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Death Penalty Deep Dive
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Everything Scary is Right Wing
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Pole Dancing for Mental Health Week
NPR Drives Me Crazy
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@cazbullen2012 9 күн бұрын
I came across this interesting article,when I was looking for the Troll song you mention 😁,but I still can't find it 🤦‍♀️ The lyrics are so true 🙏Hope you and your family are well. Best wishes,Caz in Australia 🐨🦘🦜🐊🐋🐬🦈
@williamfincher2260 24 күн бұрын
Gaston didn't care about protecting the town, nor truly love Belle. He saw her as a trophy to have in his possession. The beast saved Belle, and that was why she was willing to give him a chance and help him learn to love and care for others.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 24 күн бұрын
'Tell me you didn't watch the video without telling me you didn't watch the video.'
@jessicaniss1338 Ай бұрын
Do you believe that Jesus was a man who became a god?
@OntheOtherHandVideos Ай бұрын
Christ was the God of the Old Testament who condescended to become mortal. So no, He was God before and after His mortal ministry.
@jessicaniss1338 Ай бұрын
@@OntheOtherHandVideos What about God the Father? Was He once a mortal human like as Joseph Smith said, “God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens!” And what about the belief that humans can become gods in the next life?
@OntheOtherHandVideos Ай бұрын
@@jessicaniss1338 Great questions! I feel like this first part goes back to the question of: 'What is unchangeable doctrine, and what is the opinions of a given mortal prophet? How do you tell the difference?' To quote Brigham Young: "In trying all matters of doctrine, to make a decision valid, it is necessary to obtain a unanimous voice, faith, and decision. In the capacity of a Quorum, the three First Presidents must be one in their voice-the Twelve Apostles must be unanimous in their voice, to obtain a righteous decision upon any matter that may come before them, as you may read in the Doctrine and Covenants. The Seventies may decide upon the same principle. Whenever you see these Quorums unanimous in their declaration, you may set it down as true. Let the Elders get together, being faithful and true; and when they agree upon any point, you may know that it is true. " To quote Elder Anderson: "There is an important principle that governs the doctrine of the Church. The doctrine is taught by all 15 members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve. It is not hidden in an obscure paragraph of one talk. True principles are taught frequently and by many. Our doctrine is not difficult to find." So back to the question at hand, I would put that quote firmly in the not necessarily doctrinal stance. Many within the Church feel like 'the infinite regression of Gods' makes sense to them, some feel more like the 'Eternal Monarch' idea fits better. But both are speculation because God hasn't revealed details on the subject. As for us becoming like God, yes! I would say that is pretty plainly taught in several places, and is justifiable given logic, the Bible, modern revelation, etc. As Romans 8:16-17 says: 16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. And as John 10:31-38 says: 31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. 32 Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me? 33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. 34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? 35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; 36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? 37 If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. 38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him. 1 John 3:1-3 says: 1 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. 2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. Basically, God has said we are His children. Kittens grow up to be cats like their parents, lambs grow up to be sheep like their parents, and children of God grow up to be like their Parents. And God has called us gods - Christ Himself affirms this to defend Himself against claims of blasphemy. And we are told that we are "joint-heirs with Christ". And heir is "A person who succeeds or is in line to succeed to a hereditary rank, title, or office." - and we are apparently joint-heirs with Christ. Christ is like His Father, Christ has been/will be given 'all the Father has', and Christ is rightfully given the title of "God". And we are told that we can be as pure as God is pure, that 'we shall be like Him'. So yes, we believe that we can be like our Heavenly Father - because through Christ and His Apostles, God has promised us as much. Does that make sense?
@jessicaniss1338 Ай бұрын
@@OntheOtherHandVideos Two things: First of all, where did this idea of 'the infinite regression of Gods' and the 'Eternal Monarch' come from because that's certainly not in the Bible (the one and only Word of God). Also, your interpretation of John 10 is incorrect and does nothing to prove that man can attain godhood. Jesus quoted Psalm 82:6 to defend his claim to be the Son of God on biblical and semantic grounds. Psalm 82:6 is about the idea that influential men and spiritual beings can be referred to as gods, therefore, the Messiah can rightly apply the term to Himself. That passage in no way indicates that human beings are or can become gods - we cannot. There is only one God - Father, Spirit, Son, three persons in one.
@OntheOtherHandVideos Ай бұрын
@@jessicaniss1338 Well 'the infinite regression of Gods' is a logical extension of the idea that if children of God indeed can become like their Parents and "join them in the family business", then it is reasonable to ask if our Heavenly Parents themselves have Heavenly Parents. It's an intriguing line of thought. Honestly the 'Eternal Monarch' is far more in line with how most Christians would think of God, so I'm glad you believe that a theological idea you don't know anything about apparently doesn't appear in the Bible. XD You are correct, John 10 and by extension Psalm 82 doesn't inherently prove the doctrine of divine potential. However, according to your own admission, Psalm 82 says that some men can be accurately called 'gods'. Christ takes this one step further and says that God called those "unto whom the word of God came" 'gods'. So according to your own words and the words of Christ, at least certain men are already 'gods'. So yes, that single scripture doesn't 'prove' anything (I noticed you didn't address the other two scriptures), but all together these are 3 'witnesses' that at least allow for the possibility that we are literally Spirit Children of God, with the capability to become like Him. So, if I may, could you apply the same standards to your own theological statements? Would you mind providing a scriptural source that says more definitively than what I showed that says "we cannot" become like God? I mean, that 1 John scripture does literally say "we shall be like him", but I'm all ears for a clear cut contradictory scripture. Similarly, would you mind providing a scripture that states that the "Father, Spirit, Son" are "three persons in one"? At least, I'm assuming you are saying "one" as in the Trinitarian sense of "one being". There are many scriptures that say They are One, but what does that mean? One person, one being, one in purpose, or something else entirely? When God said that husband and wife should be "one flesh", He didn't literally mean they become the same person/being - but it does seem to have similar vibes to 'one in purpose'. Similarly, when Christ talking about His Apostles said, "That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us" (John 17), that seems to directly state that the Apostles can 'be one' with both the Father and the Son in the same way that They are "One". So to be 'one God' in this sense would be to be one in purpose - to be of one heart and one mind. Hence there can be 3 Members of the Godhead, and they can "be one God" just as a husband and wife can be two distinct individuals yet still be "one flesh", and 12 Apostles can 'be one' with each other and Christ and the Father. And none of this points toward the Trinity - in fact it all points directly away from that idea. And if you can't find the Trinity of "one being" clearly in the Bible, it would seem you are relying on the words of men, not the word of God. And that you don't hold a consistent standard for how to establish truth. I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
@Bidmartinlo 3 ай бұрын
I thought so too. Gaston had no idea there was a man behind the Beast. Like come on, how could Gaston know that Belle was a furry? 😂
@SoupProductions 3 ай бұрын
I agree with the village being scared and wanting to protect their families BUT Gaston he still has some pretty bad intentions, as a current Gaston actor for a performance, the second Belle rejects me for the second time and starts talking about how sweet and kind this beast is, Gaston literally turns evil.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 3 ай бұрын
I agree, in how he is presented he turns mustache twirling evil really quick - personally I find the pre-mustache twirling antagonist to be interesting, while the post-mustache twirling villain is a lot more flat. But that's just me.
@0hn0haha 4 ай бұрын
I want a Gaston heroism movie
@dangladdy 4 ай бұрын
I have to disagree with this. Gaston is the villain of this movie, he's basically the jealous boyfriend type and he wants belles hand in marriage at any cost. When he sees the beast at first, yes, he doesn't know how to handle the situation, but after she begins to describe the beast as sweet and kind he views him as a potential threat to his main goal. Just look at the way he smiles evilly as he incites the people of the town to form a mob against the beast. To Gaston, Belle is only an object whereas to the beast, belle is a whole lot more. This plays into the climax beautifully as Gaston tells the beast "Why would she want you when she could have me?!" The mob was innocent in this situation, true, they were just scared and the workers of the castle were just defending themselves. Gaston however, was in the wrong because if he was good he would have let belle go and just be happy that she was happy.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 4 ай бұрын
"Gaston however, was in the wrong because if he was good he would have let belle go and just be happy that she was happy." I disagree - there was a beast in a castle who had magic and was locking people up - I think it is reasonable to say that Gaston was acting as the town leader and trying to keep everyone safe, including Belle, from a literal magic wielding monster. "Why would she want you when she could have me?!" Again, this would be a reasonable mindset if one concluded that Belle was under a spell - which is a very common and natural conclusion given the time/setting of the story. "Just look at the way he smiles evilly" Ya, that goes into my thoughts that they had to sprinkle some things in to make Gaston objectively evil - as if you alter like 3 sentences or situations in the movie, it turns out Gaston is the rightful hero and the Beast is as dangerous as the villagers think he is. But reasonable minds can differ. Thanks for the insightful comment!
@Hwje1111 4 ай бұрын
Where are you now ansd why do you use flipaclips?
@OntheOtherHandVideos 4 ай бұрын
I'm here - a relative made the animations for fun, and I appreciate and liked it, so I have used the various variations she has made.
@irandude1655 4 ай бұрын
Natalie needs to be kicked out from her position. These bigots are out of control and needs to be held accountable. She doen'y need to be cancelled, she needs to deleted completely.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 4 ай бұрын
Three questions. 1) What is so 'out of control' 2) I'm assuming you are referring to events not covered in this video and 3) was that a call for violence?
@Direfloof 4 ай бұрын
I don’t know a single 17 year old with the life experience or faculty of judgment to carry a lethal weapon around strangers in a potentially dangerous situation. The judge didn’t want to ruin the kid’s life with felony charges, fine. But the idea that the verdict in his case vindicates the utter recklessness and escalation of a situation that in no way demanded loss of human life is absurd. This country’s horde of terminally online, media-drunk freaks looking to justify their own power fantasies turned a teenage boy into a mascot for shallow fear-mongering culture war. Shame on the entire lot of them.
@inotterwords6115 5 ай бұрын
10:15 - "If Joseph believed he had been called of God, it stands to reason that his soul might be at stake for ignoring direct revelation from God." This doesn't make sense to me, for many reasons. In the first place, Joseph didn't ignore direct revelation from God; in his description of events, he asked God several times for permission to share the pages and eventually was granted this permission. In the second place, if Joseph's cause of distress was his guilt from "ignoring direct revelation from God", then this wouldn't explain why he reacted specifically to the pages being lost; if Joseph saw the chief catastrophe as his own disobedience, then he would have been distressed regardless of whether the pages had been lost or not; losing pages didn't make him any more disobedient. But in his description of the events, Joseph seems to emphasize that it was the actual loss of the pages themselves that was the distressing incident. If Martin Harris had brought the pages safely back to Joseph, it seems unlikely that Joseph would have been just as distressed or angry.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 5 ай бұрын
Let me quote from "Revelations in Context", specifically "The Contributions of Martin Harris" "Martin asked Joseph to “enquire of the Lord through the Urim and Thummin” if he might “carry the writings home and exibit them”9 to his wife and others. Joseph wanted to please Martin because he had shown him friendship “when there seemed to be no earthly friend to succor or to sympathize.” Joseph did inquire for his friend. “The answer,” Joseph said, “was that he must not. [Martin] was not satisfied with this answer and desired that I would enquire again. I did so, and the answer was as before. Still he could not be contented and insisted that I should enquire once more. After much solicitation I again enquired of the Lord and permission was granted on certain conditions.” Martin was to show the translated pages only to his wife, parents, brother, and sister-in-law. Elated, Martin Harris returned home with the manuscript pages and showed them to his wife. He did not, however, handle the precious manuscript with the prescribed care, and it was soon lost." To address your 1) - Joseph Smith asked twice, was told no both times, and asked again - first, that would be contrary to what he had been told by God. Second, God put stipulations on being given permission, and those stipulations weren't followed. Thus if the pages were lost, that would mean that Joseph had ignored the first two answers the Lord gave, and allowed them out of his possession and protection under certain circumstances. Thus by them being lost, that means Joseph realizes that he should have indeed listened the first time. Or the second. And that means that he was the epitome of pride and was in danger of 'being cut off' (see below) To address your 2) - in Joseph Smith History 1:59, it says this when Joseph Smith was given the plates by an angel: "the same heavenly messenger delivered them up to me with this charge: **that I should be responsible for them; that if I should let them go carelessly, or through any neglect of mine, I should be cut off**; but that if I would use all my endeavors to preserve them, until he, the messenger, should call for them, they should be protected." The purpose of the plates was to bring forth the Book of Mormon, and Joseph Smith had spent about 2 months already to get said 116 pages. Would these words not ring through Joseph ears upon learning that the translation of the plates had been lost? Put a simpler way, if a kid is failing a class and they are to bring home their report card to their parents - that report card has no intrinsic value or effect on their grade, but it is seen as the physical manifestation of their failure and shame - thus they will hide or discard or lie about it's whereabouts, even though said actions won't effect if their parents find out about said failing grade. Does that make sense?
@inotterwords6115 5 ай бұрын
@@OntheOtherHandVideos In your reply to the first point, you seem to agree with me: Joseph didn't "ignore revelation". He didn't even disobey. At most, Martin Harris could be seen as being disobedient. To the second point, I'm very confused at what your point is: how would the loss of the 116 pages in any way threaten the Golden Plates themselves? I don't see the logical connection there. Those pages, according to Joseph's version of the story, could be straightforwardly reproduced. If I lost a copy of the Book of Mormon today, would this be seen as a dramatic threat to the Golden Plates now? Of course not: because it's easy enough to reproduce those exact words again. However, if there *was* no original (or other copies) to reproduce, then losing that sole copy would be a disaster. Similarly, Joseph's horror at losing the pages makes perfect sense if there was no original.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 5 ай бұрын
@@inotterwords6115 If my kid asks me a question, and I tell them no, and then they come back and ask the same question - I feel like it is the definition of "To refuse to pay attention to; disregard" (aka ignoring). If you disagree, I guess you just have a different definition of what it means "to ignore" then the dictionary does. My second point is that the Lord called Joseph Smith to protect the plates and to translate them to English - the plates were a means to an end. If Joseph Smith ignored the Lord and thereby lost a portion of the manuscript through carelessness, that would be a condemnation on his part. "it's easy enough to reproduce those exact words again" - and how did Joseph claim to reproduce them? "Through the gift and power of God" - thus if Joseph did wrong by God, he wouldn't be able to reproduce them. If the report card analogy doesn't work for you, imagine your boss gives you the assignment to build a shed, and gives you the lumber (aka the plates) and lends you the power tools (aka the ability to make it). Then if point blank ask your boss if you could leave the job site unlocked for a night, and he says no twice, but then finally he says sure, so long as there's a security camera up and working. Then you proceed to leave the site unlocked and don't get the camera set up in time, and somebody comes and makes off with the lumber and most of the shed. You (the employee) should feel bad about your conduct - and while yes you could remake what was stolen and your boss would be rightly disappointed and lose confidence in you, re-building would be out of your control, as the boss came and took back the power tools while he mulled over what happened. And the boss might just decide that you aren't a good enough employee to keep working for him. I mean, if you want to assume that 'Joseph made it all up', then of course you wouldn't think that he was sad for any other reason - but that is arguing from a conclusion, not to a conclusion. If one has already decided, then they are just looking for rationalizations to support their pre-determined view, rather than looking at all the evidence and deciding what seems to be the case.
@inotterwords6115 5 ай бұрын
@@OntheOtherHandVideos On point one, in my mind, I would say that my child "ignored my answer" if they simply disobeyed and didn't ask for my permission again.. if they keep coming back to ask, then they clearly aren't ignoring anything. In my upbringing, I very often asked Heavenly Father for the same things, and I don't think I was ever told that this was "ignoring his revelation". On the second point, your shed analogy doesn't make any sense to me, because in that example the stolen supplies represent a direct cost to the employer. But when your 'employer' is God Almighty (as in the 116 pages example), then it's not a cost at all. Those stolen materials could be instantly replaced, or easily returned, without the least inconvenience to the employer. Nor could their being stolen reprersent any possible threat, or even delay to the translation process (since God could easily remove them from the evil-doers hands, or return them to Joseph Smith). Exactly as ThereminTrees said, at worst it only represented two months of lost work. But if there was no original source to translate from, then the loss of the pages really would represent a total disaster (because Joseph Smith would be unable to accurately reproduce them).
@OntheOtherHandVideos 5 ай бұрын
@@inotterwords6115 "if they keep coming back to ask, then they clearly aren't ignoring anything" Except they are literally *disregarding* the answer you already gave (ignore - "to disregard") "I very often asked Heavenly Father for the same things, and I don't think I was ever told that this was "ignoring his revelation"." Did you get a direct answer and kept asking? Because that would be *disregarding* the answer (ignore - "to disregard"). If you got an answer and didn't act on it, that would also be disregarding said answer. But if you keep asking and don't get an answer, that isn't disregarding or ignoring the Lord - because He has yet to speak on the matter. You say losing 116 pages would not be a "delay to the translation process", and yet you acknowledge that it was "two months of lost work" - again, two months of lost work is the definition of a *delay*. Smh "God could easily remove them from the evil-doers hands, or return them to Joseph Smith" *sigh* God is not a gum-ball machine - if He was after just having things magically appear, why go through a translation process at all? Why not come down and give Joseph Smith the bound book in English and say 'here it is, go get copies made' - or why not just have an entire warehouse of book materialize out of thin air? No copying or reprinting needed? If you don't know why God wouldn't "remove them from the evil-doers hands", you haven't given much thought or spent much time to understand the nature of God as described by Christianity.
@clearstonewindows 5 ай бұрын
She's a crazy. It seems like she's willing to lie, or she's lost her mind.
@kaizokujimbei143 6 ай бұрын
Gaston's only flaw is that he fell in love with a feminist woman. Other than that, he is just a normal man. He was confident in himself based on his abilities, skills, and available information. And he exhibited great courage and selflessness in his attempt to save the woman from the clutches of the vicious beast. If Gaston was in Lord of the Rings then we would now be singing his praises in exactly the same manner that we praise every other good character in that story who gave his life to selflessly protect the weak and innocent. It's clear as day that Disney is doing feminist propaganda. And when it come to the beast, the beast never was human to begin with. The curse merely substitutes the metaphorical monster of the prince's Pride into the literal monster of a vicious carnivore. And how does the curse get broken? It's NOT when the beast learns to love and care about people regardless of how they look because the beast literally doesn't do that. No. The curse is broken when a young, beautiful lass (Belle) falls in love with him. The prince does NOT change. Rather he gets what he wanted from the start because he still thinks he is too good for mediocre people. And thus we can infer from this that the real purpose of the curse was to cement the prince as the villainous beast who ends up killing the hero, Gaston, and then the prince manipulates everyone into revering him solely for his inherited position which he did not earn, unlike Gaston who built himself as a strong man through proactive, and moral action. Additionally, the people who keep defending Disney's propaganda are sad and pathetic to be rooting for the evil prince and his simp feminist whore. The prince literally does NOT change as a character. He is still Prideful because fate keeps giving him the hot babes on a silver platter despite his looks because those babes are just as morally deficient as he is. The moral of the story is that it takes a feminist woman to love a Prideful man. Gaston, on the other hand, earns his position as the village hunter because he actually puts the effort to become strong. Unlike the prince who inherited his status and power, Gaston earns it through proactive action. Gaston's view of Belle as an unmarried woman is the correct one and always has been the correct one since the dawn of civilization. Belle cannot stay single forever and she must stop reading stuff she barely understands and devote herself to her biological and societal role as a mother. It is men who write poetry and create civilization. Without men, Belle wouldn't have a safe environment where she can pretend that her feminism is healthy for her and the people around her. Without men, Belle wouldn't be a strong, independent woman to begin with. Men protect her. Her feminism is worthless. -----------
@goyonman9655 5 ай бұрын
I like this
@Reformed_Zoomer 6 ай бұрын
I was wondering if the same way we reinterpret this story as Maurice misrepresenting Gaston’s interactions, the original story could’ve been Belle distorting their interactions in a similar way, i.e. Gaston wasn’t as overbearing as it seemed in the movie, he was just the town hero who was pursuing Belle as a wife.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 6 ай бұрын
It's very possible to look at it this way
@lifeisactuallyveryboring.7771 6 ай бұрын
Why is live action beauty and the beast a cash grab? 🤔
@OntheOtherHandVideos 6 ай бұрын
Given the choice between making new original movies with new or up and coming names in the industry, Disney has been making 'live action adaptations' that almost across the board are worse than the originals - they detract more then they add to the story and characters, and in this specific case they pick Emma Watson to be Belle - just to have the big name, not because she is a terribly good singer or good fit for the part.
@lifeisactuallyveryboring.7771 6 ай бұрын
@@OntheOtherHandVideos No they picked her because she is a good actress. They have made live action adaptations because that's what people want to see.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 5 ай бұрын
@@lifeisactuallyveryboring.7771 She is was an obvious pick for the type casting of 'smart girl who isn't appreciated', as that was what her role in Harry Potter turned out to be. Do you think she was/is a genuinely good singer? And also, in your opinion were people really clambering for another live action adaptation, especially of Beauty and the Beast?
@snakey934Snakeybakey 7 ай бұрын
Gaston is our guy. #NeoGastonism
@jgarcia3731 7 ай бұрын
That's a great video. These left lane laws favors these entitled arrogants that thinks that they own the left lane, and they tailgate anyone who don't move over. How about if the driver is preparing for a left turn, and don't want to go over the speed limit? There's no excuse for anyone to tailgate you, nor for other drivers to drive recklessly (like the bad examples that VOX showed). The law says left lane is for passing AND for preparing to make a left turn (if there are exit lanes in the left, like here in New Jersey in most roads); at the same time, the laws says never go over the speed limit. Think of this scenario: Two lanes highway, 55 mph speed limit. Right lane: traffic is flowing at 55 mph, and there's no exit lane in the left lane that you need to make. In this case, there's no reason for passing. Another scenario: the car in front of you is going at 40 mph, so you this is the perfect example of the purpose of the left lane. But how about if everyone is going at 40 in the right lane? According to the laws, you can't cruise in the left lane. So the law is telling you to zig zag? That's dangerous. These laws are not perfect. But going back to the point, you have a point: while is true that left is for passing, also is true that is not an excuse for speeding, nor for tailgating, nor for passing on the shoulder, nor for driving recklessly.
@la_esmeralda444 7 ай бұрын
Yeah Gaston was right, he tried to assault Belle, harrassed her, tried to force Maurice into an asylum (where he would be tortured like any other mental ill person), tried to kill Adam because he discovered Belle loved him and tried to force her to marriage. So romantic! What a hero! Got what he deserved.
@la_esmeralda444 7 ай бұрын
And also, attacked the Beast in his vulnerable moment yet begged for mercy when the Beast fought back. A coward that died the way he deserved. While Belle and Adam got their happy ending ❤️
@OntheOtherHandVideos 7 ай бұрын
Lol, 'tell me you didn't watch the video without telling me you didn't watch the video.'
@christabewley 7 ай бұрын
sadly you are mistaken. Mormonism is not christianity and the bible clearly states that Christians need to warn others so that they are not led astray by false religions/beliefs. Jesus clearly says in the bible that He is the only way to heaven, and that if you know Jesus you know God. The LDS is false and founded by a polygamist.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 7 ай бұрын
Good news, we also believe that Jesus "is the only way to heaven, and that if you know Jesus you know God"! And I'd be curious what your thoughts are on the Abrahamic Covenant and the Children of Israel, as both Abraham and Israel were also polygamists and foundational to the Old and New Testaments.
@christabewley 7 ай бұрын
@@OntheOtherHandVideos what you want to argue about is irrelevant to the Gospel. We know the Old and New Testament to be true. We know there was no great apostacy and that the true message of the bible was never lost.(Joseph made that up so people would follow him) We know that Christ's work was completed on the cross (not in the garden of getsemane). We know God is Jesus is the Holy Spirit and that Jesus is not the devils brother and that man can not become God. These beliefs are what make Mormonism false.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 7 ай бұрын
@@christabewley Haha, I wasn't about to argue anything - I was curious about your thoughts that seemed to support a contradictory justification for scorning another faith. But that point is apparently "irrelevant to the Gospel" (which makes me wonder why you brought it up in the first place XD )
@destroyrebuild 7 ай бұрын
Y'all are a cult. You believe Joseph Smith was a prophet gifted golden tablets inscribed with a new testament of Jesus gifted to him by an angel that only he could decipher. 😂. That's blasphemous.
@devildogkogg8353 8 ай бұрын
Even if their raid was misguided by ignorant fear that it would outright attack the village, the beast WAS still a threat to them. We've already seen that he will imprison lost travelers and leave them for dead in a cold cell, and that's something that is still a legitimate threat to the village. Even if they knew the full story, they should have raided the castle anyway. Any of them could end up like Maurice in the future if they didn't.
@PokeNebula 9 ай бұрын
Seems like a perfectly coherent definition to me. He defines it as a word for the set of, and members of the set of: the union of the set of policies that lead to racial inequity, and the set of ideas which lead to those policies which lead to inequity. What’s there to miss?
@OntheOtherHandVideos 9 ай бұрын
"Racism **is** <a collection of (racist) policies that lead to (racial) inequity that are substantiated by (racist) ideas>" Racism **is** <a collection of <a collection of <> policies that lead to <> inequity that are substantiated by <> ideas> policies that lead to <a collection of <> policies that lead to <> inequity that are substantiated by <> ideas> inequity that are substantiated by <a collection of <> policies that lead to <> inequity that are substantiated by <> ideas> ideas> Welcome to a recursive definition, where one uses a word to define itself, and thus the word has no meaning! And if you want to ignore that fact and take out the circular definition aspect, "Racism **is** a collection of policies that lead to inequity that are substantiated by ideas" So literally any policy that has "unequitable" outcomes is racist, as well as any idea that leads to said policy or outcomes. And you know what leads to "unequitable" outcomes? Literally everything that is not controlled very strictly from the top down. So the only way to avoid "racism" is to throw out all history books (as they teach "racist" ideas that lead to "inequity"), and scrap all current laws and policies including the US constitution and Bill of Rights (as being "equal" under the law is a "racist" policy that leads to "inequity"). Only then, after all the books are burned and all the laws trodden under foot can one truly be a successful "anti-racist". To quote good old Karl, "Both for the production on a mass scale of this communist consciousness, and for the success of the cause itself, the alteration of men on a mass scale is necessary, an alteration which can only take place in a practical movement, a revolution; this revolution is necessary, therefore, not only because the ruling class cannot be overthrown in any other way, but also because the class overthrowing it can only in a revolution succeed in ridding itself of all the muck of ages and become fitted to found society anew." But altered only slightly becomes a 1:1 for Kendi's thoughts: "Both for the production on a mass scale of this [race] consciousness, and for the success of the cause itself, the alteration of men on a mass scale is necessary, an alteration which can only take place in a practical movement, a revolution; this revolution is necessary, therefore, not only because the [racists] cannot be overthrown in any other way, but also because the [anti-racists] overthrowing it can only in a revolution succeed in ridding itself of all the muck of ages and become fitted to found society anew." Welcome to the new age of Communism/Marxism my friend (which is just the old version with a thin coat of paint on it)
@jonathonedwardmiller 9 ай бұрын
He was an arrogant good looking egocentric person who got murderous after he found out the girl he likes doesn't like him. He definitely was not the good guy.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 9 ай бұрын
Out of curiosity, did you watch the video or are just reacting to the title?
@jonathonedwardmiller 9 ай бұрын
@@OntheOtherHandVideos both
@paytonturner1421 9 ай бұрын
Like the idea of telling a story from a new perspective, but the one thing I don't like is doing the whole Maurice is a crazy routine. It's been played out in both versions of beauty and the beast.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 9 ай бұрын
I could see that, but what else do you do with the guy?
@jorgeperez2872 9 ай бұрын
Freedom is only free because you have discovered new possibilities that you though were not "possible" before. I'm pretty sure without death there would be a lot things to strive and improve for but I see CGP's argument, for lack of a better word "fearless" or "reckless". I'm currently in a very hard period in my life of just numbness and depression really, I don't where I should put my effort and time towards, the only thing I truly value is my family (they make me feel alive and that there's a purpose) everything feels like and empty void of uncertainty. I felt like helping the flag of CGP towards the rejection of death, but is it worth living for in the future? I still have people and goals I love about the present, but they feel so miniscule in retrospective against death.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 9 ай бұрын
I've never struggled with clinical depression - I've had depressed times, but never on that level. I'm sorry There are many things worthwhile that keep me going in my rough times - my faith in God, the responsibilities to my spouse and kids, and the other relationships I enjoy. It's not always easy, but there are many little moments that make it all worth it despite the small scale of a smile or a laugh. I wish you luck in trying to navigate that for yourself.
@djtust7739 9 ай бұрын
To help anybody who's confused, I'll attempt to explain: His ideas on racism can make sense but this guy made the world's worst attempt at defining it. I don't even think this was anything related to anti-racism. He was using two different definitions of "racism" interchangeably and expecting his audience to understand what they meant and when he swapped them. Definition A: This is the popular "google definition" of racism that most people understand. The straight-up: "discrimination on the basis of someone's race" definition. Definition B: This definition of racism is used to describe systemic inequalities and discrimination that are predicated on race. Things embedded within the system/society that treat people worse based on race. Thinking about things, such as implicit bias, how minority races are more likely to be in poverty, how it's easier to get rich if you're already rich, how people in poverty are more likely to die younger, lack of good education in poor areas, how people struggle to escape bad surrounding, etc. This is a lesser-known definition as it is harder for the populous to understand since it takes more time to think about. Be aware, I've really simplified these definitions as these take literal books worth of writing to define. Whether you believe that the second definition is a real occurrence or not is irrelevant and that belief is not needed to understand what his definition is; i.e., To understand that someone else believes in aliens doesn't mean you also have to believe in aliens. So, to summarise, I believe he meant, "My definition of racism is a bunch of (definition A) racist policy's that collectively result in (definition B) racism that is kept in place by (definition A) racist ideas." Funnily enough, i believe he purposely phrased it like this to simplify his definition to the audience. People who know the different definitions will probably be able to retroactively translate what he said somewhat easier than if he gave an in-depth explanation. So this could just be a somewhat poor attempt to cater to the crowd. You could potentially argue that this clip is taken out of context to ridicule his ideas. However, to be fair, taken in isolation, this clip does make him look quite clueless. Edit: Okay, looking at some of the rest of the videos on this channel. I would definitely say that this video is taken out of context to purposely ridicule this persons political position. This video is just dishonest political propaganda. If the channel owner is currently reading this and you value any honesty in your videos. I suggest you learn how to better steelman your opponents positions before attacking them.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 9 ай бұрын
Well good news, I value my honesty! I'm now curious, what specific thing have I done that is "dishonest" or that you would consider "propaganda"?
@djtust7739 9 ай бұрын
@@OntheOtherHandVideos Great to hear! I will respond with the assumption of honesty to your statement. Firstly, please be aware that my inclusion of the word "Propaganda" in this case was used exclusively synonymous with the phrase: "Political content intended to persuade." This is to clarify that I didn't intend negative critique by that term alone. Only with the inclusion of "dishonest" into the term did I intend negative critique. It's quite natural human behaviour to disqualify the opinions of those who are shown to be fools. It's helpful in some ways: If someone doesn't know 1+1=2, we can probably safely disregard their self-proclaimed "groundbreaking" discoveries in the field of physics. However, this feature of human behaviour can sometimes be used against us, as an easy way for someone to manipulate us to prematurely disqualify the findings of others. Everybody can and most likely will look like a fool at some point in their lives. The complexities of this are further compounded when you incorporate the differing perspectives we humans use to define who is a fool. If someone disagrees with someone's expressed political opinions, they may consider them a fool. Following this, they may unjustly disregard most other opinions that person has on that basis. The comparison of an expert in a field compared to someone uneducated on the topic can be used to dismiss the ideas that the uneducated person holds on entirely separate topics. The defining of someone being a fool can be as shallow as seeing someone fall over awkwardly once. Funnily enough, this played a huge part in Britain in 2015, where the then-leader of a political party, Ed Miliband, pretty much lost an election partly due to an awkward photo of him eating a bacon sandwich. This whole thing causes a lot of needless fights in politics… Anyway, I digress, back to how this all relates to you. As I said, this feature of human behaviour can be used to manipulate us, and this is what I believe you are doing in this video. Purposely representing this person as a fool in order to have your audience prematurely and uncritically dismiss their arguments. --------- Without the context I provided in my first comment (which renders this an unsound argument), this is the rough premises, conclusion, and overall argument most people will take away from this video: "This person holds a circular definition." "He also has opinions on racism." These are the premises likely to be brought in externally by a viewer: "Someone who holds a circular definition ought to be considered a fool." "The opinions of fools are invalid and unsound." Therefore, completing the argument and reaching this conclusion: "All his opinions on racism are invalid and unsound." ----- you can even see examples of this working from the other comment on this video below mine, "I’ve found that when something seems to make no sense at all there is a very good chance that it makes no sense at all." implying that because they can't understand what he's saying that must mean his argument is completely invalid and unsound. This is why I consider it to be dishonest. Now, you may wonder why I attribute purpose and intent to you. As I said, I've looked at your videos, and the extent to which I saw examples of this and things alike within your work seems to be beyond coincidence. An example: If you crash your car into a brick wall once, fine, no problem, it happens to anybody. If you crash into that same wall twice, kinda weird, but weird things happen. Okay, this is now the 8th time you've crashed into the same wall, and I can't help but think it's intentional. Your work seems plagued with strawman's and very indirect ad hominems like this one. I'd be surprised if you didn't understand the definition of racism this guy was attempting to explain before you uploaded it.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 9 ай бұрын
​@@djtust7739 First, I would like to note that this is a video in the "I think I'm funny" category of my channel - clearly marked with yellow in the thumbnail, and pointed out in the description. If you didn't find the joke funny, that's fine, but this isn't a Master's thesis - it was a funny shower thought I put together in about 20 minutes. Second, Michael Move knows his stuff - he has a great channel and is very knowledgeable on a variety of subjects if you are so interested - mostly economics. But I know he understands this topic thoroughly, he just disagrees with Kendi's ideas and ideology. You seem to be projecting ignorance onto someone who merely disagrees with you. Maybe it would be better to ask someone what they understand on a subject before assuming their knowledge and positions on said subject? Third - you say that from this video, "most people will take away from this video: . . . "All his opinions on racism are invalid and unsound."" That is a whole lot of projection, with a ton of assumptions and unexamined premises. It was made as a joke to note a ridiculous definition, and as far as I can tell that is what it accomplished. Finally, you again say that "Your work seems plagued with strawman's and very indirect ad hominems like this one.", which was hopefully a response to my question of "what specific thing have I done that is "dishonest"." Again, I would ask what **specifically** you take issue with. What strawmans have I made? Are they also in the clearly labeled joke videos? Which topics do I present straw mans? What tactics did I use and how could I have done it better? For example, if you want more flushed out thoughts on this topic I would point you towards the video I did entitled "Is Anti-Racism Actually Racist?". In that video, I try to engage with the most honest example I could find, linking to every source I cite in either camp to literally avoid strawmanning the topic. Did I do it perfectly? Probably not. But the only way for me to improve is for us to have a specific example to discuss, with a clearly defined objection and hopefully a clearly defined way that it could have been done better.
@djtust7739 9 ай бұрын
See, your response in and of itself is just another example of you using the most unfavorable interpretations of what people say. Also, please forgive me for not knowing the universal sign for humor that every human recognizes: Yellow-marked thumbnails! As if it makes a difference to anything I've said. This being funny or not funny has no impact on its political content? A joke can have political connotations. I shouldn't need to explain that to you. I've never heard of Kendi or anything he represents before randomly running into this video. Maybe I'll look into this Michael Moore guy some other time, but this conversation isn't even about racism. Why do you assume I disagree with you on the topic of racism? I haven't even expressed any of my personal beliefs on racism, nor have I critiqued your personal beliefs about racism. I don't know them to even critique them. Given this, I also have no idea how I'm supposedly "projecting ignorance." I literally just explained specifically what I take issue with. Did you even read what I wrote? I explained in VERY fine detail a human behavior that you are (seemingly subconsciously, according to your response) utilizing in a dishonest way. "Third - you say that from this video, 'most people will take away from this video: . . . 'All his opinions on racism are invalid and unsound.'" That is a whole lot of projection, with a ton of assumptions and unexamined premises." The phrase "most people will take away from this video" wasn't even part of the premises. You're retroactively trying to include it to decrease the soundness of the argument. Even if a minority of people take that away from this video, my argument is still sound. You haven't actually been able to critique my premises beyond going, "That is a whole lot of projection, with a ton of assumptions and unexamined premises." Are you even trying? You just essentially said, "You're wrong" without a single explanation. I actually do have half a mind to go through your videos and list a bunch more examples of the kind of stuff I'm speaking about. It would take a TON of time and research, and I doubt you'd even sincerely engage with my findings. You never know, though; it could be fun! Maybe I'll get back to you at some point on that. Also, lastly, because I'm really curious, do you still not accept his definition as non-circular even after the context I provided in my first comment?@@OntheOtherHandVideos
@OntheOtherHandVideos 9 ай бұрын
@@djtust7739 "Also, please forgive me for not knowing the universal sign for humor that every human recognizes: Yellow-marked thumbnails! As if it makes a difference to anything I've said." Haha, between being a shortform video, featuring Homestar Runner, and the description and the pinned comment literally reading, "I think I’m funny", one can only sign-post something so much. Sorry, when you said you had looked around the channel, I assumed you had done that, which would also point you toward the color coding sign posting of "I think I’m funny". You know, watching a video or two that was also short-form from the channel to compare - those comparable videos on this channel are exclusively done with the same color thumbnail, the same pinned comments and description of "I think I’m funny", and the same humorous intent. Or when you said you looked around the channel I assumed you had alternatively watched a longer video which is presented in a serious fashion and has a substantially different run-time. Then my description of thumbnail colors would continue to inform you the different 'genres' or 'types' of videos, so you didn't misunderstand the intent going into any of my other videos. "this conversation isn't even about racism." The title of the video is "Anti Racism’s Circular Definition" - the subject is Ibram X. Kendi, the man who literally wrote the book on 'Anti-racism' and popularized the phrase, being asked to define racism. And your first comment literally starts as follows: "To help anybody who's confused, I'll attempt to explain: His ideas on **racism** . . ." "You haven't actually been able to critique my premises" You have accused this channel of being "plagued with strawman's and very indirect ad hominems", and also that I'm "subconsciously" "dishonest". These have been the premises I've been attempting to discuss, and I've done so by asking for specific examples to substantiate these claims. Unless I have missed something, you have yet to cite any specific example outside this video (and we've already addressed our apparent disagreement on this video), so you have just made seemingly empty or uninformed accusations. And yes, this definition was literally circular. If you want to assume he meant something different than what he said, I find that an interesting position to take considering you supposedly don't know who the guy is, what he stands for, and what he has said on the subject. But even if you were to assume your projection is accurate, that still does not change what he said, which was circular - using a word to define itself.
@alexcat6685 10 ай бұрын
This didn't really have to do with Gastion at all really just. Mere mention he asked, which him asking who captured her not the fact she was captured being alarming. The town may care about belle's safety but gasiton really doesn't, since he never treats her like a person unlike the beast itself that with whole hint of stockholme syndrome like its not only because she was kept away the beast did allow her to leave if she wanted too and just happens that the beast was a good person who looked shabby. Gastion isn't a savior he is a piece of shit the story makes him out to be.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 10 ай бұрын
I mean, if you go along with the mustache twirling Gaston as presented in the original story, sure Gaston wasn't a great guy. But I'd dare say they wrote Gaston far more clever than that, but they had to tone it down and add a dash of 'this guy is just a straight up pig' in order for people not to like him. They seemed to have an interesting character concept, then just shoved him into a role in order to make the story happen. Which is fine, it's just not really consistent imo. And despite that, he's still probably the best character this movie has - the most dynamic and interesting. But reasonable minds can differ.
@johnnotrealname8168 10 ай бұрын
This is a brilliant idea! Too sad that Disney would never do it. I would write that certain negatives aspects of Gaston (His forwardness in proposing would fit well with his awkwardness, I mean the attempted kiss.). Furthermore an area you missed is that LaFou is definitely a bit disabled and it would be cool to see how Gaston stuck up for his buddy, I mean to be a brother. Other than that the story beats are beautiful.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 10 ай бұрын
Ya, but in this re-write mostly I wanted the poetic finish of LaFou ending up with what Gaston always dreamed of - a full version could definitely delve more into LaFou, but for my limited talent in writing, this was the best I had. XD
@johnnotrealname8168 10 ай бұрын
@@OntheOtherHandVideos Well, it certainly is beautiful.
@codman4372wx 10 ай бұрын
I've been a long time Neogastonist
@EliasHasle 11 ай бұрын
Gaston arranged to have Maurice protected against his own madness. He even paid out of his own pocket to help Belle's dear father.
@GermanVolk14 11 ай бұрын
Mind if i interviewed you and asked you questions?
@OntheOtherHandVideos 11 ай бұрын
I'm always happy to answer questions where I can. What specific topic did you have questions on?
@GermanVolk14 11 ай бұрын
@@OntheOtherHandVideos what the Chutch of Jesus Christ is.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 11 ай бұрын
@@GermanVolk14 It's a Church that claims to be Christ's Restored Church on the earth today. It's kinda in the name. :D
@Alex-mg6vn 11 ай бұрын
Awesome rewrite. I like the interpretation of Gaston being a bit socially awkward and LeFou as the alternate pov. While the whole Neo-Gastonism thing is good fun and all, Gaston being the true hero as presented in the animated movie is a tough sell. I think Fodero has the best take, where Gaston and the Beast were both flawed but Belle selfishly gave the Beast a chance to improve while dismissing Gaston outright.
@OntheOtherHandVideos 11 ай бұрын
Thanks, glad you liked it!
@terrencemoldern2756 11 ай бұрын
When you realize Belle is the real beast and how her behavior has lead to one of the most depressed and self destructive society’s to ever exist. In fact probably THE most... It isn’t beautiful, brave or good to deny convention when said convention is how our society’s were built and now having abandoned them... we’re in a stalemate. It’s almost like they are... oh my... related.
@dimeuno Жыл бұрын
Seems like they're taking a big risk storming the castle having spent no time figuring out the details of what's going on or what they're up against. How did they know they wouldn't easily be killed by the beast? Also why would he be a threat all of a sudden assuming he's been there a long time and nobody knew about him? Gaston was manipulating them, doing whatever it took to get what he wanted, including bribing a man to send her father to an insane asylum unless she married him. Not to mention after he begged for mercy and was spared, he stabs the beast. As far as the whole keeping her there in exchange for her father, yeah messed up to an extent, but in the end he did let her go after he began to love her, and he didn't force himself on her beyond threatening not to feed her once because she didn't join him for dinner. He was also desperate to break a curse that would soon become permanent, a curse that required both he and Belle genuinely love each other.
@guylo88 Жыл бұрын
I have argued for a long time that Gaston is actually the tragic hero of this story. Most of the time i get weird looks but I stand by my convictions.
@chrispeoples83 Жыл бұрын
Pretty much the more critics hate it the better it is and vise versa rt has turned to shit RIP RT.
@hammockcamping2500 Жыл бұрын
Great video! Good tone.
@OntheOtherHandVideos Жыл бұрын
Thanks! It took several drafts to get the tone right - I didn't want to be mean or condescending, I wanted it to be a fair but clear critique.
@chrism6315 Жыл бұрын
Gaston wasnt a nice guy by any fucking strech of the imagination, but dear god he didnt imprison a woman to make her love him. Hes also, like, just a guy and he goes to solo the beast. Hes the fucking underdog in that fight. Everything about this film is wrong. It works so much better if gaston is an antihero who kills beast and sees in beast what he could have become and appologizes to belle at the end (and them not getting together).
@taliagmail.com2005 Жыл бұрын
Excuse this wasn't the first disney live action remake they remade Cinderella into live action in 2015 and alice in wonderland in 2010 and jungle book in 2016
@OntheOtherHandVideos Жыл бұрын
I believe I said it was "one of the first movies given a live action adaptation" - and #4 counts as one of the first in my book, especially after the list has continued to get longer. But reasonable minds can differ.
@taliagmail.com2005 Жыл бұрын
@@OntheOtherHandVideos ok
@scootalong4254 Жыл бұрын
Nice, I’m going to show this to my friends
@bradycall1889 Жыл бұрын
It’s like, not believing that the Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father are different people does not make you not a Christian.
@OntheOtherHandVideos Жыл бұрын
Agreed - non-trinitarian beliefs are quite different from not being a Christian - but I think since Protestants don't have as distinct of sects and as rigid a theological structure, they are essentially just trying to say 'you are different' when they play the 'you aren't a Christian' card.
@bradycall1889 Жыл бұрын
I never understood why some people think Mormons aren’t Christians.
@moseslalmuanpuia8988 Жыл бұрын
It's not right for a woman to read. Soon she starts getting ideas . . thinking . .
@DrWoofOfficial 8 ай бұрын
@JensMorrison Жыл бұрын
Gaston wasn't perfect. But he wasn't as bad as the Beast. He deserved the same chance.
@Redtornado6 Жыл бұрын
This is super interesting. I don’t know much about LDS, but I would love to learn more
@OntheOtherHandVideos Жыл бұрын
Well I'm glad you have found this interesting! If there's any specific questions you might have, I'd be happy to talk.
@Off-Brand_Devin Жыл бұрын
Unless I've missed something, I don't believe books have a protected right to be included in every school library. A book being excluded from a curriculum or left out of a school library isn't quite the type of book banning I find worrisome. Let me know when the government makes it unlawful for individuals to possess these books. Then we'll have something to talk about.
@OntheOtherHandVideos Жыл бұрын
I agree! And I can understand the hesitation to not even want to get close to that line of unnecessary censorship - but when there's good cause to have them removed, and as far as I understand all these books are still in the public libraries - ya, I think the 'book banning' rhetoric is being used far out of proportion.
@cararector5831 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. I recommend this channel to lots of people. Nobody actually watches because it's too long. Now I can send them a shorter version 😊
@OntheOtherHandVideos Жыл бұрын
I'm glad! That is the very reason I decide to put this together, was so I could do the same to those I know.
@OntheOtherHandVideos Жыл бұрын
The audio quality isn't great in some of these clips, but I find the information to be worth the less good audio. And if you enjoyed this video, I would recommend this response video to Allie Beth Stuckey:
@normalplayer7377 Жыл бұрын
Gaston's incredibly Based
@bobmcconnel936 Жыл бұрын
Nicely done!!