Great Books of the West | Trailer
@1229e8 48 минут бұрын
Terrific content. Love your enthusiasm and the intelectual sparring between the two of you. I wholeheartedly support your work and eagerly anticipate more of this high-quality material that enriches minds and encourages greater responsibility, participation and ownership in our lives.
@JamesBarry-j7m 59 минут бұрын
Capitalism isn't the cure all for everything
@ruisantos5588 4 сағат бұрын
Niech was a delusional crazy person ...
@aaronsmyth2026 11 сағат бұрын
Could you not just have a normal conversation between two people acting normally?
@ich901000 16 сағат бұрын
the realm of (true) forms is Plato mate. Socrates was a very social thinker actually.
@xy3617 17 сағат бұрын
"I have a taste for Aryans and no one else."
@ich901000 18 сағат бұрын
Mate, Nietzsche aint a Lifecoach. This lecture is empty aestetic retoric. Your limit the „übermensch“ to some sort of hulk hogan strongman. You miss the point of the death of god.
@bretnetherton9273 18 сағат бұрын
Awareness is known by awareness alone.
@martgatz75 21 сағат бұрын
Hey man this series you’re doing is awesome! Really enjoying each of these lectures.
@Anythingforfreedom 23 сағат бұрын
It sounded like you said the greatest threat to society are memes. I was going to say you sound just like Hillary Clinton.
@johnhorne9977 Күн бұрын
How much inequality is inhumane?
@blessedsama3301 Күн бұрын
Didnt even listen half of it and Nietzsches masters vs slave theory threw me off. Thought the guy had some wisdom but hes unknowledgeable. Had he ever read the Christian biblical text taking into consideration contexts he would not pervert the texts calling it weak and not able to produce high quality men.
@KevinFinnerty-c4n Күн бұрын
It’s priorities. They do that in all cities. Try getting police to spend manpower on a car break in any large town and you’ll see you’re on your own
@thecomingman1591 Күн бұрын
We can tell from this interview where Leiter's morality has been fashioned. It is the adoption of a rabid radical left wing ideology, having spent too long in and around Universities. Somebody with his supposed 'learning' stoops very low to call Trump selfish and narcissistic. I am sure in the cloistered world of the academics Leiter will be approved of by his illiberal socialist colleagues.
@garrygmail.c Күн бұрын
My favourite youtube channel 🤝🏻
@Min-utiae Күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing. Will follow all of these lectures. If anyone is interested in learning actual ways to apply this knowledge to your daily personal life, read “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. You can find some tools for your toolbox there to aid in battling the prideful human mind we all struggle with. Also ….Read some Richard Rohr books, if you are looking for some practical inspiration for real growth and change in your heart and soul, and thus positive changes in the connections you have with all others.
@leonardomahir9943 Күн бұрын
Chinese Patrick Bateman
@seth956 Күн бұрын
If nihilism is true, then the means in which I came to the conclusion of nihilism is meaningless.
@seth956 Күн бұрын
This is a common misunderstanding of identity. What we call unconscious is as much us as what we call consciousness. Our experience is a synergy between multiple agents. I am responsible for my internal actions as much as my outer action, awareness is not required or efficient for the amount of action needed to live from second to second. However, we can explore this relationship through meditation between shared functions. This can be a very uncomfortable experience.
@seth956 Күн бұрын
Judge, according to my morality, i wasn't doing anything wrong. Judge:😂
@GnomaticMime-lz9js Күн бұрын
Just watch planet of the apes if you don’t believe this guy
@starape1896 2 күн бұрын
Patrick Bateman?
@femdivinemind7777 2 күн бұрын
Thats such bullshit😂 the way rivh people gaslight themselves is funnyy
@MusicKnowte 2 күн бұрын
Is this Russian propaganda 🙄 can’t tell anymore
@skipperry63 2 күн бұрын
If there were no God then to obey the “Will to Power” philosophy will still be horrible. We’re on the earth for such a short time that to live like a narcissistic tyrant is a bad idea. Nietzsche is worth studying beige strips down humans to the bare bones and has them figured out. You can learn about yourself. But Nietzsche is also a slave. He’s a mere mortal and we’re using him.
@walterwhitehead7046 2 күн бұрын
The is the coldest, smartest, most intelligent channel I've found on KZbin, since Jared left Wisecrack!!! Kudos, Jonathan Bi!!!
@BradDunn 2 күн бұрын
Would love to see you do some work around Byung-Chul Han.
@ryannichols819 2 күн бұрын
Mimesis Rules ! ! #Punz #DubEntendrez
@MiyamotoMusashi9 2 күн бұрын
I wouldn't consider buddhism a religion, as soon as statues are made and worshipped the point of the doctrine is missed Buddhism trips over itself.
@MiyamotoMusashi9 2 күн бұрын
But aren't you also helping us understand him through your own lens ,morality psychology? Can we understand him through our own? Then all come to a converging understanding? This is why when someone calls themselves expert i walk away
@MiyamotoMusashi9 2 күн бұрын
Ted Kaczynskis "over socialized " produces leftism in the modern hyper connected world of rapid mass communication technology
@MiyamotoMusashi9 3 күн бұрын
He didn't mean God is dead literally. He means society as a collective considers him dead
@AmanuelAlehegneWubete 2 күн бұрын
For him the Idea of God is itself man made
@Youngprincess05 3 күн бұрын
Ah oui! d’après Rousseau l’homme est né bon c’est la société qui le corrompt… 😉
@Helelsonofdawn 3 күн бұрын
So be republican and antigov?
@naoko4927 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for the wonderful lecture. Ultimately, Nietzsche is complex and intense, i even think that his final mental collapse is the culmination of his thoughts, who says higher man cannot be a mad one?
@bi.johnathan 3 күн бұрын
or something like: a higher man in our age of egalitarianism would necessarily go mad.
@Evalutart 3 күн бұрын
This is just the extraordinary man theory from Crime and Punishment.
@multiexp8748 3 күн бұрын
You are not bro
@paulocarre1 3 күн бұрын
Too all the comments disagreeing! you got your own mind to make up, better to watch this form your own opinions then mindlessly use youtube to brainrot away haha
@flowwolf4 3 күн бұрын
As an avid reader of this greatly misunderstood philosopher, I love this video and I have watched it many times. I think it's the best introduction I know to the genealogy and to Nietzsche's perspective on morality in general. Thank you for uploading Jonathan.
@bi.johnathan 3 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@marcin3136 3 күн бұрын
One remark- you don't understand the Bible/ Christianity (to understand it, you need another 5 years of philosophy, seeing that you have an open mind and are insightful and very intelligent). Then maybe you will be able to understand. I think it's possible...
@marcin3136 3 күн бұрын
"Poverty breeds poverty"~ philosophy And here it's mainly about mentality and awareness (socialization/ modeling/ core values/ etc.). Only few will become "transitional individuals".
@nicolem889 3 күн бұрын
No that’s what the authors of the Bible want you to believe about the Canaanite community. They are the Arabs and handful of Jews that are presently in Palestine today.
@Artisan_GenZ 3 күн бұрын
Nietzsche making truth claims while asserting there is no such thing as truth is incomprehensible. It honestly baffles me how his philosophy ever gained as much traction as it did. Mentioning him with the likes of Aristotle and Plato is insane.
@bryanutility9609 3 күн бұрын
Sounds like you don’t have any idea about Nietzsche much less the concept of truth. It baffles you for this reason.
@Artisan_GenZ 3 күн бұрын
@@bryanutility9609 Sounds like you have a concept of Truth that is illogical and contradictory.
@aeternaflux 2 күн бұрын
@@Artisan_GenZ Nietzche’s position on truth is only incomprehensible to you because you lack the capacity necessary to comprehend it-hence your misrepresentation of it and your alignment of yourself with basket-cases such as Plato. This expression of yours, among other things, betrays your own hubris and feelings of fear. You believe wholeheartedly in the notion of ‘objectivity’. You can’t even begin to imagine yourself believing otherwise. You align yourself with whatever is familiar to that notion and to you, take refuge in whoever advocates for it and validates you and your belief in it-and lash out at whoever doesn’t… And I don’t blame you whatsoever for doing so; as I, myself, have done and believed in the same, and then acted out of a need for comfort, consolation, and contentment that is not at all dissimilar from yours. Mark my words, though: only the weakest and the dumbest of men rely on such nonsense as metaphysics to go about living their wretched little existences. You will go your entire life without affirming yourself, and will be marked most notably by your miserable easement and obsolescence of opinion, if you stay set upon it. If you are content with that, then-by all means-stop reading here. Go on about your day. Forget the challenge I’ve posed to your perspective. If you do, you will almost certainly live a lengthy life replete with simplicity and equanimity. For some men-even for most-this is the best kind of life that could ever be lived. If, on the other hand, you do not want to live the lowly life of an insect; if you do not simply ignore me and move on; if you find yourself stuck to my words and filled with hostility at my challenge; if a feeling of rage bubbles up inside you at my poking and prodding of your belief-or if even all you feel in response to me is a mild indignance or intrigue at my assertions-then prepare yourself either for the uprooting of your perspective and an even greater emotional upheaval than the one which you currently experience, or for the further solidification of your dogma and the greater development of your madness; for I am about to describe to you in just what ways exactly your belief system is a heap of trash that deserves only to be thrown into the wastebins of human history and left to rot there with the rest of man’s idiocy. I don’t expect that the expression of my perspective will change your mind on the matter, and, in all honesty, my intention is not to change your mind at all, nor is it my intention to express myself for anybody’s sake but my own. Frankly speaking, I only say what I say here out of an enjoyment of myself-which, in my mind, ought not to be taken as an act of charity or benevolence, as such ‘selflessness’ does not exist anywhere except in the imagination of Christians such as yourself. I only appear magnanimous or megalomaniacal to those without a sense for themselves-while, in reality, I am as selfish, covetous, deceptive, and petty as any other man is, himself, selfish, covetous, deceptive, and petty. I take pride in my words, feel powerful in expressing through them my most intense passions and deep-seated convictions. I am like you in that way, and so, too, are you like me. Thus, I implore of you that you heed my words well, even while understanding that you will not do any such thing; for you, like me, have only yourself before yourself, and are unconcerned altogether with anything that is not you or yours. You will only take from me what you already ‘know’, for you have only the ears to hear whatever is soothing, near and dear to you. And yet, to you, I still say this: The notion of “truth” which you cling to so desperately is absolutely rife with contradiction. It presupposes, first and foremost, that there is an object, a subject, and a perspective which acts as a mediating force between the two of them. As its ‘source’, this perspective has the latter, and as its ‘aim’, it has the ‘impassionate representation’ of the former, the ‘self-preservation’ of the latter, and so on. “Truthfulness” is a purported quality of this perspective, whereby it corresponds-or is ‘observed’ by the ‘subject’ to correspond-in some way, with that ‘object’. But-how might one go about performing such an observation? How, in other words, might one verify that their perspective comports with this ‘object’ when all that one is familiar with, in any way, is their perspective itself, and when this ‘object’ exists entirely independently of that perspective and themselves? Can one remove oneself from oneself; can one observe without observing; can one exit their own perspective and view those ‘things’ which exist ‘outside’ and ‘apart’ from it “objectively”? Indeed, how might one verify that there even is such an ‘object’ in the first place if they are completely incapable of proving it to themselves by way of such observation? Is not ‘seeing’ as good as ‘believing’? Moreover, where in the world of appearances does one view anything ‘fixed’, ‘independent’, or otherwise? Is there any such thing, or are these terms simply inventions and impositions upon some ‘X’ of which one is altogether uncertain of the character-or of whether or not there even is such a character? Does a thought have its ‘source’ in anything-does any ‘thing’ have as its ‘first cause’ anything else-or, rather, is thinking simply one of a variety of unique processual phenomena that are occurring simultaneously in a single, undivided-yet chaotic, and synchronous-whole? Is the notion of ‘I’ reflective of any ‘real-state-of-things’, or is it simply an abstraction: a picking-and-choosing of sorts? Are things really existent ‘in-themselves’, or are ‘things’ just “the boundaries of man?” Conversely, is there any particular ‘source’ or ‘cause’ for the stimuli of sensation, or is this, itself, an oversight and a mischaracterization? Finally, can a man act ‘impassionately’ at any point in his life, or is he fated always only to act in attendance to whater passion predominates within him in each given moment-even in reasoning, for example? Food for thought. Heraclitus, who I’ve mentioned elsewhere in this thread, put it best, I think. Of metaphysicians such as yourself, he said, “I see nothing other than becoming. Be not deceived. It is the fault of your own myopia, not of the nature of things, if you see ‘land’ in the ocean of coming-and-going. You name things as if they were rigid, as though they persistently endured-yet even the ‘stream’ within which you stepped a second time is not the same as the one stepped into before.” To paraphrase, and to apply the statements to you and your perspective specifically: “[Y]ou assume there to be a stable reality independent of your own interpretations, which you refer back to from moment to moment and place to place, but even the phenomena you’ve interpreted a second time is not the same as the one interpreted before…” In other words, you’ve set yourself on a fantasy, and have devalued the only world and person given to you to experience and to be as a consequence. This is the very crux of the argument against the notion of ‘truth’; not only that it is unprovable, but, even more importantly, that it is harmful to believe in. If you value this truth over and above yourself, then all well and good with you. You will live your life at length, and will likely become as embittered and embattled of an old man as those with whom you identify. You will be in the company of Plato, Paul the Apostle, and so on and so forth. If you take solace in that, all well with you. If, on the other hand, you value yourself and life more than ‘truth’, and if you do not want to become a weak old man mired in the mirages of your mind like Plato, then re-read what I’ve said and re-read Nietzsche as well until you’ve been sufficiently shaken from your seat of security and all that is certain to you is the uncertainty of certainty!
@bryanutility9609 2 күн бұрын
@@Artisan_GenZ You’re not saying anything of substance & you’re just wrong.
@Artisan_GenZ 2 күн бұрын
​@@bryanutility9609 The word "wrong" has absolutely no meaning coming from the likes of you.
@JamesBarry-j7m 3 күн бұрын
If you want to know what God thinks of money Just look at the people he gave it to you Dorothy Parker
@lmaozedong2153 3 күн бұрын
Lecturers just like the sound their own voice, they lecture not to be productive, but to make themselves feel like they are smarter than their audience.
@carlosotermin570 4 күн бұрын
excellent stuff! gone use it to teach my son
@CottonChristian-e3r 4 күн бұрын
Gonzalez William Lee Kevin Gonzalez Charles
@GTICHATTER 4 күн бұрын
A fancy blazer, in an eloquent library, with an insane production value while speaking down onto the neofides and downtrodden. The vapid presentation puts the lack of self awareness on a silver platter. You could've used this time to take the entire crowd out under bridges and feed the people that make your life what it is. Instead you choose to double down on your vapidness and speak on society from your ivory tower, assuming most of the qualities of others without ever seeing their face.
@MrTheZephyros 4 күн бұрын
A rich kid trying to teach you how to escape the matrix buying his stuff, is this 2021 or what?
@nicolem889 4 күн бұрын
Wait no. Words are tonal and do have meaning. At the end of the day it is better to be around positive greetings than grunts