wanted to use for me.
@AC-iw5mv Сағат бұрын
❤❤❤ i also think this loving proud perspective is a little better
@chloehammond2836 20 сағат бұрын
THIS IS THE ANTHEM I WANTED MY PARENTS TO SING TO ME! Thank you for this video this is also how I want to raise my kids. The trust and support from this way of parenting will pay off so much you’re a great mama 😭 ❤
@strawberryme08 20 сағат бұрын
I heard once to have the new baby bring the older sibling a present. Pretty cute but we totally did this too. My first was freaked out because I was at the hospital and we’d never been apart before so he was kid Ana’s at me for a few days and wouldn’t be with me :( he wasn’t super interested in the baby for a week or so either but he warmed up and they’ve always been best friends. I have four kids ages 18, 16, 12, 8 and they’re all so great to each other
@postergmail6202 20 сағат бұрын
Why can’t people just have babies instead of welcoming additions. Nonsense.
@henrysmama2874 Күн бұрын
You're soooooo funny!!! Thank you for being my friend 😅
@CorazonSentido Күн бұрын
Thank you I needed to hear this because I was obsessing again lol
@emilystrukoff7545 Күн бұрын
Hunter gather parent helped me so much as well! I realized I can say no to all the activities that aren’t serving me or my child in that moment and instead listen to their actual needs. And involving them in all the taking care of our home activities which are bonding and install a sense of pride for my kiddos too. My oldest loves hanging out clothes on the clothesline and cooking together. And having a solid friend group we get to see often. Without them motherhood wouldn’t be the same.
@MsHaleyGreen 2 күн бұрын
Thank you ❤
@kathrynonka6780 2 күн бұрын
I just had a blow up for hours talking and screaming at myself like a valley girl/gay guy being so incredibly sarcastic “oh my I just love it when my husband helps filling up the sink full of nasty dishes and food when I’ve been waiting for 3 months for him to fix the disposal and I just can’t wait to pour buckets and buckets of nastiness in the toilets while it also accidentally spills all over the floor!! My 3 kids are so good at following daddy’s example he’s the best dad and I just love my life!!! I love it when I work all day everyday so hard and then I have pregnancy sickness and for 1 day and it goes down the toilet and enjoy seeing piles and piles of nonsense after I worked are threw pretty much everything away and I just look forward to waking up and doing everything over again and then my husband expects me to do everything perfect have a some give sex make food be skinny and not once have my own feelings cause it doesn’t matter at all!!!! “ 2 hours screaming crying ready to go to the hospital cause I can’t handle anything more!!! This is baby 4 and only 6 weeks haven’t even had a scan yet to see if it’s multiple or singleton! But I really just hate myself and everything that come in my path besides my kids. But everyone else and I’ve just isolated so I don’t bite peoples heads off!!!! I hope this ends before I loose it! I’ve never felt this horrible in pregnancy!
@GabrielaPineda 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for your videos! At the beginning I also was very negative and motherhood has been a journey for sure, but listening to your experience made me feel less alone. Now I can totally agree it's a mindset thing and I'm just working on becoming the mom I want to be.
@abmore94 2 күн бұрын
Got the app. Can’t wait to get started! In the last week of my 1st trimester. Looking forward to getting some energy back. Random question ans maybe you can do a video or podcast on this but…what does your diet look like? Any tips or recipes to share? Are you super crunchy with diet too? I’m super picky and diet is a pain for me.
@heyshayla Күн бұрын
Mostly just focus on eating Whole Foods. But the first 40 days is WORTH BUYING for the meals in the back. I felt sooooo good and nourished postpartum with my second! Heyshayla.com/books
@allyrose9140 2 күн бұрын
I decluttered my sheets recently and it made me feel free! It’s crazy cause they are just sheets, but man they take up space so much space! I use different pillowcase patterns in attempts to “style” the rooms. They take up way less storage space too.
@nicolevdb6301 2 күн бұрын
Well i resonated with like 80% of your pregnancy symptoms and i had a boy soooo... thats my guess haha, super imperical. Also dont forget your girls are going to want to play with your third as much as you!!! 😊 so wont have to choose between baby and toddlers as much as you fear ❤.
@heathmoge 2 күн бұрын
BACKGROUND NOISE IN MY PHONE?! I’ll be forever grateful 🙌🏽
@kalarandazzo2691 2 күн бұрын
Please tell me if you find out why youre cold! Im 25 weeks (2nd pregnancy) and constantly freezing even at 78 degrees with a jacket!
@CJ2023Incognito 3 күн бұрын
The stank dancing face 😂
@Marvillar 3 күн бұрын
Waking up before the kids wake up has been a life changer. Blitz cleaning during dinner/before bath and bedtime gives me peace of mind so that once the kids are done I can immediately relax and not have another task to do. Meal planning and a laundry system (pre-sorting baskets for each type of load so that the dirty clothes are ready to be thrown in the machine and then baskets for each room the laundry needs to be sent to once its clean). I feel once you have some alone time (before wake up in the morning and evening) are on top of baisc food and food and laundry I just feel so much put together and liberated to be more free and relaxed with my child. Also NO SHAME FOR ASKING FOR HELP!!!!!!! I ask for help all the time and I READ on the topics I feel like I don't know how to tackle/do better.
@FancyBambii 3 күн бұрын
Doing yoga helped me stay sane hahaha it was a great discovery. I will definitely be hiring help for when my newborn comes though, i struggled a lot with cleaning during postpartum so definitely want to do that this time around to stay more sane and be more present with kids
@chelsiefisher7048 3 күн бұрын
I love the trash bag in the background! Yesterday I walked through my livingroom, and there was a dirty diaper on the floor, and I was like, "what is happening today!?"
@colleeneee2008 3 күн бұрын
This was a great video, just what I was needing to hear!
@lindsayaiello501 4 күн бұрын
Wow, great video and perfect timing. I was in tears last night because of all of the mom things... thanks for my phone ease dropping on me (or the stars aligning) so this video fell into my youtube algorithm lol
@trishawhitehead4017 4 күн бұрын
I find cloth diapers SO Easy as well!! We love it. A huge piece is making sure there's space for disposable when you want it. We love using cloth!
@amandadunbar9702 4 күн бұрын
The one thing that keeps me sane is an empty sink. My kitchen is smaller than average so when my sink is full of dishes I feel overwhelmed. waking up to an empty sink helps make the rest of the day just a little easier
@abmore94 5 күн бұрын
How to start journaling???
@allisonlikesyellow 5 күн бұрын
Erin Stanczyk (Eat Move Rest) just had her 3rd baby and they all co-sleep as a family of 5! Maybe ask her for some tips!
@heyshayla 4 күн бұрын
Omg thank you!!!!!!!
@allisonlikesyellow 4 күн бұрын
@heyshayla yes! She just posted a KZbin video today on "EatMoveRest" and in the middle of it she talks about how they sleep. 4 in the bed and oldest on an extra long twin on the side.
@NavneetKaur-gj6mt 5 күн бұрын
Can we pleaseeeee have a tour of your backyard ???
@heyshayla 4 күн бұрын
I got you!! m.kzbin.info/www/bejne/pH-WhmZtdrtgbJI
@karissaportuondo2907 5 күн бұрын
I’m no expert, but I personally found a rhythm in motherhood when I planned and gave each day a ‘theme’ ex: Monday - groceries and laundry, Tuesday - my sons My Gym class and helping at our family business (with my 20 month old of course), Wednesday - cleaning day (toddler also helps!), Thursday - do whatever we want day! (Usually the farmers market, and so on. It’s given us a groove and tasks no longer feel daunting. P.S I’m so thankful for your content, I’m a huge fan!
@heyshayla 4 күн бұрын
Such a great idea!!!!!!!
@candacehanlin3391 5 күн бұрын
This video! Okay, because of YOU, I have changed my whole outlook on parenting you're truly an inspiration Shayla ❤️ thank you for all your knowledge & help along this journey! I would love to hear you talk more about or do a video on screen time, how you've been able to cut down, what you do to pass time, how to get over that instant need to relieve boredom in any situation. Are there certain times you go without? What happens if you and your partner have different expectations of screen time, etc 😅 I'm really wanting to try this out, but it's been difficult! I'd love some suggestions, please! Also, I would love to hear some ideas on what you write about, journal prompts, a good way to unload things so resentments don't sneak up & getting in the right headspace for the next day 🌞
@heyshayla 4 күн бұрын
Just screenshotted this!!! I’ll work on these. I loooove these ideas!
@1timothy4v12 5 күн бұрын
Cooking dinner during youngest nap time in the middle of the day, and then dance breaks in the middle of horrible days.
@heyshayla 5 күн бұрын
Oh I loooove the dinner hack!!!!
@Kiwicanuck3000 6 күн бұрын
It sounds like you’re in a great headspace and everything will work out just fine!
@ameliaduden488 6 күн бұрын
I am very blessed to currently live about a drive ways width from my husband's very sweet grandparents and so if i ever have to run a quick errand or get somthing done and i need help with the Child and they are home i can just send her over there and they happily take her 😊
@Downtoearthjill 6 күн бұрын
Would love another video on baby led weaning
@JTDPM 6 күн бұрын
I was exhausted when I was pregnant with my second. Like, couldn’t function without multiple naps even though I slept through the night. I had my iron levels checked and I was severely anemic…. Always good to have your doc check those levels! I ended up needing an iron infusion and within days I felt so much better.