IMFAR Tech Demo Awards
13 жыл бұрын
John Robison at IMFAR
13 жыл бұрын
David Mandell at IMFAR 2011
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Geraldine Dawson Interview
13 жыл бұрын
@bpdlovedones Күн бұрын
I genuinely thought this was from the Onion 💀
@MrGZM90 8 күн бұрын
Driving is the best part don't let your autism stop from learning how to drive! 4:07, 8:05
@annanoall539 8 күн бұрын
I'm so sad from learning that Steve Silberman passed on this week. What a lovely human being Steve Silberman was. Thanks for the video.
@klynol 12 күн бұрын
Most empathetic neurotypical
@ponikoTV 24 күн бұрын
Neurotypicals are the real monsters
@SaintCharlos Ай бұрын
I feel so bad for this poor mother. She was just very frustrated and stressed with her life, but somehow Autism Speaks used that in order to promote their harmful agenda. Disgusting.
@Fallen_Deity Ай бұрын
Jodie is probably a young adult by now, and I hope she doesn’t/hasn’t seen this. I can’t image how mortified she’d be to hear that her own mother wanted to kill her… absolutely disgusting.
@longestbeann Ай бұрын
Isn't this the woman who talked about driving off a bridge with her autistic daughter? Of course she funds "autism research".
@Kitkatcaitlin 2 ай бұрын
I know this was 15 years ago but do not have children if you aren’t prepared for disabilities
@thehuntressdanni2972 3 ай бұрын
When you want to click like but you can't because then it feels like you like what you were just shown but you don't disagree with the uploader... Life is confusing.
@Kadin73 3 ай бұрын
There's a spectrum. She can be high functioning. She does know that right?
@specialuset8022 21 күн бұрын
Functioning labels are harmful to the autisic community, and they simply don’t make sense.
@samuelbrueggeman6353 3 ай бұрын
Even without this clip, this "documentary" is terrible.
@Starlightglitter66 4 ай бұрын
GOOD GOD. My mom is a great person who would never do that. As an autistic I feel so bad for that girl in the background.
@Darkdimension991 5 ай бұрын
she needs to be arrested because this is psychopath craziness what she is saying I have autism myself and it’s hard to function they don’t understand I watch the whole movie and these parents think that they had a bad life because they charging autistic I get it it’s not fun to have a autistic childbut they have no right to say this I have autism and it sucks almost every day no one can understand us everyone’s keep on telling us that you are imagining things autism needs to be vaccine I understand her worship coming but she needs to be arrested yes having autism will make you go crazy because you can’t understand stuff
@Kadin73 2 ай бұрын
It doesn't suck. Don't say that. Einstein was autistic. You shouldn't be ashamed of who you are
@greenpiersystem 5 ай бұрын
So I'm [🖊️] gonna get the shit for this because I'm not only defending this mother, but I'm also doing it because the one person who has brought it up in a video essay is now notorious for being a cunt (Illuminaughtii) but this needs to be said: This mother, *_MOTHER_* let me [🪤] repeat, DOES NOT believe this. This was significantly cut down. And we believe that because when we were running the Autism Speaks gauntlet in Rochester, NY because they had interest in our "token talking female" story, they also cut down our own words. We said A LOT of positives about ASD. The only shit that ever aired on local news or elsewhere after getting screened, and we always complained about this, was a severely-altered conversation where when we were once saying how proud we were to be openly autistic and have others accept us for our positives and negatives, instead it was almost apologistic where we were seen thanking our peers for dealing with all of our horrible symptoms that we had day in, day out. This MOTHER has since left AS and started her own anti-AS charity with a science basis in effort to counter AS's goal of finding a genetic test for ASD and making it possible to abort ASD children before they are born, as well as to disprove the MMR vaccine theory since the CEO of Autism Speaks still can't admit that vaccines don't cause autism. We think she has definitely learned her lesson if she has ever thought this at minimum. And yes, her thoughts were violent and horrible, but people have breaking points, and some people have REALLY BAD breaking points. I [👾] know for sure that if we brought up how often we have su!cidal ideation because of how shitty our life is and how hard it is to see a future, with the I Am Autism commerical in context, they would have definitely plastered our face saying that EVERYWHERE and then say they were doing ASD folks a favor by "curing" us all before we were even born. And guess what? After XXX assault at a mental hospital, XXX abuse multiple times via the internet, medical abuse at the same mental hospital, verbal abuse over our entire life (our name was "fuckface" for a month, as one example,) psychological abuse over our whole life, physical abuse (we were pinned, choked out, spanked and punched at 15 by our nparents. This had been going on occasionally since we were slapped upside the face for telling our stepmother at the age of 6 that destroying our room and throwing away our stuff as a punishment for giving our nmother a hard time at a local theme park would not make us love her,) financial abuse (our inheritances and our money from completing AS studies were stolen by our nparents for their own frivolous purchases,) neglect (we were dirty and sick all the time, and most of our punishments were dangerous, like how we were locked outside in 90°F+ weather with direct sun, not allowed in shade or allowed inside, doors locked, with only one pitcher of lemonade or two Hug Jugs to drink, and we were forced to weed until even the clovers were gone otherwise we were "slacking,") and our own mental health issues (while we have cPTSD and OSDD 1b from all of that, we also have PDA-pattern ASD, which is essentially ASD doing the splits across the entire DSM-5 as a venn diagram, as well as genetic OCD from our nmother that was supercharged by our trauma. If OCD has any perfect crop companion, it's childhood cPTSD creating a very strong savior complex,) we're still alive! There was a point in time when we didn't think we'd make it to 18. We've almost always journaled (we used to draw until our drawings were stolen/destroyed to serve as evidence of "how insane we were." We still have trouble drawing due to paranoia of being watched. We also stopped writing at all from 2017 to 2020 because our accounts were forcibly stolen by our nparents by coming to us in the hospital after 4 attempts in 24 hours and making us hand over all passwords and unlock Touch ID, and they personally read all our entries, making fun of and judging us based on entries spanning since we got our iPod Touch 4th) and even notes from our old accounts that we've managed to claw back still have references from conversations about what we thought would happen since we couldn't possibly live to 18 in those conditions. And then we didn't think we'd live to 21, especially after our nfather straight up told us to hang ourselves and we were screaming and nearly clawing our own eyes out after hanging up in tears. But here we are, turning 22 this June and going to see Melanie Martinez just over a week before our birthday, since Dollhouse was a huge comfort when we were outside picking weeds, and now Portals is probably our favorite album of the saga for the era of our lives we're heading into now. And we're going to Disney World this weekend, for a whole week (yes, we're leaving Rochester, the best place for the eclipse, to go to Disney. That was on complete accident, but that will probably mean less crowds anyway and we saw the one that went through SC, so...) Life is fucking difficult. And people are fucking terrible. And they're incredibly stupid. But that doesn't mean you can't improve eventually. Edit: And because another commenter who is vehemently against this mother is using their parents' response, we'll bring our parents into context. Our parents consider themselves perfect. Our nfather told us to hang ourselves because he considered our multiple attempts before boring (attempts included: self-strangulation with hoodies while sleeping, pill ODs, jumping, chemical asphyxiation [we had attempted to make Chloroform but it didn't work,] blunt force to our own skull and more) and said he would "sleep well at night" and rub our failure that "he knew" in our nmother's face. He also threatened that "when you were turning people's heads to talk, I should have done something then, I knew you were a monster," literally implying he should have killed us as an infant because when we first started interacting with people, we had the tendency to move people's faces so we'd have full focus (which is apparently quite normal for ASD, contrary to the eye contact issue. Apparently it's because we want to have full focus on the conversation, and at that point the priority on communication without external distractions is more important to most autistics than the implosion feeling from staring people in the eye.) Meanwhile our nmother regularly says that "if we beat our children more these days, they'd behave better" and absolutely refuses to recognize the fact that her untreated Bipolar episodes when we were toddlers fucked us up (she still refuses to acknowledge that she slept more than she mothered, our grandmother taking on more of those responsibilities, and she also refuses to acknowledge how fucking terrifying she was when manic because she wouldn't take her meds, especially when chasing us down the hallway and dragging us back by our hair.) We'd rather have them admit these types of thoughts than not say them, or worse, say then dismiss them, because then we can work on that. If a parent can say they are having issues, we can fix that, that's why we want to go into Psychology, to keep other people from going through the same shit we did. If you can't admit that, you're never gonna change. Our mother has said she "hates girls" and has told us she wished she aborted us and our sister, but she also doesn't admit she ever said those comments and tells us to "just get over it." This mother DOES. She has taken responsibility and can work on that shit. That's better than what we could ask for. -🖊️/🪤/⚖️
@EmmysCoolVids123 5 ай бұрын
Cute couple are they still together
@AdriCruz21 5 ай бұрын
I just got to ask, what were the people thinking when this documentary came out? If this was the motivation for some parents to believe and do the same thing to their children then this is why how the organization didn't seem to care for the safety for the disability and autistic people. Just like how Autism Speaks would endorsed a facility called the Judge Rotenburg Center for using GED to shock their students to probably to no end.
@SilverStormzAndGoldenRain 6 ай бұрын
That poor child, she's all I can think about. For the people defending this woman, *look* at her. Look at how she smiles smugly as she talks about wanting to MURDER her child, look at her lips moving to form LIES that her child does not love her, only for the child's actions to shut them down. Look at her eyes, and realize that this is not a parent who has hit rock bottom, but a psychopath talking out of only her brain. That child deserves better, and I just hope she gets it.
@carmenyolandagreene3049 6 ай бұрын
No, take your self out first. This child did not ask to be born or have Autism.
@_r._7513 7 ай бұрын
Next time my mother asks why I hate Autism Speaks, I will send her this clip. She loves my brothers and I (all three of us being on the spectrum), but she only sees Autism Speaks as some great organization that wants to help people on the spectrum and their families. However, as we know, it’s far from the truth. They pathologize and degrade people on the autism spectrum, fear-mongering in hopes of getting funding to find a “cure” to us.
@micheals1992 7 ай бұрын
I'm starting to think people with autism are the ones who see through all of the bollocks. They see the true reality of the world, neurotypicals are the ones who've developed mental coping mechanisms to control what information their brains take in. They've almost developed a mental block that prevents them from seeing reality and also prevents them from feeling all of the fear, anxiety and overstimulation the world we live in causes. I'm also convinced everybody is confused by the social rules in our society, nobody has a f-in clue what is going on and autistic people are the only ones who are honest about that. I think allot of the social structures in society have one goal at the center of them, to control people and make them ignorant. I'm not really sure what the psychological systems are that differentiate autistics and allistics. I'm trying to figure it out. At some stage in childhood development neurotypicals develop a coping mechanism which dampens and hides what would be considered "autistic traits", some still remain in allot of people (which is why you often hear "everybody has autistic traits").
@brianperkins6121 7 ай бұрын
In as few words as possable , Why , wrong planet ? my reactive responce to that quesiton ,, ones internal self "Sees" and reacts to something "within" the way the internals of sociaty works and it just "Feels" wrong . all kinds of reflective terms ,, "Bad source code" wrong operating system , wrong way of thinking , those are kind of mechanistic but are esay to understand. in order to refect upon the deeper layers one can not do it through the english languges noun baised expression roots. too much "Dualism" embedment , whats that ? . thoughts from others upon these layers ? Lakota speaker David little elk "duality" is an intresting converstion upon this subject ,, many indigious commuitys "but not all" orignaly had within there way of thinking a Non-Dualistc perseption of reality within there ways of thinking and interacting with each other and the world around them. is this a factor ?
@samuelschaad 7 ай бұрын
Im curious if this w#### went to prison
@ph7202 7 ай бұрын
Our society is often fickle, constantly cruel, and asinine in general. Do not let it come between you and your loved ones
@Dark_nightsky 8 ай бұрын
I am autistic, and I am absolutely shook. Wow, that is not. OK. That is horrible. That is abusive. I’m speechless.
@hazelcornell4311 8 ай бұрын
This video is ironic, at best. This woman clearly does not know the difference between Inside the Head Thoughts and Out Loud Thoughts, nor does she have the social awareness to know that saying this in front of her daughter is EXTREMELY inappropriate. Given the mother's behavior, I suspect that the autistic nut did not fall far from the autistic tree.
@BP-dz8rr 8 ай бұрын
This seems robotic...
@andrewmosley8267 8 ай бұрын
I am actually on the mild spectrum
@Huckleberry_boots 8 ай бұрын
The whole tone of this "documentary" is completely f'd up and beyond wrong. It's basically focusing on how hard life is for parents on autistic kids in this light of 'there's no way out and our kids are ruining our lives and the lives of their siblings." As a parent to a wonderful autistic child, I'm so utterly disgusted by this clip and the rest of the clips I've seen of this "film." Autistic people aren't broken. The only reason it can be so hard to be a parent to a disabled person is because society isn't built to support us!!
@P0tat0ssh0uldb3blu3 8 ай бұрын
It’s normal to have intrusive thoughts, but her saying that the only reason she didn’t do it was because of her other daughter is questionable. 1. That brings the idea that if she didn’t have another daughter she wouldn’t do it. 2. It shows that she doesn’t love her daughter with autism. I hope this family got/will get help because this is just sad.
@user-ut9ui5us3v 8 ай бұрын
I watched three minutes and felt like I was going to pass out with fear.
@CrystalHollow 9 ай бұрын
What unlucky children to have a mother like that!
@Scarboi2021 9 ай бұрын
HA,i will die alone theres no way of letting me enjoy a relationship!
@HHHHammer 9 ай бұрын
Hello 911 wttfff 💀💀💀
@BeachioSandschannel 10 ай бұрын
If any parent thinks like this, that’s probably a sign that they shouldn’t have a child, period.
@melissacooper8724 10 ай бұрын
I know that she is having a tough time dealing with her autistic daughter, but that's terrible that she would even consider killing her child and herself because of her daughter's autism! I'm surprised that she didn't get arrested for even talking about doing it!
@BonnieBurton-gf3gn 10 ай бұрын
Does gasting I feel sad for that kid? My mom talked down to me. Sit on Monday to left 2 ugly too. Stupid to retarded too sample, why do people do this stuff? It makes people feel like they want to be suicidal. I can't believe this b**** is talking about calendar on her kid because they're Autistic what a cruel, sick world. I feel sorry for that kid.😢
@Bondelhyde 10 ай бұрын
What the fuck is this
@herobrinekingmaster 11 ай бұрын
So, am i the only one who wonder where is the kid now? Is she safe? Or did the mother actually kill her? Please, tell me is the former, i want to know.
@mcpartridgeboy 11 ай бұрын
lol a woman that looks that good will be gettig several thosand offers A DAY, there is no way in hell she is going to go for some autistic guy who just met her when she literally has the best pick up artists in town on her phone and doing everything correct, this is so unrealistic !
@alexanderbrewis1859 11 ай бұрын
Hate how easy neurotypicals find this stuff lol 😆
@alexanderbrewis1859 11 ай бұрын
Yeah the much more likely scenario is that I get freaked out that I might creep her out so never admit that I like them lol 😆
@alexanderbrewis1859 11 ай бұрын
Yeah the much more likely scenario is that I get freaked out that I might creep her out so never admit that I like them lol 😆
@NotAFanOfHandles 11 ай бұрын
I put a like on this video. Did I do it because I like the video? No. I did it because I'm glad the video exists to spread awareness as to the awfulness of Autism Speaks. Kudos to Wrong Planet for being brave enough to share this clip. You do not deserve the dislikes.
@deliasimona975 11 ай бұрын
I love my child but autism is really FKN hard im a single mom with no support from anyone not even the dad. I am the bread winner and its hard when your son is constantly screaming, hitting, biting, slapping, running away from you, doesnt listen at ALL! Its HARDDDD , even his teachers and people who cone around me say they dont know how i do it, my love for my kid is what keeps me going but honesrly and God forgive ne but i have THOUGHT this never said it out loud. So she is tight every mother has though of giving up at some point.
@EmiPianoMX Жыл бұрын
Oh, that's sounds so difficult.
@Jhenniiww Жыл бұрын
This is so sad! She is like: "Oh, my daughter don't care about anything. She doesn't know about anything I do or say. She's not a human. So it's ok if she's dead." But the girl isn't deaf, she's hearing every word, and she doesn't demonstrate it but she understand every word. 😢😭😓
@maxhamlin38 Жыл бұрын
I've accepted the fact that I will die alone
@MarkGuerrero-cz9bh Жыл бұрын
People like this clearly make little to no effort in supporting their child. I was lucky enough to have a grandmother who was very on top of things, ensuring i had what i needed to succeed. (Mom had her own problems and my dad worked late hours in the early years). now i am independent and am a pharmacy technician. basically giving up on your kid helps nobody. Put in the work and things can improve.
@BrianSellasBiggestFan Жыл бұрын
This is not normal whatsoever. No sane person contemplates suicide-murdering their child.