5 More One Shot Ideas to Steal
Fixing D&D's Magic Item Pricing
The 5e Book I've Been Waiting For?
2023 Nearly Killed Me
5 ай бұрын
Let's Talk About Potions in 5e!
I'm Not Dead
8 ай бұрын
SIDEQUEST Annual 2 Flipthrough
SIDEQUEST Annual 1 Flipthrough
My New Favorite RPG Minis
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@lugialover09 Күн бұрын
So this is super amazing, but I do have one question. How exactly do you plan out what's going to happen within the session? I see a general summary, but I don't see a list of encounters or narrative progression. Or is this a set of notes for a published adventure that you're just following? Because I'm trying to write GM notes, but I don't know what I should be doing. I'm just writing down things as bullet points (e.g. if the players go to this area, this encounter will happen. if they are nice to the NPCs in that encounter, this will happen. If not, this happens instead.). It might be getting too granular, but I'm not sure how else to write notes. If I didn't have them that way, I would be floundering the entire time because I don't know how to just think of things on the spot.
@IcarusGames Күн бұрын
I run a totally homebrew world, so not a prewritten adventure, and how I structure my session planning notes specifically will depend on what we're doing that week, but I rely on a lot of improvisation. Before we started our campaign I spent 6-8 months building out the world in livestreams so I know a lot of contextual information about the world and can use that to help my improv feel like it was planned all along. If the players arrive in a location run by a specific faction, I'll have most of the important information for that faction stored in my head (or in my campaign notes in Legendkeeper) so I use that knowledge to make choices about how the NPCs act, what their goals are etc. If there's a really important bit of info I need to remember, I'll write it in the critical info box but otherwise I rely on a lot of informed improv.
@lugialover09 23 сағат бұрын
@@IcarusGames Okay, wow. That's impressive. I struggle to even describe or portray stuff that I already have specifically detailed in my notes.
@echonation3964 Күн бұрын
Just found you today! I am wanting to make a setting of a large city with different districts so I will attempt to use some of this in that.
@bobturpin7611 4 күн бұрын
For me, I use a different method of curing disease... I do not like that these can be cured with a simple spell. It may well do... but in RL you need to know what you are curing... The cleric or paladin needs to identify the disease first, then use the minor variant (spell is the same but now is focusing on a single issue) which focuses the healing of that disease. I think of it that the lesser restoration in this is similar to that of a panacea. If may still cure the disease, but has a 5% chance of working (if the disease is not id'd).... Instead they need to identify the disease, considering that i do not tell them what it is, just what the symptoms are. Once the disease is identified then the restoration spell is 'adjusted' to cure the disease. giving a 95% chance of curing, and potentially still a chance for relapse.... (yes i'm evil) I also sometimes for the rarer diseases require supplements (herbal or magical) to assist, meaning the curing is delayed further if these are required, and need to be obtained. I also do the same for poisons, considering that you typically need the antivenom. I do like the ideas of the elements of this, making disease seem benign, but gradually get worse, so i will be taking this and adding it to my version...mwahahaha
@helix3955 4 күн бұрын
Very interesting idea! I like that it rewards the players initially
@andrewwahba5006 4 күн бұрын
I'm running an ancient egyptian-themed game and i have been looking for a similar solution to the classic tomb curses and mummy diseases. Theres a cleric on the party so obviously everything gets cured either same day or the next morning. I guess i never considered treating them like pf2e mutagens! This is a good idea!
@MrFinchx 4 күн бұрын
Oh my God! Rip
@IcarusGames 4 күн бұрын
George was also infected. . .
@MrFinchx 4 күн бұрын
@@IcarusGames yeah you said 😅
@MrFinchx 4 күн бұрын
I would have deffo try to get rid asap
@travelwell8098 4 күн бұрын
Great story!!! Love the plot twist!
@mchisolm0 4 күн бұрын
I really like that players still get to choose. Thanks, Anto!
@IcarusGames 4 күн бұрын
Absolutely! I wanted a reason for the *players* to roll the dice and risk further stages and more drama even if it meant potentially negative stuff for their characters down the road, but at least they are getting something positive and interesting *now*.
@Phleanix 4 күн бұрын
Superb! I love your content, Anto!
@sammwich4160 6 күн бұрын
I've been looking for a decent worldbuilding system for so long because my campaign is so in-depth and every single one I've found has either been paid, has essential things paid, or just doesn't have what I need. I'm so glad I finally found what I was looking for, thank you so much
@miked.9364 6 күн бұрын
NO. Just another Fantasy Heartbreaker. "Look fellas I made D&D, but better!" smh.
@alexanderespinosa3875 6 күн бұрын
So, as i understand it, 5e says “don’t do that” and 2e says “I mean I wouldn’t but you can certainly try, just don’t get your hopes up” which is a similar but fundamentally different message
@evenfrank5223 7 күн бұрын
thanks for the video Icarus. i hate to be that guy but have you seen a doctor lately? the left side of you mouth doesnt seem to match the right side, droop on the left side of the face is a sign of stroke.
@IcarusGames 7 күн бұрын
I appreciate the concern (really!) but I've always had that lopsided, Elvis-style raise to the right side of my mouth that makes the left look a bit droopy. I have been back and forth to the Drs lately for other stuff so I'll mention it next time I see them as there's no harm in being double safe!
@charlykuhnast31 7 күн бұрын
Where can i find these written adventures? Are theynin the Issues of Sidequest?
@IcarusGames 7 күн бұрын
Dam, That's Nasty is available in Issue 34 of SIDEQUEST: www.patreon.com/posts/sidequest-issue-105325856 The Armor of Ezanos can be found in A Night of Adventure Volume 1: bit.ly/3DzRyla The other 3 one shots mentioned in this video have no written version right now and are just ones I've run for my home games.
@charlykuhnast31 7 күн бұрын
@@IcarusGames Thank you for this really fast answer.
@Jeffs40K 8 күн бұрын
My DM kit, a backpack with laptop, cables, extra dice, notebook & Pens/Pencils for quick jotting info down, and I carry a portable 27" touch-screen monitor that lays in the center of the table.... my Lapotop has all the books on PDF if needed, I use Owlbearrodeo VTT for the mapping with Fog of War, and I use Owlbear's Post it Notes for (Red) Monster stats, (Blue) Room Descriptions, and (Green) for Traps, (Yellow) is Loot which is Handy I just expose it so they can copy the info down easy. ... Plus I have all the monsters & Player tokens already in place with their built-in life tracker, condition markers, spell templates, as well as Initiative app if you want to use it and even digital dice I use for rolls I want players to see like my monster attacks, (and use real dice for Hidden Detect traps and etc.) plus it has Draw and typing options if wan tot write info or Draw on the map ... also in the note book are handouts. ... Plus Owlbear can be done from my main PC at home online, so the laptop just sits in the backpack till game night (Every Sunday, face to face with 7 players) ... with Touch Screen players can move there tokens, on the Touch Screen so it can be a more Tactical battle. Theator of the moind is great butI've had to many times when the Ranger was hit but hes out of run range but DM didnt know or Once I told DM I went left, got attacked and im like we ust came from that way, he said no you came from Right, well thats because he is facing me and my Left is his Right, This is why I use N< S< E< W in my games. .... Oh yeh Edit ... I also have Digital DM Screen (Token) I place under my Owlbear maps as well la sa Map that is a Town notice board, where I have tokens of Square Wanted posters, Jobs and etc I can change as done.
@40yearoldninja61 8 күн бұрын
Some cool ideas. I am ending a 2 year camapign and started peppering in one shots towards the end, that dealt with other groups, or behind the scenes stuff, and I wished I did that from the beginning. It was cool that have the one shots be cannon story arcs where the players got to be somone else for a day.
@burritoornot856 8 күн бұрын
Argh, i got my level 14 character murdered by shadows
@nitehood108 9 күн бұрын
What kind of tape did you use to connect the panels?
@IcarusGames 9 күн бұрын
I used blue painters tape ☺️
@nitehood108 8 күн бұрын
@@IcarusGames Huh, isn't painters tape really weak? I'd be worried it would rip or peel. Is there a reason to use that kind of tape over something more durable, like gaffer tape or bookbinding tape?
@IcarusGames 8 күн бұрын
@@nitehood108 the painters tape is all I had on hand. If I was buying tape especially I'd get something stronger for sure, but I added plenty to the hinges and it seems to be holding up fine so far.
@hal9713 9 күн бұрын
as a pc playing a rakshasi armorer-artificer who likes getting her employment contracts in writing, very helpful thank you!
@MelanieVick 9 күн бұрын
Any chance you'll make the finished character sheets from the end available for others to use?