@DinoPaul-ui4nw 4 ай бұрын
OUTLAWS GUERILLA TERRORIST LAWFARE OBA With the goal of raising awareness & understanding of the justice system in Ontario. PLEASE ADDRESS THIS MAN AND CDN/UK/MEX UNWARRANTED SYSTEMIC & SYSTEMATIC ATTACK ON MAN, FREEMAN, REMAINDERMAN, TRADESMAN, FAMILY MAN, ... IN INHERENT COURT JURISDICTION SUPERIOR COURT MAGNA CARTA “Pacta sunt servanda” WITH THE GLOBAL INDICTMENTS 1,000,000+ CONCEALED Crimes Against Humanity & War Crimes Act VIOLATED! Obstructing justice 16 (1) Every person who wilfully attempts in any manner to obstruct, pervert or defeat the course of justice of the ICC is guilty of an indictable offence & liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years. Subrogation is the right of an insurance company to get back the money it has paid to someone with an insurance contract from the person who has caused the loss, injury, or damage Criminal Code CDN Protection of Persons Administering & Enforcing the Law Protection of persons acting under authority 25 .1 Every one who is required or authorized by law to do anything in the administration or enforcement of the law a) as a private person, is, if he acts on reasonable grounds, justified in doing what he is required or authorized to do & in using as much force as is necessary for that purpose supreme court of Canada While individuals as a rule have full legal capacity by the operation of law alone, artificial persons are creatures of the state & enjoy civil rights & powers only upon the approval of statutory authorities...His rights are such as existed by the law of the land long antecedent to the organization of the State LAW OF NATIONS! §229. The exile & banished man have a right to live somewhere §109.nor over his property. The property of an individual does not cease to belong to him on account of his being in a foreign country; it still constitutes a part of the aggregate wealth of his nation §244. Eminent domain annexed to the sovereignty. When, in a case of necessity, he disposes in like manner of the possessions of a community or an individual, the alienation will, for the same reason, be valid. But justice requires that this community or this individual be indemnified at the public charge: & if the treasury is not able to bear the expense, all the citizens are obliged to contribute to it; for the burthens of the state ought to be supported equally, or in a just proportion. The same rules are applicable to this case as to the loss of merchandise thrown overboard to save the vessel Conveyancing & Law of Property Act, RSO 1990, c C.34 Guardians, trustees, etc., holding over without consent of remainderman, etc., deemed trespassers 52 Every person having an estate or interest in land determinable upon a life & the guardian or trustee for a minor having such an estate who, after the determination of such particular estate or interest, without the express consent of the person who is next and immediately entitled upon & after the determination of such particular estate or interest, holds over & continues in possession of any land, shall be deemed a trespasser, & every person entitled to any such land upon & after the determination of such particular estate or interest may recover in damages against every such person so holding over the full value of the profits received during such wrongful possession Article 4 1 In time of public emergency which threatens the life of the nation and the existence of which is officially proclaimed, the States Parties to the present Covenant may take measures derogating from their obligations under the present Covenant to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation, provided that such measures are not inconsistent with their other obligations under int'l law & do not involve discrimination solely on the ground of race, colour, sex, language, religion or social origin 2. No derogation from articles 6, 7, 8 .I & 2, 11, 15, 16 and 18 may be made under this provision 6. Life & Genocide 7. subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment 8 slavery & the slave-trade in all their forms shall be prohibited. 11 imprisoned merely on the ground of inability to fulfil a contractual obligation 15 under nat'l or int'l law, general principles of law recognized by the community of nations 16 recognition everywhere as a person before the law 18 Religious belief , liberty of parent IHL Minimum Humanitarian Standards Article 1 minimum humanitarian standards which are applicable in all situations, including internal violence, disturbances, tensions, & public emergency, & which cannot be derogated from under any circumstances Article 2 shall be respected by, & applied to all persons, groups & authorities, irrespective of their legal status & without any adverse discrimination Article 3 1 Everyone shall have the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. All persons, even if their liberty has been restricted, are entitled to respect for their person, honour and convictions, freedom of thought, conscience & religious practices. They shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction 2 The following acts are & shall remain prohibited a) violence to the life, health & physical or mental well-being of persons, in particular murder, torture, mutilation, rape, as well as cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment & other outrages upon personal dignity b) collective punishments against persons & their property c) taking of hostages d) practising, permitting or tolerating the involuntary disappearance of individuals, including their abduction or unacknowledged detention e) pillage f) deliberate deprivation of access to necessary food, drinking water & medicine g) threats or incitement to commit any of the foregoing acts
@DinoFavero-yp6bg 5 ай бұрын
*LAWLESS ULTRA VIRES BEYOND POWERS Media COMPLICITY PRINCIPLE OFFENDERS & martial law white collar bloody dirty hand terrorists! DEPRIVATION OF RIGHT COLOR OF LAW TERRORISM AGAINST ME AND OTHERS!!! CANADA/MEXICO/USA COURTS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, HR, INSTITUTIONS, MEDIA ... WILL & MUST ACCOUNT!!! OR SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY EXTRODITED TO INT'L CRIMINAL COURT, OR GITMO FOR DISPOSAL!!! ALL FORCE NECESARY!* *OHRC WILL BE PAYING HR FINES $75,000.00 EACH CRIMINAL INSTITUTIONAL OCCUPANCY! THE $500,000.00 INSTITUTIONAL FINES! THE 3 X DAMAGES IN FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT ARTICLE 81! & OTHER NICE CORIMINAL CORRUPT FINES LIKE THE COMPETITION ACT $35,000,000,00 IN ADDITION TO MULTIPLE LIFE SENTENCES UNDER THE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ACT! & ALL RELAVANT OTHER ACTS APLICABLE ONTARIO , CANADA & INT'L!* *HERE SOME GLOBAL INDICTMENTS! TO REGISTER ALL CANADA/USA/MEXICO/ GITMO & INT'L CRIMINAL COURT!!! BINDING ZERO EXCEPTIONS!* kzbin.info/www/bejne/l5aUdI2tjtaana8 *OH THESE CRIMINAL EMBASSY CONSULATES TREASON TERRORISM, TRESSPASSING & CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY WILL ALSO BE HELD TO ACCOUT! START WITH THOSE OH SO PRESCIOUS MEXCO STATE ACTORS! APPARENTLY THESE PRECIOUS ABOMINATIONS ARE WORTH JUST DESCRIMINATION & INF $10,326,150.00 USD PER HEAD MEAT SUIT PERSON! IN ADDITION TO VICTIMS FUNDS DOMESTIC, AND INT'L CRIMINAL COURT LIKE CANADA/UK! HOW DARE THE MEAT SUIT PERSONS DARE CLAIM THAT I WAS EVER TREATED EQUAL! NOW YOU WILL MAKE ME OH SO MOVE ECONOMICAL WEALTHY!* *MEDIA, YT & ALL WANTING SAFE BOARDER DOES NEED TO TAKE INTO ACCOUT CANADA & MEXICO CRIMINAL AUTHORITIES LIKE CANADA $35,000,000.00 COMPETITION FINES $250,000.00 EACH PERSON &$1,500,000,00 ENTITY INSTITUTION FINES EVEN KANGARO COURT GUARANTOR JUDGES LAWYER HUMAN RIGHT FINES, CRIMINAL EMBASSEY CONSULATES & PERSON ON OUR SOIL! , & EVEN MEXICO $10,326,150.00 INFO & DESCRIMINATION FINES & PRISON FOR ITS EMBASSY CONSULARS IN USA TEAXAS. BE IT BOARDER STATE FED AUTHORITIES WHERE LAW ENFORCEMENT PRINCIPLES NO CRIME CORRUPTION DEPRIVATION RIGHTS COLOR OF LAW. A MAN LIKE MYSELF AND OTHERS IN HARM WAY. BY ALL WHO KNOW NOTHING OF THE LAWS BINDING ON SOVEREIGN, NATION, STATE AND ITS ACTORS FOREIGN DOMESTIC! WHICH INCLUDES GUARANTOR LAWYERS & JUDGES WHO SHALL ABIDE BY PRINCIPLES & THE LAW OF THE LAND TREATIES BINDING STATES & ALL ACTORS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC!* *States take the Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy & Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of Int'l Human Rights Law & Serious Violations of Int'l Humanitarian Law into account, promote respect thereof & bring them to the attention of members of the executive bodies of government, in particular law enforcement officials & military and security forces, legislative bodies, the judiciary, victims & their representatives, human rights defenders & lawyers, the media & the public in general* *DEPRIVATION OF RIGHT UNDER COLOR OF LAW Crime against humanity of persecution Elements 1. The perpetrator severely deprived, contrary to int'l law, one or more persons of fundamental rights. Crime against humanity of enforced disappearance of persons. Crime against humanity of imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty. Crime against humanity of deportation or forcible transfer of population by expulsion EXILE or other coercive acts. Crime against humanity of enslavement. Elements 1. The perpetrator exercised any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership over one or more persons, such as by purchasing, selling, lending or bartering such a person or persons, or by imposing on them a similar deprivation of liberty...* *media yt sensors overtime to protect the guilty! causing harm damages, & fear mongering criminal political regimes undermining law & democracy* YOU WOULD THINK, MEXICO FEDERALES NATIONAL GUARD OR 28,000 POLICE ACT ONTARIO PRINCIPLAL SHALL PROTECT ALL PERSON, PROPERTY INCLUDING INFO ABOVE NATION DEFENCE PISS IN FACE OF MAN AND HIS RIGHT GUARANTEED!* *RENDERING POLICE A TERRORIST BELLIGERANT ABOMINATION HARM & DAMAGE LAWLESS FORCE. & KANGAROO COLOR OF LAW COURTS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY SLAUGHTERHOUSE FOR BUSINESS MONEY BY GUARANTOR JUDGES/LAWYERS PRINCIPLE OFFENDERS!!* *CANADA/UK/MEXICO/USA LAWYER JUDGE GUARANTORS ARE CRIMINALS & CORRUPT! SIMPLE REWIEW OF REMEDY CHECK LIST SHOWS THAT COLOR OF LAW, CRIMES CORRUPTION FORGERYS, THEFT, FRAUD ON COURT SOVEREIGN, NATION & STATE WITH FOREIGN ACTORS & DOMESTIC ACTORS INTENTIONALLY COMMITING CRIME CORRUPTION FOR THEMSELVES, 2ND, 3RD PARTIES! AS WELL AS IMPOSTER LAW ENFORCEMENT ARMED COMBATANTS WHO WILL USE ASSAULT BATTERY THREATS, COERSION DURESS, LIES DECEIT. WHAT CAN BE PIRATED WITH DECEIT FORGERYS? EVERYTHING ACORDING TO CANADA/UK FORGERY & LARCENY ACT! EVEN GUARANTEES! HERE HAVE LAWYER JUDGES SIGN SEAL GUARANTEE WITHOUT CONCEALMENT & INTENT TO COMMIT HARM DAMAGES THIS DOCUMENT! Basic Principles & Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy & Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of Int'l Human Rights Law & Serious Violations of Int'l Humanitarian Law. IN ADDION TO INT'L COMMISION JURISTS. GLOBAL PRINCIPLES ON NATIONAL SECURITY & THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION. & ORGANIZATION AMERICAN STATES. Model Inter-American Law on Access to Public Information. IF THEY FAIL TO PROVIDE 20 DAY REMOVAL FROM OFFICE!!! VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT OR YOU BECOME REFUGEE, EXCILE TERRORISED MAN LIKE ME!* *OH DO NOT BE AFFRAID ON RECORD TO ARREST JUDGE IF IT COMMITS FRAUD, THEFT, OBSTRUCTION DOMESTIC INT'L 48 YEAR PRISON & LIFE FOR PERSECTION, SLAVERY, MASS LIBERTY & RIGHT DEPRIVATION!* refer to criminal code canada forgerys & Forgery Act 1913 uk refer to theft, robbery, piracy law nations throwing man overboard!, mischief, mail/post crimes Larceny Act 1916 uk 1Definition For the purposes of this Act- 1)A person steals who, without the consent of the owner, fraudulently and without a claim of right made in good faith, takes and carries away anything capable of being stolen with intent, at the time of such taking, permanently to deprive the owner thereof :Provided that a person may be guilty of stealing any such thing notwithstanding that he has lawful possession thereof, if, being a bailee or part owner thereof, he fraudulently converts the same to his own use or the use of any person other than the owner: 2)(i)the expression " takes" includes obtaining the possession a)by any trick b)by intimidation c)under a mistake on the part of the owner with knowledge on the part of the taker that possession has been so obtained ; d)by finding, where at the time of the finding the finder believes that the owner can be discovered by taking reasonable steps ; ii)the expression "carries away " includes any removal of anything from the place which it occupies, but in the case of a thing attached, only if it has been completely detached iii)the expression " owner" includes any part owner, or person having possession or control of, or a special property in, anything capable of being stolen : 3)Everything which has value and is the property of any person, and if adhering to the realty then after severance therefrom, shall be capable of being stolen:Provided that ... CHECK MAGNA CARTA / BNA ACT 1867, CANADA ACT 1982 / AKA CHART OF LIBERTY PIRACY ON MAN! Life, liberty and security of person 7 Everyone has the right to life, liberty & security of the person & the right not to be deprived thereof Magna Carta 1297/15 I Confirmation of Liberties FIRST, We have granted to God, and by this our present Charter have confirmed, for Us and our Heirs for ever, that the Church of England shall be free, and shall have all her whole Rights and Liberties inviolable. We have granted also, and given to all the Freemen of our Realm, for Us and our Heirs for ever, these Liberties under-written, to have and to hold to them and their Heirs, of Us and our Heirs for ever SO WHEN I ASK WHO DARES VIOLATE ME MAN, FREEMAN, REMAINDER MAN ? ONLY A TREASON TERRORIST PIRATE COMMITING CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY! XXIX Imprisonment, &c. contrary to Law. Administration of Justice NO Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon him, nor but by lawful judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the Land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or Right Conveyancing and Law of Property Act, RSO PIRATE OF MAN PROPERTY IS property means property of any kind, whether real or personal or corporeal or incorporeal, &, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, includes a right of any kind, a share or a chose in action Guardians, trustees, etc., holding over without consent of remainderman, etc., deemed trespassers 52 Every person having an estate or interest in land determinable upon a life & the guardian or trustee for a minor having such an estate who, after the determination of such particular estate or interest, without the express consent of the person who is next & immediately entitled upon & after the determination of such particular estate or interest, holds over & continues in possession of any land, shall be deemed a trespasser, & every person entitled to any such land upon & after the determination of such particular estate or interest may recover in damages against every such person so holding over the full value of the profits received during such wrongful possession ... *CANADA/UK/MEX KANGAROO COURTS ARE FRAUD ON COURTS TERRORIST OCCUPANCY! WHO DARE DEFILE DEPRIVE MAN OF HIS PROPERTY BINDING ON WORLD DOMESTIC INT'L GUARANTEED!!! TEERORISTS! WHO WILL SEEN SO MANY LIFE SENTENCES WITHOUT PREJUDICE! & NOTHING CAN CHANGE THE FACT DEBTS BE DUE DEBTS BE TRUE & DEBTS WILL BE PAID!*
@DinoFavero-yp6bg 5 ай бұрын
*LAWLESS ULTRA VIRES BEYOND POWERS Media COMPLICITY PRINCIPLE OFFENDERS & martial law white collar bloody dirty hand terrorists! DEPRIVATION OF RIGHT COLOR OF LAW TERRORISM AGAINST ME AND OTHERS!!! CANADA/MEXICO/USA COURTS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, HR, INSTITUTIONS, MEDIA ... WILL & MUST ACCOUNT!!! OR SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY EXTRODITED TO INT'L CRIMINAL COURT, OR GITMO FOR DISPOSAL!!! ALL FORCE NECESARY!* *OHRC WILL BE PAYING HR FINES $75,000.00 EACH CRIMINAL INSTITUTIONAL OCCUPANCY! THE $500,000.00 INSTITUTIONAL FINES! THE 3 X DAMAGES IN FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT ARTICLE 81! & OTHER NICE CORIMINAL CORRUPT FINES LIKE THE COMPETITION ACT $35,000,000,00 IN ADDITION TO MULTIPLE LIFE SENTENCES UNDER THE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ACT! & ALL RELAVANT OTHER ACTS APLICABLE ONTARIO , CANADA & INT'L!* *HERE SOME GLOBAL INDICTMENTS! TO REGISTER ALL CANADA/USA/MEXICO/ GITMO & INT'L CRIMINAL COURT!!! BINDING ZERO EXCEPTIONS!* kzbin.info/www/bejne/l5aUdI2tjtaana8 *OH THESE CRIMINAL EMBASSY CONSULATES TREASON TERRORISM, TRESSPASSING & CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY WILL ALSO BE HELD TO ACCOUT! START WITH THOSE OH SO PRESCIOUS MEXCO STATE ACTORS! APPARENTLY THESE PRECIOUS ABOMINATIONS ARE WORTH JUST DESCRIMINATION & INF $10,326,150.00 USD PER HEAD MEAT SUIT PERSON! IN ADDITION TO VICTIMS FUNDS DOMESTIC, AND INT'L CRIMINAL COURT LIKE CANADA/UK! HOW DARE THE MEAT SUIT PERSONS DARE CLAIM THAT I WAS EVER TREATED EQUAL! NOW YOU WILL MAKE ME OH SO MOVE ECONOMICAL WEALTHY!* *MEDIA, YT & ALL WANTING SAFE BOARDER DOES NEED TO TAKE INTO ACCOUT CANADA & MEXICO CRIMINAL AUTHORITIES LIKE CANADA $35,000,000.00 COMPETITION FINES $250,000.00 EACH PERSON &$1,500,000,00 ENTITY INSTITUTION FINES EVEN KANGARO COURT GUARANTOR JUDGES LAWYER HUMAN RIGHT FINES, CRIMINAL EMBASSEY CONSULATES & PERSON ON OUR SOIL! , & EVEN MEXICO $10,326,150.00 INFO & DESCRIMINATION FINES & PRISON FOR ITS EMBASSY CONSULARS IN USA TEAXAS. BE IT BOARDER STATE FED AUTHORITIES WHERE LAW ENFORCEMENT PRINCIPLES NO CRIME CORRUPTION DEPRIVATION RIGHTS COLOR OF LAW. A MAN LIKE MYSELF AND OTHERS IN HARM WAY. BY ALL WHO KNOW NOTHING OF THE LAWS BINDING ON SOVEREIGN, NATION, STATE AND ITS ACTORS FOREIGN DOMESTIC! WHICH INCLUDES GUARANTOR LAWYERS & JUDGES WHO SHALL ABIDE BY PRINCIPLES & THE LAW OF THE LAND TREATIES BINDING STATES & ALL ACTORS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC!* *States take the Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy & Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of Int'l Human Rights Law & Serious Violations of Int'l Humanitarian Law into account, promote respect thereof & bring them to the attention of members of the executive bodies of government, in particular law enforcement officials & military and security forces, legislative bodies, the judiciary, victims & their representatives, human rights defenders & lawyers, the media & the public in general* *DEPRIVATION OF RIGHT UNDER COLOR OF LAW Crime against humanity of persecution Elements 1. The perpetrator severely deprived, contrary to int'l law, one or more persons of fundamental rights. Crime against humanity of enforced disappearance of persons. Crime against humanity of imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty. Crime against humanity of deportation or forcible transfer of population by expulsion EXILE or other coercive acts. Crime against humanity of enslavement. Elements 1. The perpetrator exercised any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership over one or more persons, such as by purchasing, selling, lending or bartering such a person or persons, or by imposing on them a similar deprivation of liberty...* *media yt sensors overtime to protect the guilty! causing harm damages, & fear mongering criminal political regimes undermining law & democracy* YOU WOULD THINK, MEXICO FEDERALES NATIONAL GUARD OR 28,000 POLICE ACT ONTARIO PRINCIPLAL SHALL PROTECT ALL PERSON, PROPERTY INCLUDING INFO ABOVE NATION DEFENCE PISS IN FACE OF MAN AND HIS RIGHT GUARANTEED!* *RENDERING POLICE A TERRORIST BELLIGERANT ABOMINATION HARM & DAMAGE LAWLESS FORCE. & KANGAROO COLOR OF LAW COURTS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY SLAUGHTERHOUSE FOR BUSINESS MONEY BY GUARANTOR JUDGES/LAWYERS PRINCIPLE OFFENDERS!!* *CANADA/UK/MEXICO/USA LAWYER JUDGE GUARANTORS ARE CRIMINALS & CORRUPT! SIMPLE REWIEW OF REMEDY CHECK LIST SHOWS THAT COLOR OF LAW, CRIMES CORRUPTION FORGERYS, THEFT, FRAUD ON COURT SOVEREIGN, NATION & STATE WITH FOREIGN ACTORS & DOMESTIC ACTORS INTENTIONALLY COMMITING CRIME CORRUPTION FOR THEMSELVES, 2ND, 3RD PARTIES! AS WELL AS IMPOSTER LAW ENFORCEMENT ARMED COMBATANTS WHO WILL USE ASSAULT BATTERY THREATS, COERSION DURESS, LIES DECEIT. WHAT CAN BE PIRATED WITH DECEIT FORGERYS? EVERYTHING ACORDING TO CANADA/UK FORGERY & LARCENY ACT! EVEN GUARANTEES! HERE HAVE LAWYER JUDGES SIGN SEAL GUARANTEE WITHOUT CONCEALMENT & INTENT TO COMMIT HARM DAMAGES THIS DOCUMENT! Basic Principles & Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy & Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of Int'l Human Rights Law & Serious Violations of Int'l Humanitarian Law. IN ADDION TO INT'L COMMISION JURISTS. GLOBAL PRINCIPLES ON NATIONAL SECURITY & THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION. & ORGANIZATION AMERICAN STATES. Model Inter-American Law on Access to Public Information. IF THEY FAIL TO PROVIDE 20 DAY REMOVAL FROM OFFICE!!! VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT OR YOU BECOME REFUGEE, EXCILE TERRORISED MAN LIKE ME!* *OH DO NOT BE AFFRAID ON RECORD TO ARREST JUDGE IF IT COMMITS FRAUD, THEFT, OBSTRUCTION DOMESTIC INT'L 48 YEAR PRISON & LIFE FOR PERSECTION, SLAVERY, MASS LIBERTY & RIGHT DEPRIVATION!* refer to criminal code canada forgerys & Forgery Act 1913 uk refer to theft, robbery, piracy law nations throwing man overboard!, mischief, mail/post crimes Larceny Act 1916 uk 1Definition For the purposes of this Act- 1)A person steals who, without the consent of the owner, fraudulently and without a claim of right made in good faith, takes and carries away anything capable of being stolen with intent, at the time of such taking, permanently to deprive the owner thereof :Provided that a person may be guilty of stealing any such thing notwithstanding that he has lawful possession thereof, if, being a bailee or part owner thereof, he fraudulently converts the same to his own use or the use of any person other than the owner: 2)(i)the expression " takes" includes obtaining the possession a)by any trick b)by intimidation c)under a mistake on the part of the owner with knowledge on the part of the taker that possession has been so obtained ; d)by finding, where at the time of the finding the finder believes that the owner can be discovered by taking reasonable steps ; ii)the expression "carries away " includes any removal of anything from the place which it occupies, but in the case of a thing attached, only if it has been completely detached iii)the expression " owner" includes any part owner, or person having possession or control of, or a special property in, anything capable of being stolen : 3)Everything which has value and is the property of any person, and if adhering to the realty then after severance therefrom, shall be capable of being stolen:Provided that ... CHECK MAGNA CARTA / BNA ACT 1867, CANADA ACT 1982 / AKA CHART OF LIBERTY PIRACY ON MAN! Life, liberty and security of person 7 Everyone has the right to life, liberty & security of the person & the right not to be deprived thereof Magna Carta 1297/15 I Confirmation of Liberties FIRST, We have granted to God, and by this our present Charter have confirmed, for Us and our Heirs for ever, that the Church of England shall be free, and shall have all her whole Rights and Liberties inviolable. We have granted also, and given to all the Freemen of our Realm, for Us and our Heirs for ever, these Liberties under-written, to have and to hold to them and their Heirs, of Us and our Heirs for ever SO WHEN I ASK WHO DARES VIOLATE ME MAN, FREEMAN, REMAINDER MAN ? ONLY A TREASON TERRORIST PIRATE COMMITING CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY! XXIX Imprisonment, &c. contrary to Law. Administration of Justice NO Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon him, nor but by lawful judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the Land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or Right Conveyancing and Law of Property Act, RSO PIRATE OF MAN PROPERTY IS property means property of any kind, whether real or personal or corporeal or incorporeal, &, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, includes a right of any kind, a share or a chose in action Guardians, trustees, etc., holding over without consent of remainderman, etc., deemed trespassers 52 Every person having an estate or interest in land determinable upon a life & the guardian or trustee for a minor having such an estate who, after the determination of such particular estate or interest, without the express consent of the person who is next & immediately entitled upon & after the determination of such particular estate or interest, holds over & continues in possession of any land, shall be deemed a trespasser, & every person entitled to any such land upon & after the determination of such particular estate or interest may recover in damages against every such person so holding over the full value of the profits received during such wrongful possession ... *CANADA/UK/MEX KANGAROO COURTS ARE FRAUD ON COURTS TERRORIST OCCUPANCY! WHO DARE DEFILE DEPRIVE MAN OF HIS PROPERTY BINDING ON WORLD DOMESTIC INT'L GUARANTEED!!! TEERORISTS! WHO WILL SEEN SO MANY LIFE SENTENCES WITHOUT PREJUDICE! & NOTHING CAN CHANGE THE FACT DEBTS BE DUE DEBTS BE TRUE & DEBTS WILL BE PAID!*
@herpderp1750 Жыл бұрын
White people cannot claim discrimination. That's how it works.
@MrDewelu Жыл бұрын
I do not believe what these lawyers are talking about. My complaints to the HRTO are still lingering without a chance to be heard by the Tribunal's Hearing process for the past seven years. Even after being represented by lawyers who were believed to have been the best in the practice, policy makers, advisors. After spending thousands of dollars as legal fees, there still is no finality to my files to the time I wrote this comment. I think it is very shameful to all parties especially, to the HRTO, the province, and to the country in general. application
@BearbearbearbearbearbearRarrrr 2 жыл бұрын
Doesn’t lawpro undermine all of this, by incentivizing discrimination?
@BearbearbearbearbearbearRarrrr 2 жыл бұрын
1. Consider using a teleprompter. 2 think about eye lines when you’re on tv, ie, looking at whomever is speaking etc.
@nasypremji 3 жыл бұрын
if you have a Prenuptial Agreement in place how do you incorporate that when drafting legal separation agreement
@MyLifewithGuitar 3 жыл бұрын
I also posted a video on human rights kzbin.info/www/bejne/fXushKKcpaiVoZI .
@andrefreeman1 4 жыл бұрын
What if a magistrate breach our right
@BearbearbearbearbearbearRarrrr 2 жыл бұрын
Lawpro appears to protect them from accountability, apparently, perpetuating discrimination, forcing lawyers to undermine their rules of conduct, mislead the publics, lie to the courts, etc. this video is a straw man, this lawyer is fully aware of the issues.
@nguyenpaul7720 5 жыл бұрын
They always say in Canada has human rights but I don't see is real. Please watch senator Ngô Thanh hải of the Conservative Party call action to the activity. kzbin.info/www/bejne/kImaeKCug9qmi8U