How do you define religion?
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Why are atheists so angry?
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A BIG 300 subs thank you
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Can an atheist be spiritual?
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3 crazy religious beliefs
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The Abortion rights debate
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How did the universe start?
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Why does Free Speech matter?
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Why I'm an Atheist
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@GustavosadatAlmonte 8 күн бұрын
I always wondered why god doesn't intract with us like he did in the bible because god never existed only in people mind
@Richard-b5r9v 27 күн бұрын
It's quite simple. God was created by mankind not the other way around
@kevinholling9645 Ай бұрын
Who cares
@jamestravis1037 2 ай бұрын
I was a believer until I read and studied the bible....Then I realized....What a bunch of bullshit! How could people believe this crap..Brinwashed!
@steverational8615 2 ай бұрын
If there was “proof” of God’s existence we would all be thieists. Is that a valid claim? If it was there would be no flat earth earthers for example. So I am afraid you now have the burden of proof to support that claim.
@milanterzic859 2 ай бұрын You don't have the promise or joy.
@Joe-bx4wn 2 ай бұрын
Parsimony. A universe without Zeus is simpler
@KMMKda 2 ай бұрын
Spiritual blindness has cure. Seek it.
@chriswasson8414 3 ай бұрын
According to scripture, "only a fool says in his heart that there is no God."
@GuitarDog_atx 2 ай бұрын
Yes, and if a fool can figure it out, why can't you?
@chriswasson8414 2 ай бұрын
@@GuitarDog_atx 😂 Wow, that's the best you got?
@GuitarDog_atx 2 ай бұрын
@@chriswasson8414 funny, i was going to ask you the same thing. 🤣
@GuitarDog_atx 2 ай бұрын
@@chriswasson8414 yeah, calling people who are skeptical "fools" is the pinnacle of intellect and hospitality
@chriswasson8414 2 ай бұрын
@@GuitarDog_atx Dude, those are not my words. That is the word of God. You can get mad all you want, but everyone knows the truth. Romans 1:20, "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are that they are without excuse." God has made Himself evident to all. The problem that humanity has is continued in verse 21. "...although they knew Him as God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man." God doesn't want this for you; therefore, He gave you His word so that you can "renew your mind." If you fail to do that, it's on you. That's why being a skeptic is a bad thing. For a lot of people they are skeptical, but do not look for the answers to that skepticism.
@medusaskull9625 3 ай бұрын
It's weird that you have to share the reason why you are an atheist. What is the reason for sharing? You said you don't want to convert anyone. Ok, so what is the main reason why you want to share? Or may be there is no reason at all. You just want to waste other people time. 😂
@vosegus5805 3 ай бұрын
What is to be done about the rising Christian Nationalism. It may not be good enough to just be irreligious. The Far Right hath no mercy. You won’t be able to reason away the threat of insanity.
@erikt1713 3 ай бұрын
This is a great summary and I can agree with almost everything. Man-made religion, the many gods of which mist believers pick but one... Only the speculation about a prior universe with different properties was not helpful, I think. We do not know the first cause of the universe and I find it best to simply admit that.
@aolish 3 ай бұрын
For me Atheism doesn't make sense at all because it doesn't COINCIDE with my daily experiences. Evolution actually teaches the OPPOSITE of what I experience (IN REALITY) on a day to day basis. Here's what I mean. An Atheist is someone who believes that "something came from nothing." I'll repeat that again, an Atheist is someone who believes that "SOMETHING … CAME … FROM … NOTHING." They actually believe that EVERYTHING came from nothing. This notion not only contradicts how I experience my life but it also defies ALL logic and reason. What makes this so unreal is an Atheist would never put that belief into practice. Another words, an Atheist way of life (if you look at the way they live) contradicts their "Evolutionary beliefs" because they would NEVER be able to live out their faith consistently. To say you believe that something can come from nothing but live your life AS IF you need a creative mechanism/being for something to happen is inconsistent. Now within the Christian worldview, we DO NOT believe that something can come out of nothing but rather you need a creative being for there to be something. Something will never come out of nothing no matter how much time you give it. To say all this happened by happenstance, chance and luck all from nothing is the very pinnacle of "BLIND" faith for me. It actually takes MORE faith to believe in Evolution than for God to exist simply because of the fact that Evolution has no creative being for something to happen. This is why I believe Jesus is REAL and he said who he says he is. For me I feel like there HAS to be another reason why so many people are opposed to God existing, and I think there is. Let us be honest here, most of us are not on a TRUTH quest, but were on a HAPPINESS quest, so were just going to believe whatever we think is going to make us happy even if it's something as ridiculous as believing that you can get "something from nothing." I think Napoleon nailed it right on the head when he said this: "Man will believe in anything, as long as it's not in the Bible." What I think Napoleon what getting at here is the reason why people don't want to believe that God exist is NOT because of some intellectual reason, but rather it's a HEART issue. And the proof is actually in the pudding, for YEARS scientist use to thought that the universe was eternal. That it was ALWAYS there. That it never had a beginning. They had NO PROBLEMS whatsoever with that idea. HOWEVER NOW with the recent discovery of how the universe DID in fact had a beginning, NOW they are OPPPOSED of an "idea" that an Eternal God might exist. Take note of that, they had NO PROBLEMS believing that the universe was ETERNAL and that it was ALWAYS there, but now they HATE the idea of an Eternal God existing that has no beginning and no end. I find that fascinating and how that correlates with what Napoleon said and what the bible tells us that we are actually hostile towards God. So here is a summary of why I don't believe in Evolution and why the Christian worldview makes so much more sense to me. A. Genesis 1: "God created the heavens and the earth." B. Evolution: "Nothing created the heavens and the earth." Guess which one TOTALLY coincides with my day to day activities and what coincides with everyone else's day to day experiences. Listen, I know someone is going to come up with some sort of scientific reason as to how you can get something from nothing and if you are, don't bother. The reason why I say that is because you can find an argument for anything. I've heard countless of debates and if you wanted to argue that the sky isn't blue but rather red than you can probably do that. That's why we have people who believe the earth is flat despite of what they see in outer space. Anyone can make an argument out of anything, BUT there is one thing that you will never be able to do, and that is make an argument that contradicts: pure "sound, logic and reason", and Atheism is DEFINITELY not any of those. Something coming from nothing? That is not only outside of logic and reason, but it defies ALL logic and reason. I really hope that this post will bring at least one person to Christ while there is still time. God bless you all.
@wrippley103 3 ай бұрын
You're an atheist because you choose to believe what you desire, your beliefs have nothing to do with proof because nobody on Earth can prove the Origin of life so push lies as excuses all you want, you choose your own destiny.
@paulevans6947 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your presentation. I found it very helpful and inspiring. Former protestant minister (retired) Atheist.
@Jazzys.Prime.Chilling.Time127 3 ай бұрын
I tried to be religious than i realise its just type of OCD
@joemooney6536 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Jesus Christ for giving all of us a chance for salvation...
@lllemonade33 3 ай бұрын
Like your own comment lol
@joemooney6536 3 ай бұрын
I pray that all of you change your mind before your time is up...
@TheDiscourseCollective 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for stopping by. Why are you praying for us? What does it matter if we don't end up in heaven? Also, isn't God's plan infallible ? Are you expecting Him to change His plan or me to change my beliefs?
@KMMKda 2 ай бұрын
@@TheDiscourseCollectiveone word about God’s plan: Jesus died to save all of us, but you are free to accept it or deny it. And you are free to change your mind whenever you want.
@niggagaming4335 Ай бұрын
No thanks
@kurtmohnsam7588 3 ай бұрын
Wow, just stumbled across this, but dude is right.
@JoBo301 3 ай бұрын
are you an atheist because you have atheist thoughts?
@ChristianComedyAndDebateChanne 4 ай бұрын
Youre an atheist because you have faith in the illogical notion that existence is possible with "no God" to cause it. I'd like to see you prove it.
@Jazzys.Prime.Chilling.Time127 3 ай бұрын
And what cause God???? And i want answer today! Go on
@ChristianComedyAndDebateChanne 3 ай бұрын
@@Jazzys.Prime.Chilling.Time127 Nothing causeD God. He always existed. He created existence itself. That's a lot more logical than believing existence just popped out of nowhere with "no God" to cause it.
@j.d.s.8132 3 ай бұрын
​​@@ChristianComedyAndDebateChanne strawman and a contradiction in one sentence! You are awarded 10/10 fallacy points! Strawman: "You just believe everything popped out of nothing". Nope, wrong. The current scientific evidence points towards a singularly from which space and time originated. So to assume what happened before the singularity is a logical contradiction because nothing can "happen" if there is no time or space. Thus the default position is: I DON'T KNOW UNTIL WE KNOW IT. Everything else is speculation and claiming to have the absolute truth about the state before the singularity is straight up a lie. Contradiction: God cannot have always existed and then go on to create existence. For a god to exist, existence itself would be needed. But who created existence? It can't be god, as you have said, he always existed, thus he isn't present beyond/before existence. So something outside of existence created existence for your god to exist. But that something would also have to have existed in some capacity, so we get an infinite regress of gods creating each other.
@ChristianComedyAndDebateChanne 3 ай бұрын
@j.d.s.8132 I already said, God created existence itself. You believe in "no God", explain to all of us how existence is possible if you take God out the equation. You can't and never will become existence just popping our of nowhere with "no God" to cause it is completely asinine. If you think that's actually possible, no wonder you people believe in jabs and transgenderism as well.
@ChristianComedyAndDebateChanne 3 ай бұрын
@@j.d.s.8132 insults, ad hominems... no rationalization...
@JoeHinojosa-ph8yw 4 ай бұрын
Maybe God Dont like you. So He hides from you
@johncoldwell7835 4 ай бұрын
You are as mixed up as your mentor Hitchins. It is a common deceit to use the word religion and then go on to attack Christianity and then conflate that with some of the most unsavory aspects of other religions. A further intellectual dishonestly is to use the evolutionist's timeline to accuse God of neglect. Finally you completely misunderstand the purpose of your existance. Do you really think that God is interested in whether you believe in Him or not? The reason you exist is so that your soul can come to understand your place in God's creation and ultimately share it with Him. It requires humility and contrition. Jesus is your proof and your guide, you will meet Him one day I hope that when you do you will have learned how He values you.
@JoshuaPryce-ps7hx 4 ай бұрын
The make believe of society is what provokes us to grow. The ability to adapt is change and experience. God is an experience far into the future. Atheism is an experience which comes in time but its temporary and works for the present.
@SES06484 4 ай бұрын
Christians have met the burden of proof.
@KenadoCC 5 ай бұрын
Your argument I understand, and you will not be in a correct position with that reasoning. I know God exist, and you don't help anyone with your video. God manifested Himself. I know God has grow back an eye. You are not informed enough.
@Jazzys.Prime.Chilling.Time127 3 ай бұрын
what about smurfs orges or tooth fairy? Proof me that they dont exist and proof me that God exist. Your religion only thing what they gave me is fear panick attack and worsen my ocd. Every day 24h at day stress and fear. Thanks i rather be an atheist than live stressful live because of God who i cannot proof his existence
@KenadoCC 5 ай бұрын
I was an Atheist. But I fought against my predesposition, and SOUGHT God. After 1 year, God manifested to me. I know now, I know. No matter what you say, what so called evidence show, I know. Yes, He spoke, yes, He made me aware that He is beyound anything we think God is. You are not Seeking truth the way it shall be done.
@Mr.PeabodyTheSkeptic 3 ай бұрын
So you have a warm fuzzy feeling that says there's a god? Cool. Works for you. Just not reality.
@Greg-n6t 5 ай бұрын
Atheism is part of the antichrist spirit
@johnwest545 6 ай бұрын
Rich coming from a whistle while the grooming gangs operate unchallenged for decades Brit.
@JacarandaMusic 6 ай бұрын
All good except that in your thought experiment, no, I’d never be in a position to know I wasn’t experiencing a psychotic episode. And even aside from that I would never ‘worship’ a thing that made the universe as it is.
@royleon3525 6 ай бұрын
God has spoken to no living person. Though many claim they have heard the voice in their head. Perhaps Abraham, Moses and Ezekiel were possible candidates. Tent dwellers, probably illiterate, given the responsibility to spread the word of God. A tough job in those days. Today we have WiFi but it seems no deity has figured out how to use it and give us all a World Wide Epiphany.!
@JamesRichardWiley 6 ай бұрын
Still waiting for the Hebrew god Yahweh and his son Yeshua/Jesus to make an appearance after waiting two thousand years. Still nothing but unproven claims and huge piles of man made books. What is the problem?
@mariobethell3731 6 ай бұрын
With so many different religions all believing by faith in a God or Gods that they all think is/are real, yet teaching different doctrines at the same time, the question then begs, "What can anybody not believe by faith, and does this belief make anything true". This, l'd really love to know. In the absence of evidence truth is uncertain. Therefore, judgement or any decision making must be suspended. For this is the most honest thing a person can ever do. Anything more than this is merely presumptuous speculations that the religious world call faith. No wonder knowledge is the greatest enermy of faith and any religion!
@Joe-bx4wn 6 ай бұрын
Agnosticism the default position. When i was 6 yrs old i was an agnostic. When i was 7 yrs old my mama told me God exists so I became a Deist. Mamas dont lie
@TheDiscourseCollective 6 ай бұрын
Yes, we ought to be agnostic on all matters, but it's exhausting to list all the things one does not believe in. It's better to focus on the ones you do. Your mama probably didn't think she was lying, but it turns out she was.
@Joe-bx4wn 6 ай бұрын
@@TheDiscourseCollective The jury is still out
@JonathanBushnell-h8w 6 ай бұрын
As an atheist, I've always viewed religion as ignorant men “making shit up" attempting to control the simple minded based on delusions of "magical sky fairies” through an immoral, divisive, hypocritical, bullshit, theology ripping-off billions of tax-free dollars from the gullible.
@TheDiscourseCollective 6 ай бұрын
Yep - religions are for sure people "making shit up". Scientists make shit up all the time; it's called hypothesising. The difference is scientists go on to prove it, while religious folks just keep saying "trust me bro" .
@methanial73 6 ай бұрын
No more videos?
@TheDiscourseCollective 6 ай бұрын
We've got one, very much related to this subject, nearly ready to release. Thanks for offering a spark of motivation, it makes a big positive difference!
@warren52nz 6 ай бұрын
Depends how you define "God". As Arthur C. Clarke wrote: *_"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."_* So if that fits YOUR definition of a god then that's one. If you think about how technology is advancing at an exponential rate what would we be like in 1,000 or a million years? If you took a cell phone (and it was connected to the Internet somehow) back 200 years, people would think you're a god.
@michaelbell3181 7 ай бұрын
I'm an exvie from 2 denominations and loved this.
@TheDiscourseCollective 6 ай бұрын
Really glad you enjoyed it. We're turning out more content soon - break due to new parenting duties! Thanks for checking out the channel and letting us know you liked it.
@michaelbell3181 7 ай бұрын
Just found your channel, and love it.
@TheDiscourseCollective 6 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoy it! It means to the world to know people dig the content we create.
@nativeatheist6422 3 ай бұрын
@AlgyPug 7 ай бұрын
Just discovered this channel. Great work! Crazy religious beliefs - where to start? How about most of Roman Catholic dogma? Virgin birth, the second coming, transubstantiation, original sin, exorcism, angels. Heaven, Hell, the Trinity and so on.
@TheDiscourseCollective 6 ай бұрын
The list of "crazy stuff" is never ending when you stop to think about it. thanks for letting us know you liked this - it means the world to know our content is being enjoyed!
@metorphoric 7 ай бұрын
I am a Christian and I must say they my faith deepened with archeological literature that complimented Hebrew scripture.
@TheDiscourseCollective 6 ай бұрын
Can you give some examples? Also, as a counter point, can you give examples of things that would shake your faith?
@reyda01 6 ай бұрын
@@TheDiscourseCollectiveif you allow me to step in for a bit. There is evidence of a Semitic group of people in Egypt in the Middle kingdom in the town of Avaris. These people would seemingly disappear over night and events in Egipt marching the Biblical Exodus. The evidence of the fall of Jericho matching the Biblical depiction. The evidence in the 1st century of a man named Jesus of Nazareth, that he was crucified, and his disciples claimed he rose from the dead. Going as far to die for there beliefs. My faith would be shaken if I got evidence of Jesus never being raised from the dead.
@Op_Intrude-N313 3 ай бұрын
@@TheDiscourseCollective Don't ask for examples! The card house will collapse!
@abelcainsbrother 7 ай бұрын
Atheism is the most empty and boring group a person can be apart of though. Atheists offer no evidence they are correct to be living as atheists and they look forward to and expect "just death" when they die = empty and boring! So just because you may have lost your faith in Christianity does not mean you should be an atheist.There are still many other different kinds of groups instead not so empty and boring.
@WonderfulDeath 6 ай бұрын
truth is boring, theists hold the burden of proof for their magical supernatural claims, atheists don't need evidence to prove theists wrong, it's the theists job to substantiate those magic claims
@scottplumer3668 7 ай бұрын
Well said! For me, I'm an atheist because religion is exactly how you would expect it to look if it were man-made. If there really were one true religion, you'd at least expect some kind of internal consistency, or that non-adherents of that True Religion would have religious experiences of the true one. For example, if Christianity were true, you'd see Hindus experiencing Jesus when having religious experiences, and that doesn't seem to happen.
@TheDiscourseCollective 7 ай бұрын
Yep, exactly this. Religions, all 3000+ of them, suffer the same telltale signs of human creation. To invent a God in your own image, then to claim it invented you in *its* image is quite a peice of mental gymnastics.
@BlackSun3Tube 7 ай бұрын
I'm quite exactly on the same line, for every argument you lighted up here.
@TheDiscourseCollective 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for stopping by and letting us know your thoughts.
@rudysimoens570 7 ай бұрын
If there would be evidence for the existence of a god it would be worldnews and it would be published in ALL the scientific papers all over the world! Because it would shake the entire scientific and medical world to its foundations! There have been thousands of gods people believed in or still believe. All gods are man-made concepts but have never been proven to exist in reality. All religions are man-made too and often with rules and doctrines in favour of men! But there is not a shred of evidence for the existence of ANY god or Allah or whatever name they gave to their non-existing celestial dictator! The god and religion people believe in is in 99% of the cases a pure geographical and temporal coincidence! It's all about brainwashing from childhood on, social pressure and often oppression, a lack of a PROPER scientific education, especially about evolution and cosmology, and often a lack of reasoning abilities and critical thinking skills! ALL religions are convinced that all the o5her religions are false and I agree with ALL of them!
@travisjazzbo3490 7 ай бұрын
Anti Vaxxers - 99% believed in choice... BTW... they turned out right and common sense is finally prevailed after the damage has been done and a lot of people got really rich... Same with Pro Trumpers. Look what has happened under Biden.
@scottplumer3668 7 ай бұрын
Anti-vaxxers turned out right? In what universe? The peer-reviewed literature overwhelmingly confirms vaccines are safe and effective. If you have authored studies that suggest otherwise, I'd like to see them. Also, yes, I'm looking at what has happened under Biden. Even Fox News is saying the economy is going gangbusters, and apprehensions at the border are up, while Republicans have blocked every border initiative that's been proposed, because they don't want to solve the border crisis. They want to use it as a political football.
@prestonbacchus4204 7 ай бұрын
One question, when you say that you believe "God or god(s)" do not exist, specifically what meaning are you giving to that ambiguous "God or god" concept you are using? Seems like that is about the most ambiguous word in all of language and nobody could really know what meaning is intended unless you offer that. Lest everyone be confused.
@TheDiscourseCollective 7 ай бұрын
I suppose I'm using the word in it's widest sense. "A supernatural being who has ultimate control over the entire universe or parts of a universe within a group of other gods"
@prestonbacchus4204 7 ай бұрын
I would be without belief in something like that. Here is a 2K year old definition out of the Bible more to my liking that implies nothing supernatural: "God is love". That use is really a metaphor wherein the declarant is saying: "I think love is the 'highest and greatest' moral truth.", with "God" denoting highest and greatest. "Clapton is God", or "Jesus is God" are similar uses that have nothing supernatural associated with them.@@TheDiscourseCollective
@TheDiscourseCollective 7 ай бұрын
There is wisdom and beauty in the bible. Many ways of interpreting it would produce a world of love and kindness. Sadly, many parts promote hate and anger. What we end up with is Christianity. Fractured, horrifically damaging and a worldwide source of terror. Better surely to abandon it for universally accessible humanistic values that offer a modern and accessible framework that lets us all shine without the need for complex reinterpretation, no?
@prestonbacchus4204 7 ай бұрын
Loved your comment.^@@TheDiscourseCollective
@anthonyireland6108 9 ай бұрын
Absolutely spot on with you're analyzing of these crazy religious beliefs .I would add another one Jehovah,s witnesses, imagine you,ve just had a accident and you need a blood transfusion, sorry I will have to die , as I'm a Jehovah idiot
@TheDiscourseCollective 6 ай бұрын
yep - there is no shortage of material when it comes to crazy religious beliefs!
@acex222 Жыл бұрын
Jesus is like a Christian Gucci. It's just branding to evangelicals.
@TheDiscourseCollective 7 ай бұрын
@sempersuffragium9951 Жыл бұрын
Because it's all too common. Murders are pretty much the only thing you go to prison for nowadays. Judges seem to be under this weird impression, that criminals are in fact victims, and that punishing them is somehow wrong. I had a lecture by a Judge the other day, about a case of hers, where some people were on trial for slavery. Actual, literal slavery. Keeping an underage girl as a captive to do housework, for so long, that her teeth rotted and fell out. The prescribed sentence for that is 3 - 15 years (which is itself absurd, it should clearly be death by hanging), and the judge gave them 3 years to the main perpetrator, and 1 year to his parents. It's insane. And it's going on all the time - it's why California is turning into a failed state, practically.
@TheDiscourseCollective Жыл бұрын
So if I'm reading your post right, you're a strong proponent of harsh punishments. What are your reasons for this?
@sempersuffragium9951 Жыл бұрын
@@TheDiscourseCollective I wouldn't say harsh - I'd say Just. And yes, Just punishment will often be harsh. I believe in the principle of ruling with Justice in your Dexter and Mercy in your Sinister hand. That means, that a punishment must be Just and appropriate to the crime. If you find, that that particular individual would have better chances of reintegration, and living as a decent member of society, were you to give him a more lenient sentence, then you can use Mercy to give him a more lenient sentence. But for this to work the punishments have to be fundamentally Just. What is Just? It is proportionality between the gravity of the crime (ill caused to the victim) and the sentence. The sentence must outweigh any profit or pleasure or any conceivable gain you might have from the crime and then some (because a sentence, which it is not certain, that it will befall you, weighs less heavily upon you). I know I have now named 3 standards (proportionality, off-setting the gain and a "tax" on the possibility you might get away with it) which can be different for different crimes. I think these 3 should inform the Legislature, the most lenient sentence of the 3 should be the legally prescribed minimum, and the harshest the maximum. Within these frames a Judge could choose as he deemed appropriate. As for what are my reasons... I don't know. I just don't see any other way. Treating the criminals as victims of their circumstances (which they often are) doesn't seem to be working - quite the contrary. It's also very clearly not justice. If you can define justice in this context any better (or really just differently) I'd love to hear it.