@elliebouali 14 күн бұрын
Thank you. I have a professional victim at my workplace. She’s happy one day, and ignores you the next. She’s aggressive and then cry’s like she’s the one who’s been wronged and involves other people in her gaslighting tactics.
@angelachan5587 15 күн бұрын
Mother, the "you owe me" Queen, said she wants to issue her kids a bill for being the mother. Incredible. After all the abuse neglect threats and tormenting bullying Her "bill" would bounce like a crazy overdrawn cheque on the karmic account I
@echang1572 17 күн бұрын
Recording to my son (50 y) I am the most horrible mother in the world and my ex is a most stupid man in the world. I didn’t know what to say to him. I wish him all the best and I move on. No more waste time, no more waste money, no more headaches, no more worries, no more, no more….etc. I don’t understand why some parents like to reconnect with adult children that don’t want anything to do with you. Let them go.
@Mebbe308 18 күн бұрын
You could be talking about my son and his wife. They enjoy their toxicity and I’ve learned to keep well away.
@lisalambert81865 20 күн бұрын
I would like to send the back a couple of generations to see what it was like to be their great grandparents, grandparents or just me as children. This generation thinks they are the only ones that had a bad childhood and we should give them everything to make up for it. Social media has made this a “cool” thing to do. I am toxic, I only treat her this way when she has gotten more than anyone. I asked my eldest, “ you grew up with her”. She said yes, but she was only a child. Ok so as a child she was a force to be reckoned with and lied, stoled and manipulated but now as an adult she the poor person that everyone picks on and abuses, oh ok.
@Dontnegotiatewithterrorist 24 күн бұрын
My daughter married a man who proclaimed honor and respect for parents and grandparents only to ghost his own parents for a couple of years. My wife and I intentionally made a visit to their home where after some small talk we brought up the subject that from time to time we no doubt will not see eye to eye on every issue and we just want to make sure that using the grandchildren as leverage or a weapon against us is completely off limits!?!? We were assured with a resounding “of course not, we would never do that, what kind of people do you think we are?” As we were getting in the car to leave I asked my wife what was her gut telling her? She said; “oh they will absolutely do that to us” Shortly after that day were at their house for an event and so were his parents. We joyfully went up to them and told them it’s good to see you, you both look well. My wife and I couldn’t help notice that the whole day his parents just laid low. They looked like a beat dog just trying to stay out of site hoping to avoid another beating. It’s been over a year now since Ive seen my grandchildren. Apparently I know for certain what kind of people they are.
@lanabyk8012 25 күн бұрын
I just want to add that everyone is in someway narcissistic. Please dont think that narcissism is abnormal. What matters is the degree. If someone is too narcissistic, then its bad. Everyone has some narcissism. Its innate. It is the way the brain works because each and every living being needs outside source of energy to survive. Otherwise, we could not exist. To abate one's narcissism it's important to learn how to solve problems and issues in a shared and calm way. Learning to be calm and peaceful is the way to reduce narcissism that may be destructive. Thank you.
@Krista-rt9ww Ай бұрын
Good advice!!!, stay away from of them.
@SpaceCadete101 Ай бұрын
I'm not there to sort them out. It's my business to love my job.
@RoostMoo Ай бұрын
So true what you say! Staying away from toxic family members is an absolute must.
@malinoisamericanakita2022 Ай бұрын
@wuriep Ай бұрын
How do you think the kids turned out the way they did? Poor parenting plays a huge role you idiot.
@melindaanderson3568 Ай бұрын
Please Someone Reach Out To Me...Please...My Adult Child Is So Hard To Get Along With...And Threatening That I Can't See My Grandchildren 😢
@BenLeichtling Ай бұрын
Hi Melinda, I’ve helped many parents/grandparents deal with those horrible and painful situations. Here’s how: Since all situations are different, I offer individualized help so you can develop strength, courage, determination and skill, and create and carry out an effective plan. Please, call - 1-877-8BULLIES (877-828-5543) - or email me to schedule phone, Zoom, Messenger or Skype coaching. If you get voice mail, I’m counseling someone else. Please leave a message and I’ll call you back as soon as I can. You can pay easily through major credit cards, PayPal ([email protected]) or Venmo (@Ben-Leichtling). What’s the price of putting up with bullies? Slow erosion of your soul! I can help you work through a complicated situation. Best wishes, Ben
@YuliaGrushevskaya-bi6he Ай бұрын
😊thanks for sharing😊
@kaneidareyue7715 Ай бұрын
I don't understand if a narcissistic adult children have no contacts with you, just respect that and leave it alone. So this is a self-empowerment for those who are victims of abuse by their children?
@Mebbe308 Ай бұрын
My son married a jealous, controlling woman and he has grown like her. They have been extremely unkind to me so I am keeping well away from them.
@fatoumatadiallo8260 2 ай бұрын
The fact are that both parents and teenagers need help in mental health.
@Krista-rt9ww 2 ай бұрын
I am DONE with mean adult children! 😔
@billyb4790 2 ай бұрын
I was waiting for the punchline but you’re actually being serious.
@OK-wb1dy 2 ай бұрын
“… sneaky manipulative and behind the scenes…”
@Krankin2584 2 ай бұрын
Well said! Excellent! 😊
@amelittaberretta9109 2 ай бұрын
Oh my God!
@amelittaberretta9109 2 ай бұрын
Silent treatment, so painful.
@amelittaberretta9109 2 ай бұрын
Sorry,too painful to hear.
@amelittaberretta9109 2 ай бұрын
So painful, so painful!
@pauletterodgers6003 2 ай бұрын
I'm not alone. The pain is unbearable
@monkey-h7t 2 ай бұрын
never mind his touting , it was just some of the things he was saying, that felt relevant
@RubenRubinos 2 ай бұрын
God Bless You Dr. Ben, all of what you have stated has happened to me.
@kikthesheek8999 2 ай бұрын
I take forever to process what happened…
@Jophiel50 2 ай бұрын
My son is 14, was abused by his father (whom also had an abusive relationship with me), whom medicated him and did all kinds of other harms, including kidnapping him and dying of an overdose in my kids’ presence. When he came back into my life, I devoted myself to being the best parent that I could to his damages. Instead of receiving my love, and healing, he began narcissistic abuse towards me and his little sister. I have documented the entire thing with video and audio, because of what I had been through prior. I was just video diary recording when he came in all abusive and he raged because I was “recording him”, when I was simply doing my video journal. I suggest that you put your foot down entirely to the abuse, let them know that you are recording, for your own protection, and remember that you are protecting yourself, by keeping your calm and being a non contributing factor to the whole petulance that they are smearing on you like a hot buttered bun.
@marygates2613 3 ай бұрын
The description given is exactly how my son treats me. I’m not allowed to speak or talk, or even send my grandsons anything. I went through this behavior before but that was parental alienation. I’m on a fixed income being a disabled vet. My finances are extremely tight but I want to be stronger for myself. I am constantly pushing my emotions down & I know it’s going to hit me hard one day.
@flowerpower3618 3 ай бұрын
Thank the Lord, only one of my adult kids has estranged himself ( 7 years ago) from us . He is an “ incel” as they are referred to- ( that recently decided he’s a woman) he is 38 . We pray constantly for him. But you do learn to move on. We are honoring his decision to be without us by never trying to contact in any way. We recently and finally got a living trust made. We did not include him . He will never be told when we die because he also cut his three other siblings out of his life so he won’t know the difference. Our other kids are incredible parents and work so hard to be responsible and decent human beings. They take full advantage of our love and adoration of our grandkids by allowing us to watch them. We are so grateful for them all. I have an old elementary photo of my son on my refrigerator held in place with a magnet that has 2 Corinthians 1:29 “ His grace is sufficient for you”. I encourage any parent going through estrangement to trust your adult child to the Lord.
@joelhc9703 3 ай бұрын
I'm using this formula: are you looking for a fight? Cause it seems like it and I'm not interested. I'm not responsible for your emotions or stress.
@SaadgibyKriti 3 ай бұрын
@debradavis681 3 ай бұрын
I did give all all and they was raised in Sunday school and went to school 2 out of 3 graduated and they hate me and still literally are trying to kill me with poisons and such and they claim everything in there life that gos wrong on me always I can be thousand miles away and some how it's my fault
@yogawithminna1738 3 ай бұрын
Enough is enough. I am done with my really toxic oldest daughter. I am tired of listening her blaming me all the time. I try everything to get our relationship work, but with no results. Just blaming me all the time, she takes zero responsability of her life. Thanks for posting this video
@Earthangel1441 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting. I've suffered in silence for many years. My grandchildren despise me and have joined in the bullying online. Things gone from bad to worse in the past 2 years. Thank you for letting me know I'm not alone.
@GHO5tMod3 3 ай бұрын
2:34 the thing other relatives and friends ALWAYS disregard what you say
@m.warhaftig8651 3 ай бұрын
My grandaughter is smart. Thank God for her. Thank God he forgives.
@m.warhaftig8651 3 ай бұрын
If I have. attempted defending myself, my daughter (and mother, used to also ) says, mom you are being defensive. ???? Yes i am. Duh.
@m.warhaftig8651 3 ай бұрын
They are hurt. I reaped what i sowed. I neglected them for a relationship/marriage of 23 years to a narcissist after divorce from their cheating father. I justified my behavior, and met their school, health, physical needs, but missed SO much more. I own it all. My grief is real. My self imposed depression is real. Looking back, am horrified at myself. I can't and shouldn't forgive myself, so i depend on God to forgive 😢. Grace 😊. My earthly grandaughter is benevolent and loves me and will help out as possible. God's blessing to me. I hope she will heal this generational abuse of emotional neglect. I will not dump on her or manipulate her. She has a LOT on her plate. She is good at identifying issues, so I will wait til she sees what i need, as I fear and hate asking anyone for help. She is adept at this however, and discusses all matters with me for my dignity. opinions and solutions. She will try to help me get services. I took care of her when she was young, quite a bit. She says she wants to help out now. I cant and dont expect more from my son and daughter, who prefer no contact. The rare times we communicate, I feel the electric politeness. So, people, beware of how you hurt/neglect your children. You will need them someday, and guess what? Karma. You cant go back in time. You cant/dont/shouldnt expect forgiveness. You live with regrets, but strive to cope with your mistakes by letting go and just living day to day as best you can with the help of antidepressants and u tube.. Im 74 on dialysis with impaired mobility. Now, I need them so much , but then, they neededi me too. So now, I go with the flow and let each day take care of itself. And use cannabis for pain and stress relief. And its mental anguish numbing effect. Just passing this along as friendly advice, because in the end, your family was the most important, yet you forfeited them first. Through selfishness. Is there any humor in all this? If so, let me know. 😮
@annalatzer44 3 ай бұрын
If your child is such a narcissistic bully who abuses you, why do you want to end the estrangement?
@Doitformonica 3 ай бұрын
Teens these days are so entitled.
@tuulalu5181 3 ай бұрын
It's telling that a video that actually speaks sense about parenting would be eleven years old. Today, we've traded parenting for coddling and virtue signaling.
@magnoliab928 3 ай бұрын
I’m a boomer and grandma. Shocked by the words of vitriolic parents like this guy and the mean comments about one’s own children. It’s shameful and there’s no excuse, ever.
@ellyk8834 3 ай бұрын
Most estranged parents are like that (clearly toxic) and yet they all act innocent and absolutely confused as to why their off-spring avoid them. Well from my POV these parents do not like their off-spring and treat them accordingly and shockingly, the 'child' on the receiving end of their constant denigration hits their limit of it and exits the relationship. Then, in true Narc fashion they ask, "How will I know what I did wrong if they won't tell me!" Oddly, as a child of one of these types the only way they don't grasp that they treat absolute unknown strangers better then their children is denial. They KNOW what the issues are they 1. Don't care and 2. Refuse to own their behavior. But yet they think this is a problem that is really on their child to 'solve'... And by solve I mean they think their children should not just ignore their disdain but honor/worship that sub-par parent for life.
@VibinWithRunnTheSnowman 2 ай бұрын
They literally tell on themselves of why their children want Nothing to do with them. He literally instantly starts off this video 100% shutting down parents being at fault lol. So guess what he does to his child when they express how they felt mistreated? He completely gaslight and denies any wrongdoing then blame shifts and says his child is mistreating HIM. Utterly sickening new generations have started the cycle to make it known abuse will no longer be tolerated because you are the "parent." You don't one day just leave people who treat you amazing and always have your back
@Flyfreenow Ай бұрын
⁠@@ellyk8834bitter much?? Do you self reflect on your own actions?
@Flyfreenow Ай бұрын
I’ve been manipulated gaslit controlled by my adult children who withhold affection and never honour my birthdays or ever help me yet expect it of me. So it does happen to parents. Get off your soapbox and hear both sides ffs 🤦‍♀️
@VibinWithRunnTheSnowman Ай бұрын
@Flyfreenow I'd love to hear why you're adult children don't like you. Parents NEVER admit the faults they did if they are cut off by their children. YOU raised them. Whenever you hear why children cut off their parents they always Give descriptive details and share their parents deny everything. It's almost unnatural for kids to not like the people they are around since birth to adulthood. Did you ask them why they treat you that way??? Or did you just think they magically do it like most narcissist parents?? Would you be willing to change some things they need you to do to respect their boundaries?? Or are you stuck in your ways. If a child sees their parent refuses change then they just lie to you and use you until you finally notice . I've seen this time and time again. The parent refuses to ever admit fault or understand other perspectives and refuse to change so the child realizes talking it out is pointless and they just use them until it's finally noticed.
@manmanman6956 3 ай бұрын
Most narcissistic parents are looking for evidence their child was who they were. The truth is your kids don' t talk to you because you were abusive narc. People have huge natural desire to have a parent in their life, and anyone with any experience in this matter knows that only super abused, usually children of Narcs cut off a parent. Children can handle a drunk parent, even a super annoying parent, a broken parent, and ugly parent. They will never cut them off, it' is only super toxic narcs that kids have to cut off from and they don't have a choice. They do this because you are super abusive when you are controlling, vindictive and self centred. You ruin all their happy moments and try to stifle their growth. You try to get involved in their lives where they ask you not to. You invade their privacy, cross every normal healthy boundary, you make everything completely about you. You will notice that lots of children grow up and have great warm close relationships with parents that you always said were losers or whatnot, but the truth is much different. 99 times out of 100 when a child cuts out a parent it is a abusive parent and usually a narc or sexual abuse.
@zion367 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for your work amd for being a trailblazer on the topic of narcissistic abuse information❤
@josephtramantano803 3 ай бұрын
Generally, depending on the position you’re in, it’s all about getting the upper hand on them, to the point that they know they can’t F*** with you. It takes time, but in the end a bully is NOTHING.
@Jewlssa007 4 ай бұрын
@javadusk9721 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for your calm gentle insight, I really needed to hear this and you’ve given me courage to take control of my life.