Can You Skip Karate Belt Ranks?
What is Shorinji Kempo?
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@Youngster_Jake 22 сағат бұрын
Wait I actually open doors exactly like that 😂
@mikecardwell5793 Күн бұрын
The founder of aikido was famously only about 5 ft tall.
@SamCobb 2 күн бұрын
I love and really admire Robort Drisedail and how honest he is, and how respectful he is towards other fighting arts. You guys wouldnt believe how many people I talked to who think the Gracies invented Jujitsu, and have no idea about the samurai warriors of fuedal Japan was the original creators of jujitsu.
@ChrisMorton 2 күн бұрын
I am a 15th Dan bullshido master. I am glad you can distinguish the difference between bullshido and mcdojo. Osu 🙏
@ChrisMorton 2 күн бұрын
Do you have a bullshido t shirt. Asking for a friend 😂
@kcjfilms2946 2 күн бұрын
Thankyou for saying Tae not Thai Kwon Do
@whizard84 2 күн бұрын
Jkd (original not concepts), kosho ryu (silat and modern arnis sprinkled in) and if sambo and wrestling didnt exist then nippon kempo as the 3rd
@tyrelljules 2 күн бұрын
@SamCobb 2 күн бұрын
I've been thinking about attending another school that does alot more ground work after I get my second black stripes in EPAK. One reason being I want to learn more ground fighting, and up at the school I go to all the black belts except me have up and left out of nowhere, which means theres no gassed up Kenpo training involving a partner. The school itself is amazing, I just feel like trying something new after my stripe test.
@andrewjansen9702 3 күн бұрын
But what if you’re getting carjacked or a guy tries to hit you with a beer bottle in a bar?
@andrewjansen9702 3 күн бұрын
If the other guy has a weapon, that seems like a bad time to try pulling off an armbar or leg lock unless you can do it in a way that will completely destroy the joint.
@daibhi4860 3 күн бұрын
Thank you sensei for answering the question about a student with disabilities. They deserve equal chance at rank.
@daibhi4860 3 күн бұрын
When I was in the military we had two criteria a person was graded on for promotion. TIG -- time in grade (how long was this person an Airman First Class) and TIS -- time in service ( this person has been enlisted for 6 years) Both criteria were significantly looked over for promotion. That was one of my bring aways for grading a belt test.
@Taylor.Dude. 3 күн бұрын
She was also in a Kentucky Fried Chicken commercial circa 1983.
@samlazar1053 4 күн бұрын
The problem whit jujitsu is its lack of striking.And as we have seen in pure combat the Smabo buys often prevail. Like they seem to have an edge in a pure fight
@SamCobb 4 күн бұрын
After watching this I know exactly what my dojo would look like if I opened one. It would have a tall big m sighn that said mcdojo, and would have a cute mcdonalds appearence, and then it turns out to have the scariest and most brutal training in the world, like classic muay tai and kyokashin karate. Lol
@SteveG-o2v 4 күн бұрын
The purpose of learning techniques is to learn how to fight…not to learn how to fight with techniques.
@SamCobb 4 күн бұрын
I've been doing Ed Parker kenpo all my life, and am almost a second black belt. Train everything like theres no tomarrow, and drill it all into your muscle memory, and understand the techniques and the principles as well as you can. Imagine your the opponent recieving the technique, and think how you'd react. The system as a whole trains you to adapt to an opponent. Don't think about what your doing, or how you'd follow up. Just be formless like water, just move and hit him. Dont think and just hit him and end the fight.
@Ten_Mil_Will 4 күн бұрын
"... so I stole em" Spoken like a true Martial Artist 👍 I will "sponge" knowledge wherever I can. 52 Blocks (the ghetto prison art)? Lemme see it long enough, I'll find something I'm keepin. Box of tools, don't get offended when some of your tools end up in my box 😁 I like this man's approach!
@Moodo76 4 күн бұрын
Pretty much every single Bujinkan dojo I've visited did show at least a couple of these warning signs. It was the money transfers, the art bit, no sparring, trash talking other styles. It gets infuriating with time.
@danieldaley9097 4 күн бұрын
@AntonioCabaltera-i3h 4 күн бұрын
Nice movie of perfect weapon. Master speakman is a good martial artist. His techniques are very amazing. .
@jamesanagnos6123 4 күн бұрын
Jim Brasard was a student of Fred Vilarri in 1982 he won the black belt sparing competision at the Vilarri tournament in Danvers MA. he had other teachers also but his main training came from Fred he still imitates many of Villari's signature techniques ,he tries to look like Fred i think its funny
@JoshuaJones-l3c 4 күн бұрын
So it's basically an art that uses fast paced sequential strike targeted at key points on the body? Is that correct
@ArtofOneDojo 4 күн бұрын
That is the way it appears and that is all what most people assume it is. American Kenpo is often called a science of motion. The goal of the art (presuming you find a good school) is to learn an array of basic strikes and moves, and combine them with an array of principles, typically anatomical and cause/effect relationship. Each belt level has a list of these sequences that are long combinations of fast strikes and such...but the problem is most people assume these sequences are intended to be trained as actual fighting combinations to be memorized and repeated...and that's not their purpose. CAN they be used? Sure, if the situation happens to fit, but being fighting combos is not what they were designed for. They can be viewed as mini Kata, and their purpose is to look at each sequence and study the few dozen lessons that are embedded in them. The traditional curriculum has 154ish techniques...but they really are just variations of maybe 5 techniques. Every strike, motion, and movement has an opposite and reverse somewhere else in the curriculum. Techniques introduce specific scenario setups (for example what happens if you happen to have your rear hand down when a person punches? There are 3 techniques that address this, one responds on the low plane, one on the mid plane, and one on the high). The idea is to understand the options you have from that particular position. You're not expected to run through the entire sequence on a person, but if you understand that particular lesson then it becomes valuable information. The techniques "Delayed Sword" and "Intellectual Departure" are the same technique...but one is the upside down version of the other. That teaches how to apply some of the same movements and ideas to the lower part of the body instead of the upper. So if a person can understand the relationship between the techniques, and can focus on learning those individual lessons instead of just trying to memorize the sequence, then it actually improves a spontaneous response. I've used portions of techniques in real life because I recognized specific positions, and then I was able to work on the fly. This being a KZbin Short only allowed me to put so much information in less than a minute, but I did another video getting a little more deeper into this. I hope that helps explain it a little bit better :)
@JoshuaJones-l3c 4 күн бұрын
@@ArtofOneDojo thank you
@Shinkenwillow 4 күн бұрын
I came across chinese arts (wing chun with lot of baji involved mostly) and brought up intentionally in tkd with a focus on feeling the body structure in these kicks too and it takes 10years eachday working on, study on, do study weapons and cross styles within fitness and oldest way to work in economy of movement even in spinnin hook kick at punchin distances tough... focus on breathe and headache including 😂 glad to have found your channel
@greyeyedeagle 4 күн бұрын
52:46 As from Tekken 4, Jin Kazama's style is Kyokushin. And also, every kyokushin practitioner should be proud that Ryu the face of fighting games was inspired by Sosai Mas Oyama as the game designer Takashi Nishiyama was a fan of his. OSU!!!
@TheNewForestObservatory 5 күн бұрын
I only did Shotokan back as a young lad. Now age 70 (and far too late) I now realise Shorinji Kempo is the style I was looking for.
@chriss4365 5 күн бұрын
Get over here.
@daibhi4860 5 күн бұрын
When I was in the USAF I picked up Kenpo from a young half-chinese individual. We sparred and practiced together and advanced in rank similarly. I even went to the area dojo in Portland Oregon for my 1st degree black. I was sanctioned to teach and worked through the Recreation Department on base to teach classes there. I had a small class of about 9 students who I worked hard. I was recompensed for my time and though that was a fair trade. I was subsequently shipped out to Germany where I taught at the Air Base I was stationed at. We started small and I had some gifted students who were already trained in other arts so they came prepared to learn Hsien Kenpo. As time went on (I was there three years) I had two red belts (our rank for what would be Orange in other systems) that were my assistants as my class grew from 12 students to start to over 75 by the time I was to ship out. I had a ranked Bujinkan student in my classes whom I talked with and subsequently took on as an associate instructor. I left him in charge for the time he had left with the understanding that he would train new students in the Hsien system and then work them into the Bujinkan system he was familiar with. Our kata and techniques were somewhat similar so there wasn't a problem. The thing I insisted on was giving quality to the quantity and not just be into it for the money, there had to be a genuine love of the arts. By the time I left the school was well on it's way to continuance and I left with my final instruction to train someone in the class that had levelled up well to be prepared to take over for him when he was transferred out. Now I'm working with the IKCA and taking their coursework and finding it challenging. I'll work my way up to instructor eventually but for now I'm going to enjoy the art.
@SamuelSocceresports 5 күн бұрын
Kyoji horiguchi is another legend with shotokan techniques in mma
@nihongochopsocky808 5 күн бұрын
Aloha! Im going to be 51 in November and ive always been a gung fu guy. Ive been training in gung fu on and off(unfortunately more off)since 1998. Ive just recently returned to my mother school and style on a more consistent schedule in my mid to late 40's. At one point i felt it wasnt necessary to seek out other martial arts and just stay and put all my focus here. But my curiosity and recent slump got me searching for a different kind of martial art. Im still with and always will stay with my gung fu school, but ive joined Universal Kempo Karate and love it! Originally i wanted to find a good judo dojo to go along with my gung fu, but my shoulder injury wont get me pass my firsr class!😂 As a kid in Hawaii, i grew up between Pearl City and Wahiawa.Pearl City is a Judo and Kempo Karate town. I was always fascinated with Kempo Karate and here i am! Love your channel and love how you break Kempo as well as other styles down! Please show some Mantis Kempo!Ive also had a fascination with all Mantis gung fu! Mahalo!
@brucehastings8825 5 күн бұрын
Definitely ❤
@daibhi4860 6 күн бұрын
Chuck Sullivan is also a SGM.
@xXGt90demonspeedXx 6 күн бұрын
Kenshin-ryu from Seiichi Akamine, has Uechi-ryu, Shorin-ryu, Goju-ryu and even some taido, because he was close friends with Seiken Shukumine.
@diosdadoapias 6 күн бұрын
if the martial art style is called Ju Jutsu or Ju jitsu then it is certainly Japanese just by the name. Why, are there any martial are there any known martial art done in the way of JuJitsu and it is not called Jujitsu, a Japanese word?
@Ten_Mil_Will 7 күн бұрын
EPAK (Ed Parker American Kenpo) always held my curiosity because i trained in Hawaiian Kenpo. Both trace back to James Mitose BUT the lineage of the style i trained was from a different branch. Adrianna Emperado (student of Wiliam Chow I believe) got together with 4 other guys from various arts and created Kajukenbo (MMA of 1947). One notable practicioner would be Chuck Lidell. I had forgot all about EPAK, until i heard of Speakman 5.0 (Gen X, of course i watched "The Perfect Weapon"). I looked into it an found a 5.0 school not too far out. Actually closer than I've been going for my Wing Chun and FMA instruction. So... Think im gonna go check it out 👍
@ghazanfaryaq6776 7 күн бұрын
Knowledge of martial arts is empowering giving you the confidence to defend yourself. Every style will work if you do the right thing at the right time.
@SamCobb 7 күн бұрын
I'm almost a second black belt in american kenpo, and I try to always do plenty of deep dives into martial arts. I've been doing it so long I know exactly what I'm doing, and I dont even need notes to remember any techniques or forms or sets(mainly becuase my poor eye sight forces me to remember stuff better). The one problem I have is I train alone, and I'm the only black belt left at my school, and dont have a way to spar at home. I want to try to improve my spantinaity while training alone at home. I could go on and on, but here's my main idea. I'm thinking of asembling a dummy that has three sections, and each section(upper, middle, and lower) is supposed to have arms on it with padds tied to the ends of each arm. The idea is every time one pad is hit the other comes towards you. This is the only thing I can think of to practice sparing spantinaity drills by myself. My main thing I'm wondering is how do I train effectively for spantinaity when I'm by myself? There's enough people in the united states that do some type of martial arts I'm sure I'm not the only one with this ishue. I'm not totally without sparing partners though, but I'm getting close. What do you think? By the way I really love the high quality content on your channel. The video's you have are all very informitive and insightful.
@SamCobb 7 күн бұрын
I'm sorry if my poste was alittle long.
@jerretwiens26 7 күн бұрын
Keep on kicking Master Bill Superfoot Wallace!
@SamCobb 7 күн бұрын
I've trained at a really awsom martial arts school for the last 12 years at Dunahms martial arts. It's really awsom. I'm glad I got into kenpo and not something like kick boxing. I dont think I would've made it this far. It's hard, but its really worth sticking with kenpo until the end, and you truely do get what you pay for.
@diosdadoapias 7 күн бұрын
The strike(extended knuckle-nakadaka ken) shown in segment 1:36 done by Sensei Funakoshi is one of the Karate technique for self defense but already gone in modern Karate because it is not already being taught in commercial karate. I called the extended knuckle strike as the "weaponized fist." You do not need a brass knuckle or a car key to hold extending the key between your fingers to punch-thrust it to your target. You have your natural knuckle as a weapon if you train.but it is painful and hard/harsh to train it; and this could be the reason that many donot practice it. this knuckle technique is one of Karate's self defense technique for street survival.It is prohibited in sport tournament. Another is the one or four-finger strike. It seems karate is now over shadowed by the more seemingly realistic kick boxing or the Muay Thai which, I think, for just a few months or weeks of training is readily applied in actual street fight. I believed that true karate is dangerous and effective self defense art but take moremonths or years to make it functional and effective for street survival; and provided they learned to hardened their extended knuckles, finger strikes, and chop. The elboow strike and knee strike should also be trained as regular strike as it is not already emphasize in many karate schools but thisis a main weapon of Muay Thai. For my personal karate(generic sense) I trained my extended knuckles and fingers but can not still penetrate it on banana trunk.I hope some day i can. My elbow and knee strike for close fight and classical boxing for my punches especially the cross and the "Joe Frazier hook", a hook almost thrown over head. But I add the Karate straight punch which is really a straight of its direction unlike the cross which while it goes straight in its direction it actually crosses to intersect a straight line from karate straight punch. Simplified the karate techniques and retain only those which are practical. You will have fewer techniques to train or practice so you can focus more on them. Bruce Lee said to beware of the man who practice one kick 1000 times his kick could be fast and very strong because it is the focus of his training.
@clementjohnson2666 7 күн бұрын
What is the difference between Northern Praying Mantis , and Seven Star Praying Mantis or are they both the same ? Also based upon what I have read , Northern Praying Mantis techniques deals with joint locks , submission holds , and grappling ..... such as the type of grappling that is used in freestyle wrestling . Is that true as well ? Your response would be greatly appreciated , thank you 😌 .
@UnKnown-k6p1g 8 күн бұрын
Contradictions galore. Red flags galore. Looked up Mergen. Could not find any professional fighting or sparring record. Contradicts himself on appearances. Website is gone. He is showing training children and advertising MMA, but that's a red flag. Serious MMA schools do not train children. Is absolutely and purposely mimicking Chuck Liddell. Red flag. Wearing Tito Ortiz early MMA board shorts. Another copy and mimic. Red flag. Looking at the other videos, all under Art of One Dojo and not Mergen MMA. Red flag. In most of the other videos you can see that Mergen is very out of shape. Red flag. It seems that Mergen and Art of One are the same, in some way. Art of One replies to a comment that Mergen "briefly" trained with the legit Hackleman. "Briefly" is a huge red flag. Using brief training or a seminar to boost credentials is a serious McDojo red flag. That's what all of the chi guys and Black Dragon guys do. They have students show up to seminars or other trainers and instantly they are masters in that art just by completing the seminar or brief training. This all looks red flag to me. Art of One or Mergen needs to post real competition footage and competition records. MMA is a serious label and requires a serious backup record. I can't find anything with Mergen. This school and system seems very red flag and McDojo.
@summernads71 8 күн бұрын
Bruh show us the video quit the chit chat
@kajukine 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for giving Kajukenbo a mention, 🙏 When I started in 1968 we had Kempo Karate on our gi. 1972 we switched to Kempo Kungfu (Tv series Kung fu lol) I have spent much time with the Kosho folks. Blessed with Paul Yamaguchi and Thomas Young via Bruce Jurnick. Thank again Mahalo Nui Loa🙏
@JudyArroyo-uo4sg 8 күн бұрын
@doctorT66 8 күн бұрын
“There are many degrees in life. However, death comes only once” ~ Ed Parker (Paraphrased)
@williamperkins9349 8 күн бұрын
There is a difference between the "main styles", and the "original styles, and you do a good job of addressing and clarifying.
@systemdegenerate 9 күн бұрын
I'm a karate black belt who took up boxing. I realised the stances were pretty much the same. Punches are similar to traditional Okinawan karate too. At the end of the day a punch is a punch. So I think it is a martial art and all traditional martial artists could learn a lot from boxing
@SamCobb 10 күн бұрын
I might have an idea for a future episode, I dont know if it's already been talked about, and theres probably not enough information for a full video. But I thought the topic of over training and overcoming burnouts would be intresting. It's a topic that doesnt get brought up much in martial arts, and I've struggled with burnouts myself., mainly becuase I've trained really hard. I just wanted to poste an idea is all. Wonderful video as always. The only place I seen anyone talk about this anywhere was in Lee Wedlakes book the kenpo karate companion.