Lost at Latin Mass? Watch This!
@GiovanniM123 7 сағат бұрын
How’s the readability on this? Are the words to small?
@ConvincedCatholicism 5 сағат бұрын
@@GiovanniM123 I have very good sight but most would find it too small without reading glasses
@GiovanniM123 5 сағат бұрын
@@ConvincedCatholicism Ah alright, thank you!
@michaelconnors7668 Күн бұрын
The one psalm Compline is found in Bishop John Cosin's Collection of Private Devotions [1627] pp. 113-117. This Compline begins with verse 4 of Psalm 132.I will not suffer mine eyes to sleep etc followed by a passage fom John Chrysostom's de orando Deum. Then comes an antiphone followed by Psalm 91. Then follows 1 Peter 5.8, & 2 Pet. 3.19. followed by the Nunc Dimittis. Then follows the Creed, The Our Father, and some othe prayers. Until 2004 Compline was not in the Chuch of England's Book of Common Prayer, now called Common Worship: Daily Prayer. Compline did appear in the 1927 draft and the 1928 proposed revisions to the Book of Common Prayer but these were not approved by Parliament.
@ConvincedCatholicism Күн бұрын
@@michaelconnors7668 That is so cool! I will check that out
@vivacristorey4363 Күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing this. It is a great website. I also prefer the reformed method for compline. Having a psalm for each day of the week for night prayer gives good variety, keeps it shorter, while also not being so diverse that it removes familiarity.
@ConvincedCatholicism Күн бұрын
I used to pray compline on campus every Thursday night (at the very least) years later. Thursday night prayer is my favorite in LOTH
@godogsgo100 Күн бұрын
Yes. You are losing your train of thought! Maybe get the train back on the tracks and do another video. Remember what St. Paul said about whatever you do make sure to do it as if you’re doing it unto The Lord. This concludes today’s lesson junior!
@ConvincedCatholicism Күн бұрын
Do you talk to people like this in real life?
@AmericanShia786 2 күн бұрын
I really like the Divine Worship Daily Office that you have been reviewing very much. I haven't purchased it because I use the Anglican Office Book and the Anglican Breviary. I also own the 1928 BCP US edition with the KJV and Apocryphal published by the Anglican Parishes Association. I could do Daily Prayer with any one of those 3 books. The Anglican Breviary has sermons and hagiography. As you know, I prefer a one volume Breviary. I can also own the Benedictine Daily Prayer, A Short Breviary. So, if I want to read one sermon in the morning and one in the evening. Obviously, being disabled and 4 months shy of age 65, I have lots of time on my hands that needs to be redeemed. However, I will add the website you previewed to my Kindle Fire. Thanks so much for the information.
@ConvincedCatholicism 2 күн бұрын
AOB 2 is a nice alternative but doesn’t have a preset lectionary as you already know
@Canaris_Kiss 2 күн бұрын
"Tell me, patré, do the tone deaf go to heaven?"
@ConvincedCatholicism 2 күн бұрын
This reference is lost on me sorry!
@Canaris_Kiss 2 күн бұрын
@ConvincedCatholicism many things were lost when the Ottomans breached the Walls of Constantinople by the use of canons. Not just the hearing of the parishioners.
@vivacristorey4363 Күн бұрын
Whether tone deaf or not, everyone is eligible for Heaven. What is required is to have a heart in friendship with God.
@Canaris_Kiss Күн бұрын
@vivacristorey4363 top-tier delusional. Just like the believers of a cargo-cult.
@HershLundy 2 күн бұрын
What a great website! Thanks! 🙏
@ConvincedCatholicism 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching
@Broken_ChainsM 2 күн бұрын
Idk if you would want it or not. But for the NAE I have a "cheat sheet" that I use which makes it easier to find antiphons and hymns for the Office. I could send an image of it to your Instagram
@ConvincedCatholicism 2 күн бұрын
That would be really cool!
@ConvincedCatholicism Күн бұрын
May you please send it? Thanks!
@Broken_ChainsM Күн бұрын
@@ConvincedCatholicism I sent it, Instagram says you have to approve my message request
@jcastano 2 күн бұрын
Not "Two Kings" [sic], it's *Second* Kings.
@ConvincedCatholicism 2 күн бұрын
Yes, I don’t know why I said that
@dalecaldwell 2 күн бұрын
I guess I think that the paperback might be the best edition of this book to buy. It's a lot like those old LIFE magazine Christmas issues, writ large, from the days of the catholic Clare Boothe Luce.
@ConvincedCatholicism 2 күн бұрын
Certainly more affordable as well
@duromusabc 3 күн бұрын
The 2019 Collins version gets its responsories and Bible readings from the New Jerusalem Bible ; the 1975 USA LOTH gets its responsories and Bible readings from the 1970 New American Bible (NAB)
@ConvincedCatholicism 2 күн бұрын
@austinkent8811 2 күн бұрын
Partially true, both offices use the grail psalms afaik, not the psalter from those Bible translations.
@nerdanalog1707 3 күн бұрын
These are excellent ressources and suggestions. I like that you recommend the Magnificat, though a subscription, it is well suited, I find, for those who have a hectic life.
@ConvincedCatholicism 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for viewing
@nickcasenta5651 3 күн бұрын
I.dont agree with your comments Very downtrodden and not reverent when speaking of the Bible.
@ConvincedCatholicism 3 күн бұрын
I am not speaking poorly of the bible. I am making critics of the publication and layout. The bible is the inerrant word of God of course I wouldn’t insult it.
@dalecaldwell 4 күн бұрын
This seems a good video to let you know that you have convinced me of several things, although I suppose you weren't tghe only influence. I chose thiw video of yours to respond to after rewatching my own video about the Handbook. First, you need the Midwest Theological Forum Missal. Second, I am in negotiations for a ticket to cross Ponte Sant'Angelo. The pastor of the local parish is out of town, the bishop is in Rone, &tc., and they need to consider what to do about someone so weird as I, but it seems that the easiest and best way for me to do my bit for church unity is to unite with the Church. Prayers of your charity appreciated.
@ConvincedCatholicism 3 күн бұрын
Dale, you have my prayers. I don’t know how long, or complicated the process will be for someone who has a sort of partial communion with the church may be. I wish you all the best and of course may God’s will be done
@Bo_Yeshua 5 күн бұрын
I'm sure you know but rugged rosaries makes an outstanding rosary
@ConvincedCatholicism 5 күн бұрын
@@Bo_Yeshua yes I love their work
@campermobile3217 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for a very respectful review. Peace to you :)
@otiovoic9595 6 күн бұрын
Do you know anyplace to find a six ribbon insert?
@ConvincedCatholicism 6 күн бұрын
@@otiovoic9595 everything seems to be 5 ribbons max
@AJFWinstanley 7 күн бұрын
'Celebrating Daily Prayer' is a great gem worth reviewing. It's an abridged Franciscan office book used in the Anglican Communion.
@ConvincedCatholicism 6 күн бұрын
Fascinating. I will research
@Bo_Yeshua 7 күн бұрын
Just ordered mine
@ConvincedCatholicism 6 күн бұрын
Hope you enjoy
@michaelconnors7668 7 күн бұрын
The relevant sections for the Psalm Prayers in the Liturgia Horarum are found in the Institutio generalis de Liturgia Horarum: §112 Orationes super psalmos, quae recitantes adiuvent in eorum interpretatione praecipue christiana, in Supplemento libri Liturgiae Horarum pro singulis psalmis proponuntur et possunt ad libitum adhiberi ad normam veteris traditionis, ita scilicet ut, absoluto psalmo et aliquo silentii spatio observato, oratio psallentium affectus colligat et concludat. §202 Pro opportunitate ergo et prudentia, ad plenam vocis Spiritus Sancti in cordibus resonantiam assequendam, et ad orationem personalem arctius cum verbo Dei ac publica Ecclesiæ voce coniungendam, spatium silentii interponi licet aut post singulos psalmos, repetita sua antiphona, secundum morem maiorum, et præcipue si, post silentium, additur oratio psalmica (cf. n. 112); aut post lectiones, sive breves, sive longiores, et quidem sive ante sive post responsorium. Cavendum est tamen, ne tale silentium introducatur, quod structuram Officii deformet, aut molestiam seu tædium participantibus afferat. The supplement to the Liturgia Horarum was never published. The Psalm prayers have not appeared in any edition of the Liturgia Horarum I have looked at. The Psalm Prayer were published in Liber Orationum Psalmographus. The four volume Liturgy of the Hours published by the Paulines Africa does not include the Psalm Prayers.
@prayunceasingly2029 8 күн бұрын
Do you know the best English translation of the Septuagint? Thanks
@ConvincedCatholicism 8 күн бұрын
I am really not sure what that would be; its very subjective.
@prayunceasingly2029 8 күн бұрын
@ConvincedCatholicism thank you. in your opinion as a person acquainted with literature would you have a suggestion? I bet you know a lot better than me (I don't know anything about it). I could ask another question I suppose then, if you don't mind, if the previous question can't be answered. Do you know the best english translation of the Latin vulgate? Thanks!
@ConvincedCatholicism 8 күн бұрын
@@prayunceasingly2029 I would guess the Lexham or the NETS
@johnmartin4650 8 күн бұрын
So what’s the translation of the Collins book ? Revised Standard Version (Catholic Edition)? A mediocre comparison!
@ConvincedCatholicism 8 күн бұрын
As many have mentioned the translations are various (Jerusalem, Knox etc.) cant wait to see your comparison video. I hope it’s not mediocre but I am sure someone will find something to nitpick.
@dalecaldwell 8 күн бұрын
As the Church in England and Wales replaces the Jerusalem Bible with the English Standard Buible in the Missal, will they also reprint the Daily Prayer volumes? (Also, I think that the Commonwealth versions are used in Canada.)
@ConvincedCatholicism 8 күн бұрын
I wonder! I would imagine yes but years later
@Mark3ABE 8 күн бұрын
Interestingly, the current version of the Divine Office (that is, the English three volume version - I am not sure about the American four volume version) decided to make use of a number of different translations of the Sacred Scriptures. So, you will find passages from the Jerusalem Bible, the RSV, the Knox and also, surprisingly, the Good News Bible (TEV). The Catholic Church in England and Wales adopted the RSV for all teaching and study purposes and then the second edition (1971/72) when this came out. Finally, the ESV is now to replace the RSV. For some reason, the English Bishops decided that moving from the RSV to the ESV for teaching and study purposes might be an opportunity to use it to replace the Jerusalem Bible in the Lectionary. However, this project has not been without incident! Firstly, at some point, a decision was made to introduce gender neutral language. Now, the best way of introducing gender neutral language would have been to have decided to adopt the NRSV, already in use in Canada, since that uses gender neutral language and was carefully prepared by a large team of very skilled translators to to so effectively. However, Rome had decided, after approving the NRSV for use in Canada, that it would not be approved for any other country, since it failed to comply with the norms for Biblical translation, that is to say, it used gender neutral language! So, the English Bishops decided, well, we can’t use the NRSV to obtain the gender neutral language which we so much desire, because Rome will not permit it. Why not adopt the ESV and then make our own modifications to the text to introduce gender neutral language, bypassing the restrictions imposed by Rome? The result is not a happy one. The NRSV was very carefully prepared, so that the use of gender neutral language is, in so far as is possible when what is involved is falsifying the actual words of the Sacred Scriptures, quite readable. The ESV, as modified in haste for the English Lectionary, does not achieve a happy result. It would have been far better to have simply retained the Jerusalem Bible. It is very Catholic and very English and reads very well, which is why it was adopted for use in the Lectionary in the first place instead of the RSV, which, while entirely accurate, as a direct, literal translation from the original texts, does not always read quite as well as the Jerusalem Bible. Pope Benedict XVI had already considered the Jerusalem Bible very carefully and had asked for several changes to be introduced for use in the Lectionary, in particular, instead of using “YAHWEH” he wanted to revert to using “the Lord” “the Almighty” “God” etc as in earlier English translations. This is because the Jews never pronounced the name of Almighty God - they did not include vowels when writing it, to make it clear that it should never be said out loud. Pope Benedict XVI wished to preserve this ancient reverence. He made one or two other changes and then a version of the Bible was prepared, called the “New Catholic Bible” which is the 1966 edition of the Jerusalem Bible, with the modifications introduced in the Lectionary introduced into the text in that Bible as well. So, we really had the best of all possible worlds and now we have a mangled version of the ESV which reads very awkwardly in some places because of the forced introduction of gender neutral language. Then, we still do not have a single translation for use both for teaching and study purposes and for use in the Lectionary, since the norms for Biblical translation do not permit the use of gender neutral language, or any other departure from a literal translation of the original texts, in a translation used for teaching and study purposes.
@jdelarosa89 9 күн бұрын
I enjoy the Catholic Publishing text- I like the way it looks and feels in the hands. I use the divine office application to help get me through organization when I get lost.
@ConvincedCatholicism 8 күн бұрын
I love the app for help
@Byron.D 9 күн бұрын
Truth be told when I first picked up Christian Prayer as my first breviary I remember being very off put by the number of reviewers who spoke scathing remarks or had quite negative views about it due to either art or translation. However after using it for the better part of 2 years I've come to the conclusion that the translation is fine and the art I don't even pay attention to. In fact I've found that pretty much every prayer book or breviary that I've had that has had art inevitably doesn't phase me regardless of how good or bad the art may be. It becomes at best background noise as I'm far too focused on actually reciting the prayers to care about the art one way or another. As time goes on however, I have found that I'm leaning away from breviaries and prayer books altogether and instead all of my time is being taken up by reading the Psalter or recitation of the Jesus Prayer/Rosary. It's much smaller allowing me to carry it wherever I need, much more straightforward, allows me to pray easily in tandem with the church, and it's easily modifiable to fit whatever free time I have. I'm a simple man, I don't want anything fancy, I just want to pray. I can add whatever intercessions or petitions I may have after a couple of psalms or before/after a rosary.
@farfisaorgan 9 күн бұрын
There is also a third version of the Liturgy of the Hours in English. It is the Liturgy of the Hours for Africa which is published by the Daughters of St Paul. It uses the Revised Grail Psalter which is somewhat different from that in the UK and USA versions, but it has the same version of scripture and the same translation of the readings from the Fathers as does the North American edition. It is printed in Rome and does not have the uninspiring artwork as does the North American editions. The calendar is also more up to date than either of the other editions, but it does not have the most recent feasts instituted by Pope Francis. It also commemorates many saints specific to Africa.
@ConvincedCatholicism 8 күн бұрын
Thanks for the info!
@TEAMLeaderConsulting 7 күн бұрын
Do they make a one volume version like the Christian Prayer book?
@ConvincedCatholicism 7 күн бұрын
@@TEAMLeaderConsulting Yes! It’s called Morning and Evening Prayer
@vivacristorey4363 9 күн бұрын
Thank you for doing this comparison. I have the opposite opinion about the psalm prayer. It does not take away from the scriptural roots of the divine office as its entire purpose is to pray about the psalm which is itself scripture. The patristics in the office of readings help us to better understand scripture. Likewise, the psalm prayer uses the wisdom of the Church to pray in a direct way the theme of the psalm without replacing it. It is not a necessary addition, but a beautiful one. Innovation is not always bad. The collects are pretty much the same thing. They are not scripture, but a way for us to prayerfully collect our thoughts to the theme of this or that particular feast day.
@ConvincedCatholicism 9 күн бұрын
Fair point
@anthonysalomone3698 9 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@FourEyedFrenchman 9 күн бұрын
16:34 Yes, the Psalm-prayers are optional. When I've heard the office prayed in community, the Psalm-prayers have always been skipped. Hopefully the updated English LOTH we're supposed to be getting sometime next year takes them out, along with the children's drawings that passed for art when the current edition came out. I also know that the rubrics allow one to skip the hymn in private recitation of the office (General Instruction, paragraphs 42 & 173). That's usually what I do when praying the office alone, and I make up for that by adding a Hail Mary and the Apostle's Creed to the Our Father that is said at the end of the Intercessions. There's no rubric that says you have to do that, it's just personal preference on my part for when I skip the hymns.
@ConvincedCatholicism 9 күн бұрын
I typically enjoy the hymn even if its just said aloud not sung
@AmericanShia786 9 күн бұрын
As usual, your book review and comparison were very helpful. I got a more extended look at the Collins Divine Office, which confirmed that I would prefer the Collins Set to the 4 Volume Set. Since my formative years with the liturgy and prayers of the Roman Rite were after the Mass began to be said in English, but before the Liturgy of Pope Saint Paul VI was promulgated, I seem to be in a no man's land when it comes to the Mass and the Daily Office. I don't hate the Four Volume Liturgy of the Hours. However, I like the Collins Three Volume better for everything except the cover. What really appeals to me is not the 1962 Latin -English Daily Office. It is the Anglican Breviary (pre-1955) and the latest Anglican Office Book that really appeals to me. I like a One Volume Breviary best. That's where the Anglican Breviary works for me. It has extensive sermons and hagiography. The Anglican Office Book doesn't have the Sermons and Hagiography. However, it has the entire Bible. I can use Didache and The Wisdom of Solomon and 1st and 2nd Maccabees in place of Sermon and Hagiography. The One Volume Benedictine Daily Prayer - A Short Breviary, also has lots of sermons. However, I am a not a big fan of the NRSV. But, I still own a copy. I did purchase the 4 Volume Divine Office this past Spring. Almost immediately, I had buyers remorse. Previously, I was only dimly aware of the Collins set. However, after I had the 4 Volume Divine Office, I came upon reviews and a screenshot of the one of the Collins volumes. My hear sank. I would have much preferred the Collins Edition. For the most part my Four Volume Divine Office is not used. I went back to the two Anglican Offices that I have. So, I spent my money unwisely for my needs. After that experience, I decided to take a break from buying any books until next year. At the time, I may buy the more expensive edition of the Collins 1 volume Office. There are not as many sermons as the 3 Volume Set. But, at least the book will be used.
@ConvincedCatholicism 9 күн бұрын
I too prefer a one volume breviary. I have yet to find one that fits my schedule or lifestyle. I like Benedictine Daily Prayer but something just doesnt feel right about not praying an official prayer of the church. I also don't like the length of "the Vigil" in BDP
@albertsmyth9616 9 күн бұрын
Very interesting and informative video as usual, thank you. The one thing that the new Baronius Press pre-Vatican II Breviary set has in common with both of these post-Vatican II Breviaries is that all three of them have expunged the ‘thee’ and ‘thou’ for ‘you’ and ‘yours’ which I have a big problem with. Most people will disagree with me and have no problem with that at all, but I can’t stand it for, as I can’t read Latin that’s why I use the Ordinariate Commonwealth Edition (I’m an Englishman) Divine Worship Daily Office Breviary which has the incomparably beautiful (in my personal opinion) 17th Century English, which adds immeasurably to my daily prayers. It’s all about personal preference!
@ConvincedCatholicism 9 күн бұрын
I really wish I had the money for the Baronius set!
@albertsmyth9616 9 күн бұрын
@@ConvincedCatholicism The Baronius set are expensive. I live in a religious community with 10 priests, nearly all of whom use the Baronius Breviaries so I was able to have a thoroughly good look at them and they are beautifully produced but as I said in my comment, the use of ‘you’ and ‘yours’ instead of ‘thee’ and ‘thou’ leave me absolutely cold. I’m a strange fellow!
@Romero610 8 күн бұрын
@@albertsmyth9616 Is the Baronius Press Breviaries hard to use ?
@albertsmyth9616 8 күн бұрын
@@Romero610 My priest friends who use them say not. They are breviaries for the clergy though, so they are of their nature somewhat complicated. Apparently Baronius Press give instructional help with the breviaries and online on how to use them.
@duromusabc 9 күн бұрын
Awesome video on the comparisons
@ConvincedCatholicism 9 күн бұрын
@TheRomanOrthodox 9 күн бұрын
To be honest, and I was a traditionalist Catholic before becoming Orthodox, I have always thought the hate for the new Liturgy of the Hours to be unmerited in some respects. The art is different but not horrible or distracting, the scriptural translation is okay, and the typesetting is easy to read. The collects and hymns are atrocious, but there you are. I have an edition of A Short Breviary released shortly before The Liturgy of the Hours, and it reflects many of the coming changes. It was my go-to for a while. I will try to post a video about it this week if possible.
@ConvincedCatholicism 9 күн бұрын
I will check that video out.
@Ortho_pilgrim 8 күн бұрын
@TheRomanOrthodox I felt the same way! I've actually always believed that praying the LOTH as a Trad during Covid had a hand in bringing me to Orthodoxy.
@Arkangilos 7 күн бұрын
It’s because they took out psalm verses and entire psalms because they are “harsh”. With the older ones you prayed the entire psalter, with the new one you will never pray the entire psalter, and there are some psalms you will never pray completely
@TheRomanOrthodox 7 күн бұрын
@@Arkangilos I definitely understand the frustration, but as a private devotion, it isn't that bad (for Catholics).
@Arkangilos 6 күн бұрын
@@TheRomanOrthodox it is awful as a private devotion specifically because it cuts it out and calls it official, and treats the words of God as offensive. Oh, and it doesn’t tell people so unless people know the psalms they likely won’t realize it and they will have a different perception of who God is.
@JB-qe5eb 10 күн бұрын
Thank you
@mts0628 10 күн бұрын
So what is your current favorite prayer book?
@ConvincedCatholicism 10 күн бұрын
@@mts0628 Probably Monastic Diurnal or Collins Divine Office
@spaceman001e7 10 күн бұрын
Do you think a lay person could pray matins and diurnal if they split the matins into a 2 or 3 week cycle for the psalms? I am not that concerned with the cover quality since a rebind could fix it but the glue binding is concerning.
@ConvincedCatholicism 10 күн бұрын
@@spaceman001e7 definitely possible
@ruthgilmour8399 10 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@acatholiclife 12 күн бұрын
I love this one. Divine Intimacy by Fr. Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen provides deeply enriching spiritual commentary in line with the Carmelite spirituality. It is organized based on the Traditional readings for the Sunday Gospels and around the seasonal themes in the liturgical year. Yet the meditations often are appropriate for any day as they center on true spiritual progress. Divine Intimacy has received great accolades from people who I personally know read from it. The Liturgy Guy provides a very good review of Divine Intimacy where he says in part: "The brilliance of Divine Intimacy comes from Fr. Gabriel’s unique ability to balance spiritual depth with literary brevity: each daily entry typically is no more than three pages long. However, within those few pages, the reader is invited to seek God through the direction of Fr. Gabriel." As stated on the product listing at Baronius Press: "This Book of Meditations is a classic and is seeped in Carmelite spirituality. For every day it offers two meditations, in liturgical arrangement, that enable the soul to enter the conscious presence of God and to reflect on the theme of the day. These are followed by a ‘Colloquy’ that helps the person at prayer to start a friendly conversation with God where acts of praise and love, petition, and thanksgiving are made, together with good resolutions for the future. Here we are at the very heart of prayer, which is a heart-to-heart encounter in faith with the living God. Divine Intimacy is the highest state attainable on earth. In this union of love, the soul produces acts of love which have an immense apostolic influence on a multitude of souls. This knowledge of the ways that lead to God, according to the teaching of the renowned Spanish mystics, is distilled into the pages of this book."
@dgbxny66 12 күн бұрын
I, too, am Cuban-American (half, anyway; Italian-American mother) and my ancestors were from Asturias and the Canary Islands. Your channel is great!
@TJS483 13 күн бұрын
Today, my dad gave me my grandmother’s copy of With Saints and Sages. It’s almost 100 years old. I love Father Lasance’s writing.
@LNR65 13 күн бұрын
CI Scofield is referenced in this book! Amazing, definitely on my list to add to my collection!
@KJSCalderon 13 күн бұрын
I would use Ascension's Rosary booklet as a First Saturday aide. (Pls do a review of the Marian Press' Rosary booklet)
@ConvincedCatholicism 13 күн бұрын
@@KJSCalderon I will look into it
@xerocode5940 13 күн бұрын
Would you say that the paper is thick enough that I could underline/write on it with a pen? My concern is if the paper is too thin, I could risk ink bleed or an accidental hole. Thanks!
@ConvincedCatholicism 13 күн бұрын
@@xerocode5940 it is thick paper