@TristanSmith 2 күн бұрын
Just read about your passing. You touched a lot of people and taught a lot of people. Enjoy your rest, Steve.
@mikael2313 2 күн бұрын
R.I.P Steve!
@mikael2313 5 күн бұрын
R.I.P Steve 😕
@mikael2313 5 күн бұрын
R.I.P Steve 😐
@himneeshchowdhary820 9 күн бұрын
I tried it and idk why it drains my laptop's battery wayyy faster than it does in windows. before installing it i get 5hrs of battery on just windows 10. after installing q4os, my battery life on both windows and q4 drops to 1.5 hrs... and i am unable to fix it. after that i uninstalled q4os and things went back to normal. can anyone help me with this? i actually liked q4 but i am unable to use it as i prioritise my battery life more than the OS.
@d_sanu 17 күн бұрын
what joke/statement comes up whenever I log in ?
@mikael2313 19 күн бұрын
R.I.P Steve
@xucaen 25 күн бұрын
Does this still work in 2024? I'm just looking for an alternative to Windows 11 and I am very wary of switching over to Linux because of all the issues I've had with it over the last couple of years. But if running Windows software and games in wine is now working as it should I might give it a try
@catsartpics 28 күн бұрын
Any idea @OldTechBloke on how to apply a patch to Slackware 15.0?
@Caved111 Ай бұрын
Done basic arch installs the arch way years back. When i definatly switched to linux from windows a few weeks back i just installed Endeavour, slapped pamac onit and am sailing off basicly. Not sure wy they are opposed to giving the option to install pamac but i guess they want to keep it as basic as possible. Reason i didnt go for Manjaro was i read about some drama there and the fact that its not 100% vanilla arch. Thats ofcouse an ingredient for breaking it easily when using AUR. Not pretending to be a Linux nerd at all but it does help if you know your way around.
@blackspetnaz2 Ай бұрын
i miss this man
@salvatorebalena5739 Ай бұрын
You were a great man. Thank you . RIP
@SajjadRizvi77 Ай бұрын
Rest In Power Steve! This video is probably the most linked Slackware install video when referring to new-ish users! I've got it backed-up if it ever loses its place.
@nombreapellido9038 Ай бұрын
1 - a seasoned Englishman 2 - learning about Slackware. 3 - Royal Enfield cap. …. Now all I need is a cold beverage and a bowl of popcorn.
@kurt120032002 2 ай бұрын
Do people still care about this? Back in the day Slackware was the most stable distro so people were inclined to put up with difficult instalation and lack of out of the box hardware compatibility, but these days is not that uncommon. Yes compile stuff is interesting, but at some point you need to get the job done, not waste time, that’s why we use office or libre instead LaTeX. 2nd if you really are in to compiling everything, why not just start with kernel, compile it for your specific hardware and add just what you need?
@SajjadRizvi77 Ай бұрын
I set it once and forget it, then go do what I need to do. Slackware is modern and simple, and it works for us. But I'm happy you are happy using other OS's. I hear Windows 11 and Mac OS are great not having to do any interactions for administrating.
@kurt120032002 Ай бұрын
@@SajjadRizvi77 no, win 11 is garbage, and mac OS is outdated, limiting and cringe. I use Ubuntu for work, and after upgrading my gaming pc, I will also use it for my gaming Pc. I picked Ubuntu not because "it is the best" or some BS, but because I need 3 things: 1 to have most if not all drivers I need out of the box, 2 to have a large community so you can find answers to your problem, 3 commonality, so once I picked a distro I use it for all pc and servers, so I don't waste time and energy learning particularities for 3 distros. For me Slackware failed at first requirement. I was asked to manually download and compile drivers, and never touch it in 20 years. I used SuSe then, after that Mandriva, and finally Ubuntu since Ubuntu 12.
@wiz3905 2 ай бұрын
Never retire this valuable channel. Miss you Steve
@gunarcom 2 ай бұрын
slowly moving my entire dev env to alacritty, tmux, & neovim - thank you for the content
@chrisxdeboy 2 ай бұрын
If you like Haiku, you can put tabs on windows, but im not sure if you can do tabs only.
@tuberworksjones 2 ай бұрын
it didnt work as expected . error is not a valid mapping
@folksurvival 2 ай бұрын
I hope your family are doing well these days.
@Jmj31 2 ай бұрын
Rest in peace OTB
@luigiprovencher8888 2 ай бұрын
I lost interest when I found out that it was based on Arch. I couldn't even figure out how to update it through the welcome screen like you're supposed to be able to.
@karomba123 2 ай бұрын
rest in peace
@thekoolgeeks3831 2 ай бұрын
I am not able to install python and pip. Can you help me with this please? Python asks to install gcc, gcc asks to install make and make could not be installed. make: command not found
@dmcdude 2 ай бұрын
thx! it worked!
@BWGPEI 2 ай бұрын
This old boy (71) also rocks GNU Linux. We happened to settle on Linux Mint several years back, sparked by MS Windows 10 and Microsoft's shenanigans therewith. I'm still loading Mint on our new builds as our main OS. Have a test bed system, which I used to figure out what we would use and where I play with new or revised distributions, and so far have not found anything we like better than Mint. But I do have a lot of fun trying out new stuff, and it does keep the old mind in motion.
@tota_trader 2 ай бұрын
Very nice video. Thanks
@komputasamurai1937 3 ай бұрын
I'm currently experimenting. I like hosting websites from home. It was a popular hobby throughout the entire 90's & early 2000's (from windows 98SE to today) prior to the advent of social media. Since then, this hobby has become more of a legacy hobby of nostalgic novelty with many arguments against the practice of hosting a web server at home, most of which security related. However, thanks to new VPN services that offer port-passthru, you can now host a website at home without revealing your real IP address. Thanks to Let's Encrypt Certbot, you can now add SSL to some legacy windows web server software. If that's not possible, you can at least use Rebex's Free TLSProxy, a command line utility that allows you to tunnel SSL/HTTPS traffic thru port 80 of legacy windows web server software lacking SSL capability. The ReactOS may be a viable free windows alternative for hosting web servers at home. That's the angle I would like to experiment with. PHP is free and should work with it. Getting it to connect to a remore or even local hosted mySQL is currently an unknown at the moment. Compatable functionality with AHTML for classic ASP web page is also an unknown. I will be testing all those out. 4/2/2024 Update: ----------------------------- I installed ReactOS 4.14 on Virtualbox. Couldn't even get network to work because only the subnet mask can have 3 digit octets. However IP & DNS addresss can have at most 2 digit octets. Experiment over before it really got started.
@patpopov 3 ай бұрын
32:45 Minus zero. 😱
@gilbertogarma2820 3 ай бұрын
Very good video, with details about how to do for that your really good work
@sealovers1374 3 ай бұрын
i'm just asking if systemd is that bad why it has been adopted by most distribution
@e8root 3 ай бұрын
Issue with Gentoo is the faster PC you have the better experience installing from sources. There doesn't exist processor which can rip through something like Firefox/Chromium in less than hours but even then for installation you can today use binary package (and even x86_64_v3 !!!) and installing whole system on modern computer takes rather quickly. Then when you already have system up and running you can rebuild everything while you watch YT videos or whatever. Slightly bigger issue is that Gentoo/Portage requires users to get to know the system to really take the advantage of it and it requires some time. For that reason I don't see any reason to try to make installation any easier than it already is. You save few hours on intallation but then miss some important knowledge which will be useful when repairing system. In fact most Linux users use easy to install distributions and their solution to everything is reinstalling system - reinstalling the system is almost never a proper solution. Not saying Calculate is wrong to make things easier - just saying Gentoo already isn't that hard to install and it already doesn't really need to take that much time.
@e8root 3 ай бұрын
Void from your video and articles sounds very good. Exactly my kind of Linux. Currently using Gentoo and so far it ticks all the boxes and its package manager being Python based can be easily extended if I ever need it to do something beyond what it does.
@williamjp7352 3 ай бұрын
RIP Steve
@duaamal1k 3 ай бұрын
i tried the second one and it said access denied
@duaamal1k 3 ай бұрын
i dont have a debian directory
@RealOny 3 ай бұрын
RIP Steve, we will miss you.
@davekumar6401 3 ай бұрын
Sorry forget to tell you to install void along with windows in dual boot environment
@davekumar6401 3 ай бұрын
Void Linux sucks very hard to install, please don't lie.
@sealovers1374 3 ай бұрын
slackware is great and one of my favourite distribution i'm wondering way it's not that used in business
@htx80nerd 4 ай бұрын
@htx80nerd 4 ай бұрын
Great video, nothing wrong with long format.
@ismaelgalvez1453 4 ай бұрын
[colors] #cursor = {text = '#1b2b34', cursor = '#ffffff'} [colors.primary] foreground= '#d0cfcc' background= '#171421' bright_foreground= '#ffffff' [colors.normal] black= '#171421' red= '#c01c28' green= '#26a269' yellow= '#a2734c' blue= '#12488b' magenta= '#a347ba' cyan= '#2aa1b3' white= '#d0cfcc' [colors.bright] black= '#5e5c64' red= '#f66151' green= '#33d17a' yellow= '#e9ad0c' blue= '#2a7bde' magenta= '#c061cb' cyan= '#33c7de' white= '#ffffff' an exampe of the new toml format for the .config file
@Bradleybrookwood 4 ай бұрын
Oh I just love it when somebody who has vision takes the time to talk about accessibility for blind people. We need more people to help raise awareness to it. I'm sick of Apple because they're getting way too expensive and I don't want to use Microsoft anymore so a friend of mine convinced me to try linux out. i'd love to know some powerful DAWs that work with Linux. Also I wonder how the layout is if there's a start menu similar to windows or do you have to do interactions like on the Mac
@sagarhp2350 4 ай бұрын
RIP Steve.., 🙏🙏😢
@MindCaged 4 ай бұрын
I tried AntiX relatively recently, I don't have a ton of linux experience yet though I'm definitely not a novice at computers in general. I /was/ pretty amazed at how few resources AntiX uses and how fast it boots up and works, though when I was trying to use it I definitely noted some trade-offs for that low resource usage. The interface isn't anywhere as fledged out as other distros I've tried, some things are a bit clunky and it's kind of a mixed bag. For some functions you either /have/ to use the mouse, or /have/ to use the keyboard. It either doesn't recognize the other, or using the wrong one actually has results contrary of what you want. There were spots where I wanted to tab through the controls but it didn't have that functionality so I /had/ to click on the controls I wanted to interact with. Then the volume control is terminal based and you /have/ to use the keyboard to control it, if you click with the mouse out of habit it closes the window. Also on the particular computer I was using to test it out it had trouble controlling the onboard audio by default(It was fine in a VM), I had to manually select the right device every time I launched the volume control until I figured out how to add an argument to the shortcut. Then I completely broke the sound when I was trying to fix it outright. There was also a known issue installing the version I used where you had to run an apt update and upgrade /before/ running the installer or the installer would fail. The Desktop Environment is also pretty minimalistic and doesn't have as many customization options, but it's completely understandable because the more options you have the more resources it'd take up. If I /had/ to have a distro that was super low in memory and cpu usage I'd definitely keep AntiX in mind, it'd probably work great on old PCs from like XP or before maybe, but if the hardware would support it alright I'd go with a less lightweight distro that wasn't as finicky. I will say that I was surprised that it actually was faster and more responsive in my tests than puppy linux even though puppy linux should run completely from RAM, maybe it was just the difference in browser but the thumbnails loaded much slower in the FossaPup browser compared to firefox on AntiX.
@zaugitude 4 ай бұрын
It is actually very easy to edit the menu, the syntax is immediately obvious. Being able to comment out entries and rearrange them as well as make your own categories makes manual editing very worth your time. Edit: alt right mouse drag to resize the windows from anywhere inside; beyond the obvious, it can be useful making large screenshots, etc. 👍