The Feminist to Far-Right Pipeline
AI is Making Us Less Human
10 ай бұрын
Why Are People Trans?
Жыл бұрын
Fear of Trans Bodies
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Trans Youth: When Our Doctors Hurt Us
TRANS YOUTH: What Do We Want?
2 жыл бұрын
Why Is Queer Discourse so Toxic?
What Are Women?
2 жыл бұрын
TERFs Are Wrong About Biological Sex
We Cooked & Ate an AI-Generated Meal
Lily Alexandre - Sharp Enough
6 жыл бұрын
Lily Alexandre - No Heat (demo)
FILM BOYS (a rant)
8 жыл бұрын
@bongocharm1332 4 сағат бұрын
Terf is okay but fag is a problem?
@cursedcat6467 4 сағат бұрын
1:50 "When I was a wee lad..."
@bongocharm1332 5 сағат бұрын
There’s a soulless mouthpiece squatting in your mirror.
@cursedcat6467 5 сағат бұрын
13:35 "Are what women is trans?" Matthewus Welsh
@cursedcat6467 6 сағат бұрын
I too wonder constantly why people aren't trains, then I realize that there aren't any naturally occurring railway systems
@olijacobs4465 7 сағат бұрын
literally soyjacked at the screen when you mentioned what happens next. i devoured that whole thing in a single sitting after seeing someone discourse about it online. it's so fucking good
@cursedcat6467 7 сағат бұрын
17:15 If you think that Imma read theory you are disastrously mistaken. I know better than Karl Marx because I have microwavable rice
@cursedcat6467 7 сағат бұрын
beautiful music in the background
@cursedcat6467 7 сағат бұрын
Every day we get closer to the promised land, anarcha-juche-monarchal-feminist-primitivist-syndicalist-Posadist-accelerationism with Norwegian characteristics
@mirrorverses 12 сағат бұрын
watching this after not one but two friendship blow ups with people in real life and online (but on discord. closer relationships) about the Queer me lily alexandre you're my only ho[pe]
@dayglodoggy 14 сағат бұрын
Wow, i love this video, it really articulated some things that i was finding disturbing in current feminist discourse. I felt lost, like i can't ride 3rd wave because i'm not down with the pornification of the "liberation" it was supposed to bring, but a lot of 4th wave talk was focused too much on hating trans rather than actually getting equality (which to me, is largely dependant on bodily autonomy. Terfs will complain that trans women never have to deal with pregnancy or abortion, missing the point that abortion is about bodily autonomy, which trans people are likely allies in the fight).
@rayberry6445 14 сағат бұрын
Thomas Laqueur has a really excellent history of our relationship with death and corpses called The Work of the Dead. It's a big doorstopper of an academic book, and definitely isn't casual reading for most people, but if that's something you're interested in it's really worth checking out
@lily_lxndr 11 сағат бұрын
whoa very interesting, thank you
@practically1272 Күн бұрын
Ты русская?
@lily_lxndr 16 сағат бұрын
I’m not! I just like the quilt, my mom found it at a church sale
@lawnmower-pq8vk Күн бұрын
I thought Godfrey Industries was fictional
@doglover2560 Күн бұрын
really interesting lingusitical analysis of how he uses scientific lexis to represent himself/comopany
@danielsykes7558 Күн бұрын
6:35 there's a truism at this point about education and memorization, enough so that much of my education I've seen the withering away of academic discipline. I feel like what I've observed is not that these thinkers are wrong, but that they aren't seeing the whole picture We haven't been served by switching away from memorization and talking about grand concepts We've turned education into a path towards each individual's isolated career. And folks don't have to learn anything long-term. We're told to think critically, but no longer the information that we need to compare things to which would have allowed us to notice the cognitive dissonance. We don't practice questioning ourselves, peaceably debating our friends, etc These truisms about education are just one kernel among so many other truths about how education could be achieved Many of our liberalizing reforms of education have demonstrably resulted in worse educational metrics (like the tests always derided), and are correlated with the disempowerment of our fellow citizens. Some of these reforms were certainly necessary, so as to accommodate people, etc. But the reforms taken together, have not created a sense of self-discipline and collective solidarity. I might dare to say it has resulted in self-centered ignorance. Without the skills to check information and see framing that skews the facts you should have on mind, the only person you end up trusting is yourself, your in-group, etc.
@GruvaldoRey 2 күн бұрын
Dear Lily, I am an artist based in berlin and I am working on the unification of our planet as for example UNITED COUNTRIES OF PLANET EARTH. For the end of frontiers, religion, race and gender. Ultimately we are souls on bodies and we are all fruits from mother earth. With art/music and alchemy I am spreading this words to get our planet together for the end of injustice and the beginning of a new era to save our planet and ourselves. How does this sound to you?
@hhsbrunner 2 күн бұрын
Would just like to say that for some reason I started crying when you described the basic plot of Afterlife. Excellent video.
@oliverdowning1543 2 күн бұрын
I kinda hate that it feels to me like the idea that young people don't experience much discrimination beyond invalidation is starting to agree badly. Increasingly our governments are attacking us in our schools and we don't know how to fight back, especially when so many in our community are still finding themselves and the explicit goal of a lot of these attacks is very much to prevent that. In the UK (where I live), for instance, there has obviously been many attacks on our rights and freedoms but the one that sticks with me the most right now is this: the government has statutory guidance for schools that they must follow about safeguarding children. In general, this is a very sensible piece of legislation and it's good that they have it. One of the focuses is about how when it comes to safeguarding issues information sharing should be prioritised over data privacy of the child. This makes sense; if a 10 year old tells their teacher they've been being beaten at home, the teacher should say something even if the child doesn't want them to. Recently, in the 2024 version of this guidance they included something new which is that when "supporting" (knowing about) a gender questioning pupil, schools should "work in close partnership with parents except in the exceptionally rare circumstances in which directly involving the parents would constitute a significant risk of harm" which is horrible. This is a law forcing schools to adopt policies of putting trans kids with effectively 0 regards for any sort of privacy for those kids, effectively treating us as if being trans were akin to coming into school covered in bruises every day. That's before you consider the harm of taking an approach whereby the trans pupils in question has to effectively prove to their school that their parents would constitute a "significant risk of harm" (something which for many of impossible) before being subjected to that risk against their will. I don't know what to do. I can talk to my school to try to make things as good as possible for those younger than me in how they form policy around that (and others) but it doesn't fix that the law meant to safeguard children is actively harming them as well as forcing them back into the closet or preventing them ever coming out. And it's not like I exactly have any ideas about how to change it myself. It was a minor change in a routine update of otherwise very sensible legislation and while kids across the country are watching their rights be taken away we're hardly organised to start a national conversation about it if no-one else seems to have noticed. Increasingly I live in a world where I know I'm sheltered but that shelter is soon to come crumbling down and I am scared for my safety when it does and I am scared for the safety of people behind me who aren't able to shelter themselves when they're at one of their most vulnerable times because I'm only as sheltered as I am because I know who I am. Worst of all, I feel totally and utterly powerless to actually make shit better.
@Schmoop1260 2 күн бұрын
What a great, interesting, thought provoking video! So happy it exists and that I got to watch it! <3
@colloqy 2 күн бұрын
didnt see many people talk abt this but the section about After Life was extremely touching
@xenotundra3346 2 күн бұрын
As n actual biologist I can say with certainty that bit about us decoding biology is incredibly outdated, we've long realised genes are only one piece of an unendingly complex system cascading in reactions and stasis that is almost impossible to fully piece together. Genes as a blueprint is false, gene expression is much more fluid and inter-reacting.
@dorypeacock 3 күн бұрын
Ok, hang on, no, the project doesn't feel Mormon. I am Mormon, and this preoccupation with immortality is soooooo not a thing. If anything, we're a little blazé about death. Since, as you noted, we believe in eternal progress we don't feel the need to get caught up in extending our life. I don't think he absorbed some idea about perfecting the human body from being raised in the church. I think more likely he's experiencing disordered eating for the same reasons a lot of people do, and he happens to be rich enough to pay enablers and spin it into a business idea. That's kind of a problem in the tech world, dudes like the intermittent fasting guy experiencing disordered eating and thinking they invented "biohacking." That said, there are a shit-ton of Mormon tech bros and they are extremely annoying, embarrassing, and dangerous.
@1992420256152118 3 күн бұрын
reason why i never trust mtf troons... i thought you were a good one until you started defending/minimizing male sexual violence against women less than 8 minutes into the vid.
@nickhand3005 3 күн бұрын
This was so well done and interesting! About the 8 billion answers, if enough trans people said the same thing caused there transness, than could we lable that as the cause?
@SimSoSet2 3 күн бұрын
8:16 Mark Anderson influence .
@Anon_571 4 күн бұрын
You are a biological man, quit larping
@minerva-laurent 9 сағат бұрын
Did you have anything of substance to say, or do you just have fun being awful to others?
@Anon_571 2 сағат бұрын
@minerva-laurent I am merely being truthful
@minerva-laurent Сағат бұрын
@@Anon_571 that's only truthful for the uninformed people that uphold rigid definitions of gender in which only arbitrary "morally acceptable" deviations are allowed.
@nataliezementbeisser1492 4 күн бұрын
bruh you're destroying that guy harder than anyone on earth
@anandphilip 4 күн бұрын
love love love this. <3
@poochyenarulez 5 күн бұрын
I wanted to like the video but after you said ai is a letdown and book stores don't exist, I had to stop. AI has made great advancements in biology/healthcare and book stores are plentiful.
@ssab9063 5 күн бұрын
Crypto is useless? Only someone who knows nothing about crypto would think this. Your research skills have lost all credibility, why would I believe anything you have to say about Brian Johnson now that you've proven you can't even learn the basics of crypto?! You must be speed running looking ridiculous. 4 minutes in and I can already not trust any of your content. It's one thing to say you don't know enough to comment, but another to soo confidently speak on something you know nothing about. And even though you seem to be an "asshole" you still couldn't take the time to figure out why crypto and the tools it gives us like Web3.0 are the future, and also incredibly useful.
@Tendomcgoobin 3 күн бұрын
None of it's practical use cases are actually being employed in the real world at relevant scale. It's a tool for speculation right now.
@sashanoel8766 5 күн бұрын
I honestly think we got to this point when either trans influencers and online bots began making posts and comments pushing for cisgender women to be referred to as baby carriers. The conversation became volatile for cisgender women fighting this term as not all cisgender women can have children and aligns with far-right narratives of cisgender women only being valuable for having children. Radical feminists in response became more conservative to trample this narrative while ironically aligning themselves with the same erasure language and oppression they were initially fighting against trans women and allies who are fighting trans erasure. Bottom line I just think the change of language around how women whether trans or cis are identified is just causing more division with no sight of resolution.
@lo_oui 5 күн бұрын
Tbh there's a lot of projecting and constant bias in this video. I am not even a fan of Bryan but man it is quite hard to watch this video. The criticism has some truths but is also often coming from a very biased perspective and hammering on non-things.
@magnusengeseth5060 5 күн бұрын
"Let's use the Nazis to get rid of [other group we don't like], then we'll distance ourselves from them and have significantly fewer problems to deal with." Sounds like a plan that can't backfire in any way. It's so foolproof that there's no need to crack open a history book and check if anyone's tried it before and how it turned out for them.
@AMortifyingOrdeal 5 күн бұрын
I have friends dealing with bed rot who aren't as depressed as this man.
@AvaBernards 5 күн бұрын
The more I heard, the more I’m convinced he’s obsessed in a way logic can’t penetrate. I first heard about his “Blueprint” before I knew he was raised Mormon like I was, but the way he talks about man needing to be perfected and therefore should mistrust his own desires and thoughts, to the point that it resembles self-abhorrence, is scarily similar to how Mormonism preaches. They are ALL about self denial being holy; fasting is supposed to bring you closer to god yada yada. I’m glad I got out of the game before I served a mission, it really seems to be the last nail in the behavioral-reinforcement coffin for a lot of people. The church knows that proselytizing doesn’t work; it’s for the members’ sake not the public’s.
@boooootman 5 күн бұрын
Releasing a video on Bryan Johnson, the modern day Dracula. Advertising for a video called "Dracula's ex-girlfriend" ;)
@ellieb2914 5 күн бұрын
It's good to have goals but honestly, he looked more human (and attractive) before he started. He may live longer than most but will still die of loneliness, if nothing else.
@chasestanley2906 5 күн бұрын
"Heeeeyyyy, son. You know how you want to be in my will? I have a favor to ask that will specifically make that take as long as possible"
@BlackholeEnthusiast 5 күн бұрын
The youtube therapists are criticising a man who has a goal to live longer, god forbid anyone do that.... Leftists are always the first people to recommend therapy when those around them don't think like they do, as if you all are the pinnacle of the perfect mind and you know the right directions to get there which would be drugs and therapy. While Bryan finds ways to improve his life, you can continue to take your medications while avoiding your gut health and sleep.
@sideshowmob 5 күн бұрын
his life is not better. he's a very unhappy and unfulfilled
@Bogwedgle 5 күн бұрын
Bryan is not finding ways to improve his life, Bryan is the modern version of one of the many many cautionary tales against the obsession with living forever. Bryan is wasting the time he has on this beautiful planet obsessively attempting to extend that time. His methods are dangerous, patently ridiculous and could not provide meaningful data even if by some miracle they worked. There is a reason scientists do not conduct dozens of varied experiments with the same goal on the same subject in rapid succession. There is a reason scientists do not conduct medical experiments with a sample size of one guy. Even if he breaks the record for the longest lived person in history by a decade or more, it will never bring back what he gave up to achieve it and in all likelihood he will just keep doing this until he dies, maybe ancient, maybe young, doesn't matter.
@aguirrethewrathoflog 5 күн бұрын
I’m 12 minutes in and this is a horror story
@JohnMac-pf6js 5 күн бұрын
This is the most nobbish comment section I’ve ever read through.
@masterdoge17 6 күн бұрын
@MrFallDamage787 7 күн бұрын
@bnmhjkify 7 күн бұрын
Fuck TERFS and TERF ideology. Sincerely, a Gen X male. Oh, and fuck Nick Fuentes.
@rightnow7068 7 күн бұрын
Your voice is very soothing btw
@rightnow7068 7 күн бұрын
I'm ashamed to admit I went down the TERF rabbit hole last year and I am thankful to have gotten out of it. I think what got me out of it was discovering Kiwi Farms & /pol/ and realizing just how hateful these people truly were and that I was on the side of Holocaust deniers and race realists. I also caught so many of these people in lies and realised if I had done more research I could easily debunk so many of their claims. It's hard to admit that I could be so easily swayed by propaganda, but I'm glad I learned this about myself hopefully before I did any damage.