Top 10 cEDH Commanders | August 2024
Top 10 cEDH Commanders | July 2024
Top 10 cEDH Commanders from June 2024
Top 10 cEDH Commanders from May 2024
What Is cEDH Like On MTGO?
4 ай бұрын
@mrskittles6486 12 сағат бұрын
Dockside goes bowmasters stays shit no reason to play green
@ieatatsonic Күн бұрын
Thank you for having a very level-headed response overall
@gregorycafiero9688 Күн бұрын
Surprised this hasn't been making rounds again with the recent bannings
@thedoctorbob7 2 күн бұрын
Cedh existed before dockside and lotus were printed, as recently as like 4 or 5 years ago, so it will exist just fine without those cards. Mana crypt existed for longer but i think itll be fine without that card too. Its as if they banned that card in 2019, except we have all the new cards printed since then.
@shayarun9977 2 күн бұрын
36:37 this explanation with tivit is so real, I feel the exact same way about lions eye diamond. In the nicest way I feel some of yall play it to have an excuse to punt ong.
@deluezian_helix 2 күн бұрын
Edibles, CEDH, and memes. New favorite podcase.
@josephkoepke1251 2 күн бұрын
Its all shits and giggles until the RC giggles and shits
@imperialphoenix1229 2 күн бұрын
As a niv mizzet player and longtime member of the nuv CEDH discord. It's been really cool to see the deck splinter from "the one correct way to play" into 3 kinda sub-decks We've got artifact pile with isorev, emry and urza (yes really) Blood moon/stax with urza(this time for tapping orbs, instead of mana/CA) Ritual niv turbo (same as the pre-banlist niv but lost some CS slots and consistency)
@imperialphoenix1229 2 күн бұрын
Also whir of invention and goblin welder for lotus bloom is peak comedy
@Uri6060 2 күн бұрын
Really appreciate the like more positive just 'this is cedh now' shtuff and how it changes. I am Soo sick of all the videos that are "cedh is over, this sucks, everything sucks. Raaaa" Also am suuuper interested in shorikai post ban, as I started playing cedh cuz I wanted to build shorikai and then didnt cuz of dockside n shtuff. But I have been waiting, and it's a great dramatic rev deck
@Uri6060 2 күн бұрын
(especially as one who likes the ban lol)
@AlexMTG_ 2 күн бұрын
I'm loving these bans, even with removing dockside/sabertooth from my deck. My dorks feel less embarrassing without crypt, 14&K9 feel less clunky
@mandielyn0416 2 күн бұрын
Why is no one discussing the actual problem here? These cards absolutely do not matter in the long run. Why Is no one talking about the fact that WOTC just supported a move that if unprepared for would have cost them hundreds of millions of dollars in future reprint equity. This was a planned movement with benefits for WOTC, make no mistake, this game is a business and if this decision was going to impact that business they would have taken commander away from the RC. This ban has subtly shown us that Wizards can design specifically to capitalize on FOMO of missing that brand new s tier commander card that is just below the power level of the previously banned cards which no longer have to compete in deck building. They need their new marvel infinity stone fast mana to sell like hot cakes and mana crypt and jeweled lotus would have outshone the new shiny toys. Wizards and the RC can rotate commander just like standard at any time in a way that benefits them both and everyone should be wary of buying expensive modern singles moving forward. Remember Wizards and the RC benefit from this ban while the consumer, whether young Timmy or LGS is the one left to foot the bill. Nothing that is considered a staple is safe. It won’t happen often, wizards loves to capitalize on their high value reprints so we will see that for a good number of years before anything of this magnitude happens again. But they now have a tested reset button to clear design space. EDH is no longer an eternal format, but a rotating sculpted format. Remember festival in a box 2 was a month ago with one of its major selling points being that it had two collector packs from Caverns of Ixalan, and Commander masters both with the chase cards being on this ban list. One last cash in before this planned ban goes live. Remember that we have written proof from the RC that they have been communicating with WOTC for over a year about their ideas on this ban. CEDH will move forward, it will be slower for while, but wizards now has a highly desirable hole to fill, and the RC will get slightly less high powered mana rocks into their casual format.
@mandielyn0416 2 күн бұрын
Dude, Stormlight Archives is S tier entertainment.
@hellproof2379 3 күн бұрын
Way of kings book is great ! Whole series is amazing.
@mrskittles6486 3 күн бұрын
Why is prime time banned in commander. What did prime time do wrong?
@buddadragonmtg4848 3 күн бұрын
Look the ban hit many decks badly and several winners have come out on top. I personally feel that blue is just a monster now and red got a pretty bad nerf imo. They should have hit study as well at the very least imo, even though I have several copies of it . I could be wrong but I feel that would help this balance out some.
@mitchellbos7803 3 күн бұрын
My question is what does this do for Ghave guru of spores as a cedh commander?
@gloomy8795 3 күн бұрын
I main pilot a Magnus the red brew I made and these bans have been devastating. That said after a minor retune and slotting in 3 lands to replace the bans it just feels a turn slower. I miss jeweled lotus the most, early Magnus was such a huge enabler.
@invermetrometropolitana5324 3 күн бұрын
Reverse uno spite-ban
@runeserpent1449 3 күн бұрын
cool nadu dockside synergy kekw
@MicahPhua 3 күн бұрын
So hyped for the new Stormlight Archive book
@RhynocerousRex 3 күн бұрын
What do you think of rograkh malcolm polymorph?
@solotopp 3 күн бұрын
I really don't understand the mentality going around that cedh is still edh so we just play the strongest cards within the ban list. Sure, this is the truth right now but I think splitting the format, although it's not gonna happen, would still be better. Would you still play "cedh" if they banned all fast mana? If they banned the strongest combos, the strongest cards? I wouldn't. The whole reason I started playing cedh WAS for the fast mana and the insane combos; that's part of the draw to cedh! If cedh becomes too similar to casual then it's not really cedh anymore.
@Monkey0ps 3 күн бұрын
Main K'rrik and second Korvold. It be rough out here, but we've been the underdog forever. It'll just be that way until some crazy tech gets printed.
@withacurseMTG 3 күн бұрын
I'm scared about my favorite deck Derevi. Yes the 1 turn shower meta is perfect, but Nadu was one of the best "I win" cards in the deck
@BarrenIamninja 3 күн бұрын
I feel you so hard, my bird brother.
@withacurseMTG 3 күн бұрын
@@BarrenIamninja 🥲
@kevinsimmons5343 3 күн бұрын
This is just such an excellent episode! Loved it
@itzmimz8238 3 күн бұрын
I'm against the idea that cEDH is it's own format. It's just EDH at it's highest level. Football and professional football are the same sport. At it's core, commander is supposed to be a social format - the play group should be able to determine what is and isn't acceptable at their table. There are supposed to be different levels to this game which is what makes it so fun. The reason I play cEDH is because everyone is already on the same page and anything goes. I never played Mana Crypt, Jeweled Lotus or Dockside in any of my casual decks. Players need to get better at self-regulating and communicating, otherwise the Rules Committee will step in and do it for us. Don't play broken cards and combos against casual players unless you know they are okay with it
@nickmoore7593 3 күн бұрын
the completely stupid hot take off no one would play a format if we split it is crazy..WE ALREADY DO THAT. we already refer to them as 2 different formats.. which is why you call it cedh. and not just it wont be hard to find people to play a format that is known as cedh. i think you guys got paid to try to calm people down and your fooling yourself if you think anyone is actually believing you feel this way.
@nickmoore7593 3 күн бұрын
OH NO a youtuber is crying about bow master....THIS WILL BE YOUR NEXT BAN NOW.
@msolace580 3 күн бұрын
lost more decks than we gained, 100% behind a format split. too long leovold has been held down by the QQ. !!! Btw rule 0 never works people could say it does. but it never comes up in any shop.... people could use it to fix the issues they thought we had, but they don't ...
@MRAIClassroom 3 күн бұрын
Nailed it as always guys. Most the players I play with on spelltable (random strangers) we are all cool with it.. we may not totally agree but it is what it is. It’s an opportunity to reset and rebuild some decks and get creative and see what we can make of it. I also do feel for people who lost money and or their favorite deck is in trouble, but maybe now they can find a new deck. When one door closes another opens my friends.
@nickmoore7593 3 күн бұрын
thinking about it more and more as in you were paid to change your views. the fact is if you think this is a big meta shift you are ignorant and dont know what you are talking about. all this is going to do his make the turbo decks go faster with less interaction to worry about from the table. if they wanted to change the meta and change the format they should have targeted what is the actual problem....get rid of thassa. get rid of underworld breach. this was an obvious ban on expensive staple cards.. the more people deny this the more you know who is getting paid to put out the content.. IF WE DONT SPLIT THE FORMAT all that is going to happen is people are going to start curb stomping everyone at lgs until we split the format...gonna start jamming thass demonic in every deck i can. underworld breach combos in every deck i can. and just make everyone have a miserable time until we make the change.
@garrettpeoples4139 3 күн бұрын
I legitimately think I hate the format without dockside. I said it on Ian’s channel but it invalidates everything that isn’t blue card draw and it sucks.
@enoesiw 3 күн бұрын
I applaud the Commander Rules Committee for making a hard decision and sticking to their guns. They're doing what they feel is in the best interest of the format as a whole. I am sad because i just picked up a dockside a month ago and it immediately lost 60% value. But i do think this is good moving forward.
@enoesiw 3 күн бұрын
Mind you I just got a copy of each of the banned cards in the past year, when they were at their highest prices.
@fluffylegend294 3 күн бұрын
RIP Baylen 😭🫡
@fluffylegend294 3 күн бұрын
Dylan, Cam, Ian, Cal keeping me sane here with this. I can’t believe this, honestly. Still wrapping my head around basically no more green, red, gruul, and Naya, going into a Rog/Si ahead by 50 miles, and going into an Esper/Dimir/Simic world trying to keep up with Rog/Si
@MRAIClassroom 3 күн бұрын
I was about to build nadu and najeela secret nadu lol glad I didn’t do it!!
@locokrazy 3 күн бұрын
Lets be honest. Commander has evolved. It needs to be shifted into 3 formats imo. Keep commander casual and add to its bans to keep it that way. Cedh needs its own format with its own RC to keep its ban list adjusted to keep certain cards out to keep it competitive without making it a one deck to rule them all format. Then we need a format that just lets players go nuts. I mean lets make a vintage format that only bans conspiracy and ante cards. Outside them everything else goes. I mean let them play silver and gold boarder cards. Let power 9 have one format were the bravest and richest players can flaunt their wealth cause why not. Let it be the go nuts format. If they could do this you wouldnt have pub clubbers beating low power decks with near cedh decks if not full blown cedh decks. Each format would have its own nitch for players to expand in. Lets casual players have slower social games. Let the people that like explosive decks have their own place. Let everyone have that build the craziest deck possible format to just see how crazy it can now get..... If we dont shake up something and quick commander and magic in general. This banning has broken whats left of good will most people had and unless we change something i dont see anything good coming from this banning.
@angelopaulovelasco2981 3 күн бұрын
I'm kinda curious on the implications of Atraxa and T&T going head to head now
@Rizso1 3 күн бұрын
Tbh the bowmaster hate is bit overblown tbh. If manadorks really was so deadwieght then sisay, nadu or all the 1/1 dwarfs of magda wouldnt be able to use all their dorks. Now there will be less draws per turn with less fast rhystics.
@jeremiahwigton3295 3 күн бұрын
Ian how bad does this make my boi tivit 😢
@TheMindSculptors 3 күн бұрын
We literally discuss this in the episode lol
@harrisonjoyce5477 3 күн бұрын
You guys are such a great team together! Love the content.
@TheMindSculptors 3 күн бұрын
Thanks so much!
@daltondee5666 3 күн бұрын
@TheMindSculptors 3 күн бұрын
Strength before weakness!
@cowsticker9618 3 күн бұрын
I don't think I have seen a cEDH player that isn't white.
@stonersteve9940 3 күн бұрын
# justice for korvold
@kauwgomboom 3 күн бұрын
I think many people are sleeping on Yuriko, it was already creeping up, is not affected by the bans at all and profits from a slowed down meta. I think it can really rip!
@TausHerper 3 күн бұрын
I think Thassa's Oracle should be banned alongside dockside. Thoracle/Consultation is the best combo in the format being 3CMC total and two cards in colors that have access to lots of card draw and tutors. With dockside getting banned, I think that thoracle decks are too powerful now and need a nerf. Maybe that should come in the form of a rustic study ban, but I believe it should be thoracle getting the axe.
@brandonansted1612 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for your calm analysis amongst the panic that many people on social media seem set on spreading.
@SiusBleach 3 күн бұрын
I fucking love you guys. Thank you for the great analysis and wonderful pallet cleanser
@Teknomahge 3 күн бұрын
Pouring one out for my homie, Nadu. You matter, bro. we knew you were here
@Frostman1255 3 күн бұрын
They really dragged my boy korvold out back and shot him. Just dockside was rough, but Crypt and lotus too make powering him out to try to play a grindy game hard. Baylen stocks are looking great though tbh