Trump VS Biden Fight Night!
7 ай бұрын
@jodietully6651 3 минут бұрын
@southerngal7582 3 минут бұрын
Creepy Joe 🤮 Needs To Be In A Nursing Home 🤪. WTH 😒 he doesn't know where he is at 😅.
@amazingjane2703 28 минут бұрын
Are the sound affects added?
@teristankowskirosniak9001 31 минут бұрын
I can imagine why the two ladies have their masks on. Maby to hide there laughter or avoid the smell...ha ha.
@thecatatemyhomework 40 минут бұрын
@Kobisashi 48 минут бұрын
This is fake
@magdarichard8721 Сағат бұрын
Is that a joke?
@idontreadyourrepliesever8032 Сағат бұрын
When will they tell us this is a Cheap Fake?
@danahodge7513 Сағат бұрын
What's with the mask? Stupid.
@JeanniemSB Сағат бұрын
@Happycamper79 Сағат бұрын
The second one wasn't Joe farting it was Kamila qweefing
@richardreimer4689 Сағат бұрын
@troysimpkins4528 Сағат бұрын
My parents completely embraced the teachings of Gothard after hearing about him from our pastor in our Free Will Baptist Church in the mid 1980s, especially after forcing me to attend one of his Seminars on Basic Youth Conflicts when I was 14 in the early 1980s. They kept me in private Christian schools from 4th grade - 11th grade, when I got kicked out of school because basically a love letter I'd written to my male friend who I'd starting secretly having sex with. But I can vividly remember my parents, especially my dad, verbally and sometimes physically assaulting me if I didn't do what they wanted, telling me I was rebelling, was out of God's will for my life, and was being controlled by Demons. 🙄 When I was 16, we moved to Virginia Beach, because God had "told my dad he was called to be a preacher" and he needed to go to Southeastern Free Will Baptist Bible College there, because they were fully embracing the Gothard's teachings, but the FWB Bible College in Nashville, were I grew up and we moved from, was preaching the "Heresy" that when Jesus turned the wine to water that it was actually alcoholic wine, and not just Welch's grape juice. So, we HAD to move from Nashville to Virginia Beach so we could go to where God TRULY wanted date to go to college. I ran away from home at age 17 after getting kicked out of school and them forcing me to take home school classes. I called my aunt in TN to ask if I could come back to TN and live with them, but they had already heard from my parents and the line was traced by the Police, who picked me up about 30 minutes later and took me back home. When I got back home, after the police had left, my dad came in my room and said he was "Going to beat me like I'd never been beat before." Problem was, I was bigger than he was now. I looked him dead in the eyes and said "No you're not!" He hauled off and hit me in the face, busting my nose and knocking me back on my bed. But something inside of me snapped and before he could take another swing, I grabbed him by his hair, stuck my foot in his gut and literally catapulted him over my bed into the wall behind us, jumped up and got him in a headlock and began bashing his face in while choking him and I was screaming "I'm gonna kill you, I'm gonna kill you." My mother had run into the room and was screaming at me to stop. Something made me realize he was gasping for breath (he has asthma) and I realized I was going to kill him if I didn't stop. I let him go stood up over him. Then I realized what my bedroom looked like. My bleeding nose has slung blood all over my bed. Blood was all over my face and all over my shirt and my pants and all over my dad. It was splattered all over two of my walls and it literally looked like a murder scene from some horror movie. My mom ran and got my dad's asthma inhaler and got them to him, and after a few minutes he was breathing okay. I was in the bathroom trying to clean up my face and noticing how my nose was swelling up. Dad stumbled into the bathroom and he was crying and he asked me if I was okay. I replied and said "Why did you have to hit me like that." He replied "Because I needed to break your rebellious will." Sound familiar?! I told him I could call the police back right now and they'd arrest him and take him to jail if they saw how I looked and saw my bedroom with blood splatter all over it, and he started to cry. He asked "Are you going to?" I replied "No, because I don't know what would happen to mom and my sister." They were so dependent on him, and he was the only income we had. But that fight was a HUGE turning point in my relationship with my family. After that my dad was afraid to confront me or berate or try to guilt me into "succumbing to his will." I was DEFINITELY out from under the umbrella! All of the guilt-shaming and brainwashing I had from my parents and my church kept me from really accepting that I was gay until I was 28 years old. I am MUCH MUCH happier and free from all that guilt and shame, but even watching the Shiny Happy People documentary and listening to your videos makes me feel physically sick. I'm so glad to be free of all that bullshit. But what's even scarier now is that there are SO many Republicans who were brought up in conservative churches in the 1970s-2000s that were brainwashed with all the misogynistic, authoritarian crap from Bill Gothard and the IBPL and ATI and now they are in place in powerful offices of government and are trying to turn our country into Bill Gothard's kingdom on earth.
@victorvogelfrei9808 Сағат бұрын
It's absolutely disgusting to see and hear this FAKE VIDEO. You can hear, that this is fabricated!
@DE-we6ut Сағат бұрын
I wanted to write something funny, but I came to the conclusion, that this is actually sad 😢
@cherylreese3863 Сағат бұрын
Sooo FUNNY And this is the man you MORONS VOTED FOR 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@cherylreese3863 Сағат бұрын
Now ALL of you DEMOCRATS who VOTED FOR BIDEN thank him for letting ALL THESE illegals into our country ! 2 ILLEGALS JUST KILLED A 12 year old in Houston and A 13 year old was RAPED by an illegal IN New York ! Way to GO you F-IN MORONS !
@justkaren7858 2 сағат бұрын
Oh I love a good Corn Pop story from Papa Biden let me get my popcorn 🍿hes so expressive when tells his stories lmao 🤣
@user-gz2hq8tc9n 2 сағат бұрын
Wouldn't you think putting the jacket on before getting of the Helicopter would be Better joe😊
@LadyPamela63 2 сағат бұрын
Well, I love you Davey lol!!! ❤ First met you thru Shelise and just loveeee Lindsay !!! I have liked and subbed and looking forward to more Bruh!!! 😘
@caronbranstetter6095 2 сағат бұрын
Why is he wearing a mask????
@caronbranstetter6095 2 сағат бұрын
These two make me sick 🤮
@juancardenas3537 2 сағат бұрын
I hope he farts in you face
@RobertBolton-cf7qj 2 сағат бұрын
The eagle has landed, but the buzzards are circling. 😮
@MarinaMandarinaWoolyWorld 2 сағат бұрын
Love you all together! ❤ great episode. Thank you ❤
@user-ih4og8ri8d 2 сағат бұрын
Only mam wearing a mask Or oxygen
@user-bz3ro8wm2d 2 сағат бұрын
Thank God I can't smell him performing 😩
@rontaylor7362 2 сағат бұрын
Americans deserve better.
@erikawemhoff3426 2 сағат бұрын
Is that a fake?😮
@chantalclaeys9624 2 сағат бұрын
@larrykappel6868 3 сағат бұрын
Eagle , more like a dodo bird
@republicans_for_freedom 3 сағат бұрын
Hes definitely a Democrat they all act the same clueless
@korneliawelz-sl8xc 3 сағат бұрын
😂😂😂🙈🙈. Kuckuck wo ist er denn.😂😂😂
@lindaweckerly5232 3 сағат бұрын
Listening to you guys makes me wonder, was Bill Gotthard (spelling?) exposed to Scientology? A lot of the coercive control & the “ babysitting/ spying” of people “ under his umbrella” looks a lot like what happens in Scientology.
@chrish7 3 сағат бұрын
All agents be advised the Meander in Chief is on the move.
@libertarianman69 3 сағат бұрын
How hard were the Marines holding back their laughs?
@lamarcarter6699 3 сағат бұрын
I bet the obamas are having a hay day with this fucking idiot disgracing our great nation , God bless Trump!!!!!!
@joedasilva5556 3 сағат бұрын
Way to go AMERICA OUT OF 330 million this is the best you can get God help you ALL
@brendalaird6942 3 сағат бұрын
Pitiful! Should be in a nursing home.
@user-um6lt4bs8v 4 сағат бұрын
Sorry to get all "biblical" but I was listening to your podcast, after the part where you read the letter, took a break to work on a book refuting the Pearls, uh from the Bible.... Haha I opened up to 1 Timothy 4:1-3 which says, " The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2 Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 3 They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth." Whatever you think of the Bible, that is just hilarious timing.......according to the Bible, that would make Gothard a hypocritical liar. Not calling him any names, just quoting scripture :).
@ginan.y.6373 4 сағат бұрын
Great video
@claycasassa4757 4 сағат бұрын
I remember Roger Magnussen once stating at Knoxville, that a man who was demonstrating integrity in an anecdotal story, "must have been an ATI dad." I.e. one cannot be virtuous without being in ATI and one cannot be in ATI without being virtuous. What an arrogant ass.
@hollywebster6844 4 сағат бұрын
Can we start a petition to make that deluded woman change her name? I have now gained a lot of empathy for all the people named Karen. 😣
@bammersmith5993 4 сағат бұрын
The eagle had landed in the diaper.
@katymcdowell7237653 4 сағат бұрын
I don’t find this humorous
@sherryk5381 4 сағат бұрын
Joe Biden, you are a complete joke!
@josephrobinson8894 5 сағат бұрын
If he can’t put on his jacket, he surely can’t WIPE HIS BUTT 😖
@josephrobinson8894 5 сағат бұрын
And this dude is our PRESIDENT!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
@christinebicanic 5 сағат бұрын
Sorry, wrong candidate. That is Trump.
@joankirby1944 5 сағат бұрын