Transphobia is a False Premise
@ludwigr.reindl4146 15 минут бұрын
How many times have I been low on information but high on opinion? I know I like the sound of my voice; does that count as information?
@ludwigr.reindl4146 44 минут бұрын
As in science, history is a process of inquiry and validation, that we use to understand reality both past and present, to help guide our future.
@ungaghllalek6361 3 сағат бұрын
For someone who’s complaining about lies, you really tell a lot of them. I afraid you’re more deranged than the people you’re talking about. I totally disagree with you. You are preaching a lot of intolerant nonsense.
@brianmeen2158 21 сағат бұрын
Good discussion. I definitely identify with the political fatigue mentioned here. I look around and find it beyond daunting when I look at the institutions that are captured with toxic ideology. Ultimately we might be able to make small changes locally but as long as academia stays the way it is - I see very little improving or changing. The most frustrating thing about all of this is the large scale cowardice from so many people - most specifically when it comes to race issues. So many people are just terrified of talking about race openly and honestly . White liberals specifically
@letsgobrandon-iq3bn 22 сағат бұрын
Yeah, the phrase; suck it up; triggered some 28yo soy-child a couple weeks ago. I’ve never seen so many emotionally unstable, hormonal individuals before 2010. This curriculum has been successful in destroying a nation. We probably have 1.5 generations before a civil war and this weakness is purged.
@sarahkelly2350 23 сағат бұрын
I am sorry my previous comment wan't clear that is part of why I didn't make it at the time, more on that soon... and much per this show, but most importantly the patholigization of which you speak, the wedge between parent and child, is right in line with plenty of roughly documented think tank planning to dismantle the family, to alienate...
@metgirl5429 Күн бұрын
Following from Adelaide Australia ♥️ Are we awake now🕊
@architennis Күн бұрын
I saw the title "the radical center" and liked the sound of that, so I clicked on the video. You gave no introduction, no context, nothing to let me know what the heck you're talking about. Not a good way to gain new viewers. Bye.
@theradicalcenter Күн бұрын
Thanks for the feedback. We usually do an introduction and I must have forgotten for this one.
@davidschilling Күн бұрын
XX = XX and XY = XY. An XX can never become XY and vice versa. And forget about non binary. That's the biggest BS ever.
@seekingfinding6204 Күн бұрын
Basically, misogyny colors every role men and women have, and men can't allow women to live full lives without feeling and acting "emasculated". This is the turning point for men, where they should look at what makes men masculine WITHOUT feeling the need to devalue and enslave women. How can you be a man and still consider women to be fully human? Men have a big job ahead of them. Women have already redefined themselves, now men have to redefine themselves. The whole "saint/monster" dichotomy isn't working.
@aaronkindsvatter5615 Күн бұрын
Leslie: "Do you eat cats?" Me, sprays coffee on computer laughing
@theradicalcenter Күн бұрын
@Rawdiswar Күн бұрын
Outstanding episode. I love love love this podcast and it's actually encouraging. You ladies are the thinking person's The View
@AMonikaD Күн бұрын
Love the new title- great suggestion by a viewer, endorsed by me humbly. ❤ We all need a dose of sanity, and spending time listening to Leslie and the ladies is a real pleasure.
@mauricekaehler5053 2 күн бұрын
"My light is whiter than yours"
@dani7190 2 күн бұрын
I laugh-cried through all of am I racist. I saw the movie outside of Boston and although it was a small theater it was half full which was a decent turnout imo. All I have to say is my favorite part was matt mistaking a bikers t shirt to say vegetarian when it did not say that. Embarrassing how long I laughed at that.
@CarobMarcelle Күн бұрын
Mine was the “toast”🎉 I’d give anything to offer that particular toast to those particular women
@heidilee658 2 күн бұрын
Yes! The gaslighting of everything is overwhelming and DOES feel abusive.
@miroirs-jumeaux 2 күн бұрын
every Monday (the last two or three at least) the title of these hits me like a literally metaphorical, gastric, analogy bypass truck to the feelings. …I feel like [one of the things that] I'm trying to do lately is do improvised sanity testing on everyone around me (incl. myself?), which is probably not a sane way to live. I'd much rather talk to someone than listen to this, but I'm gonna leave this comment as a note to myself and listen now anyway. Monday's don't suck.
@CrystalStone-b3o 2 күн бұрын
Oh Cari, I've said before and I'll say it again, I could just listen to you all day! If you have your own channel, please list it here so we can follow it❤
@theradicalcenter 2 күн бұрын
She does!
@CrystalStone-b3o 2 күн бұрын
@@theradicalcenter ❤️❤️❤️
@dontarguewithidiots7459 2 күн бұрын
One final change idea: Because politics follows culture, one can try to start an alternative cultural organization/infrastructure, which is what Ben Shapiro/DW is doing. But even for him (and he's been quitesuccessful he says he grosses 220mm a year) this is a generational project. It's gonna take time. Next to the big studios, he's small.
@CarobMarcelle 2 күн бұрын
This is what we are trying to do with Moms for America.Two branches one is to take back our culture and create the love and patriotism we’ve been taught to find shameful
@dontarguewithidiots7459 Күн бұрын
@@CarobMarcelle Indeed. And God bless you for doing it.
@dontarguewithidiots7459 2 күн бұрын
Solutions at scale? Top down: Elon-ish money (and courage) can help from the information-ecosystem side, with everything else (including mental health/education) there's the regulatory bodies bc that's who everyone has to be in compliance with. Bottom up: there's social media/going viral/speaking out as you are doing. But yes, you have to work against people's fear. And most people have kids and a mortgage. Bottom line: It's incredibly, INCREDIBLY hard to produce large scale change. However, I want to emphasize how impactful your speaking out has been for me, personally. I've recommended everyone on this podcast to everyone I know! And I want to express my gratitude for that :)
@JamesfromBahia 2 күн бұрын
Another Top Sanity Check! Touched on some great points. Why were euro-americans taught to despise their past and how we were all convinced to idolize the exotic cultures of others. Plenty of space to get into hippies, drugs, cults and more... Great chat ladies! See you next week!
@brianmeen2158 2 күн бұрын
I also want to understand the self hate that many whites have .. I don’t understand white guilt
@kennorthunder2428 2 күн бұрын
You might want to listen to Triggernomitry's interview with Nial Furgeouson who is intimately acquainted with WW2 Churchill etc and Tucker's judgment. It appears that we here are unaware of essential and historical facts.
@chrisalmendra4370 2 күн бұрын
I saw that-or a similar- article. It was something like “Two parent households are a threat to equality”. Just…. wtf.
@brianmeen2158 Күн бұрын
I’ve read many articles similar to that - I end up just going What the ? .. then you think of how warped academia is and it makes sense.. the question is how to change academia? I’m sorry but that is a Monstrous feat
@NinjaKittyBonks Күн бұрын
@@brianmeen2158 ... We cannot change academia, without [you + neonz + ov + tea +churs] and is indeed a monstrous feat.
@dontarguewithidiots7459 2 күн бұрын
I counsel Domestic Violence victims for the agency I work for and her analogy is exactly right. Gaslighting, manipulation, deflection, victim blaming, all of it.. is part and parcel of emotional abuse. I'm a victim/survivor of DV and it's one of the reasons I feel this stuff in my BONES..
@NinjaKittyBonks 2 күн бұрын
Thank you ladies, for another interesting discussion. The fact that most of the characters within the movie, have disabled / blocked their X accounts, shows unwilling to stand behind opinions.
@brianmeen2158 Күн бұрын
Yes but they have made a very nice living peddling their bs. .and how is it they’ve gotten to where they are at without ever having their ideas really challenged..?
@NinjaKittyBonks Күн бұрын
@@brianmeen2158 ... Provide me an example of this "BS"... I'll wait
@helenablavatsky9136 2 күн бұрын
@NinjaKittyBonks 2 күн бұрын
RHAAAAAAAAA 😾here, 🏆... grumble... grumble... grumble.... . EDIT: yt has removed one of my replies to your comment below and then "hid" the existing one for 5 min, until it was deemed acceptable 😡
@helenablavatsky9136 2 күн бұрын
@@NinjaKittyBonks (I will now do my cool, slow mo walk set to Little Green Bag...🚶‍♀️)
@NinjaKittyBonks 2 күн бұрын
@@helenablavatsky9136 yeeted my silly reply 😡
@helenablavatsky9136 2 күн бұрын
@@NinjaKittyBonks Unbelievable.
@sarahkelly2350 2 күн бұрын
I have heard from I can't remember who that right and left, politically, stemmed from describing legislators based upon their position in some european house, I believe it was british or french...
@majesticeyesore 3 күн бұрын
My family and I just toured the Bureau of Engraving and Printing today in Washington, D.C., and we were informed by our queer (possibly FTM trans) tour guide that they will in fact be removing Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill and replacing him with Harriet Tubman in 2025.
@DannerCando-ev4fo 3 күн бұрын
I didn’t watch the Andrew Tate interview because I had no interest. I’ve watched a lot of Tucker interviews and actually enjoy him (and his goofy laugh) except LATELY as the election draws closer he’s getting a lot more partisan-ly nasty-which I don’t care for.
@DannerCando-ev4fo 3 күн бұрын
I listened to that interview on Tucker too and I felt as you Leslie. I didn’t find the guy inappropriate. I went back and listened to it a second time after the kerfuffle and still don’t get it. My historical knowledge is limited so maybe that’s why I feel that way?
@Qq-xs1fz 3 күн бұрын
Matt Walsh is extremely bad at what he's attempting to do - his "targets" do not expose anything they would not publicly say in any other situation, his entire stick is manipulative editing and stupid faces. Tucker Carlson is anything, but credible, enough to see his Russian market clip, that the Tenet Media's benefactors loved so much. And that "historian" guy is a Holocaust denier, period. You claim not to be on the right, yet somehow you praise or defend some of the worst guys the right has to offer...
@CLynn-ip1xi 3 күн бұрын
I recommend listening to Dave Smith's recent interview with Darryl Cooper. Darryl explains his controversial tweet about the Olympics and he basically says that he chose that imagery to explain to gravity of the situation. He said if he compared it to Satan, it wouldn't be as impactful because Satan isn't seen as that bad of a thing in today's culture. But for a lot of people, the Nazis and Hitler are their Satan which is why he chose to make that comparison.
@Rawdiswar 3 күн бұрын
Watching and listening to you ladies slowly venture out of the media bubble you've been in is both entertaining and encouraging.
@battygirlrachel 3 күн бұрын
It seems to me that the ppl complaining about the Cooper interview are the woke right and are projecting... woke like controlling and complaining about who is platformed, and that's what they are doing. I think Tucker is just having conversations... he's letting his guest be themselves and is letting the watcher draw their own conclusions. Given the Tate stuff, I think it would be beneficial for ppl to look further into the ppl Tucker has on... but that is true about anyone you see being interviewed.
@frederickd.provoncha8671 3 күн бұрын
I’d shrug it off, maybe chuckle. That’s it.
@genxile669 4 күн бұрын
Robin DiAngelo was paid $15K…minus the 30 bucks she gave Matt’s producer in “reparations.”
@NinjaKittyBonks 3 күн бұрын
Money very well spent, seeing as Matt and crew did a spectacular job exposing her for ;precisely what she is.
@Qq-xs1fz 3 күн бұрын
@@NinjaKittyBonks And has she said to them anything she had not publicly said many times before?
@NinjaKittyBonks 3 күн бұрын
@@Qq-xs1fz ...No. But NOW she is saying it to an audience that largely has zero idea she says any such thing. Her response to sharing those things to an audience that is not captured by phantom guilt of mere existence...? Lock down social media accounts, so that she and the others, do not have to speak with those who are _not_ bound by that guilt.
@genxile669 3 күн бұрын
When I saw the movie, some of the audience gasped during certain parts as if they’d never seen, heard, or imagined any of this stuff. None of it surprised me.
@HomeAtLast501 4 күн бұрын
Jen, I have noticed that Tucker has fallen prey to this new push among male Millennial influencers about defining masculinity for younger men --- trying to convince them they need to be so-called alpha males, traditional males. Andrew Tate pushes that stuff, and I suspect that is probably why Tucker was taken with him.
@HomeAtLast501 4 күн бұрын
Deb, when Tucker got his own show at Fox in 2016, half of his guests were from the left. But several years into the show one his regular liberal guests falsely, outrageously, accused him of sexual harassment and sued him. She was very stupid and annoying. Kathy Areu. After that he stopped having these liberals on. As I recall, the case was ultimately thrown out. And then I think Areu was charged with stealing like $300,000 from her mother --- something like that.
@HomeAtLast501 3 күн бұрын
Found this story on Areu being arrested for kidnapping her mother and take her money.
@HomeAtLast501 4 күн бұрын
Jen, you'd look great in a turtleneck --- olive green, emerald green, forest green, or a warm brown. Try it out this winter.
@dani_no_thank_you 4 күн бұрын
Good show today ladies. Good mix of lettuce.
@dani_no_thank_you 4 күн бұрын
Oh gosh, tossed salad. You guys 😂😂😂
@theradicalcenter 2 күн бұрын
@leslietaylor1396 4 күн бұрын
Apropos of this conversation, I note that CNN is blaming J. D. Vance and "his rhetoric" for threats received by hospitals and other facilities in Springfield, OH....this relates to discussions of Haitian immigrants and pet predation. Springfield's mayor is saying something along the same lines. It seems that the topic became topical owing to the testimony of numerous Sprinfield residents in the context of a City Council meeting, which was likely attended by said mayor. That meeting was video recorded, do any news outlet interested in getting at the truth of statements made by Trump/Vance can easily access it. On to topic of Darryl Cooper's assessment of Churchill, his thesis is not new. Pat Buchanin published the same findings 20 years ago, and the historian A.P. Taylor did same years before that. Not saying that any of these parties are right, just that there seems to be room for discussion. James Lindsay's assessment of these remarks as being part and parcel of the rise of Right Woke'ism just seemed dumb and ill-informed to me; and maybe self-serving.
@Didleeios88 4 күн бұрын
Leslie i dont think you could be more wrong about Tucker. Jennifer and Debra are too mild in challenging you. Tucker is an extemist who manages to wriggle out of any stance people try to pin on him. He is a major sleaze. To know a man look at the type of people he continually associates with.
@NinjaKittyBonks 3 күн бұрын
Tucker is a journalist... he is supposed to associate with everyone.
@Didleeios88 3 күн бұрын
@@NinjaKittyBonks I know it's hard to remember in 2024, but journalists used to challenge their interviewees, not fawn over them. Tucker platforms tyrants and criminals on his show. They let out streams of lies while he makes lovey eyes and giggles.
@HomeAtLast501 3 күн бұрын
I know Tucker's views extremely well --- he has definite views, and I've never seen him to wriggle out of them. What has actually happened is that he used to reflexively believe in our government, he trusted it, and in the past 8 years he has had an awakening. So, for example, he frequently discusses these days how he supported the Iraq War under Bush II, and now he realizes he was completely wrong about that, and he says he's embarrassed that he supported it. Do you have a specific example of a view you think he has wriggled out of?
@Didleeios88 3 күн бұрын
@@HomeAtLast501 he does it all he time. "Just asking questions" he suggests all sorts of crackpot dog whistle ideas and then backs out as soon as someone challenges him. Same with the Russian videos, the Tate video and now this Cooper video. He claims these are not his opinion yet he serves up misinformation to his audiences with 0 fact checking.
@Didleeios88 3 күн бұрын
@@HomeAtLast501 looks like my comments are all being hidden. You will have to sort by newest if you want to read all the comments
@Didleeios88 4 күн бұрын
In regards to Darrell Cooper. It doesnt matter how measured he sounds. Its not about tone but about facts. And his take is ahistorical. It does not line up with known fact. Listen to historians like Andrew Roberts and Niall Ferguson. They are experts in the era he is talking about. They point out glaring errors in his points.
@Didleeios88 4 күн бұрын
He is a Nazi sympathizer because he parrots Nazi propaganda from that era.
@ErrolW-NOLA 4 күн бұрын
I watched Tucker segments for a while on Fox, before he started down the Alex Jones path (probably for clicks). He started peddling conspiracies, and then UFO's.. That's when I bailed. Then Fox fired him. And it seems he's gone down hill from there. Shame, because he seems like a nice fella. r/EW
@Zzyzzyx 4 күн бұрын
I saw Am I Racist? this weekend. It was funny!
@kennorthunder2428 4 күн бұрын
Technically, the right kind of "hate" is good - if it's based on truth, goodness and beauty. 36:00
@Knuck_Knucks 4 күн бұрын
I'm fond of James Lindsey, but he frequently adopts some bad takes and he's an arrogant SOB sometimes. But, if I were as smart as him, I'd often be arrogant too. I watched that Tucker interview too, although provocative, it wasn't terribly out of line 🐿
@kennorthunder2428 4 күн бұрын
I gave it a good listen too. What clenched it for me in a positive way was his sympathy and empathy for the Jonestown massacre and getting into the preacher's head via the recordings. If he's capable of doing that, then it's a pretty sure bet that he had a good take on the Nazis.
@miroirs-jumeaux 4 күн бұрын
@NinjaKittyBonks 3 күн бұрын
@@miroirs-jumeaux ... grammer Nazi 😾
@Knuck_Knucks 4 күн бұрын
It's okay to say you're a Liberal who deliberately behaves conservative . A well rounded liberal arts education in insists there are customs courtesies and culture worth preserving. 🐿
@NinjaKittyBonks 3 күн бұрын
Yes. This is where the leftist, has it all wrong. A society cannot be built upon SOLELY "progression", as progress can only be achieved when it holds on to that which works, to create a stable base upon which to push forward. The "Progressive", used to be a positive thing, as we must continue to move, in order to evolve as a species. What we have now, is a locomotive in high-gear, driving toward some fantasy utopia of "all goodness for all people", while simultaneously destroying the ENTIRE foundation upon that which powers the engine. The brake lever is nearly a decade in the rear view, there is a very sharp bend ahead that leads over a bridge to cross the Grand Canyon. The train must slow-down in order to make that turn, but without brakes nor the endless supply of coal, feeding the fire to drive ahead, we _WILL_ go off the rails on that turn and plummet into the canyon.
@miroirs-jumeaux 4 күн бұрын
*non-exhaustive list of people I currently do not trust:* carlson cooper maddow gross limbaugh (still alive?) colbert stewart noah hijab dawah harris harris tyson cruise miscavage (sp?) fuentes de generes lemon conway kelly pitt schwarzenegger musk de beauvoir (deceased) wyatt sharpton benjamin trump rao jackson pritzker trudeau pence cortez the ramsays king mandela goodspaceguy murphy king jayapal heisei (imperator emeritus japoniae) reiwa (current 天皇); the current pope, the current dalai lama; whoever is the Russian Orthodox muckymuck; putin zelensky whoever's the president of mexico; xi whoever holds high office in Malaysia, Indonesia, Fiji, the Philippines, Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Hungary, Turkmenistan, Croatia, Montenegro, Monaco, Cyprus, Malta, India, Muslim India (Pakistan and Bangladesh and huge swaths of Bharat), Turkey, Finland, Sierra Leone, New Zealand, Spain, Congo (both), the states of Dakota (both), Carolina (both), Rhode Island, Oregon, Washinton; the territories of Puerto Rico, American Samoa, cetera; anyone in important positions of influence in any international organization of any kind; not to forget: several members of my family, several of my neighbors, and several parts of my own mind.
@Knuck_Knucks 4 күн бұрын
That's quite the list. 🐿
@Zzyzzyx 4 күн бұрын
"Several parts of my own mind" 😂 Very wise!
@deborahknox2433 4 күн бұрын
I know what you mean about parts of your own mind. Are there any news people or commentators whom you trust or kinda sorta trust on at least some topics these days?
@kadams4458 4 күн бұрын
Trust me, Limbaugh has been dead for a while. (Annnd I've now likely earned myself a place on a list, or three. 😂)
@miroirs-jumeaux 2 күн бұрын
​@deborahknox2433 No, I get my news second-hand by hearing people I'm interested in talking about it. (Both ”influencers” like the Elliott-Boyces and real humans I know from my real life.