Halo: Top 5 Areas We NEED to See
The ULTIMATE Realism Tier List
Is it too LATE to save Halo?
The BRAVEST Pilot in the UNSC
Can Humans SURVIVE Orbital Drops?
@Jamiemundy32 Күн бұрын
How to create the Imperium of Man with less religion, no age of strife and more xenophobia.
@devilrecordsreborn5311 2 күн бұрын
Halo CE classic graphics genuinely look better than the remaster
@danielmcphee2546 3 күн бұрын
But the gunner is still exposed. You think they could've a least add an camera turret.
@RamonSanchez-h7r 5 күн бұрын
If the flood invaded earth we would be absolutely doomed and there is nothing we could do to stop it
@8BitCyberWarrior 6 күн бұрын
The flood bring unity and order to a world of chaos and division. We are divided, while they stand together. That is why we will lose.
@devilrecordsreborn5311 7 күн бұрын
Scorpions auto reload speed would give it the win easily
@sensufr219 7 күн бұрын
The reason the forerunners won was they were more worthy than the humans look what we evolved into kidnapping 6 years olds to murder their parents
@thefullmetalmaskedduo6083 8 күн бұрын
I would say the falcon is the most realistic followed second by the fan-lifts like the sparrowhawk and wasp. The hornet however would be a very inefficient aircraft in real life, two words disk loading.
@tatoman9569 9 күн бұрын
Make this a book!
@YoisaGunia 10 күн бұрын
It's possible I already found fireproof material and now it's the fact of mixing polymers in certain materials and technology mixed in with AI
@DieRejctor 11 күн бұрын
we already have a kodiak IRL - its called the Archer mobile howitzer - made by sweden
@gono4806 12 күн бұрын
All the discord links say invalid, did he delete it?
@generalwd40 13 күн бұрын
At 1:37, you said that the super Mac around reach are inpractible. Around Reach they have 20 of these super Mac, and 1 shot kill a covenant ship, (i don't talk about the little banshee, seraph fighter, phantom or spirit, no no, more like The Truth and Reconciliation from Halo CE or maybe ship a little bigger than that. In lore human need 4 equivalent ship to destroy 1 covenant ship, and generally speaking they willnlose 1-2, plus damage on at least 1 other of the 4 ships. So yeah the super mac, needs big reactor on the grounds, but they are way more powerful than their ship, and if I remember correctly they also have more range than covenant, or their own, ships.
@clintelkins9630 14 күн бұрын
The warthog is S tier because PEOPLE HAVE BUILT IT, fully functional minus the gun. Gas engine with independent suspension, I am unsure if they got the crab walk wheels though.
@Lav_TheWardenX 14 күн бұрын
well if we are using the scorpion tank wed have to use the newest model yes in which case wed be comparing the M820 instead of the M808, you did mention 90mm but only the M808 models use 90mm the newer M820 uses a 150mm M990 electrothermal-chemical smoothbore cannon and unlike the M808 model the M820 has the standard n 2 other notable versions the ONI M820 which has better armour n uses a bigger gun and "experimental" shells(its ONI they probs packed them then hella explosives) and the XM820B4 Scorpion aka the Hannibal M820 which uses Laser n Gauss based weapons instead of tank shells also ive seen alot of comments saying diesel engine when all of the UNSC vehicles(except ships n planes etc) are electric and hydrogen powered and halo is a big universe and theres probs a shit ton of water planets to use to collect fuel to power their tanks, warthogs etc also in HW1 n 2 we see the Rhino and Grizzly which we'd kinda also have to account for since they are just modified scorpions and for the armour of the scorpion tank well its the year 2557 and they improved their tanks alot the M808 was 66tons but the newer M820 is half that and its survivability and armour is stronger oh n side note the whole reason why the tank is a quad track is not only to have manoeuvrability but its also used to protect the hull from side attacks and the rear tracks protect the rear of the hull where the engine is (btw the scorpions side vents suck in air and the rear vent is basically the exhaust). Halo infinite was ment to be Halo CE esque which is why the tanks look like the old models so for the more accurate n updated vehicles Halo 5 is the better game to show case them but if in this vid your were talking bout the old M808 models then this comment would be nothing more than just a rant
@trentonscaife6185 15 күн бұрын
What's funny though is that when you blow bits off the warthog, those bits are crazy thick! It's more like you're driving a titanium ingot than a car
@GamerNemo 15 күн бұрын
I would rather die in the most painful way imaginable than live in a universe that has the chance to contain the flood
@jahnyguitah7999 16 күн бұрын
This is my third time watching this and it's just as incredible now as when this dropped. I think this video is an extremely gripping vision of the Flood on Earth and honestly man, you put out probably the best single piece of Halo content with this that we've had in years. I hope you come back and keep doing this. You're an incredible writer.
@Stix2654 16 күн бұрын
17:08 why tf did the banshee pull a cobra?
@TheStrayHALOMAN 17 күн бұрын
I think Mechs are cool in BattleTech... And not much else.
@TheStrayHALOMAN 17 күн бұрын
People give the tanks shit because of the 4 tread design, however they forget or don't know that each tread has it's own electric motor which is powered by the main engine. If one goes down the other can keep the tank going. There is nothing mechanical going on between the main body and the treads... That would be an engineering nightmare. The main gun also fires a non explosive sabot like the sniper rifle does and uses a special gel propellant instead of gunpowder that is much stronger.
@Bootleg_Megumin 17 күн бұрын
5:37 you're forgetting that the pelican is capable of reaching orbit. It's literally a spaceship. It doesn't matter if it has limited troop capacity when that is the case, it can also carry a tank
@t-bobguthrie6418 18 күн бұрын
so im just gonna throw this out there. it may have a 90 mm. but it's armor is crazy compared to today's if you took into account the number of wraith shots the tank withstands before dropping, and that is melting the tank it stands to reason that modern MBT's probably wont be able to do much to the tanks armor, and if it can get through the crazy armor. the durability of the tanks will make any MBT work hard for that kill. that and since its a single manned tank with optional machine gunner gun, it makes its survivability go up because you can focus your defense on the one operator. 'its also been proven that even smaller caliber cannons can kill many tanks if hit right and with he scorpions maneuverability and the fact it can straight up shoot over many walls, and rubble piles, or vehicle husks, ECT, with its height, it also stands that the 90 would still be effective if given other ammo types aswell., but lets say its just the high explosive. Even then it can easily disable most external components break tracks, and blind other vehicles with consistent auto loaded fire, and single handedly hold off infantry with its built in machine gun mounted in the very articulate cannon. it's a beast in its own right and if we could make one work today it would be pretty damn scary to come up against for sure, be it infantry, MBT's, Heli's, insurrectionists, and of course Covie's.
@thatonecooldude7354 19 күн бұрын
Why do I feel like guys like HiddenXperia would be one of the few people that actually know it’s the flood, and would survive the whole thing😂
@ebomb1133 20 күн бұрын
I can't remember what media it was but I thought the reason the vehicles used in game were old and poorly designed was due to scarcity. The UNSC had been fighting a 30 year war and they were just using what was left/cheap to manufacture. All the cool and futuristic vehicles/weapons have been destroyed or are rare to see. I think this works for CE-Reach but a lot of the things in 4-Infinite do seem futuristic for aesthetic reasons only
@ScottPeterson-l6g 22 күн бұрын
Invariably all invasive and invasive defensive options rely upon logistic capacity differentials. The nearer to zero the differentials are, the higher the favorable conditions are to ensure a stalemate state with indefinable duration capacities. While the more distanced they are from center line, call it flat sea level zero, those odds shift substantially against ending up in a never ending stalemate state. It is and isn't accurate, the 1/3rd thought. For instance, there is no need to level the transport system, only selective points upon which they depend for throughput reliability. Here scale is less relevant, since the process fits comfortably with and in all scales. It is important though, only in the execution phase, in relation to providing all that's vital to accomplishing the task to tasks specific to the mission objective. Here, the objective laid out is to bring about a full scale extinction event. But how full scale is relevant. By this, the discussion focuses upon total rendering impossible to ever recognize as having existed, or any lesser than, so to make a memorable mark that isn't difficult to comprehend as war conducted, deliberately for the longer ranging "word of mouth" Shock on impact values. Or lessening along the options by degrees to a kick in the pants and call it a day punitive nothing. Consider, as a planetary body, it's true full scale and time entirely surrounded by only all not it. So relative isolation is actualized. Here we swim with no sweat into siege options. Want to lay waste to any, animated types, with a potential for some resistance capacities, but have plans for using the place after, focus upon that, takes priority. Where, say a planet is merely in the way, along the way, and it's got useful reusable materials that are supportive to the mission undertaken, powder it, mere grind it into ever easier to transport bits. And reconstitute them as needed for various projects. Easier to process, to render what can be described as the slag from the good stuff, in such a fluid state, than hunting around for scents on the winds. Consider the diversity compatibility reality factoring, this planet is rare, within this one star system in that regard. While not total alone in this, definitely, it is also not the run into every day normal. Nor run into every thirteenth other blue moon, that happens on a Tuesday in even numbered leap years, normal. As is, it's a freak show like variant. But it is not invisible, soundless, odorless, colorless, tasteless nor Immobile. Perhaps no others ever lived take dares as dares and bets as bets, and love gambling related contests intensely. But on a gamble, let's say there are. And let's take that to, they are radiantly saturation hammered with direct transmissions communicating they ain't shit, or worth shit, and are only any good when dead. Seemingly aimed directly at Them, and theirs, nonstop. While the outgoing messages are really going in all directions simultaneous, at light speed. Here, we go into Radio waves, and waves in general, as carriers and as spreaders. But what's carried and spreading is death threats, hostile take over materials. Conversations related to owning the entire Universe, and ruling over all surveyed, casually. Along with video and audio News coverage communicating situation normality at the source point actual. What % is needed to be the critical mass essential to take that shit talk at all seriously? And what is needed to prevent any % from doing so, when and where ever, really? Will you, readers, laugh it all off, as infantile hogwash. Each and all, at every moment, in all conditions? Will those you know intimately, all the way to those you barely know by reputation and wording associations? What is there to ensure every minded kind, is going to react the same way to stimuli conveying death and ruination as a staple ingredient, aimed at Existence, Life and Living, in general and in exactingly stated specifics? Scale it to actualized, experienced interactive cohabitation, are there any such assurances, misunderstanding sure fire, ever lasting prevention methods, devices, skills, capacities at Home, home town, home state, home land, and abroad? Covering all conditional incidental factors, air, land, water, merely 3 among them, that is, rather than is not vital? If so, were is it kept hidden for actual Ages so perfectly?
@jamespaguip5913 24 күн бұрын
@Cabezon you should recommend stargate sg1 or the expanse series next.
@jamespaguip5913 25 күн бұрын
@Cabezon to be fair not everything has to be realistic to be good gundam has beam sabers that are melee weapons in a sci fi setting with guns also Warhammer 40k has psychic powers and lots of melee weapons like the power sword, thunder hammer and chainsaw swords. Also melee can work in a sci fi setting, also Star Wars has light sabers. I hope you respond.
@jamespaguip5913 25 күн бұрын
@Cabezon to be fair not everything has to be realistic to be good gundam has beam sabers that are melee weapons in a sci fi setting with guns also Warhammer 40k has psychic powers and lots of melee weapons like the power sword, thunder hammer and chainsaw swords. Also melee can work in a sci fi setting, also Star Wars has light sabers. I hope you respond.
@isaacmcdaniel6278 25 күн бұрын
Ok ok I am an American and while 10000% everyone on earth dies i would like to say that the 🇺🇸 has declassified files of preparations for alien invasions, zombies, and fish people so I feel we would go down swinging harder than he postulates
@jamespaguip5913 25 күн бұрын
Solar sails might be the next step for space travel because they move faster than propulsion engines.
@jamespaguip5913 25 күн бұрын
@Cabezon to be fair not everything has to be realistic to be good gundam has beam sabers that are melee weapons in a sci fi setting with guns also Warhammer 40k has psychic powers and lots of melee weapons like the power sword, thunder hammer and chainsaw swords. Also melee can work in a sci fi setting, also Star Wars has light sabers. I hope you respond.
@StitchesLovesRats 25 күн бұрын
Nah, Earth would be glassed immediately. We could maybe do some damage in the sky and on the land, but we would ALL be wiped. Easily. The only chance for anyone would be hiding DEEP underground with enough supplies. We're talking seed and embryo vaults.
@jamespaguip5913 25 күн бұрын
@Cabezon not everything has to be realistic to be good gundam has beam sabers that are melee weapons in a sci fi setting with guns also Warhammer 40k has psychic powers and lots of melee weapons like the power sword, thunder hammer and chainsaw swords. Also melee can work in a sci fi setting, also Star Wars has light sabers. I hope you respond.
@thecomedygamingnetwork261 27 күн бұрын
Hey Cabezon.... just listened to this yesterday and again tonight. Just wanna say that this video is a FINE piece of work my dude. I watch so much on KZbin but this one keeps me coming back If you were to continue telling stories, i think youd do very well
@BDale_Productions 28 күн бұрын
Name one modern tank that survives 2-3 plasma mortars.
@SuicideSeason4545 Ай бұрын
The only reason humanity and the covenant survived the flood outbreak was because they had the Master Chief and Cortana who just barely saved the galaxy and quite possibly the rest of the universe from total assimilation into the flood through sheer determination, a perfect combination of superior combat and intelligence brought to the table by the Chief and Cortana, and the alliance between Humanity and the Sangheili. This was basically what would have happened if the flood had struck humanity as we currently stand socially and technologically. Doomed to become a planetary keymind.
@John2r1 Ай бұрын
The M820 Scorpion is 8.5 meters or 28 feet wide . Express lanes have a recommended width of 12 ft. An M1 Abrams is 11.9 feet wide. So that should give you a scale reference on the tanks. The Elephant your showing is the M313 Elephant and it's 44 feet wide. two express lines combined is just 24 feet in the US highway system. So they had to rebuild the entire highway system to make it fit in Halo. Also they use them to recover vehicles that are massive in size. The UH-144 Falcon also isn't that small. It's measurements are Length: 11.4 meters (37.5 Feet) , Width 10 meters (32.8 Feet) , Height 4.1 meters (13.6 Feet). Scale is difficult to measure when you forget that your playing a 7ft plus tall super soldier in Reach. Most of the vehicles are scaled to where they can fit their giant asses inside them. With that said the V-22 Osprey measures Length: 57.3 ft (17.47 m), Width: 84.6 ft (25.78 m) with rotors turning, 18.4 ft (5.61 m) stowed, Height: 22.1 ft (6.73 m) with nacelles vertical. So the UH-144 should in theory be capable of carrying up to 24 troops just like the Osprey in real life can. Of course given that each Spartan is wearing half a ton or 1,000 lbs of armor plus weapons and ammo it's possible that the they take up more than one seat so the aircraft was reconfigured to seat their giant asses. The Mammoth is actually not that tall. It's official height is 27 meters (89 ft) or 8.1 stories tall. By 32.8 meters (107.6 ft) or 9.9 stories wide by 68.3 meters (224.2 ft) or 20.9 stories in length. And it's classified as a a six-wheeled siegeworks ultra-heavy vehicle that fulfills the dual roles of anti-aircraft and anti-warship weapons platform; it is designed for the elimination of hostile vessels, weapons, and fortifications in terrestrial and orbital positions. Which the UNSC could have shortened all of that to a giant waste of taxpayers money lol. But I guess they told Acheron Security corps to build them something to kill a Scarab or a ship in orbit and make it mobile. Then said the budget was whatever. Because I don't think they want the public to know how much this waste of space cost. Especially since it apparently has a carrying compacity of like 30 personnel and Some vehicles like warthogs or M274 Mongoose aka four wheeler's. Seriously that's what we have seen it carry. Oh and it can double as a command vehicle. Because a giant ass Warthog that can't do warthog things and is a big target is apparently the place for officers to hangout and command troops on the ground. Yeah F minus tier because you don't have an Z tier. Warthogs are not small but they do fit on a road. At 3 meters wide (9.8 feet) wide , 3.2 meters (10 ft) tall by 6 meters (20 ft) in length and weighing in at 3 metric tons (3.3 Tons American) So not small and not the lightest jeep type vehicle but not too large ... S tier . Also for the naming convention .. The FSS-1000 if I were to guess is Fighter Space Superiority or something like that judging from the fact it was originally named YSS - 1000 when it was in the prototype phase. They honestly should have just called it the F-1000 . It would have been a lot easier to say. So yeah the naming on certain things sucks. Oh and if you go on the Halo Wiki pages there are apparently other aircraft and vehicles in lore that weren't on the list prehapse a future video with some of them that are more flushed out. www.halopedia.org/Space_fighter and other aircraft of course like the www.halopedia.org/AC-220_Vulture and www.halopedia.org/MV-29_Wyvern gunships. www.halopedia.org/EV-44_Nightingale , www.halopedia.org/D102_Owl As for ground vehicles that were fully designed .. The www.halopedia.org/M650_Mastodon , www.halopedia.org/M88_Bison , www.halopedia.org/M35_Cougar , www.halopedia.org/M9_Wolverine , www.halopedia.org/M145D_Rhino , www.halopedia.org/SP42_Cobra and the www.halopedia.org/M700_Viper which apparently exists in the lore but never appears in the games despite the M700 Viper being a better tank in my opinion than the Scorpion. From a design stand point. Do note all links contain vehicles with pictures of the vehicles with the exception of the starfighter link it has links to the fighters. Maybe do another one of these videos and including vehicles and aircraft you haven't covered yet.
@TheKiltedGerman Ай бұрын
In the military, there's a concept called "army tradition" or "naval tradition." The relevant aspect is the experience and knowledge gained by prior generations being passed down to newer generations. The longer the span of peace, the more watered down that tradition becomes. Innovative tactics and strategies become dogmatic doctrine, or oversimplified due to lack of real experience to the point of being useless. Examples: Edo-era Japan, Qing China, the US after the Civil War going into the Spanish-American War. Lose enough of that tradition and commanders resort to the simplest strategies and tactics whether they need to or not. The Covenant was a galactic-level empire that dated back millennia. In canon, we only know of a few major military clashes in its history. They're separated by centuries. Even during those clashes, the Covenant usually relied on technological advantage to win the day. The Fall of Reach novel falls very well into that history of the Covenant. They would have had very little army and naval tradition, relying on their sheer numbers and tech to brute force their way to victory. Up until 2552, that strategy had worked with little flaw. Single Covenant ships had taken on entire human fleets and inflicted appalling losses. But, a one-day, brute force operation didn't fit the story Bungie wanted to tell for the game: a squad moving from setting to setting ecountering new obstacles while slowly being picked off. Just doesn't make sense to send a single team all over the place within a day when the whole planet is being obliterated. So, the invasion was scaled down so to speak.
@ADragonFruit440 Ай бұрын
I agree our governments would be fuck all to do anything about it but I also believe that health organizations would be just as much of a nuisance to the world governments. as a Washingtonian I can tell you that on our border between west wash and eastern wash and the Canadian border is a lot of forest land. I’d argue artificial forest fires could slow down the infection but a massive evacuation would be damn near impossible only the forest and rocky terrain between west and east wash would be western Washington’s best hope for survival in an evacuation by boat. The freezing temperatures in the winter would also put a damper on the infection and as long as our government recognizes it’s a zombie infection that can learn and adapt to human warfare it’s all hands on deck nothing is off the table including the mass murder of civilians which would cause civil unrest in central and eastern USA. The people in Oregon and Idaho would form militia groups which could buy the USA military some time but a massive bombardment from land sea and air would slow down the flood in time for a more proper offensive in the Rockies. If they amass human intelligence then they will fight like humans only really a mix of random strategy’s would work to confuse and out maneuver the flood and any videos of them highjacking planes would 100% cause strikes to every airport here in Washington. Bio and chemical warfare is on the table as well as fire and explosives would be our best bet for survival I would argue it’s a 50/50 depending on how the flood would amass and if the government got off their asses fast enough. The Rockies are near impossible to traverse by foot along with the Pacific Northwest naturallly forestry and rocky terrain logistics would say it’s near impossible to fight them crossing it, it would be the Argonne Forrest in ww1 all over again best bet would be to draw a defensive line and just mow them down as the flood comes through but with the acquisition of military hardware it would create choke points along the highways. Destroy any and all roads and tunnels and any armor the flood would have is useless. Bringing in anti air behind the defensive line could secure air superiority along with alerting the East what’s happening and a naval engagement in the pacific to combat any flood coming by air or sea. Until the contaminated food comes in, but china also has a lot of terrain they could use to their advantage but I’ll tell you this now Japan and Korea and the Indonesian islands are fucked probably even a mass assault in Australia and New Zealand Russia would defend their ally china but I doubt they could handle it, the last defensive line would be Poland through Ukraine down into Romina and Greece, all these nations would be trampled on by the biggest powers like the uk and France no one would get a say, but it’s not the first time these nations have had unwanted guests. It would be ww3 and I think if we came together like we “did” when the Nazis came we could stand a chance but as soon as the Rockies collapse or china and Russia fall it’s all over only hope would be launching whatever we have left and taking as many as we can down with us.
@nameless3073 26 күн бұрын
No were still fucked because of the spores.
@ADragonFruit440 Ай бұрын
Damn not my home state
@anthonyracaniello4082 Ай бұрын
This was so good I actually got anxiety by this lmao
@primegoat Ай бұрын
Every such scenario seems to ignore the fact that there's gotta be at least one person who would say something like "THIS IS JUST LIKE THE FLOOD IN HALO!" or "THE NECROMORPHS ARE COMING!"
@nameless3073 26 күн бұрын
And you think people would listen smh, at what point in the story do you think gamers with enough halo lore knowledge would be taken seriously enough to make a difference in the end.
@funtimewithfalco Ай бұрын
Someone actually built a warthog in real life without the machine gun
@roninkahn4033 Ай бұрын
Even people living in subs wouldnt survive since the flood have water forms they use and can contaminate the water itself
@funtimewithfalco Ай бұрын
Well, you forget that nukes make a giant EMP wave that could possibly knock covenant shielding off-line and any power system off-line
@frankmuysers6001 Ай бұрын
Hell yeah! Total world war Z vibe, great work!
Ай бұрын
It seems a bit redundant to have engines that have separate exhausts pointing down and back and can also tilt. Maybe it can help with slowing down by tilting the downwards pointing exhausts slightly forwards but I don't see much use other than that.
@O.D.S.T.117 Ай бұрын
Artillery is key to everything (except air) One time playing halo wars 2 with my buddy I spammed Kodiaks and siege turrets, nothing else, and my friend spammed anti-air and a bit of a normal army and we CLAPPED the enemy so hard
@funtimewithfalco Ай бұрын
Somebody actually made a warthog in real life without the machine gun
@John2r1 Ай бұрын
It has a mounting system from when it was used in some promotional videos.