Mid-summer in Finland // Ilona-ke
Garden Answer!!! //Ilona_ke
2 ай бұрын
Thank you! / Ilona_ke
4 ай бұрын
Important!!! Self Care //Ilona_ke
@benedictaamoah1326 11 сағат бұрын
I am in Ghana and HND equivalent in secretarial holder. Can i school in finland? Please help me
@travelinganne2004 Күн бұрын
Wow.. As a nature lover I enjoy watching your videos. Good job!
@smithyemilia8572 2 күн бұрын
@just42tube 2 күн бұрын
Do you have a bio waste composter or have you been thinking about ? You mentioned 🍌 and chicken eggs shells. What do you do with all the rest bio waste from your kitchen. Do you process bio waste yourself or does it get separately collected?
@Ilona_Ke 2 күн бұрын
@@just42tube We don't have waste composter yet. It's collected separately.
@Iam_MajackTV 2 күн бұрын
Good job
@user-hw5wk3jm8r 4 күн бұрын
Hello 👋 from Monrovia 🇱🇷 Liberia west Africa,,my name is Swaray Sheick Ayouba,, plz let 🙏 us talk, my whatsapp +231775916539,,
@NorahMungai-pn7fh 7 күн бұрын
Thank you soo much Ilona.I am leaving this page better than I came.
@just42tube 7 күн бұрын
Poiminta päivän uutisvirrasta: "Poimija saa Sääskilahdelta tällä hetkellä 10 euroa hillakilolta. Asiakas puolestaan maksaa Sääskilahdelle Ranuan torilla hillakilosta 17 - 21 euroa kilolta, riippuen astian koosta. Pienemmissä erissä hillakilo on kalliimpi kuin isossa erässä."
@just42tube 9 күн бұрын
Tuli mieleen, oletko kokeillut suunnistusta harrastuksena? Se tarjoaa fyysistä ja samalla älyllistä tekemistä ulkona sekä haasteita. Sen parista voi myös löytää mukavaa seuraa. Tämä tuli mieleen kun mainitsit eksyneesi. En tainnut kuitenkaan olla pahemmin eksynyt. Itselläni polvet on hieman hankalat, joten juokseminen ei oikein sovi. Metsäpolkujen kävely ja kevyt hölkkääminen on kuitenkin mukava ja terapeuttista näin vanhemmallekin ihmiselle, jolla on liikkumisen liittyviä haasteita.
@Ilona_Ke 9 күн бұрын
En ole vielä kiinostunut suunnistusta mutta tykkään olla metsässä.
@just42tube 9 күн бұрын
@@Ilona_Ke Käy joskus kokeilemassa. Lapset tutustuvat suunnistukseen liikuntatunneilla. Lahden Suunnistajien sivustolta poiminta: Iltarastikalenteri 2024 Päijäthämäläiset iltarastit on huhti-syyskuun aikana tiistaisin ja lokakuussa lauantaisin järjestettävä liikuntatapahtuma, jossa kaikenikäiset ja -kuntoiset liikunnanharrastajat voivat kohentaa ja ylläpitää kuntoaan ja suunnistustaitoaan. Tapahtuman ajankohta, tarkka osoite ja muut mahdolliset ohjeet näkyvät kalenterissa ja Rastilippu -palvelussa. Ilmoittautumalla etukäteen Rastilippu -palvelussa nopeutat toimintaa itse tapahtumapaikalla. Linkki tapahtuman lisätietoihin ja ohjeisiin löytyy alla olevasta kalenterista. ... Päivitetty 22.2.2024 Huhti - elokuussa maastoon pääsee klo 17.00 - 19.00 välillä ja takaisin on palattava klo 20.30 mennessä. Syyskuussa lähdöt ovat klo 17.00 - 18.30 ja paluu viimeistään klo 20.00. Lokakuussa lauantaisin lähtöaika on klo 10.00 - 12.00 ja paluu viimeistään klo 13.30.
@Iam_MajackTV 9 күн бұрын
Please can I visit your area . Am a bush man, I grow in the village covered with deep forests. I love green places. Let me know if you are ready to welcome me in September. Tell me prices of hotels for my three days tour in your area. Thanks. Note, am from South Sudan 🇸🇸 currently studying in Italy 🇮🇹
@just42tube 9 күн бұрын
Finland has forests just about everywhere. But different areas have different types of forest. The area where she lives is known for dry sandy hills which were formed by the latest ice age. Could you please clarify to me the use of the term "bush man"? I assume you're not meaning San people from southern Africa or being from Australia? In Finland bush doesn't mean forest in the sense it seems to be used in some places. In Finnish you might say metsien mies tai metsäläinen. Metsä is a forest in Finnish. Mies means man. Pusikkoon tai pensas means bush. Being referred as a "man from a forest" in Finland can mean positive or negative emphasis depending on context. In most situations it's seen as positive.
@just42tube 9 күн бұрын
Visiting Finland in autumn isn't the most preferred season for most people from warmer climates. Unless you're into gathering berries and mushrooms. But those activities require knowledge and training of what is safe to collect and eat. Not a recommended activity for a tourist without close supervison by someone who has the required skill to make it safe. Make sure you aren't too surprised by the weather in September. Not extreme, but can often be wet and unpredictable.
@Iam_MajackTV 9 күн бұрын
@@just42tube hahaha, I mean Bush man simply because I grew up in the deep forest covered with many trees and bushes. I don’t mean anything else. It’s just a way of saying I grow up in the village covered with forest. Anyway thanks for all the clarification you said. I love to visit Finland for days less than weeks. Iam still currently in school now and I will have vacation in August, so I will see if I have someone there to saw me good places with a lot of trees ( green land) in Finland 🇫🇮. Thanks
@just42tube 9 күн бұрын
@@Iam_MajackTV When you say that a village is covered by forest, does it mean that there aren't any fields of much any open space around buildings? Or is it that trees are so tall and branches long that the village seems like being under the trees and not just in a forest? English is not my first language and there are so many different versions of English used around the world that I get curious about expressions, which aren't immediately self explanatory for me. To find forests in Finland you rarely need any guidance. But to visit older forests with some facilities for visitors national parks or nature reservation areas are intended for such activities. There are also paths prepared for people so that they wouldn't harm nature by walking everywhere. The Nordic climate has a short season for growth, which makes nature sensitive to wear and tear. Larger crowds could harm sensitive ecosystems if there wouldn't be marked pathways for them.
@just42tube 9 күн бұрын
@@Iam_MajackTV The area, Lahti region on Salpausselkä. It's not the most green forests you find there during summer or early autumn before fall. Areas where there are more deciduous trees, trees with leafs, than evergreen trees like pine or spruce are more green and lush in summer. Also the Ruska 🍂 is more spectacular in the northern Finland. In northern Lappland the high season for Ruska is around the second week of September. The more you come to the south the later it is.
@just42tube 10 күн бұрын
It's very editable. Considered a delicacy, when the berry is ripe. That one wasn't ripe. Muurain eli lakka eli hilla eli suomuurain (Rubus chamaemorus) on vatukoiden sukuun kuuluva ruohovartinen kasvi. Nimeä käytetään myös kasvin tuottamasta heleän oranssista mehukkaasta marjasta. Kasvin nimitys vaihtelee alueittain niin, että lakasta puhutaan perinteisesti Itä-Suomessa ja hillasta Pohjois-Suomessa. Keskisuomalaisen Muuramen kunnan nimi tulee suomuuraimesta, ja kasvi näkyy myös Muuramen vaakunassa. Muita kasvista tai sen marjasta käytettyjä nimityksiä ovat esimerkiksi nevamarja, valokki ja lintti.
@Iam_MajackTV 12 күн бұрын
I love the snow in your area
@Iam_MajackTV 12 күн бұрын
Hi 👋 can I visit you in Finland . I’m from South Sudan 🇸🇸 your neighbor
@Iam_MajackTV 14 күн бұрын
Hi, are you from Eastern Africa in Uganda 🇺🇬?
@Ilona_Ke 12 күн бұрын
Hello, i am a Kenyan
@Iam_MajackTV 11 күн бұрын
@@Ilona_Ke nice to know you
@Iam_MajackTV 11 күн бұрын
@@Ilona_Ke are you studying 📚 or working in Finland
@leonredbon 15 күн бұрын
Free? Someone is paying? Whom?
@SuccessTips-hi1nd 16 күн бұрын
I’m Rajon Sourob. I am a professional KZbin Specialist. I have been working on KZbin marketing for the last 3 years. Still, I am working in the marketplace and out of the marketplace. I have visited your KZbin channel. Your contents are good and your thumbnail is also attractive. But your video Title, Description, and Tag are not SEO-friendly that’s why you are not getting more viewers and subscribers. If you fix the problem I hope you will get more viewers and subscribers.
@just42tube 16 күн бұрын
I find it fair to mention that there is also the freedom from religious movements and organisations promoting human rights. The Union of Freethinkers of Finland (est. 1937) defend and promote human rights, equality as to religion or belief (new Law of Equality) and freedom of expression, religion and belief. Also we work for secular culture and ceremonies and we promote science based, rational and critical worldview and humanistic ethics. There are still two state churches in Finland: Evangelical Lutheran with population 68,6 % and orthodox with about 1 % of Finns. About 28 % of population have no formal religious membership. In reality most Finnish people are quite secular and few people attend church services.
@just42tube 17 күн бұрын
Everyone is free to have their religious beliefs, and I respect that. Unfortunately religious movements have not so perfect track records. They can be harmful for the mental health of the people under their influence and control. So be careful choosing what kind of groups you support and become part of.
@heli9791 17 күн бұрын
I have a question for you all here in the comment section. Why do you want move in our country? I would really liked to know.
@Ilona_Ke 17 күн бұрын
Finland offers the best education system in the world and work oppourtunities are there. Another thing is that everyone has freedom to choice which country to can travel to. Finland may stand out to be the best country to other people.
@heli9791 17 күн бұрын
@@Ilona_Ke Thank you for answering my question.
@Denshalom 18 күн бұрын
IIlona_ke, can i have your email, I wish to discuss little...
@e-APOSTLE_TV 19 күн бұрын
Talking about driving licence. Can i use my Nigeria driving licence in Finland?
@ikkas00 25 күн бұрын
Beat place tbe during summer is either Suomenlinna or summer house. Especially midsummer.
@PsalmsungStudios 26 күн бұрын
Iron-ke! thank you for putting out this content and God bless you.
@just42tube 26 күн бұрын
Hyvää Juhannusta
@just42tube 26 күн бұрын
Juhannuksen alkuperäisiä nimiä ovat olleet muun muassa vakkajuhla ja Ukon juhla. Monille tuttu mittumaari tulee ruotsin sanasta midsommar, keskikesä.
@just42tube Ай бұрын
I found the following text about Kenyan father's day; "Father’s Day is not so profit-oriented as in western countries. Here, it is more focused on the family and on simply letting your father know how much you love him. This may be done with a special card, gift or meal, a phone call home or travelling back to your home town to visit. In many ways, Father’s Day is an American holiday that was first conceived and popularised there during the early twentieth century. The cynical view of this holiday is that it was promoted in the US for purely commercial reasons along with the modern Mother’s Day which was also being popularised around the same time." In Finnish we might say "kauppiaiden juhla". Of course businesses use both days for targeted marketing of some goods. It is for-profit for them in that sense. But it's not very excessive and families have adopted their own traditions, which aren't always so consumerist. People in general don't think so much about that materialistic side of these days. They care more about the things that you talked about. One can always give the argument of what difference does a day make within a year. The idea is to use one day especially to remind people of something that should be remembered throughout the year.
@just42tube Ай бұрын
You are talking about the Kenyan father's day. In Finland it's in November, sunnuntai 10. marraskuuta 2024, Sunday 10th November.
@just42tube Ай бұрын
Lupinus, commonly known as lupin, lupine, or regionally bluebonnet, is a genus of plants in the legume family Fabaceae. The genus includes over 199 species, with centers of diversity in North and South America. Smaller centers occur in North Africa and the Mediterranean. They are widely cultivated, both as a food source and as ornamental plants, but are invasive to some areas. People like their looks. That motivated the planting also in gardens in the Nordic countries. People didn't know how easily they spread and how harmful they can become for the Nordic ecosystem. Not all people still understand the ecological effects they have and the harmfulness to the local wildlife. You're not alone in that category. Perhaps you could study the topic of invasive species and make a video about it.
@priscahkipchumbachemtai-qf9un Ай бұрын
Awesome 🎉
@just42tube Ай бұрын
Syreeni is a tree-like plant.
@just42tube Ай бұрын
Komealupiini on säädetty kansallisesti haitalliseksi vieraslajiksi. Haitallista vieraslajia ei saa päästää ympäristöön eikä tuoda Suomeen EU:n ulkopuolelta eikä myöskään toisesta EU-maasta, pitää hallussa, kasvattaa, kuljettaa, saattaa markkinoille, välittää taikka myydä tai muuten luovuttaa. Komealupiini on luokiteltu haitalliseksi myös Ruotsissa, Norjassa, Virossa, Latviassa, Liettuassa ja Tanskassa.
@just42tube Ай бұрын
I am afraid you have mixed two plants, which have similarities in their flowers.
@Ilona_Ke Ай бұрын
What is the name of this flowers🤔🤔. I am starting to learn them slowly by slowly
@just42tube Ай бұрын
@@Ilona_Ke I am fairly sure its lupiini. A harmful invasive plant originally from western North America. Read the following to learn how it's harmful: Lupiini on Suomen luontoon villiintynyt vieraslaji. Se on alun perin kotoisin läntisen Pohjois-Amerikan vuoristoista ja on monen muun haitallisen vieraslajin tapaan tuotu Suomeen koriste- ja rehukasvina. Ensimmäiset havainnot luontoon karanneista lupiineista tehtiin 1800-luvun lopulla. Lupiini on myös myrkyllinen, vaikka pienen määrän syöminen ei yleensä aiheuta oireita. Miksi lupiineista pitää päästä eroon? Lupiinit luokitellaan haitalliseksi vieraslajiksi, sillä ne syrjäyttävät Suomessa luontaisesti esiintyviä lajeja. Lupiini leviää juuriston ja siemenien avulla nopeasti laajalle alueelle vähentäen kasvilajiston monimuotoisuutta. Puutarhoista se on karannut joutomaille, tienpientareille, ratapenkereille sekä kedoille ja niityille, ja jopa harjumetsiin. Paikoittain lupiini on vaikeuttanut metsänuudistamista tukahduttamalla puiden taimia. Lupiinien siitepölyä hyödyntävien pölyttäjien osuus on hyvin pieni ja siitepölyn sisältämä lupaniini on myrkyllistä, mikä vaikuttaa haitallisesti muun muassa kimalaisten lisääntymiseen. Lupiinin kukissa ei ole myöskään mettä, jota voisi hyödyntää esimerkiksi hunajantuotannossa. Koska lupiini ei ole myrkyllisyytensä vuoksi sovelias ravintokasvi eikä sen valtaamilla alueilla riitä ravintokasveja pölyttäjille, päiväperhosille ja muille hyönteisille, ne vähenevät alueelta. Tämä muiden kasvien syrjäytyminen sekä hyönteisten vähenemin johtaa luonnon yksipuolistumiseen. Luonnon monilajisuus on ilmastonmuutosta, kasvitauteja ja tuholaisia ajatellen erittäin tärkeää. Yksi lupiini saattaa tuottaa jopa tuhansia siemeniä, jotka säilyvät itämiskykyisinä vuosikymmenistä jopa vuosisatoihin.
@just42tube Ай бұрын
@@Ilona_Ke Komealupiini (Lupinus polyphyllus) Syreenit (Syringa) ovat oliivipuukasveihin (Oleaceae) kuuluva puuvartisten kasvien suku, joka on kotoisin Euroopasta ja Aasiasta. Lajeja on parikymmentä, joiden lisäksi on hybridejä.
@just42tube Ай бұрын
@@Ilona_Ke I have always been bad at learning names. At school (oppikoulu ) we had a summer task to collect, recognize, press, and put in binders 80 plants. We also needed to learn about them including their latin names. I did it. Later in life I was in a forest research center where we had biologists who really knew plants. It was amazing to walk with them as they automatically scanned the environment and pointed out and mentioned plants which were more rare in the area. It made me realize that I had never known almost any plants and I am still as ignorant. I know some trees, some other plants but that's about it. I haven't had much to do with those fields where such information is essential. But I have learned to find information as needed, so when I become curious about something, I usually find information about it.
@philip27650 Ай бұрын
@farmerissa Ай бұрын
❤🎉❤ I Rendeemer ❤🎉❤
@user-rv9ny9sb5n Ай бұрын
Congratulations 👏👏
@sharonjebiwot3497 Ай бұрын
Congrats ilona❤
@just42tube Ай бұрын
You don't get malaria from mosquitoes in Finland. But there are some infections you can get. In Finland, the most common mosquito-borne disease is the Inkoo virus. It can cause flu symptoms, but most people have no symptoms or mild symptoms. Inkoo virus is common especially in northern Finland, where more than half of adults have been exposed to it at some point. Mosquitoes also spread RAB and Pogostan disease. RAB causes, among other things, fever and rash. The more severe things to worry about in some parts of Finland are tics and what they carry and infect. There is antibiotic treatment for borreliosis caused by bacteria. There is no specific treatment for viral encephalitis, but instead it can be prevented with vaccinations.
Please will they open the apply date again at riveria college for practical nurse
@just42tube Ай бұрын
I know that something like 8000 years of human habitation in Hollola is nothing compared to Kenya. One has to remember thay the last ice age made living in this part of the world impossible for humans before that. The last Ice Age was the strongest in the northern hemisphere, Fennoscandia, and northwest Russia, as well as in North America
@just42tube Ай бұрын
You already wore a headdress. I suggest you to take this with you when you enter a forest and are troubled with insects: hyttyshattu. Mosquito hat in English. Repellants help too, but a hat is still good to have at hand.
@just42tube Ай бұрын
"A place called Hollola.."😂😂 I am almost thinking that you intentionally were provocative to get a reaction from me. I try not to disappoint: Lahti used to be a village in the historic and big grand county of Hollola. According to historical data, Hollola has been inhabited for at least 8,000 years. Even at the beginning of the 18th century, Hollola grand county covered the entire area of present-day Päijät-Häme.
@just42tube Ай бұрын
I suspect that a big part of the reason why I don't see that forest as positively as you do is that I have been in older forests in the same part of Finland and experienced it in a more natural state. It wasn't an untouched forest even back then. The micro climate and the type of soil can lead to fairly overwhelmingly pine tree dominated areas, which can look like they were planted and later thinned. Sometimes the difference isn't so obvious. I have learned to appreciate fairly wild forests. It reminds me of my earliest childhood. But planted and even monocultural forest is better than the alternative.
@danieleberenwafor6876 Ай бұрын
i like your information, I will like to come to Finland through the work route. can you help me to find companies that can employe me and send employment letter to enable me secure work visa in my country Nigeria
@simplybicolanainfinland Ай бұрын
Hello sisko, done shared this vlog ❤. Hope to be complete yong 1k subs soon 🎉
@Ilona_Ke Ай бұрын
Kiitos paljon. Kohta kohta on 1k subs🤗🤗. Sitten wh will roll on👏
@lucymugambi6885 Ай бұрын
Want to move to Finland through top up degree in nursing....am a Kenya RN....any guide to apply Will be highly appreciated.
@gbevemary9577 Ай бұрын
Hi madam am very interested how can I apply
@Ilona_Ke Ай бұрын
Hello, thanks for watching. Kindly check the links on the description page. I added some links of collages. Read through them.
@oduahgladys2794 2 ай бұрын
Hi..where in lahti
@Ilona_Ke Ай бұрын
Hello, Laune area.
@just42tube 2 ай бұрын
I would like to hear your comments about the following dissertation by Quivine Ndomo. I haven't yet read it myself. But I will, once I recover from the infection, which has been bothering me for some days and making me feel miserable. The Working Underclass : Highly educated migrants on the fringes of the Finnish labour market Julkaistu sarjassa: JYU Dissertations Tekijät: Ndomo, Quivine Päivämäärä 2024
@Ilona_Ke Ай бұрын
Paranemista. I have not really read it.
@just42tube 2 ай бұрын
There is a big difference being a gardener or being a farmer. But of course there is some middle ground, and many farmers do have also kitchen gardens. Farmers mostly need to work in significantly larger scales and be much more business minded about their operations. Farming as a happy is possible, but is it then real farming any more. The methods of preparation for a growth season, planting and harvesting needs to be different. In a kitchen garden you can use much more labor. The main point for some people is to have the opportunity to work in a garden and harvest is just a additional good bonus. For farmers, labor is an expense, which needs to be minimised. Product quality and quantity are main factors which means they need to be able to handle challenging changing weather conditions by being able to work fast. Planting, harvesting, everything, they better be able to domit fast when the weather is favourable. There are different businesses and services for farmers and kitchen gardeners.
@just42tube 2 ай бұрын
If people ask what food is available in Finland, you could use a menu from some local restaurant. Taivaanrantaa Restaurant in Lahti has this today À LA CARTE Starters BEEF TARTAR L, G Egg yolk, capers, whisky mustard and red onion 14,00 AVOCADO-SHRIMP TOAST SKAGEN L, G Pyygin cucumber and kimchi 13,60 GARLIC SNAILS AU ROQUEFORT GRATIN (G) Toasted rosemary bread 13,50 ROASTED GOAT CHEESE VL, G Fried baby tomatoes, spinach, nuts and balsamic vinegar 13,00 CAESAR SALAD AND FRIED CHICKEN L 12,00 / 17,50 SUMMER FLAVOURS L, G Smoked mozzarella, prosciutto and black bean hummus, gin salmon pastrami and wasabi 17,00 / for two 28,00 / for four 50,00 Main courses BEEF FILLET AND WHISKY PEPPER SAUCE L, G Fried gruyère potato, seasonal vegetables and smoked aioli 34,50 GRILLED ROAST OF LAMB L, G Beetroot, shallot-port wine sauce and lingonberries 25,00 ROASTED DUCK BREAST L, G Roasted capers with olives, cafe de paris sauce and parmesan 25,60 LOCAL PIKE-PERCH STEAMED IN SAFFRON BUTTER L, G Grilled carrots, potatoes and hollandaise sauce 27,00 OCTOPUS RISOTTO AND FRIED GIANT PRAWNS L, G 24,00 QUINOA-VEGETABLE PATTIES M, G, V Spinach-chickpea curry and peanut sauce 22,00 SIDES: Side salad and roasted garlic bread 6,50 M Smoked mozzarella and olive oil 7,00 L, G Fried giant crabs and lemon vinaigrette 10,00 L, G Fries and aioli of the house 6,50 M, G  Desserts CRÈME BRÛLÉE L, G 9,00 MANGO, COCONUT MOUSSE AND LIMONCELLO SORBET M, V, G 10,00 WHISKY CHOCOLATE CAKE AND RASPBERRY SORBET L, G 10,00
@Ilona_Ke 2 ай бұрын
Thank you somuch. What is the main food eaten here in Finland? From a general perspective. Has the food culture changed with time?
@just42tube 2 ай бұрын
@@Ilona_Ke What did you mean by "main food"? The main ingredient in a dish or something else?
@just42tube 2 ай бұрын
@@Ilona_Ke Food culture has evolved as much as everything else from hunter-gathers to the modern society where local circumstances aren't the most defining thing in defining what people eat. Personal financial situations and other factors play a bigger role. Poor people eat what they can afford. Others are more free to choose what they want. There are always many food trends etc. As an example my grandfather used to make Indian curry more than 55 years ago in a remote village in Finland. He had traveled and had brought spices with him.
@just42tube 2 ай бұрын
@@Ilona_Ke From a general perspective I can only say that everyone eats something in a way or another. You might look up some commercial companies "favorit recipes". That would might tell the genetic favorites from the food industries point of view. Every restaurant and kitchen has their own most "selling" favorites. You might also know about some traditions like: hernekeitto ja lettuja torstaisin. Sausages with other things at sauna evenings. Morning porridges etc. Banana and sandwiches as snack to golf rounds.
@just42tube 2 ай бұрын
@@Ilona_Ke I can tell just some of my regular choices: Lohikeitto, Hernekeitto, Kaurapuuro aamulla, Lapissa tietysti poronkäristys, jos on osaava tekijä ja useimmiten on. Nuorena ravintoloissa syödessä Chateaubriand oli suosikkini. Pikaruokana quattro stagioni pizza. Maksalaatikko maistuu minulle puolukan kera. Savustettu lahna on tuoreena hyvää. Lihapullat ja perunamuusin teen mieluiten itse, jotta saan mitä haluan.
@fydon5717 2 ай бұрын
I love the happiness in your face, keep smiling