The Twisted Assisted Bar Keep
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@Buster_Piles 5 сағат бұрын
Very useful. I had no idea that adding someone helped on price. 😮 cheers.
@waynebrady7439 6 сағат бұрын
Gay sex raises more than just eye brows!
@prettyundefinedrightnow8963 6 сағат бұрын
My personal strategy is simple: don't be where trouble is, get away from as soon as you can smell it coming.
@AZ-bp5zo 6 сағат бұрын
I know of one gay guy that got HIV on purpose at one of those parties, he died 2 years later!
@Buster_Piles 6 сағат бұрын
Jolly good advice that man. Most fights I've been in or seen are over very quickly and sheer speed and aggression trumps skills and belts.
@ianandrew8030 6 сағат бұрын
Not many can do your Job ❤ the Stories being a Doorman is certainly a scary world 🤦‍♂🤦‍♂
@mimismithson5372 6 сағат бұрын
I have many gay friends and I love them to death but damn some of the stories they tell me blow my mind!! This is not far from the things I’ve heard
@Buster_Piles 7 сағат бұрын
I know what you mean, i heard a lot of the gayses don't like the lezzers and i for one don't blame 'em; who wants a bunch of miserable plaid shirt & doc martins wearing munters spoiling the party.
@thatgearguy 7 сағат бұрын
Kinda harsh!
@Buster_Piles 6 сағат бұрын
Just having a laugh mate. Good videos BTW. 😊
@crippleguy415 7 сағат бұрын
GAY SUPREMACISTS sounds pretty accurate .
@mrfake675 7 сағат бұрын
There's always a darkside of histrionic
@primatt 7 сағат бұрын
yo man, theres a (i think) channel four 45 minute documentary on youtube about & called “Bug Chasing”. yeah, it’s exactly what you think & it will aggravate you immensely when you see how many people have that approach towards HIV while FULLY knowing the cost it’s having on the NHS & tax payers. people can’t receive necessary treatment because they want to play a game of chicken with '𝙂𝙖𝙮 𝙏𝙪𝙧𝙗𝙤 𝘼𝙞𝙙𝙨'
@bullbutter9699 8 сағат бұрын
Street what’s that? , I live in the country - only idiots live in cities
@thatgearguy 7 сағат бұрын
I also live in the country but I wouldn't be so naive as to suggest everyone in the city is an idiot
@NoNo-nr2xv 8 сағат бұрын
Just my story of the one time I nearly died. Walked my g/f (now wife) back home about 1/2 mile away, midnight ish. Quiet walk to hers, and I had to walk back to mine. We were 19 at the time but her mum didn't let her sleep round mine if she still lived at hers. I get it, but was annoying lol. On my way back 5 guys were up a road I HAD to take. They already clocked me and I knew gut instinct wise if I took another much longer route they would see I changed direction, and I would be further from home. Anyway, where I lived was one of those places where 3-4 avenues all sat parallell and alleys in the middle, so basically a gridlike system. I walked past them and they verbally threatened me, said give us all your money. I ignored them and walked past. They didn't do anything. Heart was racing. This road was a busy one though. I turned into the middle avenue where I lived - quieter road. As I entered it I started power walking home - just 200 metres or so left. I was walking FAST. I heard a noise and realised 3 of the 5 were tailing me, and that they were trying to speed sneak. As soon as I turned I saw 2 come out the middle alley. The heart really started popping. I live in a rough area. Lot of younguns just getting randomly stabbed. I knew if I started running the 3 behind would block me and the 2 in front would head me off, I was pinned. It was a risk but I saw it as the only viable option - play dumb and react last second. I got very close to the 2 near the alley, and realised one was fucking tall as shit, 6'4 odd. I am 6ft. My plan was last second run, but even thickos know tall people run faster even without training. I did the plan, suddenly ran, and the 2 took chase. The other 3 seemed quite far behind. The tall one was CLOSE. CLOSE. Heard him stack it on a slab of ice - I knew the pavement and ice spots better as lived there and had walked down it a few times that day. That slab of ice likely saved my life. Ran down my drive and opened my door and they left. Few nights later some guy was stabbed to death down that alley and was in the news. Police arrested a few peope and 2 I recognised as the ones I had passed. I still have nightmares on it and still get sudden panic attacks when outside. My wife (then g/f) knows this and we don't go out at night much and use cars/taxis as much as we can. Many years later we were at a concert in southampton and had a taxi booked etc but it didn't arrive. Taxis were overburdened and basically noticed people just said "yes" to any name just to use it. So ours was clearly taken. Kept ringing for one, people got less and less and before I knew it just my wife and I were left in a city, 2 am, all alone. Full on panic attack. Got a taxi eventually and oh boy they got a bad review on the one I had booked, lol.
@NoNo-nr2xv 9 сағат бұрын
Glad you mentioned the "freeze" part. Everyone says fight or flight. I freeze, and it's annoying, lol
@Beef8Cake 9 сағат бұрын
Never stick around after a fight. Leave the area immediately.
@Beef8Cake 9 сағат бұрын
Maybe it’s different here in the States. But America chicks will almost always try to fight the guys her boyfriend is fighting. And every time. She gets hurt, and her boyfriend gets knocked out because she is in the way. I tell every girl I date. If I get into a fight. Just run to the car. I’ll be 10 seconds behind you.
@MrGhostface_ 9 сағат бұрын
Interesting video to watch as a gay security guard. Couple of points though , unless you are gay you don't understand why its so important to only want men in a gay bar or club, any woman can walk in and many straight women in gay settings can be extremely annoying in their behavior. Also you mentioned about some bars not letting straight guys in, which is something I have heard of before and had happen to me personally, guys who are very masculine or bigger being refused as its not believed they are gay which is ridiculous. What you said about a lot of the "gay community" stuff was spot on though and it's sad really. Men in general don't look out for or treat each other very well at all, so combine that with being gay or also a lot of the discreet or closeted guys and it makes sense. It would be nice to see more small bars and quiet venues were normal gay blokes can meet and actually get to know others whether its just for friendship or something more serious.
@rafaelantoniovidalbranco2844 9 сағат бұрын
Same here mate ived been doing security in brighton for the last 6 years doors,clubs,brighton hospital, hotels seen a lot all confirmed indeed, too many drugs people get stupid, crazy, nonsensical
@kidagave1 9 сағат бұрын
Let’s be honest, if it isn’t a black guy then it’ll be a Muslim.
@suhwateezea.214 9 сағат бұрын
Love your stories man.
@Rage_Harder_Then_Relax 9 сағат бұрын
LOL...The poor straight males feeling how it's always been for every other minority. Sucks, don't it?
@thatgearguy 8 сағат бұрын
Yeah it sucks to get sexually assaulted by hypocritical assholes.
@mikeallan7740 10 сағат бұрын
Simping really is a mental disorder, imagine wasting your rent money on a woman who's paid to tell you what you want to hear because you think she's genuine.
@user-uk3xc3vv1x 10 сағат бұрын
I shudder when i remember being in my twenties, absolutely no fear, walking or often stumbling around Dublin on my own late at night.
@user-uk3xc3vv1x 10 сағат бұрын
Jesus...the instinct to self destruct is high amoungst these ones
@fivelittlestones8602 10 сағат бұрын
Morgan Here or isabellalive2.0 From My days in Toronto In 1999 I was stationed outside The Evergreen on Young ST. right next to The Iron Horse Gay Bar ! Love THE Guy's & yes They Loved me I was 21 & 185 & I was THE Biggest Chested Male around ! I was Working Out to not be Taken advantage of in Jail's & Working At Florida Jack's Boxing further Up THE Road , We actually Moves Florida Jack's Boxing From In Front OF THE THE Zanzibar Further up THE road to access a youth orientated Grant . Tyson was back Mira Sorvino was up their , They were casting For THE Masonic youth Movie THE Order.
@williamaffleck199 11 сағат бұрын
Hi glad I saw your channel my son in Canada gave me a buck hunting knife which I brought home can I legally keep it 2:32
@thatgearguy 11 сағат бұрын
Absolutely. Just dont carry it around in public without good reason. The reason cannot be self defence in the UK.
@gtd65 11 сағат бұрын
Way back in the late 80's, 1987, I think? I'd been training at BATUS in Canada when I was in the Army. We'd booked a flight to from Calgary to LA for our R&R. The night before the flight, we headed down to "Electric Avenue" to hit the bars and clubs for a good night out. We (4 Squaddies) were in one club checking out the female talent when this taller chap came over and started chatting with me. He was friendly enough and asked where we all came from, all pretty innocent and normal behaviour. When I explained that we were all from the UK and in the Army he said he'd served in the US Navy previously. Next thing he went off and came back with some shot glasses and proudly exclaimed, "hey these are for you guys!". We all looked at the brightly coloured shots and said, thanks but no thanks and carried on drinking our bottled beers. He then changed demeanour somewhat and became slightly negative and kept going on about how he had so many problems etc., etc. I humoured him initially but it was starting to grind my gears. In the end I simply said, "what, exactly, is your fcuking problem then?" Next thing, a shaven headed guy (who turned out to be USMC) came up to me and asked if the guy was causing a problem? I said it wasn't really a problem but said it was like he was trying to goad me into an altercation. He laughed and asked if I knew what the guy was? I said something along the lines of him being an annoying arsehole! The guy then laughed and said, "well, he's just a masochistic f@g!" I was like WTF is a "masochistic f@g?" He then explained that he was trying to wind me up in order that I'd kick the shit out of him and that is how he gets off! This was all news to me! One of my mates said, we should take him outside and beat the crap out of him, then rob him and he'll be in heaven! The chap with the shaven head had already called the bouncers and the guy was given a bit of a talking to and that was pretty much the end of it, other than him sulking and giving us "mean looks" from the other side of the club There's all types out there!
@hgm8337 12 сағат бұрын
South Park did a Hooter's spoof in a similar vein
@merveilleux7 12 сағат бұрын
Hi, I appreciate you taking the time to tell these stories. I came out of the closet (bisexual female, now lesbian) at a fairly young age, worked in HIV prevention outreach… it’s absolutely wild how reckless people are as of late. Tinder, Grindr, no condoms, drugs, orgies, chemsex… and once you know it changes everything. I am glad we have PReP and PeP now, but I wish people would exercise a bit more common sense. It’s absolutely none of my business but I do think people get a bit carried away with the pursuit of hedonism and there is definitely something self-destructive about it.
@thatgearguy 12 сағат бұрын
Thanks for watching. Great to hear your doing such a worthwhile job. I agree with your comment. It seems as medical science advances, humans find new ways to put themselves at risk. It seems crazy to those who haven't seen it first hand. But this risky behaviour is more commonplace than many believe.
@bilonggrisimmeri 12 сағат бұрын
I dislike "straight tourism". In Manchester Canal Street today, some people may even be gay. Imagine! Or hen parties in a gay pub.
@thatgearguy 12 сағат бұрын
I am not a big fan of that either. I witnessed groups of women falling into two categories. 1. Going to a gay club to dance without being harassed. 2. Going to a gay club to spectate and patronisingly talk with token gay people. A bit like middle class white people "getting down" at a HipHop club. Number 1 I had no issue with. Number 2 was a cringefest.
@bilonggrisimmeri 12 сағат бұрын
@@thatgearguy Yup, nailed it!
@thatgearguy 12 сағат бұрын
@@bilonggrisimmeri The best was when the women "tried out being gay" for half an hour after drinking 8 proseccos. This normally involved them kissing each other lightly on the lips to the applause and gasps of their middle aged vanilla friends. The next day they were straight again 😅🤣
@lisam4503 6 сағат бұрын
@@thatgearguy There is a third kind that totally get off sexually on encouraging and watching men destruct themselves or you probably witnessed it rape themselves to death. Many will call themselves Lesbian but they really aren't. Generally they will come from a Catholic upbringing. If you look up the person who shot Andy Warhol you will see an example of one of them They are usually very heavy into women's rights also. But the thing is they hate everyone but their type of person. Doesn't matter gay, straight, male female, intersex or transex. They created the "LGBTQ+" we see today and pretty much run it. You could see them at Stonewall and really gain power in the 1990's. Prior to that in America there was no such thing as the LGBT.
@MikeS-ear2ear 12 сағат бұрын
Torch for nightly toilet visits sold it for me😂
@markboyle9941 13 сағат бұрын
Speeding is far too stressful and wasteful anyway. I have to drive on the M60 every day, I used to try and drive at least on the speed limit but even that is pretty much impossible without loads of speeding up and slowing down due to heavy traffic and people hogging lane 2. Now I just chill out behind the trucks in lane 1. Still get where I'm going on time, no stress, and I save loads on fuel as I rarely have to touch the brake.
@thatgearguy 13 сағат бұрын
Agreed. I do the same. Sat in a nice comfy vehicle listening to an audiobook. No hurrying here!
@malcolmmacnab698 13 сағат бұрын
You look really buff in the that thumbnail. Were you on steroids?
@thatgearguy 13 сағат бұрын
I worked out 5 days a week. I was competing in Powerlifting (drug tested). I ate 7 meals per day of clean, home made food. I never ate takeaway food, I didn't drink alcohol.
@malcolmmacnab698 12 сағат бұрын
@@thatgearguy so I am guessing yes as only needle users can digest six meals a day and hack 5 sessions, plus your lack of hair. Best to be honest.
@thatgearguy 11 сағат бұрын
@@malcolmmacnab698 Well you guessed wrong so well done Malcolm. I started balding at about 17yrs old. Anyone can consume multiple meals. Most (like you) don't because it takes hard work and discipline. It's much easier for you to sit at home and critique hard workers in the comment section. Best to be honest.
@knw-seeker6836 13 сағат бұрын
In your opinion which are simple and effective martial arts to know? I did hear that aikido, judo etc are effective especially for security personnel Would escrima/kali be effective because it’s a weapon based martial art?
@thatgearguy 13 сағат бұрын
It would depend which country you are in. If I can carry a gun I train at the range. If I can carry a knife I train with that. If I am limited to no weapons I would choose MMA. It has a good mix of striking, throws and ground. The most violent wins on the street. Most martial arts teach fairness and positivity. These will cost you big time outside of the Dojo.
@knw-seeker6836 13 сағат бұрын
@@thatgearguy thanks for sharing your thoughts It makes sense There is so much information on which martial art is effective and which is not I guess the best is to avoid certain situations and try to anticipate them
@thatgearguy 12 сағат бұрын
@@knw-seeker6836 That is why I choose to avoid situations at all costs. Applying the level of violence required to "win" is usually horrific. It can leave you mentally tramatized. There will be keyboard warriors yapping about how they can hurt/kill and not care. That tells me they are psychopathic or they have never actually had to do it (usually the latter). It is incredibly rare that a street encounter is won with a clean fight and a well placed punch. Even a well placed punch can lead to accidental death. Imagine going out for dinner then 6 hours later your sat in a cell because the guy you hit smashed his head and died. I saw that happen twice.
@knw-seeker6836 12 сағат бұрын
@@thatgearguy I did hear similar stories in which tragic things happened It just isn’t worth it to fight in the street or even have an aggressive verbal discussion For me personally my intention to learn martial arts is to be able to move differently being active and feel confident I just don’t want wate time and energy in any dogmatic Self Defense or esoteric martial art styles
@CL-vz6ch 14 сағат бұрын
Sounds horrible.
@VersusArdua 14 сағат бұрын
"By three hours I had a carrier bag full of drugs which I gave to management. What they did with it after that, I have no idea" I could make some guesses tbh
@MrNiceHk 15 сағат бұрын
Wonderful content 🙏🏻 thank you
@thatgearguy 15 сағат бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@shonz88 15 сағат бұрын
SPOILER ALERT: he is transgender and was born a biological woman
@thatgearguy 15 сағат бұрын
@Dannyvirk 15 сағат бұрын
Awesome, loved this. Thanks very much
@hgrimes9824 16 сағат бұрын
I worked personal security for strippers who were doing private parties. Wild stuff all the time.
@hgrimes9824 16 сағат бұрын
Dating strippers is almost always non-stop drama of one kind or another.
@al3xw4ng 16 сағат бұрын
British living in US. British strip clubs are a joke. In comparison to everything I’ve seen over here. The girls are nuts here.
@michaelbevan1081 17 сағат бұрын
I had a slipped disc in my back and wanted to return to boxing, not for competition anymore, but fitness and defending myself. All I can in my case? Very depressed. I’m originally from England myself but I’m in Canada now, essentially: no insurance? Chiropractic care can be pretty expensive
@thatgearguy 17 сағат бұрын
There are many free videos detailing training to build back muscle to support your spine. Do that first then return to boxing. Nothing worth doing is ever easy..
@gnelson6200 19 сағат бұрын
I lived in silver lake for 8 years here in LA, a very gay neighborhood in an apartment building full of mostly gay guys. You learn a lot about people when you live around them. I saw so much of what you speak of & more, there is a dark side to that community for sure. I did get one of my best friends out of it who has taught me a lot about the gay community. Media definitely portrays gay men in a very fake perspective for sure I wish that stopped.
@cjackfly 19 сағат бұрын
The story around 14:30 is described in a Pearl Jam song on the album Vitalogy. Also happens at every Catholic school according to my Catholic friends who, "aren't gay" 😉 😉.
@GuideUsTitus 19 сағат бұрын
Bold and splendid testimony. While I was not security, I did work as a bartender at the newest and most trendy club in the city where I went to school and was in my last year so was not a newbie to the scene. They like risky raw sex but hiss and cower into the darkness when the truth is served fresh and raw. Every observation and interpretation of events is 100% true as I’ve also seen, heard, and read about every single act mentioned and more. It is literally a global pandemic of its own kind among our own kind. Appreciate you sharing.
@cjackfly 19 сағат бұрын
Ah the, "secret files". Only real men have those now don't they mate! Mines thick too. Must be a really great guy this one and I. 😊
@carlhopkinson 20 сағат бұрын
These poor guys are going to the wrong clubs. In my youth, I found the right clubs where you could get real value for your rent money, if you know what I mean. Wink. Wink. LOL.
@cjackfly 20 сағат бұрын
If you're thinking about not watching this video, stop what you're doing and sit yo azz down. 😂 This one made my day. Thanks for sharing mate. 😅
@thatgearguy 18 сағат бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@cjackfly 18 сағат бұрын
@@thatgearguy I'm groanz too so I can relate. As well as being a veteran of the streets of Alaska. Where the murder rate for people who drove cab back when I did was fourteen times higher than that of a cop. So keep an eye out, I'll be riding your coat tails brother. Also have some eye opening videos about Alaska on my channel right now. If you're interested.
@davearnold731 21 сағат бұрын
This crap is because of the huge number of speeders both men and woman going way over the speed limit. The same reason ALL of us have to tolerate speed bumps. I drive the speed limit exactly (yes, in the right lane) and people ride my butt and flip me off daily. STOP SPEEDING everyone. My car insurance rates can't take much more.
@redsovine1592 12 сағат бұрын
Not quite the end game friend. Youre already disarmed for the most part. Next step is to reduce your ability to travel.