@jasperdeboer3257 25 күн бұрын
37:55 I see what you did there.
@MobileGamingChronicles Ай бұрын
You had 69 comments, but unfortunately now I ruined it by commenting. No more magical number now. 😢😅🤣 Edit: Wait! I refreshed and saw 71 comments. Maybe I didn't ruin it! 😮
@GSCPokemonChallenges 12 күн бұрын
I appreciate you looking out though 😂
@MobileGamingChronicles 8 күн бұрын
@@GSCPokemonChallenges lol. :D
@DoctorNovakaine Ай бұрын
Palindromes don't have to have similar sounds. Racecar, for example. So I think Girafarig should be JUH-rafarig. It's interesting that we're seeing a couple Pokémon fail on the Rockets. I feel like this is the only time that's ever going to happen. Fury Cutter strats...might be the only chance Rhydon and Kabutops have. If they can survive one Razor Leaf, they can one-shot with their high attack power. Marowak will do well against Whitney, and I think Morty will be more than possible with a Quick Claw thanks to its high attack and the low defense of the ghosts. Rival 3 may be tough for the same reasons as Rival 2 but the same strategy should work. After that, I don't think it struggles much until Pryce. Selfdestruct blocks Struggle strats! That actually makes it _worse_ than useless in a solo run, it actively impedes options.
@GSCPokemonChallenges 12 күн бұрын
Yeah, SelfDestruct, Perish Song, etc are worse than Splash in this context 😂. I can feel you on the palindromes, so I gonna pronounce it like giraffe from here on out. Fury Cutter strates could be OP in some spots. It will be interesting to see. Quick Claw could also be OP in some spots
@ketchuplover6160 Ай бұрын
Hey, why didnt you try Fury Cutter on Golem? That sounds so funny!
@thecatherd Ай бұрын
Congrats on the sprocket. :) Enjoy your newfound fatherhood.
@GSCPokemonChallenges Ай бұрын
Thank you! We are in the hospital now, nothing to do but wait for him to come. Looks like he's about a week early, but just hoping he's born healthy!
@celticv Ай бұрын
thank you for video good call on 4failing :) not to self dont bring eggs to a well lol next challengers i am saying 3 will fail i think at very least 2 definitely will fail
@GSCPokemonChallenges 12 күн бұрын
All fair , let's find out. Should have a video out this weekend
@dvillines26 Ай бұрын
So proud of Dunsparce. ITS RAGE WILL NOT BE STOPPED. the snek is FURIOUS. be afraid, Whitney. be very afraid.
@GSCPokemonChallenges 12 күн бұрын
Dunsparce is legit OP lol
@kumbajn Ай бұрын
Could you give the right timestamps to video for the each pokemon? Thanks!
@maromania7 Ай бұрын
Interesting to see how many of these just lose from not being able to hit ghastly! I will say on the girafarig, palandromes aren't usually pronounced the same either way. Xanax has a different sound on each X example. I don't think Kingler's gillotine will ever actually be useful though, given it automatically fails it the pokemon's level is higher than yours.
@GSCPokemonChallenges 12 күн бұрын
Fair enough. I'll think about the pronunciation. Guillotine could just make some random early Pokemon easier, but definitely won't be good against any boss fights. Yeah, Gastly is a wall for some, especially if they only have normal/poison moves and not enough attack and HP to struggle
@kbowman772 Ай бұрын
You know something funny? Girafarig is going to be just fine on Morty.
@GSCPokemonChallenges 12 күн бұрын
That's true, immune to Ghost and resistant to Psychic is crazy. Maybe Curse gets us?