I Was Wrong About Sonic Mania
@TrappedBowyer9684 Күн бұрын
1. The visuals are fucking garbage. 2. There is no master system release (not counting that Brazilian port) so the screen will always be SCRUNCHED UP THE ASS 3. super sonic on the goal posts even though super sonic never appears in any of the 8-bit sonic games (not including pocket sonic) 4. BLUE MARINE ZONE 5. The last boss is bullshit. Sonic Blast is so much worse than sonic superstars and you are a weird dumbass for liking it
@spiderthief8198 3 күн бұрын
such an underrated series, I wonder if they'll make another game someday
@esmooth919 5 күн бұрын
3:44 ...in fact, I would argue that this is Sonic 4, Episode 3...just with better physics.
@esmooth919 5 күн бұрын
I beat this game once as Sonic. Tried to play Tripp's campaign, saw the difficulty spike and said "nah." What did this game in for me was the piss poor boss battles. They all take *_five hours a piece,_* with the final boss taking *_ten!_* I haven't even touched Tripp's final boss (i've heard horror stories!), or the final final boss! I can't bring myself to play thus game again because of it! And then the Super Gaming Bros went and proved why multiplayer sucks ass.
@Funnierthanu69 5 күн бұрын
Sonic fans trying to be happy for 1 second:
@superlemmymatthewsvyondand6212 8 күн бұрын
You know how overheated superstars is when you compare it to the worst looking pixelated 2D sonic game (I know this review is completely sarcastic, but I just wanted to make my point across)
@kekethetoad 9 күн бұрын
@snocgamer 9 күн бұрын
I unironically love Sonic Blast, so this take is an automatic approval from me
@supper_e1823 10 күн бұрын
When playing some of the game gear games, I couldn’t for the life of me make it through Sonic Chaos! But Sonic Blast, of all games, I was able to beat. Was not expecting that. O.o
@JoseGregorioValeroVillarroel 14 күн бұрын
*Reads title* No, It's WORSE than that!
@crypticforevz 15 күн бұрын
Pretty horrible video from you The moral of this vid is quantity over quality , pretty corporate shill if u ask me .
@1trie 16 күн бұрын
Its kinda sad to hear that so mutch hate, since i never played superstars, to me i used to think mania was the best , bu sonic 3 and knuckles is way better to me.
@nave712 16 күн бұрын
Why did they have to make the HD version so bright. It looks bad
@XxROTSA2xX 17 күн бұрын
Fun fact: This game's graphics were in fact so good that they inspired even lesser known games like Donkey Kong Country.
@callumbennett2012 21 күн бұрын
@CeriX___ 22 күн бұрын
My only complaint with Rayman 2 is the combat that would later be improved in Rayman 3.
@danielmclaughlin2190 22 күн бұрын
I actually think this game is a bla.. pretty good.
@-obamium5320 24 күн бұрын
Obvious Ganon lied about envying Hyrue for being more prosperous than Gerudo Valley
@ralphiecifaretto8961 26 күн бұрын
That's what i always hated about the game. The sailing is beyond boring. The graphics never bothered me. The only thing i didn't like it's that Link himself looks too cartoonish. I wish his eyes were like 50% smaller.
@user-ou5ls2xc7v 27 күн бұрын
I’m surprised this didn’t come out 5 days ago.
@be2081 28 күн бұрын
Style over Substance: the Game
@brunolike8631 29 күн бұрын
I would pull more deep refferences, like swap Chemical Plant for Sky High from sms, or Stardust Speedway for Marina Madness from Chaotix.
@pumpkinhill4570 Ай бұрын
It suffers from the “more is more” mentality. The old Sonic games knew less is more. They were more understandable and you feel like you’re in control. Mania was like some modern 3D sonic games where you just watch the pretty art play out while you really don’t do a whole lot. It’s just like pachinko.
@DallasReimer Ай бұрын
Am I the only one who agrees? I tried sonic mania last year and I did not have fun. The controls was really bad. The story was so bland and Sonic especially was so not fun to play as. The only good parts was the music and visuals. But those don’t make up a good game. This game is so overrated and I’m happy that I’m not the only one to feel that way.
@DonPuffles Ай бұрын
Well, it's a classic Sonic game. The story goes for modern Sonic games
@k-trashradio5163 Ай бұрын
Playtonic is a small studio and both yooka laylee games needed th support of what little good will a new studio on kickstarter crowdfunding could get. Id say that the series isnt gonna be dead until the studio is.
@Hyp3rSonic Ай бұрын
Imo, sonic blast is very good and underrated (expect for the last 2 zones)
@aultra-magawhostandsagains7974 Ай бұрын
Dude make up your mind and stop apologizing to this hateful fanbase🙄
@ReubenModeXXX Ай бұрын
Hey same lol. My parents gave me this game and Mrs Pac man when i was 6. I was obsessed with Sonic when I was a kid. Went as him for Halloween for a few years. Watched that cheesy cartoon.
@GreenBeanwowie Ай бұрын
Dude, Call the army on Eggman! For real.
@MinoMadness Ай бұрын
I played 3 before 2 and I love both of them to bits. Only reason why I have played 3 more than 2 is that only the rayman 3 version on GoG works and rayman 2 on it wont launch at all on my pc.
@wannabepoet9647 Ай бұрын
Rayman 3 is the best game I've ever played. Period. I was seven when I got it and Xbox for my birthday, been loving it ever since. Now I'm playing the HD version for like a hundredth time on Xbox One. The game mechanics, the world, the enemies, and the music. Oh man, the soundtrack is genius, it feels like every enemy has a theme song and every world has a distinct vibe, my favorites being the hoodlum sorcerer's and hoodstomper-boss's theme, the one controlling the giant legs. Of course I've played other games that critically are and could be considered "better", but Rayman 3 was the first video game I ever played. You don't forget that, no matter what the Metacritic score says about it.
@shellder_gaming Ай бұрын
I like sonic blast
@GavinArtster Ай бұрын
I love how he said it was good as a joke and then was just like “f*ck this game”
@GraniteStateVictoria Ай бұрын
Well put, both Kazooie and Tooie are awesome. And I think both games, plus Donkey Kong 64, have fallen victim to hype backlash. Those three games when I was growing up were regarded as instant classics, you rarely heard anyone talk bad about either of them, but sometime around 2020, people suddenly started deciding they didn't like these games. It might be bias because I grew up with them that I like them so much, but I think at some point someone just made a video about Donkey Kong 64 bashing it and then suddenly everyone hated it, and extended that to Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie. Strangely enough, I almost never hear people trash BK or BT in real life, it's mostly just online.
@riggyjojo3150 Ай бұрын
This game is the best in the franchise deserves an Oscar compared to the games nowadays
@antiboi260 Ай бұрын
Scrap brain zone act 3 has a shortcut at the beginning that makes it nearly nonexistent and more of a like 1 -2 minute zone
@Upsedriss Ай бұрын
rayman 2 and 3 were my childhood man, heck yeah.
@christopherstemmer5855 Ай бұрын
Never came close to beating this game
@susieq9075 Ай бұрын
I understand your dilemma! It's frustrating to find that happy medium with Sonic. I appreciate your honesty and dedication to Sonic's video game series.
@ctpp64 Ай бұрын
yeah sonic superstars is great, really feels like a true genesis era game. but while i do like that there's no dumb gimmicks, they coulda innovated just a bit more imo. also i disagree about the zones being consistent, the last few zones stumble in a few ways
@countryballs- 2 ай бұрын
Sonic Drift is very good, not bad
@user-kz2rl9sw8o 2 ай бұрын
fucking no way. he expresses this game as "torturing simulation" for sonic and knux
@ashwinsoomaroo7958 2 ай бұрын
Playing it after 20 yrs 😂😂😂, its hard thou
@ashwinsoomaroo7958 2 ай бұрын
@hailedkeanu7499 2 ай бұрын
Rayman 3 was one of the first, if not, THE first Rayman game I’ve played and it’s been my favorite game out of the whole series. Even though other games like origins, legends, and Rayman 2 on the 3ds were big parts of my childhood, the 3rd installment in the series really solidified my love for Rayman. I get really nostalgic for this game in particular and the problems don’t really bother me. I can recognize that they’re definitely there but I can still look past them and just have a good time. I really wish Rayman would stop showing up in side content like the Mario and rabbids dlc or a random show on Netflix (He’s not even the main focus of the show) and actually have another TRUE game. A Rayman 4 or a follow up to rayman legends would be amazing. I just miss my weird little limbless buddy
@billbombshiggy9254 2 ай бұрын
okay, what's the music? I know I've heard it a zillion times but I'm brain farting trying to remember where and what it's from.
@fum4491 2 ай бұрын
Rayman 3 has great comedy, but I played it with PL dub. I can"t stop laughing and quote it from time to time lol
@clasherinotheone5249 2 ай бұрын
Funny for me its the other way around I love superstars but I am so tired of mania The levels just drag one and its all rehashed content for me
@AODReaper 2 ай бұрын
One of the most underrated games ever. They ruined the soundtrack on the sega CD though. The music on here is from the original.