@BradsPitts. 3 сағат бұрын
Literally Taylor Swift could secure the win with just a single Insta post, but she won’t
@BradsPitts. 3 сағат бұрын
He said he wouldn’t run for re-election and yet here we are :(
@michaelkogut8459 9 сағат бұрын
It’s never lupus
@doodles197 11 сағат бұрын
Just want to let you know that when i click on your profile and scroll through your videos, this video doesnt show up! Perhaps censorship
@happyChappy96621 20 сағат бұрын
I’m from the UK and it isn’t really my place to say who or who not to vote for in US elections but come on guys, politics is supposed to be boring and drab. Just because a politician might have bombastic, catchy and memeable quotes doesn’t mean they’re fit for office. I have a lot of respect for Biden and his public service but surely he should be proud he stoped Trump once he can stop him again by steeping aside.
@mobydick8785 20 сағат бұрын
That was one hell of a freestyle. 🔥
@tanmanasmr 22 сағат бұрын
The Democrats abandoned their old policy which worked and replaced it with Bush Republicanism. We’ll eventually be in WW3 under Bush Republicans. Trump isn’t perfect but he better represents the 90s/00s Democratic Party. The Democrats picked Biden in 2020 and 2024 so they’ll have to deal with their defeat of their Savior Bush Republican. With that, I’m a lefty on many issues, also fit into the category of New Democrat Party praise (gay and mixed race), and I’ll be voting for Trump.
@Gothdirtbag Күн бұрын
Ngl if sailor would be my politics teacher in school, i would definitely have a better grade 😭
@DJSoundProfessor Күн бұрын
I always come back to this video once in a while
@BradsPitts. Күн бұрын
I bet you could make a bunch of short political rant videos and get a ton of views, if you wanted to 😂
@PhoenicianSailor 21 сағат бұрын
Really unlikely, any political video I post loses me hundreds of subs, without fail.
@BradsPitts. Күн бұрын
Third time’s the charm for Bernie? 😂
@BradsPitts. Күн бұрын
Jimmy Carr is the British Bill Maher
@BradsPitts. Күн бұрын
Oof, not the ER question 🙈 I asked PS about that live on stream years ago and I doubt the situation has changed much since then
@PhoenicianSailor 21 сағат бұрын
From now on whenever someone asks that question I'm going to go on in detail about some compelling future project in the works that I can't reveal too much about yet ;)
@msmonkey70 Күн бұрын
Thanks for this
@ASMRTalks1 Күн бұрын
Eventually we’ll learn who was the driving force behind scheduling this debate so early in the election season, and they’ll be known as an American hero for lifting the veil that was over so many people’s eyes. Biden beat Trump in 2020, for which I’m eternally grateful, and I generally appreciate the job he has done while in office, especially in view of COVID and the war in Ukraine. The absolute best thing he can do for his legacy at this point is stand aside. No incumbent president in history has been re-elected with poll numbers even remotely close to what Biden is polling at right now. His poor polling also affects down ballot races too, potentially compromising the dems ability to hold the senate or win the house.
@tanmanasmr 21 сағат бұрын
I’d love to know how life is better now. Everything (groceries, rent, etc.) is up under Biden. The world is burning and we are more divided than ever despite Biden promising he would unite our nation. Biden is chaotic and doesn’t know where or what he is - in control of our nuclear codes because of the New Democrats (Bush Republicans).
@amymyers5503 Күн бұрын
Originally, this video predicted 2020. Now it is predicting 2024 and 2025. When will this unrelenting cycle of madness end? Does anyone know? You say remain calm, there's nothing I can do. A wise man once asked, "Aren't we meant to lie down and put a paper bag over our heads or something?" Don't panic. I know where my towel is. A towel has many uses. I can put it over my head to hide from the eldritch horrors unleashed upon this world. I can sob into it and use it to wipe away my tears. I can use it to muffle the sounds of my screams so as not to disturb the neighbors or attract the attention of the eldritch horrors.
@dustinbird9170 Күн бұрын
It has been very apparent and open that the democrats have no interest in fresh, young, innovative candidates. It is a party of patronage and hierarchy, more so than the fractured republicans. It is run from top down by a small handful of lifelong leaders. Through arrogance and short sightedness, they have failed to cultivate and support a new generation of palatable candidates, and thus there is no change or replacement that you can really wheel out even if joe was humble enough to step back. The fact the two most likely choices would be Newsome, governor of the most laughed at state in the country, and kamala, whose unpopularity even in her own party is an open secret, speaks to all of that. Republicans have plenty of infighting, but they have plenty of choices for the coming decades, recognizable names with large support bases, or at least not as much baggage and hatred. I say all of this as a conservative who disagrees with practically everything you think, but who enjoys your art and who enjoys discussing the issues of the day
@gleebybooer Күн бұрын
France and Britain both just had left wing upsets in their elections, hopefully we can keep the streak going
@dustinbird9170 Күн бұрын
The torries were already leftwing in all but name, it won't be a significant change, things will just continue to decline slightly faster, and with higher taxes
@ASMRSmith1 22 сағат бұрын
@@dustinbird9170 The torries are not left wing at all! what are you on about! the current labour government aren't even that left wing!!!
@happyChappy96621 20 сағат бұрын
The Tory’s getting thrown out of government wasn’t an upset. They’ve been doomed since Covid, ever since then they’ve had scandal after scandal. The biggest difference between Uk politics and American politics is tactical voting. We’ve got more “liberal” and “progressive” MPs in the house of commons than ever before. Labour 411 Liberal Democrat’s 72 Greens 4
@shinjinobrave 18 сағат бұрын
France had a leftwing upset. Britain had a US-style exchange between two right wing parties of a different colour.
@dustinbird9170 18 сағат бұрын
@@ASMRSmith1 yeah, because theres nothing more right wing than open borders, high taxss and bloated social programs. There is no real right wing in Europe, there are only nationalist lefties, and globalist lefties.
@yujinara462 Күн бұрын
Kamala is literally just as bad as Joe she will destroy our country she is a war hawk we literally have only one choice dude you need to wake up and smell the rot that is the democrat party they are truly evil are you serious going to bat for ppl that genuinely despise your existence you really need to look harder and smell the corruption
@victoriancuddler Күн бұрын
not American but from someone who had to deal with a lunatic attempting to get reelected to another... hope yall can sort this out
@theroadstopshere Күн бұрын
As a lefty who feels like we need to be moving faster (or at all) on a lot of issues than the Dems are willing to, it's a tough pill to swallow to have to vote for either main party in this race, but there's a damn clear distinction between the two. And while I'm no big fan of VP Harris either, she's a damn stronger candidate than Ol' Joe. And I don't even say that as a slight on him-- I do believe he's genuine and done his best, but he just doesn't have the energy, the chutzpah, and the focus the focus to handle both the Presidency in a challenging national and international political situation and a reelection campaign at the same time. While Harris might be in a difficult position were she to step up as the primary candidate, it would genuinely be better for the party as a whole for Joe to announce plans to step back into retirement and make a show of handing over more respinsibilities and roles to her as the election approaches. But I doubt it'll happen. We can hope, but I'm not hopeful as of yet. I know streams and the like aren't great for the channel stats in the KZbin "game", but I'm glad you're willing to do that, and to share your views openly. It's a real shame that the most safe and profitable option in entertainment is to simply not give substantial views one way or another. We need more George Carlins, more John Stewarts, and more folks like you. Thanks for what you do, both on the relaxation front and the topic front with what you're willing to discuss.
@dustinbird9170 Күн бұрын
it is fascinating to see how differently left wingers view reality, because I don't think anything approaching a majority, or even large minority, or people would agree that media/entertainment isn't political ENOUGH
@theroadstopshere Күн бұрын
@dustinbird9170 totally get where you're coming from, and definitely not saying more media *should* be political, just that it's a shame that expressing a political opinion aside from utterly milquetoast takes like "war is bad" and "I think we should work on dealing with corruption and incompetence in government" is a death sentence to monetization on platforms like KZbin. Big media shows can get away with it already, but streamers and small content creators? Nope, be universally advertiser-friendly in your content or be tossed into the bin of forgotten creators. Even with larger right-leaning and left-leaning channels, they have to lean on in-video sponsorships and patreon/subscribestar/etc to survive, because their content is almost universally deemed as unmonetizable by the algorithm gods. Not that I don't understand why an advertiser might balk at having their detergent ad play in front of a video discussing genocide or the abuse or mistreatment of other human beings, but the net effect is that unless you're part of a major news network or late night show, you're penalized for expressing your views on any topic which might be deemed as controversial. That's what I'm referring to, not that TV or movies need to be more political or some shit. Most of them already do a garbage job of saying anything useful or constructive at all, much less do a good job conveying complex ideas and difficult questions in a meaningful way.
@dustinbird9170 Күн бұрын
@@theroadstopshere I gave up following too many left leaning sources a while back largely because I stopped getting satisfaction from being angry at everything I read, so I would be interested in any examples from that side of the isle you might have of people suffering for their opinions. I agree that chilling political speech with the use of money no matter the side is a problem
@theroadstopshere Күн бұрын
@dustinbird9170 I honestly think the misunderstanding here on what you thought I meant and what I was intending is actually a really good example of how much people with differing political worldviews misinterpret and misconstrue what others outside their circle are saying-- your assumption was that I as a self-identified "lefty" must be making a commentary on the state of media as a whole and how I don't think it's political enough, while when I handed my phone to a buddy to ask whether that's what he read into it he said he thought it was pretty clear I was speaking about PS and other small independent creators like him. That's not to say you were somehow less perceptive than my friend, or that I was perfectly clear in my message, but that the way that someone in my friend group with a similar worldview read a pretty general comment was entirely different from how you as a more conservative stranger (nice to meet you, btw) read the same text. Some of that's definitely that my buddy knows me well, but I think the same thing is true of me reading your comment on the video discussing how you feel the Republican party is run vs. the Democrats. I grew up extremely conservative and carried those views into my 20's, but serving in the military and moving a few times and seeing and meeting people of all walks of life changed the way I looked at people and politics. I don't see a number of respectable and memorable names in the R's today, more a couple dozen of reasonable folks who I disagree with on economic and social issues and an unfortunate number of genuinely unhinged dipshits who embarrass themselves for Twitter clips and disgrace Lincoln's name by their association with his party. And unfortunately the dipshits are far more memorable and influential in what the Republican House was and wasn't able to pass than any of the reasonable folks. By contrast, I see a more organized and less childish group in the Dems on average, but one so afraid of losing a vote or making any changes that they utterly fail to do anything to address problems or correct their own mistakes. Plus, they're absolutely awful at picking candidates. Clinton and then Biden? And then Biden again? Good lord, guys, do you have that little faith in any of your other members that those were the best you could front?
@dustinbird9170 Күн бұрын
@@theroadstopshere Fair enough on the misunderstanding of what you meant to say. And I fully agree with you on your observation of how the DNC runs, it certainly is not disorganized or childish, if I let my bias show, I would say it is run like a very tight mafia, with a handful of loud outsiders who give the boss's headaches. The most impressive thing about Obama was his ability to circumvent that system as well as he did
@BradsPitts. Күн бұрын
Thanks for talking openly about this. Most KZbinrs are too ignorant or afraid to “get political,” but we’re not gonna stand a chance if we can’t even talk about it
@PhoenicianSailor Күн бұрын
@@BradsPitts. I’m pretty ignorant ;)
@deadlynightshade6769 Күн бұрын
A shorter stream, but an enjoyable one and I definitely had fun.. Glad to have caught this one and look forward to the next!
@datboisteve6992 2 күн бұрын
Album drop when? 👀 💰
@softia42 2 күн бұрын
Funny enough, your video plays by accident in the middle of my listening discovery of "The Call of Cthulhu" book and it blends so nicely that I thought it was part of the audio book 😂😂😂
@ju.delulu 2 күн бұрын
u r a great dad. my dad also did that when I was a baby. my mom also says that whenever I started crying, he would put me in the stroller and go for walks with me until I stopped crying and fell asleep. this video is very nice. I fell asleep to that yesterday. I'm 18 and felt like a real baby when u were talking to me❤ thank you for making it. I can't remember what my dad used to say to me, but this video gave me an idea of what he could say to me😂 also, I know this video is from 6 years ago, but I just want to say that, sir, u r very handsome (and still is nowadays). now that u have a baby, what do u think about doing a part III of the series "Sleep like a baby." hm?
@ElectricChaplain 3 күн бұрын
Wtf how is this so good. The playing, the recording quality - Sailor could record an album of this.
@eddieray 3 күн бұрын
Wasn't actually expecting you to sing! Your voice sounds so young.
@TrophicFault 3 күн бұрын
@jessicagraves2295 3 күн бұрын
hell ya
@koko.hekmatyar 3 күн бұрын
Lovely Guitasmr! Closing my eyes feels like floating on water
@cftyftyufyfuyfty 3 күн бұрын
Top Dad vibes 💪👑
@NephewJayden 3 күн бұрын
Love this omg
@CharlieTheSupersaurus 3 күн бұрын
I'm always saying it but I always mean it, I can't get enough of you playing guitar and sharing wonderful music with us as you always do. Music's a big deal to me, having been there most of my life and getting me through some real tough times and there for the high points too. Fantastic work, Phoenician Sailor, this piece is beautiful and I really enjoy your playing. La Catedral really captures the essence of an evening heading to a cathedral, the service and that finishing up and people going back to the world outside. Thank you for sharing.
@olevioracle 3 күн бұрын
I love these and when you just read stories. At least then I have a chance to relax enough to fall asleep. Page turning asmr-ish and a good book + 🎶🎸🩵❤️
@deadlynightshade6769 3 күн бұрын
I believe you played the three parts in a recent live stream… This is just exquisite, Sailor. Yes, please give us more! ❤
@AlternateMichael 3 күн бұрын
This is historical artifact and absolutely iconic. I'm so glad you've done this for us Sailor 🙌 This is a nice way to sail away into sleep by drifting through with calming music. I get serious Italian picnic vibes with this one 🙂‍↕️
@erebus_odora 3 күн бұрын
...as I am trying (and beautifully failing) to record vocals in a cabin in the woods during pouring rain, this comes as a true bliss with each and every soft human sound that a clean guitar-to-DAW recording never includes.
@AthenaNUB 3 күн бұрын
My boyfriend is a musician. I have been trying to get him hooked on ASMR. This would work wonders. Thank you! ❤️
@Gothdirtbag 3 күн бұрын
Everytime you play, it genuinely makes me smile, because it sounds so lovely. I'm also in love with the lighting, it looks so gorgeous:0
@UmatsuObossa 4 күн бұрын
I believe in God, and death isn't what I'm afraid of...I'm afraid of all the things I haven't done yet, and running out of time to do them. I'm afraid of my stories dying with me.
@NathanHarrisStudio 5 күн бұрын
I’m glad this is back
@TheSergio1021 Күн бұрын
@@NathanHarrisStudio yeah I was curious why it was gone
@Leathal 5 күн бұрын
You have seven months left
@PhoenicianSailor 3 күн бұрын
This is likely true
@SongbirdAvenger 5 күн бұрын
I literally searched “control game ASMR” and look, one of my favorite ASMRtists showed up! Lol
@cheriehealey1714 5 күн бұрын
I love coke
@cheriehealey1714 5 күн бұрын
I do like the sound of your voice. Have been around since you only had 20 subs.
@cheriehealey1714 5 күн бұрын
20,000 lol
@LaymanLawBot 5 күн бұрын
Thanks @Phoenician Sailor for sharing this crucial video! The Supreme Court recently issued a ruling in Trump v. United States, a case concerning the indictment of former President Donald Trump for his actions during the January 6, 2021, Capitol attack. The Court's decision centered on the balance between a President's immunity from prosecution for official acts and the need to uphold constitutional duties. The majority opinion granted Trump presumptive immunity for his official acts, prompting a dissent from Justices Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson, who argued against granting former Presidents unchecked immunity. Definitions: *Presumptive immunity: A legal assumption that a person is immune from prosecution unless proven otherwise.
@RedHeadProductionsOFFICIAL 5 күн бұрын
It's going to be hilarious when literally none of these things you're saying happens
@RedHeadProductionsOFFICIAL 5 күн бұрын
I'll come back to this in 4 years and laugh seeing all the literal schizo people freak out over in actual. Nothing Burger like this. Idiots like Trump is literally going to do nothing, nothing ever happens
@PhoenicianSailor 5 күн бұрын
that would be hilarious. I hope I'm wrong.
@edwin3928ohd 5 күн бұрын
@@PhoenicianSailor you were unhinged with the original trump election as well. Nothing is happening
@ReallyTwistedHumor 5 күн бұрын
Solutions come in multiple calibers.
@PhoenicianSailor 21 сағат бұрын
I disavow this statement, technically
@fear5735 6 күн бұрын
I've said it for years. The Supreme Court is an oxymoron and a bastardization to our Republic. It was a win for Trump no matter what, but the Supreme Court as usually voting against the nation, cucked out any way. Outcome A (What we got): Trump wins, but the nation looses and we now can not charge Barry, Clinton and others. (And why are Democrats bitching about this? This literally saved Biden and his crack head son) Outcome B: Trump still wins for the nation and we can now charge former Presidents for their crimes. As much as I was in cloud 9 over the RVW overturn to the states (as it always should have been) and the New York gun ban being overturned (Take that Teddy) I could have went to bed and slept perfectly if the Supreme Court was shut down that day as well. The Court has nearly always been wrong and this is just example number 40 billion.