A Swift Story of Our Success
2023 MVP Awards Celebration
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@MiriamcomM Күн бұрын
Hi guys! Sorry, I will speak in portuguese. Gostaria de saber se o Michael.J. Fox fez essa cirurgia. Li em algum lugar que ele disse que não faria. Meu marido tem 7 anos de diagnóstico, faz fisioterapia neurológica , pilates, caminhadas e toma medicação de 5 em 5 horas em um total de 600 mg de Prolopa por dia. Ele está ÓTIMO. Ele não pretende fazer a cirurgia. Não parece que vale a pena. Oura coisa: nós não reduzimos intervalos nem aumentamos doses todas as vezes que os médicos mandam. Tem dado muito certo.
@LorenzoMendoza5 2 күн бұрын
@AudreyDeslauriers-ko3vz 2 күн бұрын
I'm so sorry for your mom passing. I'm up in Canada, and each day I looked forward to your video. Your mom had the most wonderful smile, it was so warm and friendly and seen the love in her eyes. My Mom died in 1989, I pray that the good Lord will give you and Bob the peace of mind and heart, that He so lovingly gives I ll keep checking to see your videos. Thanks for sharing your Wonderful Mom and Dad, bless your heart. Sincerely Audrey D.
@steviesvideos319 2 күн бұрын
I haven't been diagnosed with PD I'm age 49 and recently was diagnosed with a vision problem that requires correcting with prisims fitted in my lenses , which helps , I also have what I call partial hallucinations where at a slight distance I see someone lying on a road or an animal then when I get closer it turns into a bag or clothes , I ajao have issues where I get startled by my peripheral vision where I think I'm being watched but it's not it's a lampost or rubbish bin, this freaks me out as it comes with paranoia or feeling anxious, also the last month I've started seeing things closer than they , like my rooms in my home look tiny, everything appears closer to me and I'm reaching to grab something that's further away
@JimmyLuckwood 4 күн бұрын
Many would say this is too good to be true, I must say this real quick that it is very good and very true how Dr Madida Sam on KZbin cured my Parkinson Disease with their PD treatment protocol🌱🌱…
@JimmyLuckwood 4 күн бұрын
Many would say this is too good to be true, I must say this real quick that it is very good and very true how Dr Madida Sam on KZbin cured my Parkinson Disease with their PD treatment protocol🌱🌱.
@JimmyLuckwood 4 күн бұрын
Many would say this is too good to be true, I must say this real quick that it is very good and very true how Dr Madida Sam on KZbin cured my Parkinson Disease with their PD treatment protocol🌱🌱🌱.
@dadada486 5 күн бұрын
One understated cause if Parkinsons is industrial chemicals and environmental pollution. Even though the causes for Parkinsons is multifactorial and complex, it doesn't mean Parkinsons has no cause. I fear lobbying by corporations may further obfuscate these investigations
@AFAblacksheepAFA 8 күн бұрын
12 years later and.....nothing!
@erynnloves.u 10 күн бұрын
I’m in the middle of watching this video, I haven’t whatched it yet, I’m scared that my dad has Parkinson’s. He’s 53 yrs old, and I’m 13, he has kidney failure, diabetes, legally blind, he has no toes on one foot, and 4 toes on the other, he can hardly walk without falling, he has tremors all the time, he’s gonna be tested for Parkinson’s, idk what Parkinson’s is, but I know it’s bad. I’m too young to lose my dad, and he’s too young to go. Pls pray! ❤
@kennethdarlington682 14 күн бұрын
‘‘I am not only happy am alive but also glad that "#DrMadida" was able treat and cure me with his herbal medication of my parosmia, Meniere disease and Parkinson disease (PD) 🦠🦠with their herbal treatment. My smile is so bright because I am happy 😊😊😊’’..
@kennethdarlington682 14 күн бұрын
‘‘I am not only happy am alive but also glad that "#DrMadida" was able treat and cure me with his herbal medication of my parosmia, Meniere disease and Parkinson disease (PD) 🦠🦠with their herbal treatment. My smile is so bright because I am happy 😊😊😊😊’’..
@JimmyLuckwood 14 күн бұрын
Many would say this is too good to be true, I must say this real quick that it is very good and very true how Dr Madida Sam on KZbin cured my Parkinson Disease with their PD treatment protocol🌱🌱🌱..
@TXXNova 14 күн бұрын
Mom and uncle have it. I think food can affect it.
@jonathanbressler5660 15 күн бұрын
Unfortunately none of these Parkinson’s meds have worked for me in fact they made symptoms worse. I was hospitalized because or C/L. Don’t let your doctors or neurologists try and ram this shit down your throats. These experts think they know all about Parkinson’s which they don’t. Only someone who’s has the disease should be the educators here. I do vouch for exercise though 😮
@jonathanbressler5660 15 күн бұрын
I keep hearing about stem cells for Parkinson’s and that it may be a viable treatment and yet I can’t find a single clinical trial going on in the U. S. to support the science behind it. If it’s such a promising therapy then why does it seem to be pushed under the rug? People are suffering out there right now and we want treatments today. I’m not interested in what’s on the horizon 5 years down the line. Stop all this “leading us on” bullshit, cut through the red tape and get these treatments approved and available.
@mwinedaniel843 15 күн бұрын
Can Levodopa be used by essential tremors patients also?
@user-wp8wr1xp8v 16 күн бұрын
I love Mike, always will
@loogi_if 19 күн бұрын
Bidens biggest opp rn
@PickNY 20 күн бұрын
Thank you Jesus 🙏🏽❤️
@JS-hd7ii 20 күн бұрын
Love you Mr. Fox😊❤
@FierySongbirdPoursForth 22 күн бұрын
There is new research that indicates a possible link between Celiac Disease and Parkinson’s. Going grain and dairy free is best.
@catnapgee5357 22 күн бұрын
just thought I'd come by to see what's shakin'
@JimmyLuckwood 23 күн бұрын
Many would say this is too good to be true, I must say this real quick that it is very good and very true how Dr Madida Sam on KZbin cured my Parkinson Disease with their PD treatment protocol🌱🌱🌱///
@kennethdarlington682 24 күн бұрын
‘‘I am not only happy am alive but also glad that "#DrMadida" was able treat and cure me with his herbal medication of my parosmia, Meniere disease and Parkinson disease 🦠 (PD) with their herbal treatment. My smile is so bright because I am happy 😊😊😊..’’
@kennethdarlington682 24 күн бұрын
‘‘I am not only happy am alive but also glad that "#DrMadida" was able treat and cure me with his herbal medication of my parosmia, Meniere disease and Parkinson disease 🦠 (PD) with their herbal treatment. My smile is so bright because I am happy 😊😊😊.’’
@kennethdarlington682 24 күн бұрын
‘‘I am not only happy am alive but also glad that "DrMadida" was able treat and cure me with his herbal medication of my parosmia, Meniere disease and Parkinson disease 🦠 (PD) with their herbal treatment. My smile is so bright because I am happy 😊😊😊😊..’’
@JimmyLuckwood 24 күн бұрын
Many would say this is too good to be true, I must say this real quick that it is very good and very true how Dr Madida Sam on KZbin cured my Parkinson Disease with their PD treatment protocol.
@myselfself_-1 25 күн бұрын
i am 23 living with Ibd and parkinsons I AM HAPPY WITH GOD plans are bigger and better i will be trauma for my family sad
@stephaniejordan9066 27 күн бұрын
Michael J Fox you're so cool still a funny man.Thank you.
@cinzia9818 27 күн бұрын
Thanks to Michael, you are a kind person. There is a need for so much kindness. I hope that this natural instance named with an acronym PEA, discovered by Rita Levi Montalcini, can help you, there are positive experiments. "What emerged from the study is that, contrary to what we believed in the past, the neuroinflammatory process arises before the degeneration of neuronal synapses, which means that it is not the consequence as we believed in the past. Therefore the degeneration of Parkinson's is secondary to chronic neuroinflammation and not vice versa", explains the expert Stefania Brotini. This discovery has led to the study of lipid molecules that can play an essential primary role in combating chronic neuroinflammation. "Among these, ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA- um), an endogenous lipid molecule that acts as a cellular balancer and has the ability to be produced 'on demand' mainly by non-neuronal cells (mast cells, astrocytes and microglia), manages to counteract harmful phenomena affecting the central nervous system. Endogenous PEA counteracts the onset of neuroinflammatory phenomena through the inhibitory control of non-neuronal cells, i.e. neuroglia, when these are hyperactive" ... Ciò che è emerso dallo studio è che, al contrario di quanto credevamo in passato, il processo neuroinfiammatorio insorge prima della degenerazione delle sinapsi neuronali, il che significa che non è la conseguenza come credevamo in passato. Quindi la degenerazione del Parkinson è secondaria alla neuroinfiammazione cronica e non viceversa", spiega l'esperta. Questa scoperta ha portato allo studio di molecole lipidiche che possono svolgere un ruolo primario essenziale per combattere la neuroinfiammazione cronica. "Tra queste la Palmitoiletanolamideultramicronizzata (PEA-um), una molecola lipidica endogena che agisce da equilibratore cellulare e ha la capacità di essere prodotta 'on demand' principalmente dalle cellule non neuronali (mastociti, astrociti e microglia), riesce a contrastare i fenomeni lesivi a carico del sistema nervoso centrale. La PEA endogena contrasta l'insorgenza di fenomeni neuroinfiammatori attraverso il controllo inibitorio delle cellule non neuronali, cioè della neuroglia, quando queste risultano iperattive", spiega "Nuove speranze per i pazienti affetti dalla malattia di Parkinson. Un’innovativa terapia anti-neuroinfiammazione riesce a contrastare i movimenti muscolari involontari e a ridurre il blocco motorio. Ma altri benefici riguardano la qualità del sonno, parestesie e tono dell’umore, restituendo una buona qualità della vita. E’ quanto emerge da uno studio ideato da Stefania Brotini, medico specialista in neurologia e esperta in malattie degenerative e disturbi del sonno, dell’ospedale di Empoli, pubblicato sulla rivista scientifica internazionale CNS & neurological disorders drug targets. Da un punto di vista molecolare si è evidenziato il ruolo neuroprotettivo del sistema endocannabinoide, che ha la capacità di ridurre il rilascio del neurotrasmettitore eccitatorio glutammato e la produzione di molecole pro-infiammatorie - prosegue l’esperta - E in questo senso la Palmitoiletanolamide ultramicronizzata (PEA-um), una molecola lipidica endogena agisce da equilibratore cellulare. Da qui è nata l’idea di valutare la somministrazione esogena di PEA-um, la formulazione di ultra-micronizzata di PEA in un gruppo di pazienti parkinsoniani. «I risultati sono stati entusiasmanti, le discinesie si sono notevolmente ridotte e si è verificato pure un incremento della durata dell’effetto della dopamina - afferma Brotini - In aggiunta alla terapia classica, infatti, la Pea-um può fare da efficace coadiuvante per ridurre i movimenti involontari o la durata del blocco motorio. Riduce quindi gli effetti collaterali della malattia e della terapia tradizionale e ritarda il decorso della malattia anche in fase avanzata. In sintesi, l’aggiunta di PEA ultra-micronizzata ha dimostrato un miglioramento notevole dei sintomi motori, ma anche di molti sintomi non motori». TRASLATION: "New hope for patients suffering from Parkinson's disease. An innovative anti-neuroinflammation therapy manages to counteract involuntary muscle movements and reduce motor blockage. But other benefits concern the quality of sleep, paresthesias and mood, restoring a good quality of life. This is what emerges from a study conceived by Stefania Brotini, a neurology specialist and expert in degenerative diseases and sleep disorders, from the Empoli hospital, published in the international scientific journal CNS & neurological disorders drug targets From a molecular point of view, the neuroprotective role of the endocannabinoid system was highlighted, which has the ability to reduce the release of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate and the production of pro-inflammatory molecules - continues the expert - And in this sense ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA -um), an endogenous lipid molecule acts as a cellular balancer. Hence the idea of evaluating the exogenous administration of PEA-um, the ultra-micronized formulation of PEA in a group of parkinsonian patients. «The results were exciting, the dyskinesias were significantly reduced and there was also an increase in the duration of the dopamine effect - states Brotini - In addition to the classic therapy, in fact, Pea-um can act as an effective adjuvant to reduce involuntary movements or the duration of the motor block. It therefore reduces the side effects of the disease and of traditional therapy and delays the course of the disease even in an advanced stage. In summary, the addition of ultra-micronized PEA demonstrated a notable improvement in motor symptoms, but also in many non-motor symptoms." pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35625595/ The ultramicronized PEA supplement is already on the market. Being naturally produced by our body, PEA is always well tolerated and we can take it in the form of a supplement to obtain benefits. It has no interactions with drugs.
@yyygggggg10 27 күн бұрын
I love you Michael,Your a great human being brother 👍🏾
@huggiver1221 28 күн бұрын
Mjf what a dude !!!❤ 😊
@bgradeactor90 29 күн бұрын
It's really intriguing watching this about people with parkinsons and michael j fox interviewing them. Simultaneously, it's very real that anyone could get it and that the human body is not indestructible. Thank God for Michael J Fox's beautifully crafted film and TV work before being robbed of his talent and basic life skills. Awesome short doco.
@keitymarley733 29 күн бұрын
My prayers are with you all and I know how you all feels, my Dad suffered same illness for 13 years until madida herbal center came to his aid and cured him with their natural PD herbal medicine, Click and search #DrMadida, and let your Parkinson Disease be taken care of and be cured just same way my Dad’s own was taken care of and cured👌👌…
@marilynramjohn2055 Ай бұрын
@aprildawn82 Ай бұрын
Doctors caused my MIL's Parkinson's disease...😐
@competitionedge97 Ай бұрын
Perkinson is a very awful disease My father has it and it's very painful to see him in this condition.. Because there is no cure till now but yoga and exercises with medication helps my father to fight with this disease.. Pray for him ❤
@smoshyface2 Ай бұрын
My comment The app you have to sign up for the study doesn't allow voice recognition well since my hands don't stop shaking I'm not sure how you expect me to fill out the form by the way I'm using speech recognition to write this response I've already emailed you guys hopefully you'll get back to me
@shelib6844 Ай бұрын
MJF IS A FAKE… he looks more like he’s acting and acting as a spastic than someone with Parkinson’s… why was he paid off to end his career with this disease? What monetary figure was enough for him to pretend that he has this disease ? What does the elite gain from it? Oh that’s right Big Pharma… 😮😮
@tbomars2175 27 күн бұрын
wow youre out of touch with reality
@vrspwbm3 Ай бұрын
anyone has evidence that Parkinson's could be reversed as stated by the person in this video kzbin.info/www/bejne/iqqYnWiQe5Zjp7s&lc=UgyUNNrOBEVBtIeOETZ4AaABAg.A4mYWEA2WXNA4pUN3vgpP0
@jamesscoular4924 Ай бұрын
The background music is distracting sorry 😔
@TrikewithMike Ай бұрын
Marijuana works for my symptoms of Parkinson's without side affects with one exception and that is munchies! I trust the plant more than something from big pharma. By the way, I have been living with Parkinson's for over twenty years. Four years ago I received a recumbent tadpole trike as a gift and started riding. The exercise in conjunction with medical cannabis have improved thee quality of my life and the lives of my family, my caregivers.
@FullTimePatient37 Ай бұрын
Because you are a Dr I'm 🧐 I've started it today for dystonia i hope it helps 🙏🏽 i don't want to need the increase of baclophin 😢
@odiewan67 Ай бұрын
As an early onset PD patient, I cannot adequately express my appreciation for the MJF Foundation and MJF, himself has helped my in my journey. Thank you.
@syl2018 Ай бұрын
Il n’y a que Coldplay qui accompagne Michael j Fox ’
@66zey Ай бұрын
He is a good person and a great actor we wish him well.
@millercaldwell5867 Ай бұрын
I am a Scottish author who was diagnosed with Parkinson's four years ago. My next book, a charity book for PD, is about Parkinson's stories and I'd love an entry from the USA. This is what I am looking for. INTRODUCTION This book gathers stories from the Parkinson's community. With more than 40 symptoms, no two Parkinson’s sufferers seem the same. I decided to make this book a useful expression of Parkinsonian experiences. I have asked these questions to people with Parkinson’s Disease: What did you do before you got PD? Recall the moment you were diagnosed. Were you working at the time and, if so, did your work put in place any adjustments? How are you coping now? What can you still do? What can't you do now? Please finish your narrative (3 or 4 pages) with a section entitled CURIOUS FACTS about yourself or your experiences. Please send them to me at [email protected] and the book will emerge. Thank you to all who contribute. I can send you the four chapters | have already if you contact me. Thank you.
@keitymarley733 Ай бұрын
Parkinson disease is a very terrible illness🤢, my Dad suffered from it for 19 years until we finally got a help and a medicine from Dr Madida that truly works that helped treat, cure and reversed all his symptoms…”My Dad is well a gain”
@user-nb2sg7ph3x Ай бұрын
Mi mom passed away 10 years ago she had Parkinson her legs was stiff ,now she is on heaven with Lord no more suffering for her. Thank God