Election deep dive: Europe turns Right
Ex-NYT Reporter: The world went crazy!
Welcome to the uniparty election
The Rewilding Debate
3 ай бұрын
@LL-kh6gv 20 сағат бұрын
It's all good and well to believe that Christianity soothes your pains (of depression in her case), until you lose a loved one by the gun, and the God you believe in is hidden during the whole process. Never speaking a word of comfort to you. And then you face the reality that there is no one watching over you to protect you despite your years of fidelity and devotion. He seems real to you until he is nowhere to be found during hard times.
@larsdanielsen7304 20 сағат бұрын
two things I have learned in life, no profit in peace and no profit in cures.
@ohwhatfunitistowalk 20 сағат бұрын
What a slow learner.
@larsdanielsen7304 20 сағат бұрын
This video is now 11 months old, so 2 things have happened without debate, NATO and now the DCA agreement. The later is about giving USA access to Swedens territory and military bases without any questions, a peaceful invasion in my mind. It’s clear we don’t live in a democracy any more. Such important questions should be voted on by the people!
@haticeergun7618 21 сағат бұрын
Richard is misled by anti Islamic propaganda.2:256 in Chapter Baqara says :NO COMPULSION IN ISLAM..! Any murder committed in the nsme of Islam is only part and parcel of smear campaign like creation of ISIS Al Qaeda .Those who turned their crime into a sacred blessing for humanity commits crimes and blames Islam and giving false references to mislead people into believing in made up nonexisting lslamic laws. Islam is a threat to the zionist plot of one world state and this African lady and Dawkins are zionist agents acting as open minded atheists. Islam is growing while false teachings and torture culture is dying whether you like it or not..!
@monwell250 21 сағат бұрын
The earth is the higher power. Everything comes from it!!
@larsdanielsen7304 21 сағат бұрын
First of all, China wants stability for its ongoing and future development technologically and economically, they don’t want war. The USA do NOT want China to grow in any of those areas. If there will be a war with China the USA will be the culprit, as so often in the past, they will starts it one way or the other. A Tonkin bay false flag for example. The lady says that China needs to work for a better relationship with USA, why? It’s USA that constantly sanctions China, micro chip, EV cars and TikTok for example so why should China work for a better relationship, why not the other way around? The west would definitely lose a third world war. China weapons technology is less advanced than USA? Nonsense, Houthis took out one of US carriers!! No one has mentioned what North Korea, Iran and many BRICS countries will do if there is a sudden war with China. The west will be no more. All this warmongering is completely madness! Where did diplomacy go?
@heavy_ou 21 сағат бұрын
😢 so sad.
@taylorb2162 21 сағат бұрын
misinformation/disinformation = political ideas and facts that i don't like
@SK-xu4uk 22 сағат бұрын
Ayan is shit scared of Islamists and showed her strong bias in gaza protest. Does she really fear of God. The inocent people are butchered. She is absolute selfish. All her ideas evolve to adjust herself better in the west. A muslim born then atheist and now christian. No standing at all. If promised not to be killed and pounded with dollars, she be muslim again next year. Dawkins on other hand, not faithfully religious but talked maturely and has a humane touch and content. He felt like free spirit. May not agree with his ideas but still he seems having faith in something for nothing. I think the idea to make Richard to debate with unstable women who chages her faith ever now and then is not great.
@virtualistrust2335 22 сағат бұрын
Looks like another one (Nellie) made it thru a bad case of TDS. I'm a blk fem, indep, former DC liberal. Call me right-wing. Just don't call me liberal clown world.
@tsr4822 22 сағат бұрын
All the good reporters will no longer be reporters for this which you speak of Politicians will no longer serve their communities and their country because they wanna make a difference all the people that will be in these positions will Will be the worst of society because they will literally sell their souls and their ideas and their power A specific price that will drive all of the good human beings underground
@asmasultana8775 22 сағат бұрын
She is a social climber and uses atheism to climb to her next step. The moral nature atheists have supported her and saved her, but the same moral values today failed to make her understand her present stand! Tragic!
@tsr4822 22 сағат бұрын
Southern poverty law Is a extremely dangerous weapon in today's societyAs is the NA ACP that has nothing to do with race relations it has everything to do with huge amounts of money and bigotry and racism that is allowed to flow through their institutions uncheckedYou can never fight RACISM WITH RACISM
@mmelimahlobo7656 22 сағат бұрын
Am I hearing Richard saying God could have done better than what he did to cleanse us from our sins?,I think what he is saying essentialy is that he himself as Richard and a creation knows better than his creator,shocking
@samehyoussef5086 23 сағат бұрын
I would advice to listen to Sam Samoun, C.P., and Jay Smith vs Islam...invite them and encourage them...they are heros....
@kk-xj5oz 23 сағат бұрын
This reminds me of the song by die Antwoord. It's one big inbread f..fest
@generyan2332 23 сағат бұрын
No, Ayaan is not intelligent. She's adamant on saying I chose to believe, which is an impossibility. Intellect 101. She's very difficult and frustrating to listen to. I can't listen to any more her, bye.
@tpomero 23 сағат бұрын
Peter Singer?!? Peter Singer?!? The man who argues for "post birth abortions," "murdering the elderly and infirm," "beastiality is permissible?!?" This man is a murderous troll. "Most important philosopher " my ass. I am a freedom of expression absolutist. I especially believe in airing out the evil ideas so that we know them and remember that they are evil. Go ahead and platform Singer. Don't call him a "moral philosopher." Sure as heaven don't declare him the "greatest philosopher of our time. "
@interestedpart2650 23 сағат бұрын
Brilliant work! Real Journalism! Thanks for exposing this set up!
@generyan2332 23 сағат бұрын
When Ayaan said she chooses to accept that, I would say her acceptance means belief. No one can choose to believe. That would be impossible. It suspiciously points to her not telling the truth, and I have doubts about the hosts claim that she's intelligent or intelligently honest, at least.
@asmasultana8775 23 сағат бұрын
Ayaan does not make any sense anymore. Please do not bring art into this conversation because religions used art; art never uses anything for its own benefit! Believing nothing is courageous and believing nothing is fulfilling, stupid minds will never understand that!
@generyan2332 23 сағат бұрын
Noy wisdom of the millennia, but irrationality. Possibly for many like yourself to want something greater than themselves.
@generyan2332 23 сағат бұрын
So, Ayaan feels better only when she believes something is greater than her. I wonder how she'd feel if she found out there was something even greater than that greater something she already claims. How great or greater does something have to be?
@larsdanielsen7304 23 сағат бұрын
instead of only commenting on this please share it far and wide!
@wisedyes Күн бұрын
There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God- 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. 2 Timothy 3
@tropolite Күн бұрын
I find it hilarious how Hate is Hate, YET they neglect to see their OWN hate, eg Russophobia Instead of TALKING to them to try to Negotiate a solution, they simply Hate Russia, want their natural resources and ignore what Russia's concerns are the West close the door and refuse to talk with Russia. Russia has ALWAYS said they are willing to talk, yet they are continually ignored and would rather go to war with Russia... So the West's hate is fine against Russia, but Hate is Hate, right? This is why IT'S the Officials and the circular journalistic loops that are then referenced but then causes more 'news' and then that news is reported on and referenced and there goes that rise again. These officials are complete idiots and that's not hate, that is fact because they are eating themselves without realizing it. Where did Liberalism go from Democracy??? Democracy is no more, it isn't by the people, it is the bigwigs electing themselves not really listening to 'the constituents, they only listen to Lobby groups and NGO's. It's no longer Democracy, it's Authoritarian Dictatorial Regime where the plebs, normal people, have this facade about their vote counting and the politicians are actually listening to their constituents. They Aren't.
@grayburst Күн бұрын
Antifa= fascist brown shirts.
@Dan-hl4lh Күн бұрын
The world went crazy? You admitted fabricating stories and being part of cancel mobs. You are that crazy world. No empathy or sympathy whatsoever. I'm done forgiving these self proclaimed former lunatics just because they claim to have had some sort of awakening after being eaten by their own side.
@stevebohlin7245 Күн бұрын
God help the pro-life lesbian leftist. Over the last 60 years, we starved the truth to death.
@realitybites265 Күн бұрын
Seeing people choosing feelings and faith over reality and facts is very depressing
@goodgrief888 Күн бұрын
This man is very idealistic and naive. He waves his hand about borders and immigration, saying that there used to be no such thing about passports hundreds of years ago. Yes and at that time territory was constantly being invaded and occupied by violent invaders. It’s literally why giant walls and castles were built. Look at archeological sites - it’s all about keeping invaders out of territory. What the left is now expecting is that we welcome invaders without any kind of protection. Naive and ridiculous.
@lamppost7368 Күн бұрын
Good public policy requires good public debate
@lamppost7368 Күн бұрын
No mandate firings in the Uk None Zero Learn from the Uk: Trudeau tam jagmeet Henry eby dix notely…
@humblemonkm61 Күн бұрын
There's a distinction between Republicans/Conservatives & MAGA. MAGA are not Republicans, they're dedicated to Christian Nationalist propaganda & blindly support Donald Trump, who is neither an authentic Republican or Conservative. He has repeatedly shown his stripes. He is only interested in the office of president in order to access unlimited power & profit. MAGA has shown it's plans for America's future under their fascistic manifesto called "Project 2025" a simple perusal of that document is clearly anti-American & unconstitutional. It seeks to disband the federal government & remove any gatekeeping by the law in order to create a dictator in place of the presidency. So, don't mix the two together they are very different. Republicans & Conservatives love America & don't seek to dismantle the government by firing federal employees & replacing them with Trumpian cult members who have no honor or sense of duty except to Donald Trump. So please don't throw Republicans into the same group as Trump loyalists.
@officesklsolution Күн бұрын
Richard and almost 98% of man kind are completely ignoramus. Ho pity of men kind that strugles with such ignoramus way of life...
@NunuHuin Күн бұрын
She's true!!!
@ruthokelley5833 Күн бұрын
I believe that a study of the US Bible Belt was left out of the discussion here. The young people in this area are just as ‘moraly rootless’ as other parts of this society that are not so Evangelical. For me, I see no difference in the ‘faith motivations’ in Islam than in Christianity. They just use a different ‘idol’ to base their connection to GOD on. Memorized scripture has never made a person moral…although it might have stopped a person in his tracks, before committing a criminal and immoral act. Even there, I believe that it is the practice of self control that helps us stay out of trouble…and not harming others, ourselves and even our environment. Here I ask why all religions (and certain members), are bringing harm to others, themselves and the environment? They all belong to some religion or none at all! Atheist are no more people without morals and ethics as the religious people. Brain development and capacity determines everything…along with our added DNA.
@tomgooch1422 Күн бұрын
Thinking for oneself is hard at first, not unlike learning to walk. The left leverages this fact by offering to think for the young, inexperienced, and simple-minded. The offer is obviously irresistible to many. The problem is compounded by giving innately non-productive organizations access to the taxing power of the state via the tax-exempt non-profit status most enjoy. They'd wither and die if exposed to a marketplace of competing ideas.
@mirr1984 Күн бұрын
Dunno who this woman is, but it's clear that she's an attention seeker. She keeps talking about things that "came out of Christianity". These things didn't come out of Christianity, they were inserted into Christianity by man.
@trupalcanada Күн бұрын
Can someone please timestamp when the debate begins.
@Carphoporus Күн бұрын
You can either die with a smile on your face or die with hallow knowing that you were right. Which offers us more of what we need?
@someonethatisachristian Күн бұрын
Matter isnt eternal, whats the origin of this world, Dawkins? Random chanse, is that really "true"? Ofcourse not. Atheism is verifiably false and a simple scientific experiment everyone can do proves that random chanse do NOT generate meaningful information.
@Carphoporus Күн бұрын
Alright, but can you really say that someone was born out of a virgin, that heaven parted and voice came down from stratosphere or that graves opened in Jerusalem and many people besides Jesus got ressurected? I mean if we argue what is objectively true, science and atheists score way more goals in that game, but if we start talking about our psychological needs and what is socially more coherent worldview, then atheism lacks behind having not much to offer to compete with the religious message.
@GloryDaze73 Күн бұрын
People are tired of Immigration
@youaccount2009 Күн бұрын
For further inquiry into self, GOD and to fill philosophical vacuum Ayan may check Indian thought
@angelabox1865 Күн бұрын
I am disappointed in UnHerd for the first time. Our government has many times more money than any of our richest. I am certainly not a fan of Mr. Gates, however, George Soros was never mentioned. A man from another country who has used his money to the detriment of thousands of Americans by installing District Attorneys in numerous American cities who allow criminals to escape prosecution. I trust government less than I trust super wealthy individuals in our country. I am disappointed in Ms. Read as she appears to be firmly on the left.
@JoeZelensky Күн бұрын
Nazism is a purely leftist ideology, so anyone watching this video just needs to remember to correct that when they are listening.
@jacksnyder7318 Күн бұрын
The time it takes for brainwashed academics to figure out they've been had is a testament to their lack of capacity. Education is indoctrination not intellect or wisdom. Start thinking on your own, figure out what make sense and what works; here's a clue: Experience, Understanding and Character make wisdom.
@Songstarify Күн бұрын
Sorry Freddie, you aren't genuine at all, its embarrassing to watch, smh!...
@erniedanzig Күн бұрын
Those with mental health challenges seem particularly vulnerable to religious indoctrination.