@hassanabdille5995 22 сағат бұрын
Hi doctor i have agoraphobia ( fear of lack of ventation in publjc busese and buildjng locled) i f i eliminate the cause of the fear which is elergic that makes my nostrinls to have blister with blood swelling from the centre of the nose amd spreads out and attaches the two walls. Caising bloclage of air and difficult in breathing. I was once brealed that blosters and never felt for long time.
@Polecat-qz5om 3 күн бұрын
@clivemills15 13 күн бұрын
@laurachandler1562 17 күн бұрын
In the US, they have a license
@roblox737mbll5 20 күн бұрын
Colonization caused of Nationalism. Nationalism isnt bad thing, its a defensive mechanism to reject outside influence that will destroy their society.
@lanalou2749 25 күн бұрын
I experience hatred as so much more. It's a powerful powerful energy. Not depressing, not anxious, not debilitating...its almost the opposite of these... just raw and robust.
@Jer0tube 25 күн бұрын
Can you answer this, why would higher achievers hate on people that take longer to learn / achieve things in life? They have no reason at all to be jealous, nor does a person with learning difficulty or even just delayed learning due to delayed education, have anything they need to be jealous over, but they still hate on those people.
@ashleygaw4112 25 күн бұрын
I get new symptoms depending on who I talk to or what I see online, something about MS... I feel the symptoms, cancer, symptoms appear, now I can't even get my blood pressure checked or have an eye exam... Because I'm terrified...
@RockDove5212 27 күн бұрын
Hello Fraser Thank you for a great video. I have a BA Hons in English Literature, a Postgraduate Certificate in Education. I'm about to begin a Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling and hopefully gain registration with BACP. What would be my best route to becoming a counselling psychologist? Could I do a Psych master's conversion ( BPS Accredited) and then a doctorate? Found what I love doing late in life!
@Kohiku 27 күн бұрын
I became a game developer. My degree just hangs by the wall.
@Yubi_Yubi 28 күн бұрын
Something that bothers me is that a lot of people don't understand Phobophobia. It's not the fear of a phobia/getting a phobia or feeling fear, but rather a fear of things that cause fear. My girlfriend has Phobophobia, and she cannot handle stuff like Horror games, horror movies, haunted houses/scary attractions and rides etc as she experiences severe panic attacks and breakdowns if she does. I had to find out the hard way when I made her play FNAF 1 and I swear to never do that again. She doesn't suffer from other phobias or extreme fears. I myself have Spheksophobia.
@shahilagh 28 күн бұрын
I think this video was so bad. You just projected your own feelings. We hate people who abused us in any condition. But since hate doesn’t work and just increases blood pressure, I personally have ways to address It
@shahilagh 28 күн бұрын
Your example about Hate red nationalism immigration gosh you couldn’t find a better example! ? Wonder Me Thinking who is in your community
@hikari69 Ай бұрын
Google will be the dead of me
@harmony5807 Ай бұрын
Hypocondria is no joke. People do not understand that this is a psychological disorder, and we can not switch it off just like that, it is like saying to a bipolar, a scizophrenic, an ADHD, a Ocd to turn it off and stop being it. Logically it needs a healing, a treatment( not specifically medical) from my experience a Faith to God( without any religious conditions attached to it) helps tremendously, prayong helps, some breathing techinques, calm yoga, or a faith and HOPE in general, appreciating every little moment thing that we have, but again Hypocondria usually is developed since childhood not always though, it may be a result of going through a parents divorce, tramatic event when a child, a death of a loved ones, a personal health issue that is healed now but the stress stays for a while, so from my personal observation usually people who suffer from health anxiety are hypersensitives/empathetic they feel strongly every energy from within and from outside world, those people ofthen have been through tremendous difficult painful events, horrible life difficulties and circumstances so yeah people saying we should stop worrying does not work like that, there should be more scientific studies on hypocondria so we are more compassionate with those people who suffer from it, and of course as a conscious human beings we should have compassion with each other in any aspects and understanding. I wish all the best to all the fellow hypocondriacs out there, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! YOU will be fine just have faith and pray💜🪐🔥🙏 bless this broken humanity, we all suffer in a way or other and only LOVE can heal us from our own shadow!!!!
@Ulrna Ай бұрын
The big old re-definition
@AshantyLovesJC Ай бұрын
*sigh* --- you know so much -can you jut be my husband and take care of me 😮‍💨😩
@tammyroberts-dp7uj Ай бұрын
thankyou u sm for this 💛💛💛
@jovigal86 Ай бұрын
I have always had health anxiety. I got breast cancer last year, caught early so I'm told that's sorted. I was coping with that and then my auto immune problem that had been in remission came back. Now I have to have a colonoscopy so my mind has got me really anxious telling me I've probably got colon cancer.
@tnyeh 2 ай бұрын
This video helped me..
@rabbitcreative 2 ай бұрын
See Alfie Kohn about why competition is inherently destructive
@jrayalajrayala1324 2 ай бұрын
Are you not making videos anymore? We miss you out here!
@chriszablocki2460 2 ай бұрын
Its beta. As the day is long.
@nicoc7024 2 ай бұрын
Should you avoid things or environments that cause health anxiety?
@samkelo8639 3 ай бұрын
After watching this vid I can safely say I now understand better the differences between counselling and clinical psychology
@RockDove5212 3 ай бұрын
I think the more information the client can have about the practitioner the better. So it helps to distinguish between areas of psychology, via names/titles, but all are equal. My ideal would be to be a counselling psychologist but too many obstacles at my age really I suspect geographically , family etc.
@_cr8ive_ 3 ай бұрын
One thing Ive learnt about doctors in all of my own personal research . . . . The LEAST qualified people on the planet, to deal with disease, are doctors. Medications has never and will never heal anybody. 🥂🤝🏻
@antonioch4233 3 ай бұрын
Hi i also suffer from health anxiety and had major panic attacks were been in hospital a/e because of it any more tips youcan give me
@scds1082 3 ай бұрын
good, balanced approach. Thank you.
@janemontgomery438 3 ай бұрын
Such great advice, thank you.
@ryanziller220 3 ай бұрын
He barely knows anything.
@daviderickennedy2194 4 ай бұрын
Here is the sad thing, you could have 6 PHD degrees form Harvard, but you are unlikely to get many subscriptions. It's not the degree people are tuning into, it how well they relate to you. You are already at at a huge disadvantage because you are a man (I am male too my the way). Social media is women's domain for this service. If you want the subscriptions, you will have to get a whole lot more emotional, having NPD probably would help you too. Tell everybody you're a life coach and offer them therapy for 300 dollars an hour, this is the game thy are playing and it works. It's not really what you say that counts for much, it how you say it.
@shueibdahir 4 ай бұрын
4:56 This is simply a delusion. The mental gymnastics people go through to prove their superiority is perplexing.
@emmaburgess7535 4 ай бұрын
I have the avoidance kind and would give anything for someone to talk me out of it
@Jones607 4 ай бұрын
Anxiety can cause us to become physically ill, we can “worry ourselves sick.” For example, it can cause the sympathetic nervous system to produce cortisol, to cause a fatty liver, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
@johannsebastien 5 ай бұрын
precious content bro
@Notthatguy23 5 ай бұрын
There's only one hate in this world, it boils within. Clean yourself of hate and you remove it from the world
@RenNewtonStonez 5 ай бұрын
Right eye, left leaning books So it would be left eye, right leaning books. Good idea for classroom. When teacher wants students to understand a major point, the teacher can lower both eyebrows to balanced.
@CrewZenStacker 6 ай бұрын
Sometimes I wonder if anxiety is the cause of me being ill. I’ve had alot of health issues stomach, mouth, skin issues, muscle twitching etc. and at the same time had a lot of anxiety around all that. Then of course as things happened with my health I started stressing out about it and getting health anxiety. It was to the point I got really anxious and I started thinking I had some kind of an std or some disease and they started testing and procedures etc on me for it all and all clear or negative. Yet still have health issues and then health anxiety took me over and I think I have something serious. Now I am in this grey area where I ask are my symptoms and health issue actually related or are they actually related to anxiety? Plus I don’t feel as anxious about it as I was yet health still not getting better which of course brings be back and forth to anxiety.
@hugo3conde 5 ай бұрын
Its definitely a never ending loop UNTIL we choose to interrupt it - our brain's number 1 job is to keep us SAFE - and anticipate every single scenario to do so. So think about that when you feel these things - if all your tests come back good, then focus on retraining yourself and your brain to feel SAFE! our body works for us every day and our brain sometimes is an over excited alert mechanism that needs help and tuning to bring it back to baseline. Stay strong
@user-ib7st9qv8b 6 ай бұрын
I have pain in my back lower back pain so it’s very difficult pain to deal with it is real yes I do have anxiety
@anibabikian 6 ай бұрын
I have wasted my entire life with fear and and health anxiety.... Beyond sad! Too old to change things now!
@hugo3conde 5 ай бұрын
Never late to re-wire your brain and interrupt those thought habits - Many many resources on youtube on how to do this. Huberman Podcast being one of the best! Stay Strong!
@el-hp1lj 6 ай бұрын
ive nearly spent the last decade focusing all my energy inwards on imaginary health issues. It has handcuffed me and has created a monster inside of me. Every twinge of pain,every itch,ever cough,every headache, every single thing that is negative is multiplied by my thoughts times a millions. It feels like im a prisoner in my own head. I keep the Doctors happy feeding them money for tests I never need. I miss the ability to focus on life outside of my own made up health issues
@hugo3conde 5 ай бұрын
work on changing that focus - outside of yourself and your body! those of us who suffer from health anxiety have a notorious way of focusing inwards all the time instead of living our lives and focusing on the nice little things that make life worth living. It can be done! Check out Huberman Podcast! it could change your life!
@jerryskid420 6 ай бұрын
You're full of shit dude. Hate is a natural emotion that you use against your enemy. It is used to win wars against the people that would harm you and you're trying to suppress it. You're trying to make us weak. There's nothing wrong with hate unless you direct it in the wrong area. I'm not scared of icy roads but I sure do hate them. That's where you're wrong. You see how you tried to manipulate the situation. you are wrong. Hate is a natural emotion. It's not a bad emotion. It's completely natural. Everybody has experienced it and if you think it's a bad thing, you're a liar your hypocrite. You probably watch your own family. Have bad things happen to them, and I wouldnt to trust you for a second. I know one thing about your psychology. You just want people to accept you. You're a good boy.
@80patie08 7 ай бұрын
Frustrating part of this is that I align more with counselling psychology than clinical but in Australia the government subsidises clinical psychology so you get paid way more doing clinical.
@MsJavaWolf 7 ай бұрын
One of the things that make health anxiety difficult to deal with for me is the fact, that the symptoms of anxiety itself are similar to symptoms of potentially dangerous medical conditions. I get some anxiety, my heart starts beating faster, I think that this might be a heart attack, my anxiety gets even worse, my heart beats even faster etc. A self reinforcing cycle.
@snow12343 6 ай бұрын
Same bro
@cinder2994 6 ай бұрын
Yes. I read a book where the Psychologist author said that you are better to "miss" something than ruining your life worrying about missing something!
@frusia123 4 ай бұрын
I got a low dose propranolol for this, and it really helps. It doesn't take the anxiety completely away, but it prevents spiralling into that vicious circle.
@masterkingedd9374 7 ай бұрын
Was in a Uber ride and the driver was telling me how him and his wife had really bad anxiety..he said the anxiety caused his wife to develop acid reflux and he said he felt pins and needles every night..after going to the doctor multiple of times the doctors found nothing for a year he said..turns out all these are advanced symptoms of Anxiety 💯 blew my mind man how the brain and how you think can reek havoc on your health
@snow12343 6 ай бұрын
Same my anxiety also has driven me to acid reflux which leads me to thinking the worst.... I am literally very much into it and cant get over it
@masterkingedd9374 6 ай бұрын
@@snow12343 I started fasting away from my phone and the internet, when I leave for work in the morning I leave my phone at home..after about 2 weeks of not researching symptoms and just focusing on my eating right and breathing exercises along with outdoor prayer , I honestly started to notice my anxiety and acid reflux were getting better..I would wake up at night nervous and heart racing every night..that stopped after 2 weeks I’m still going and will see where I am at after a few months
@fosereal6410 7 ай бұрын
I have a fear of seizures, I’ve never had one so I don’t know what they’re like. But I get a burning sensation in nose nose and feel so off. It sucks. I’ve been like this for a month :/
@terrygribb9185 7 ай бұрын
What utter bollickss.
@samanthasmiles9112 7 ай бұрын
I am suffering from hatred and I know it is harming my own life. My sister-in-law (husband's sister) has been financially supported her entire life. Her parents pay for everything. She refuses to work and expects everyone to give her support whenever she needs it (financial or emotional). For many years, she was just that annoying family member that we avoided like the plague. Recently, we found out she was abusing her daughter. (I tried warning everyone but no one would listen until it the situation became very bad). My Husband and I took in our niece (we convinced her by telling her that she has too much on her plate and that she needs to focus on herself - not her child. She agreed and let us take full responsibility of kid). I, now, feel like my SIL has a rope around my neck. I have grown to love her daughter as my own. She will constantly use our love for her daughter as a weapon to control us. "Well, if you don't do this then I will just take my daughter back." I literally hate this woman. Once my niece is 18, this woman will be dead to me. The issue is I have many years to go and I am miserable. Am I afraid of my SIL? Yes. My Dad was a malignant narcissist and I feared his outbursts and rage. My SIL has the same issue. She has "rage blackouts." I feel like, deep down, I hate her because I fear what she will do to me..... and I fear that I won't be strong enough to protect myself because I am weak. I was a doormat for many years and my defense was always to just kick these people out of my life. Problem solves. However, this is the one situation where I can't do that. If I am mean to my SIL, she will take back her daughter and she will suffer. (and yes, I contacted CPS). They said it was "good ol' fashioned bad parenting" but until she has evidence of physical or sexual violence, they couldn't open a case. I feel so trapped and angry.
@mrsa4824 7 ай бұрын
I’m afraid of hurting other people.