@gagoochi2292 41 минут бұрын
I'd love to see more of your ideas!! This was so fun! :D
@tiiye 4 сағат бұрын
i have such a love-hate relationship with LO, i think this is due to memories i have of waiting for new chapters after a hiatus but tbh sometimes the story felt just bland + all the weird stuff we all agree on
@diirectorr_ 5 сағат бұрын
21:22 ok unnecessary comment but he was so perfect with the slightly lower glasses that made his wide, terrifying eyes look just a bit more threatening, though this is a bit more of a nitpick lmao. i just… there was something so terrifying about his eyes being partially obscured and i was a bit disappointed when the glasses covered his eyes nd. yknow.
@aineheckenshrek 6 сағат бұрын
this is so good! not only was the challenge fun but your characters!? the story!??! omg i LOVE it!!!!
@astrouss902 7 сағат бұрын
what an insane jumpscare it is to see cringe art i made in 2017 (0:25) showing up in a random youtube video. made weirder cause im also doing the exact same thing with fnaf 1-6 ?? 10/10 video though i loved all your ideas :)
@tiredmotherofocs 8 сағат бұрын
@creeperjo7 10 сағат бұрын
Wonder what you'd make the blob look like imagine all the fabric from all the different animatronic parts stretching and tearing all over the thing
@neon_honkai 11 сағат бұрын
I love the music and animatics but the fandom is too much for me
@Bob..Stuart 13 сағат бұрын
I'm genuinely tweaking over the fact that she changed Hazel's body type to be a bigger, more chubby body type instead of a curvy body type. I have the same exact body type as the person in the referance pic and i was like "omg a drawing of a person with the same body type as me" and then you matched the waist to be bigger and match the size of her thighs. I have no problem with any body types, i think all bodies are beautiful, but i just didn't like the alteration because there's a surprising lack of this specific body type. Not skinny, but curvy. It's gorgous art tho, so keep drawing, it's so beautiful
@midnightfoxy3026 13 сағат бұрын
My favorite princess was Merida. Because she was actually different. She was fierce and walked her own path, not needing a man in the end. She wasnt even originally from Disney either! I like how you redid Asha. I want a shy princess!
@narima2528 14 сағат бұрын
This is amazing
@Akai_shi 14 сағат бұрын
I was doing this challenge with her and when I looked back at the video I saw MATT DILLONNNNN 😍 (the photo for the hair in character 3)
@atomicballs273 14 сағат бұрын
@dontneedgravitywhereweregoing 17 сағат бұрын
Bro if you could get someone to make a game based off your idea- that’d be super cool! Your idea for the character designs are stellar.
@SnarkyTeaSipper 18 сағат бұрын
Man, I really love these designs, and scaling down the budget of the Security Breach location does help to trim a lot of fat from the story. The one element I outright despised from the original Security Breach, besides Vanny getting the shaft, was Glamrock Bonnie. Because the Pizzaplex has a seemingly astronomical budget compared to the other locations, what’s the point of covering up Bonnie’s disappearance with another character? Fazbear Entertainment has all the spare endoskeletons and the Parts and Services room that looks like it could assemble Iron Man suits, yet they never use them to make another Bonnie from scratch, and would instead remodel the entire place to include Monty. If they can afford to do a mass scale renovation, they can afford to bring in another Bonnie. As scummy as it would be, because of the whole advanced human-like AI blah blah blah. Like, the very basis of Glamrock Bonnie’s absence just doesn’t work with a location that has several blank slate endos in the basement that they keep literally as back ups for the characters. I’d argue that the Bonnie replacement storyline better suits your reimagining, because it makes more sense for Fazbear Entertainment to be restricted to a character cover up with a minimal budget.
@isabelstate3841 19 сағат бұрын
@MichealBonoSchmidtJr 19 сағат бұрын
the FNAF lore was suppose to be simple, the game was suppose to end in FNAF 3, but people rushed scotts work. It was like this. The killer lured 6 children to the backstage, they got stuffed, and then for oder around the animatronics, the place closed down, then in 1987, the place re-opened! woweez, then the killer [revealed to be mysterious purple dude, WOWEEZ!!] killed more childrem!!! what an unexpected turn, boom, they got stuffed in the toy animatronics, then Later That Night, [FNAF 6 REFRENCE] the killer died by the springbonnie suit!! [a recolor of bonnie] then the souls got their happiest day, resting their souls. then the place re-opened AGAIN called fazbear frights, a few nights, the place burned down to messed up wiring, Boom! whole fnaf lore solved! Scotts original plan was. The killer died, the souls got their revenge, and rested their souls. Not this wack-a-mole thing
@wyster14 20 сағат бұрын
Tbh I actually redesigned the entire game map. I rather disliked how unrealistic the game is, but I did try to at least keep major portions aesthetically similar, though I did also just completely change much of the rest. I did actually end up making it bigger than the game map, because I kept finding inspiration from real malls, but I found it really helped make it more realistic. I added more attractions than the base game had, but the large focus of a lot of the pizzaplex is about making foot traffic flow and keeping the majority of it fairly calm.
@NaalaFaseeh 21 сағат бұрын
Your version of the Star reminds me of Howl from Howls Moving Castle lol (I would have loved if Asha was like Sophie and Star was like Howl!)
@basicomen8713 Күн бұрын
Alright you did not have to do Roxy like that 🤣
@angelagokool9514 Күн бұрын
Clearly, people on KZbin are doing a much better job of recreating the movie, than Disney had achieved, with the final product. This is so cute! Asha and Star's relationship could've been something special, as opposed to what it actually was: Her just having a cute and huggable sidekick, besides Valentino, solely for the purposes of marketing. And her friends don't have much personality, either, outside of being clones of the Seven Dwarves, but with more diversity. Sounds like an affirmative action decision!😝
@tinkerbella6864 Күн бұрын
Ok, as a fan of Lore Olympus who has been keeping up with it for the past 4 years (the webtoon was so long lmao), here is my feedback! (mostly postive) *I'm writing these as I watch the video, so that's why they might seem out of order. Persephone: I loved the idea of her running her mom's business. It of course steers away from the webtoon's ideology that Persephone hated always studying and competing like her mom wanted, which creates its own conflict. However, Persephone is meant to be a strong character, and making her an independent woman creates character building, which is hard to do when she's only 19 and everyone around her is millenniums old lol. I loved the design you created. The green and pink paring made sense for her being the goddess of spring (the pen was so cute omggg). I initially didn't like the age gap you created, but then I realized it just helped with the changing of dynamic and led way to the enemies to lovers troupe. Also, her body is a lot more realistic and honestly cuter! Hades: He was really hot...anyways, I think this might have been my least favorite redesign. Honestly, the Hades in the webtoon did look weird, especially with that long ass nose, but the distinguished atmosphere he created made sense for the level of power he had. However, with your story, you made Hades younger and less experienced. I'm paying more attention to the Greek mythology side, which might be why this redesign was my least favorite. I would have liked Hades to appear more older, because he's still 1000 years old, and I believe he would have grown up. I really like the crow wing idea, but because hermes exist, I would have opted for a wreath crown made of crow feathers. I don't think I can justly review Hades, just because I pay more attention to the greek mythology, while you steer away from it. (I just got to the end of the video, and now that I've taken a little break from looking at him, I actually appreciate how young he looks in the redesign. I take back everything I said, but I'm going to leave it there, just so you can see the thought process of some more persistent lore Olympus fans) Demeter: I finally found someone who isn't completely bashing Demeter! I felt the depiction of Demeter was somewhat cruel. They tried to make every good aspect about her seem bad (ex. her just trying to protect her daughter from a 2000 year old man! he's a borderline p*dophile). They needed a villain for their marriage arc, so the webtoon decided to just make her a hothead in the moment. I believe the purple hair is meant to create a more sophisticated and elegant aspect of Demeter, since she is a mother and an important individual in the mortal realm; honestly I believe she should be the ruler of the mortal realm, since Poseidon only has control over bodies of water. I still do enjoy your Demeter design more though. I believe Demeter would be an older soul, and considering her love for earth and nature, a sort of hippie. I believe she would be a very loving mother, but her powers are fueled by love and devotion, not skill. Which is where in your storyline Persephone comes in to create structure. I actually really enjoy this, as Persephone wasn't forced by her mother, but chose to become manager so she could help. Back to the relationship between Demeter and Persephone when Persephone was younger, I believe Demeter would take Persephone out to the fields and land, letting the nymphs raise her. So while Demeter does love Persephone, she didn't play as significant of a role as she did in the webtoon. Zeus: I believe the color purple was chosen for a sign of royalty and wealth. His laid back appeal pertained more to his "mischievous" and "cheating" characteristics rather than his power as the king of the gods. While this did show his faults as a ruler, I don't believe it truly represented the amount of power and knowledge he held. Like he literally defeated Kronos, this all powerful god. I like your redesign, as it includes all the things I disliked about his character. I also love the cloud hair idea, but I think it should be in a different shape, as it looks like he has pigtails right now lol. I'm IN LOVE with the story arc idea that this man that Hades has always looked up to and aspired to be like turns out to be hella flawed. Hecate: I don't know how far into the webtoon you got, but I agree that her character could've played a more important role. However, towards the end, every plan involved her because she was seen as "the smart one". (I also hate how Persephone was never able to use knowledge and be smart. Her whole backstory was that she was forced to study and win first place in everything). Anyways, Hecate was used as comedic relief, which I sometimes enjoyed. A comedic relief I believe can be a good thing to add to a story, but it's even better if they are given more purpose. She did have one of the better webtoon designs, in my opinion. (Also, I won't touch on the SA topic) I saw you using Hecate in 2 ways, making her some kind of road block int he development of Hades' and Persephone's relationship, or making her a guiding friend for Persephone. You chose the latter. I do believe she could still play a significant role in Persephone and Hades' relationship, and in just the story overall. I love the purple theme, just because the color is associated with magic and compliments Hades' color palette. Hecate is Hades' best friend, but I could also see her being his cousin. I don't know, I just get those vibes. She turned out so cute, and I think in this made up story, she would be my favorite character. The Story (based on stuff I haven't already covered): 1. Demeter being looked down upon makes a lot more sense in your story than the webtoon. In the webtoon, there is no reason why she should have been disrespected, as she basically runs a whole realm. In your story, her being frail and "lazy" builds a support as to why people don't believe she is credible. 2. I enjoy the fact of an arranged marriage, since in the original mythology, Hades forces Persephone to marry him. That's not the case in your story, but it still ties it to the original mythology. (Also, I watched the video more and I'm starting to like Zeus's hair as you give it different angles) End Comments: I've pretty much said everything, but overall I really enjoyed the new storyline and I just keep adding onto it in my head lol. I do agree Persephone and Hades' relationship seemed really rushed, overly sexualized, and too significant, but the point of the webcomic was to showcase the story of Persephone and Hades. It is definitely a romance. The webtoon just released its finale today, and I have read it all. I was very confused at the end, because it did a "where are they now" for characters, but it mentioned a lot of gods that I honestly couldn't remember because the story was so focused on Persephone and Hades. A good story must have development for side characters. I'm going to stop blabbering on and on, but I thoroughly enjoyed your critique and appreciated how you didn't just hate on the comic, but rather gave constructive criticism. I don't know if you'll see this, but I hope you do <3
@M4R5B4R5 Күн бұрын
You should make your own welcome home OC ngl
@Marytheshapeshifterisalive Күн бұрын
16:13 feddy
@Marytheshapeshifterisalive Күн бұрын
Oh and Roxy is actually a nice person 🗿
@martinaorso1588 Күн бұрын
this is insane!!! your character design, understanding of color, lighting and line work plus your world/story building were all top tier. i hope you continue expanding this series !
@remsleeep Күн бұрын
>4chan users le bad boogeyman
@HoneyM1lkart Күн бұрын
I will never escape the onceler
@TurtleMan-gy5nf Күн бұрын
“I will not mention Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 I will not mention Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 I will not mention Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 I will not mention Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 I will not mention Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 I will not mention Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 I will not mention Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 I will not mention Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 I will not mention Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 I will not mention Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812”
@unicattyLT Күн бұрын
OH, MY, GAWD! I love this concept soo much. The animatronics, the locations, and everything. This is what i want from fnaf! No more remnant, no more ”i always come back” and other dumb modern stuff! Just pure realism and logic sense! 10/10!
@bills2852 Күн бұрын
I saw the thumbnail and was so drawn to this and while watching you said iykyk and I was like I’m probably going to get this wrong but he looks like Eddie from a VERY talented artist iykyk 🫵😂
@Cyaniicc Күн бұрын
mixing 2-D, and 3-D animation was probably the downfall of the entire movie. The plot was bad, but I mean I get it, it’s a movies for kids, and they haven’t seen this plot run out 1000 times before, but man it’s just so boring and unoriginal AND this entire movie is literally just an off brand tangled
@Cyaniicc Күн бұрын
mixing 2-D, and 3-D animation was probably the downfall of the entire movie. The plot was bad, but I mean I get it, it’s a movies for kids, and they haven’t seen this plot run out 1000 times before, but man it’s just so boring and unoriginal
@lil_dragon_flies8407 Күн бұрын
Especially with the Murderer Wally Au. DDLC and Welcome Home just give me so much energy to just create a 4th law breaker story. *I don't have enough energy for it anyway* THERE NEEDS TO BE SOMETHING WHERE MONIKA AND WALLY MEET I WANNA SEE IT SO BADDDD. 😭
@gonfreecss5260 Күн бұрын
Wowoww thsi is sooo good 🫶
@HoneyM1lkart Күн бұрын
At this point, im only reading the comic because I've invested too much time into reading it
@Flint_Mischiff 2 күн бұрын
It would be so cool to see redesigns of vanny and their withered forms too!
@Ember_The_Bee 2 күн бұрын
guys, they're in a poly relationship. JOKE JOKE JOKE JOKE JOKE, IM SATIRE
@charlie3794 2 күн бұрын
This is the kind of 80's tv show i would watched
@lunamilkk 2 күн бұрын
whats the song at 11:25 ? ive been searching for it!
@drawings1012 2 күн бұрын
gotta love the fechter-ification of the freddy robots
@eh-dk5sc 2 күн бұрын
I love your designs they’re very pretty :) also, what music do you use?, its very calming and I’d love to listen to it while I draw
@valwillcommitars0n 2 күн бұрын
the intro was insanely nostalgic
@buggieflies 2 күн бұрын
please make more of this! this is the first video I've actually been invested in on youtube in awhile!!!
@snailtail5652 2 күн бұрын
You’re so talented! I love this 🥰
@Livnacage9 2 күн бұрын
@lynnsotheracc 2 күн бұрын
what did you do to my boy damon 🙁
@faithsama2355 2 күн бұрын
did she seriously just pronounce dahlia like that oh my god
@LavabeeOfficial 2 күн бұрын
What brush do you use
@nikkiej.5875 3 күн бұрын
I haven't worked on my portfolio in a while because I was struggling with the character design. I wasn't sure how to go about it. Seeing your process of designing your characters, I have a better grasp. I'll apply what I learned in this video the next time I work on my portfolio so thank you. 😁👍
@Weeping_Toaster 3 күн бұрын
You are literally reminding me of Nirami smmm⭐⭐⭐