Contractors Showdown Critique
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Should VR Use Aim Assist
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@andtor5981 5 сағат бұрын
The most dishonest part is the price. 50€ is a scam for the quality of the game. At best should have been around 30€ at launch. Apparently vr games are expensive, but this high prices already for low quality is not good. I hope for the game Metro they part away from this janky and low quality animations and interactions style they have, even in After the fall, while also being honest with the pricing. VR Is not comparable with flatscreen market and so on, but still mindblowing that: 30€ was for The Witcher 3 at launch for the standard edition. With 45€ you can buy Divinity: Original Sin 2. 30€ was for Disco Elysium pre final cut edition (They developed and self published the game like Vertigo). But then Lone Echo 20€ and Lone Echo 2 40€
@vrslayercat 6 сағат бұрын
You know, you might be my new favorite channel. I love vr so much. Games like RE7 and Village, Half Life Alyx and several others have brought me experiences that are unparalleled in any other form of entertainment. But those levels are few and far between. I like a lot of other games but they dont rip my face off like the above mentioned. We need to do better.
@Jacknife17shadows 9 сағат бұрын
Everything you've said is valid yet again! Yikes...we have so many vr amazing examples of movement, shooting, physics, AI, balance, climbing and combat now...all that is needed is to use those technologies into an actual game. This looks like a game from the beginning of vr.
@Jacknife17shadows 9 сағат бұрын
Thankyou for the most amazing breakdown of both games. Keep up the great work and narration. As soon as vr really breaks into mainstream you will undoubtedly be a juggernaut in the field.
@TomLehockySVK 11 сағат бұрын
I would be okay with aim assist in single player games for people who need accessibility settings, but it has NO PLACE in multiplayer modes, especially when VR is already precise enough and there are smooting options added to VR games for some time now. But scope aim tracking opponents ?? That is just stupid, no thanks.
@the_diclonius_card4403 13 сағат бұрын
dude i have parkinson so am i not allowed to play this game
@razztastic 10 сағат бұрын
You're an outlier and, for obvious reasons, are not part of the target demographic. It sucks, but that's the reality of the situation and your fun shouldn't come at the expense of everyone else's. The end.
@dekawar723 13 сағат бұрын
need to have this as a server setting so all play with our with out it.
@chancebymidnight2737 18 сағат бұрын
Your asking for too much dude These are low budget developers give them some slack . The game performs well and it's fun . You critics think everything is just easy and simple well take a good look at psvr 2 if Sony is about to rage quit on psvr 2 what does that tell you 🤔 .
@MrVRVoice 10 сағат бұрын
I don’t think so at all. I’m asking for basic quality polish and somewhat better realisation and respect of the medium’s strengths and the user’s time. It’s a skill and care issue, enabled by users like yourself who send messages like this to them. “You critics think everything is just easy and simple” …No, I don’t 🙄 It’s called having standards.
@araghon007 20 сағат бұрын
So another generic 2017 era VR game à la Espire 1. Also only vaguely related, but I absolutely hate when people try showing off VR to their peers and the only game they show them being Job Simulator. Like, we've had lots of better, actual VR games since then. Hell, we had better, actual VR games back then (look up Lone Echo)
@JPDD2 21 сағат бұрын
I knew something was up when I was playing the beta and I was getting beamed. I was like there’s no way half these people are this good during a TEST. Now I know it’s AA lol. I ended up not even liking the game and never bought it.
@thedeathanator7139 22 сағат бұрын
its not that deep
@SkeleTonHammer 13 сағат бұрын
Saying everything "isn't that deep bro" has grown a bit lazy and cliche, don't you think? Many things are that deep, if you don't want to engage with the world, then go stare at a wall and drool into a cup.
@Zev_Reef 23 сағат бұрын
My god its Jason Wick
@pearagg Күн бұрын
Something I noticed with the weapon smoothing setting is that if you have it around 4 or higher and try to make a fast movement when holding certain guns the gun will stick in place for a second or two before snapping to where you tried to aim if which is very off.
@davinwilliams3130 Күн бұрын
Do you do audiobook readings? I've been trying to find a good read through of the illiad and the Odyssey that are easy to understand when sped up and your voice is perfect.
@gaminginstilllife9429 Күн бұрын
well what if the players on the magnet side had only 1 arm they could use cause of bad control method
@MrVRVoice Күн бұрын
I was wrong.
@confma Күн бұрын
What about aim assist while hipfiring? most people say "it only helps when ADS" but i think its just more difficult to notice/measure/record, but its there.
@MrVRVoice Күн бұрын
I’m really not sure to be honest. My initial guess is that it only applies while the ‘ADS’ condition is triggered. I’ll leave it down to the rest of you to explore further if you care. Showdown is uninstalled for me now, and I’ve no desire to return in the near future.
@producdevity Күн бұрын
This absolutely convinced me to buy the game, and I will try it out right after work!
@SadNuggetMan Күн бұрын
Contractors showdown is one of the first if not the first vr shooter to have aim assist and hopefully last The game is fire tho
@capolean2902 Күн бұрын
don’t regular contractors have aim assist?
@SadNuggetMan 21 сағат бұрын
@@capolean2902 no I don't think so, or atleast I've not noticed it
@PunishedDad Күн бұрын
I adore that nerrel video
@matthewkassien4659 Күн бұрын
Two seconds in, I paused the video and said aloud, 'God, I love his voice.' After discovering your page and binge-watching your videos months ago, I found this one on my feed. Just as I clicked the thumbnail, I thought about how much I enjoy your narration and voice. Thank you for all the work you put into to these.
@PunishedDad Күн бұрын
mans isn't called VRVoice for no reason
@razztastic 10 сағат бұрын
@@PunishedDad I was expecting a generic deep voice actor, but this guy's voice is so buttery smooth
@Notenoughego Күн бұрын
no, you take care. you are the only consistent and passionate VR content creator who actually dishes out his own opinions and points out the OBVIOUS problems with most vr games, of which are ignored by almost ALL VR creators. much love to you, and your unparalleled critical thinking skills.
@chrystales6169 Күн бұрын
Half-Life: Alyx had it figured out. It was literally designed as baby's first VR game, and yet doesn't have aim assist to coddle the player's ego. Instead, the maps' combat sections are designed to be close-quarters so that it's naturally easier to hit. Close engagements also put more emphasis on how you position your physical body around obstacles, and feels a lot more personal when you're right up to the enemy, which what VR is best at. It's such an elegant solution, and they figured it out 4 years ago.
@jordybandsma2645 Күн бұрын
Hey have you tried Synapse? Just got it last week and in addicted, can’t stop playing
@Mr.Tie_VR Күн бұрын
This game is really really good. It has some really really rough edges. I hope the doves don’t abandon it but I am afraid they will just be onto the next game here within the next six months or so.
@producdevity Күн бұрын
This channel quickly became my go-to favorite! I love how you balance praise and critique when discussing games, especially their graphics and mechanics. Your insights often resonate with me. Perhaps it’s because, as someone who’s never played flatscreen games, I view VR games with a fresh, unbiased perspective. Keep up the fantastic work!
@MisterNutty Күн бұрын
Great deep dive that definitely helps demystify aim assist in games! I agree with everything when considering players who are not aware of what aim assist is doing for them. Though I have a few points that I would debate: * Precise and slow aim is not objectively better aim than imprecise and fast aim. That's true if you are only measuring precision but in the context of a fire-fight, speed can't be left out of the equation. I think this comes down to the feel that the game is trying to achieve. More aim assist rewards speed more and less aim assist rewards precision more. Increasing aim assist because you want your game to play faster doesn't seem objectively worse to me, but it's totally fair to have an opinion like that. * Aim assist narrows the skill gap. Totally true if neither player is aware of the presence of aim assist. I would actually say the opposite is true if only some players understand the aim assist and how to use it for maximum benefit. In your example where aim assist is tracking targets through walls, the player that knows about that and uses it to know when their target is going to expose themselves would give them a significant advantage over the low skill player who doesn't know that is even possible. Or just simply knowing that the game has generous aim assist so you should try to fire faster even if you have to sacrifice precision. I don't think this is a healthy way to widen the skill gap, but I wouldn't argue that the skill gap is always narrower with aim assist. * All of this applies to aim assist as a setting or global behavior but I don't think player experience is affected the same way when aim assist is tied to in-game items. If it's known that X gun or scope has a high degree of aim assist, players would consider it a better gun just by their success rate regardless of their knowledge of what aim assist is doing for them. If that item is difficult to acquire or expensive, maybe the improved performance is justifiable. Some of your examples are from Destiny which needs a lot of guns for players to pursue. They accomplish that with randomized characteristics including some that affect aim assist. For example, there is one that increases your aim assist as your health decreases. That may mean that the player with that weapon trait will beat a player of equal skill without that trait, but the losing player could turn that around by increasing their skill, acquiring a weapon with that trait, or playing into their own weapon traits better. Again, I'll 1000% agree that aim assist in VR has to be considered completely differently from console aim assist because the same features will affect feel differently when you change the input medium that significantly.
@libertarianterminator Күн бұрын
Good video. I didn't know all that about the halo targeting.
@spacedout4061 2 күн бұрын
how does the beginning make any sense when both teams would be on the same platform… theres no pc vs console in vr, everyone has the same controls
@shadknight3562 2 күн бұрын
The difference isn't between platforms, it's between having aim assist turned on or off, console usually has aim assist because they only have a few inches to work with, PC could have aim assist but most times it doesn't since they expect you to have more space. In vr, unless you're using the sticks to aim, you shouldn't need aim assist, what the video is getting at is that aim assist in vr will hinder the good players while rewarding the bad ones.
@MegaAziz12 2 күн бұрын
I always thougt that maybe the aim assists plays into the fast paced arcade style the game is going for. Take away aim assist and it becomes more of a military Sim and the casual player who doesn't play that often wouldn't have as much fun. I get the concept of a " Get Good" but for a game that doesn't have a huge player base i can see why the devs made the decision.
@filipivan5125 2 күн бұрын
Such high weapon smoothing as is adviced in the settings for aimbot feels bad to play with. But I might have to try this tounderstand if those chinese players just abuse this system or actually hack 🧐
@MrVRVoice 2 күн бұрын
Agreed, that high smoothing is just for the demonstration purpose and seeing clearly what it’s doing.
@Eliteownage 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for making this video. People need to know
@niceleverace 2 күн бұрын
This needs to be fixed man.
@jestfulcompany9589 2 күн бұрын
This is crazy, I never noticed this before but it's so obvious now. Oddly I remember them adding aim assist to the original Contractors with an update (but actually calling it what it is) and everyone hated it. If I remember correctly they completely removed it and just lowered rifle recoil instead? Why would they add it to the new game?
@jestfulcompany9589 2 күн бұрын
Kind of makes me think about how when I play showdown I feel like I'm giving everyone the smackdown. Then I play Vail and have a 1.1 KD. You could say it's the recoil, TTK, or aim angle but I think it's a mix of both sides
@MrVRVoice 2 күн бұрын
And that’s just it, isn’t it? Now your idea of your own ability in this play context is inconsistent and laced with uncertainty. And you can apply that uncertainty to the performance of other players.
@farmertrueVR 2 күн бұрын
This is *wild* to know. I’ve played well over 20 hours of Contractors Showdown, am in their Discord, I live stream all my gameplay while talking to viewers and played with official Showdown content creators and I had NO clue this was going on. This should be made widely known. It seems to me that I’ll be utilizing the scope stabilization and turning the number above 6. The times I’ve tried using it was at a level 2 and it sure as hell wasn’t anything like what was shown in the video. Good to know why kills and knocks and gunplay have seemed off since first playing and still to this day. Not to mention the players are bullet sponges in this game. Can hit somebody with 10 bullets and not kill the person. I don’t like battle royal titles but Showdown is a lot of fun with others but knowing this feature is aim assist, may change that. Now time to enable scope stabilization and see how it changes my K/D ratio and fun…
@junglemotion8 2 күн бұрын
Im calling it now but really believe AR and even passthru VR could bring aim assist to IRL. Like aiming in paintball and airsoft like robocop.
@bigboyepic8598 15 сағат бұрын
Imagine an exosuit forcing you to stay on target.
@smallbutdeadly931 8 сағат бұрын
There are anti-tank missile launchers that we have with aim assist, but I have yet to see a regular gun with that capability.
@brownsquirrel2828 2 күн бұрын
Regular contractors mechanics was fine why is this different
@filipivan5125 2 күн бұрын
To make it more noob friendly and keep player engagement high daily to create value for shareholders and to make profit 😊
@MegaAziz12 2 күн бұрын
Pretty sure they have aim assist in regular Contractors as well. To me the games play identically except for the longer time to kill in Showdown
@avif007 2 күн бұрын
my first thought of showdown on its release is that i am amazed how good of an aim people have with what seems like no effort, while i feel like i need to fight the scope to aim where i want to aim. if you turn off the "smoothing" it feels even worse. i cant play a game like that.
@brownsquirrel2828 2 күн бұрын
I knew something was up with this in contrast to how much better I do in Pavlov and regular contractors
@brownsquirrel2828 2 күн бұрын
Pavlov is better
@TheBaldrickk 2 күн бұрын
Urrrgh... The community railed against scoped aim assist when it was trialled for the original game, and they took it out again without it getting pushed out of testing. That they've put it in again is disgusting.
@MrVRVoice 2 күн бұрын
It’s in Contractors too. Only seems to work for magnifying optics, not holo or red dots. Try it on a single player match. Similar behaviour as here. I haven’t played Contractors in a long time but I think it also needs ‘Scope Stabilisation’ turned on to apply, found in the Control options. Could be wrong about that though.
@CluelessDadGamer 2 күн бұрын
nice video m8 very well thought out. 2 күн бұрын
This is definitely going to cause a lot more trades through players of completely different skill Ievel
@MrVRVoice 2 күн бұрын
Yup, on top of the poor latency issues, trading is quite common.
@MichealGrammer 2 күн бұрын
I am a sound designer for film and I am so glad I’m not the only one who notices how immersion breaking bad sound design can be in VR. Your suspension of disbelief can be greater through VR but it requires more stimuli due to the lack of a “frame” like conventional flat games when viewed on a screen. That’s why bad sound design is more noticeable in VR because the image is telling you one thing while the audio is saying something else.
@SkyYukiGuy 2 күн бұрын
Btw the best point you made is... Netcode suck. And Showdown doesn't have enough server for everybody. NA or suffer lag.
@jhonatancastelo2643 2 күн бұрын
This video need to be share until reach the developers of showdown
@p0ntus_ 2 күн бұрын
I can't believe how few views this video has. Great videos man
@mhcIncubus 2 күн бұрын
I bought this in the official discord, I got shot down with I don't know what I'm talking about, it has no aim assist 2 күн бұрын
Yea sorry I didn’t actually know there was aim assist until I saw the video so I was thinking ‘don’t be ridiculous’ and then I see this and now I’m worried about the future of vr shooters
@MrVRVoice 2 күн бұрын
Lesson learned eh. Don’t be so quick to dismiss and confirm for yourself. :-)
@SkyYukiGuy 2 күн бұрын
It doesn't change the fact that if one player is better than one another, the better player will win though. The skill floor is just lower and so is skill ceiling. (As you mentioned, lower amount of skill expression) People complain about aim assist the moment they added in Contractors VR but no one bat an eye when it Showdown because of huh duh bullet travel. Personally, I wish it doesn't exist, globally nothing will change.
@perceptionzzz 2 күн бұрын
Use all advantages given by game or suffer defeat no one plays fair